Alenaushe Thompson Kearney

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by Johto_Jo, Nov 19, 2014.


Is your character affiliated with Naushe? If so, pleaaaase let me know so I can add you! ;~;

  1. Yesh. Y u forget me? -Sobbing-

    28 vote(s)
  2. Nope. You're icky, Eliza.

    15 vote(s)
  1. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Basic Information

    "Eh, I'm a friendly one, like. Ye curious 'bout anythin'? Just ask."
    • Alenaushe “Naushe” Thompson Kearney is a forty-two year old male quarter-qadir, recently infested by a Fury Voidling via forced possession by the hand of the Vice, Jaak Keppkuula.

    • Naushe was born illegitimately to Cami Kearney and a half-qadir by the name of Jabir Assam in a large town called Kadn that used to be located in New Ceardia before the fall of the city at the hands of undead in 301 AC. Though he was conceived through an affair, Naushe was raised by his technical stepfather Robert Kearney and was later provided with a half sister named Nyla Kearney. Naushe has not seen or heard from his mother or his sister since the undead invasion just a year back-- they are both currently alive and well, living in a small village just to the west of central New Ceardia in the mountains. Naushe’s biological father hasn’t been spotted since Cami’s affair; however, he is now residing in the southwestern deserts of New Ceardia, unaware of Naushe’s existence. As for Robert, he stole to the northern mountains, still in the same continent as his once beloved wife, but is now possessed by a common demon due to the strain he placed on his tie with the void. His daughter, Yariel, is located in Regalia, living with her father in his common-district home.

    • Alenaushe lives just down the street from the Golden Willow, where he manages a humble tattooing parlor with an apartment above. Due to his protective nature, Yariel still stays with him here.

    • Naushe is obsessed with figuring out what happened to him whilst down in the sewers with Elizabeth, Salvatore, and Jaak. He's currently trying to put together what pieces he can manage to find regarding said occurrence in the undercity.
    Visual Information
    Body Description

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    First image by MonMarty
    "Ain't so bad only havin' one foot, lad. Ye save a shite-load not buyin' pairs o' shoes."
    • Naushe’s form is considerably lithe, but it houses a fair amount of muscle definition and strength. He stands at a mere 5’9” and only weighs around 175 pounds, where he holds most of his power in his shoulders and upper torso. His arms are toned and have a considerable girth, his wrists proving to be incredibly sturdy, though his limbs are not entirely out of the ordinary. His trunk is solid, housing a substantially defined collection of abdominal muscles, though in contrast to his powerful arms and torso, his legs do not seem to be quite as stout. His right leg tends to be a bit more reliable than his left, due to the lack of half of his left tibia and below where he replaced the missing foot and calf with a durable peg in order to enable walking.
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    Naushe's back from flogging and scourging.
    • Naushe’s skin is very deep, especially in comparison to his fellow New Ceardians. On the skin chart, he would score around a 27 or a 28, having a mixture of both Ailor and qadir blood. His entire right arm is sleeved in a celtic-styled tattoo inked in burnt sienna to complement his dark skin. Much to his disapproval, he has a strain of freckles that dots his cheeks and runs along the bridge of his nose, but they’re fairly unnoticeable against his deep tone. Due to his previous vocation as a guard, his body is riddled with scars-- some of the more notable reminders are the one upon his head, across his abdomen, along his shoulder and neck, and the stub of a leg he was left with after losing his lower calf and foot to infection. His entire back is marred with a cross-hatching and tearing of mutilated flesh just along the skin's surface due to scourging; however, some reach a bit deeper. This was brought on during his time as a slave under Malik Sabah. Additionally, there are various claw marks that he accumulated through pit-fighting a certain tigran by the name of Romelle.
    Layout of his tattoos and scars.
    • Naushe has a fair amount of body hair, most of it residing upon his chest, though there is a lighter dusting of brown hair along his arms and even more upon his legs.
    Head Description
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    "I've got a face. Ain't the prettiest o' faces, but 'tis still a face, like."
    • Naushe’s face is shaped roughly like that of an oval; however, he does possess a relatively prominent jawline. His features are rather average in dimension and in the manner in which they are arranged upon his facade, though, despite his age, his eyes are still quite large in proportion to the size of his head. He has very thick, low-hanging eyebrows, his right seeming a bit untamed at the center with a few stray flyaways, and they are almost always cocked in a curious expression. Beneath said brows are a pair of seemingly large, brown eyes, where the vaguely sturdy bridge of his nose follows the contour of his inner corners and trails off into two, somewhat wide nostrils that have a gradual curve to them along their outsides. His lips are full and match the tone of his skin, so they do not stand out, especially in comparison to his vaguely striking gaze. For some reason, his teeth are strangely white, but he is missing a lower bicuspid on his right side.

    • Naushe’s eyes are of a light, almost mustard color and look to be rather almond-like in shape. They’re large, as mentioned previously, and are surrounded by very deep crimson lashes that cause his stare to be that much more captivating. He usually appears to be curious or amused, due to the constant cocking of his right eyebrow.

    • Naushe typically sports a substantially thick goatee that, on occasion, is accompanied by a light layer of stubble along his jawline and a quarter of the way down his neck, but he tends to keep his beard trimmed well enough. His hair upon his head is long, hitting about midway down his back if he were not to pull it back into a low ponytail, and houses a deep burgundy tone that almost comes across as looking a reddish brown to contrast with his light eyes. Though he normally tries to keep them pulled back, two noticeably thick strands of hair on each side of his head usually fall forward to curtain his face.

    • Naushe has a scar along his right forehead that is shaped vaguely like an ‘x’, accompanied by a recent gathering of three claw marks along his left side of his jawline. There is now a knick of a scar that lingers across the bridge of his nose. He also dons a great deal of piercings along his ears, wholeheartedly equipped with symmetrical gauging in each lobe, rings just behind the gaping, initial hole, a cuff following that upon his left ear, and lastly, an industrial bar finishing off the last bit of cartilage on the same side. In addition to all this, his far sight is failing significantly enough for him to notice.
    Clothing and Accessories
    Casual Ensembles
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    Combat Gear
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    "I ain't one for fashion, nah. If it fits, I'll be wearin' it."
    • When in Regalia, Naushe tends to stick to fairly unremarkable clothing, swathing his form in casual wool or leather pieces, and often times doesn’t bother to hide his pegged leg; however, when outside the walls of the holy city, he usually protects his body with hardleather bits of armor and a considerable amount of chainmail, as to allow free movement, but give him a sense of protection just the same. His favorite color seems to be either deep turquoise or olive.

    • As if paying homage to his missing stepfather, Naushe used to wear a lapis collar about his thick neck, which, in turn, lead others to suspect that he has magical capabilities. This typical first impression normally offered him a bit of an upper hand in combat, as others then tried to linger close to suppress the range of his presumed spellpower. Just recently, he had given the collar to a mage that got herself imprisoned in the Brute Squad headquarters-- a mage that had tried to rescue both he and Piper from a certain Jaak Keppkuula. He'll likely never see the trinket again.
    Behavior Information
    Personality Traits

    "Ye say that again, and you'll be shittin' teeth, ye feckin' gobshite."
    • Courageous: Naushe’s bravery seems to know no bounds, despite his wide array of fears he has collected over the course of his life. Though there are often times where he has to push aside any doubts or reluctance, he is usually able to overlook his reservations and act in a valiant manner.

    • Selfless: Naushe designates little value to his own life in comparison to the well-being of his friends and family. Though he comes across as fairly capable of survival and self-preservation, if an event would arise that may put his close ones in danger, he’ll be the first to throw himself into the fray.

    • Protective: His family is the only people he feels he can trust wholeheartedly and he puts their safety above everything else. He is extremely protective of his firstborn daughter, Yariel, in regards to possible conflict that may harm her, and even the simple prospect of dating-- she, of course, is less than overjoyed at her father’s need to keep her locked away.

    • Repentant: Because of his past failures, Naushe is constantly plagued by an overwhelming feeling of guilt concerning the lost life of his wife and possibly his stepfather. He usually keeps this looming sensation to himself, though on certain occasions, he’ll speak with his daughter of his woes.

    • Casual: Naushe is a rather laid-back individual. He is friendly in public and treats most with relatively the same amount of respect. He can come across as outgoing, often times inciting conversation amongst fellow tavern-goers or colleagues.

    • Artificial: Typically, Naushe wears an expression that seems a tranquil calm, but his stoic outward appearance is only a mask to conceal his inner turmoil concerning the deaths of his friends and his wife. Though he is suffering inside, he has a knack for keeping his ailments hidden.

    • Conflicted: Naushe’s mind is constantly at odds with the plethora of contradictions waging war against one another, often times overwhelming him to the point where he just shuts down. He is usually able to overcome his fears in order to act as a man should, same going for his tendency to appear collected and composed; however, there are certain instances where he cannot endure the strain and he snaps-- typically in a violent manner.

    • Excitable: With a head topped off with crimson locks, stereotypically enough, Naushe is very temperamental. He can be urged to lash out, be it physically or verbally, when the situation goes awry. Since being possessed by Fury, his temper has only worsened and he tends to be confrontational for nearly no reason whatsoever.
    • Rude: Additionally, due to the circumstances regarding his possession, Naushe has recently grown more prone to reacting poorly in social situations, such as forgetting his manners at times.
    "Shite, yeah. Been drawin' since I was a wee lad."
    • Testing his limits: Naushe feels that the only way to improve is to take risks, therefore, he is usually fairly eager to test his limits to the furthest degree; however, often times, he finds himself in somewhat hazardous situations. From here, he typically relies on his martial skill, of which he is excessively confident about.

    • Art: Despite his love of combat, Naushe has a great talent for working with his hands. He especially adores tattooing, but he shares an enjoyment for sculpting a variety of mediums and painting.

    • Decent Morality: During his time as a guard in New Ceardia, he had to uphold a certain standard of ethics. He has since then managed to cling to his initial understanding of morality and appreciates those that are able to act lawfully, though his version routinely strays a bit from what is generally considered just.

    • Good Company and a Pint of Ale: Ever sociable, Naushe appreciates having a drink with friends and amiable acquaintances. He feels that the best way to express one's gratitude for life is to surround themselves with those they care about.
    • Confrontation and Scuffles: Naushe didn't always enjoy combat, but since being possessed, he's taken a liking to all things confrontational. If there's a fight brewing, you bet he'll spur it on in any way possible... Usually.
    "F-... Feck. Ye... Can kindly piss off, like. I ain't a coward."
    • Undead/Vampires: In all honesty, Naushe is quite afraid of these beings, but can usually ward off his anxiety regarding their threatening appearances and history to follow through with an assault. He can often times identify the stench of the undead almost immediately if one were to be within range; however, he knows little about the great vampiric convergence.

    • Wolves: Again, Naushe is fairly fearful of a variety of things, wolves being no exclusion. Ever since a pack of timberwolves had managed to tear his sister’s arm apart, he grew wary of the feral canines. He doesn’t hold any animosity toward them, knowing full well that they were only doing as they were programmed, but he is not fond of the beasts.

    • Vigilantes: Naushe finds vigilantes to be a great annoyance, especially when dealing with a criminal. His own fighting style is efficient and effective, so when a rogue citizen tries to deal with crime by their own hand, Naushe typically ends up fairly restricted, ultimately having to compromise his own safety to ensure that the said, self-proclaimed law enforcer isn’t hurt.

    • Helplessness: Naushe is quite well acquainted with the sensation of being utterly weak and unable to provide aid to those that need it most-- it is no mystery as to why he hates it. His normally collected appearance shatters upon succumbing to the sinking feeling of vulnerability, though he does his best to avoid situations that may result as such.

    • His own weaknesses: Again, Naushe knows that he has an impressive collection of faults and despises each with obvious distaste. Weaknesses only lead to failure and he wants nothing more than to steer clear of undesirable conclusions.
    • Contact with his back: Since posing as a slave, Naushe's entire back has been horridly marred by frequent flogging and the occasional scourging. If one were to touch the disfigured mess of crevices across his skin, he would certainly react in an unreasonable manner, usually hostile.
    Abilities and Disabilities

    "C'mon. Hit me again and you'll be regrettin' it-- might even lose the hand ye send, like."
    • Naushe is incredibly defensive, often times merely out-enduring his opponent. He can take a blow or two without being hindered too greatly and if dealing with hand-to-hand, he gladly accepts multiple hits in favor of landing his own. All in all, he is by all means a knight-like combatant where defense is regarded over offense. Endurance is his strength.

    • Though he has a vast amount of fears and weaknesses, his composure usually outweighs any sort of flaw under normal circumstances. He can mask feelings of unease in favor for a rather stoic facade if he is expected to act as a leader of some sort. Suppression is key to his personality.

    • Naushe’s adaptability is quite honorable. He has been through an assortment of hardships and has altered his personality and habits accordingly, often times neglecting his own personal emotions so that he may behave how a son, brother, or father should, dependent on the circumstances.
    "'Tis a low blow when ye take out a cripple's pegleg."
    • Due to his advanced age, Naushe’s eyesight is not nearly as sharp as it used to be. His vision is gradually failing him; it isn’t wholly noticeable just yet, but he is becoming more aware of how blurred objects appear at a distance.

    • Although he seldom admits to it, Naushe has a wide variety of fears, some being undeadism, wolves, and even his own cowardice. He can usually stifle his dread; however, he has snapped once or twice. Through this, one could easily manipulate him and thereby take advantage of him in any way they see fit. As of late, he has crumbled under a handful of breakdowns brought on by the recent trauma-- both mental and physical-- from slavery. He typically wards off his anxiety with the help of drink and could certainly be considered an alcoholic.

    • Naushe is greatly hindered by his lack of his left foot and calf, mostly because it tends to make him slower than his opponents if there is a decent enough gap between them. Regardless of its inconvenience, he has managed to cope with it and his close-combat has been skewed in an appropriate fashion.
    Combat Styles
    "Just feckin' try me-- you'll be sorry, ye goddamned arsehole."
    • Naushe normally doesn’t speak much if he senses that a fight cannot be avoided, usually adopting a silent, stern demeanor. He will then begin to assess his opponent and try to gauge what type of combatant they may turn out to be. After the first blow is delivered, typically from his adversary, Naushe will take to a highly defensive style with a series of blocks and small dodges here and there. From that point on, he will occasionally take a punch, again evaluating the power behind his foe, then ultimately await for the opportune time to strike a counter, where his hard-leather gauntlets tend to leave a mark.

    • If faced with a challenger that is armed-- and if he is as well-- he fights in a similar way, clinging to his defensive techniques. His halberd serves just as effectively when used as a blocking tool, despite its notoriety for offensive swings. Naushe often utilizes the butt of the weapon for any sort of retaliation, though he is more than capable of hooking his opponents with the bottom side of the halberd’s axe head.

    • Though many would assume otherwise, Naushe doesn’t normally kill his challenger, unless they are of the undead race or plagued with the sanguine curse.
    Weapons of Choice
    "Move another step and you'll have a feckin' halberd in your shoulder, ye gobshite!"
    • Edge of Ruin: Naushe’s five and a half foot long halberd. It is plated with brass along the shaft in order to block swords and lightweight axes alike. The head is made of a sturdy iron and it is complete with an exaggerated hook along the base of the axe blade. There is also a spear tip at the end.

    • The Third Bay: This dependable hunting knife is kept on Naushe’s person almost at all times, hidden beneath the folds of whatever clothing he prefers to wear that day. It is lightweight, but made of sturdy steel, and has a strong, functional crossguard.

    • Fisticuffs: Naushe is also very skilled with his hands, proving to be a relatively sound adversary in any unarmed brawl.
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    "Got myself a bit o' both-- friends and enemies. 'Tis to be expected as a guard, like."
    • Cami Kearney (Mother @LlamaDelRey ): Naushe had a great relationship with his mother. He is heavily relieved to know that she is alive and in good health. She stays with him in his Regalian home with the remainder of the family.

    • Robert Kearney (Stepfather): The last Naushe saw of his stepfather was at the collapse of their hometown, where Robert had tried to ward off a large group of undead with his fire magic. Yariel claims that Robert had been overcome by a demon whilst in battle.

    • Jabir Assam (Biological Father): Naushe has never met this man and he probably never will. The only thing he shares with Jabir are his eyes and skin tone.

    • Nyla Donoghue (Sister): Nyla was also separated from the group during the undead invasion. Naushe is most concerned about her, wanting nothing more than to be reunited with his beloved sister now that he has managed to get Yariel to Regalia in one piece.
    • Mariah Kearney (Wife; Deceased): Naushe was smitten with Mariah while she was alive, but their bond was nothing more than puppy love; however, when she passed on, her death devastated him beyond words. He still blames himself for her untimely end and the vivid memory of her screams periodically wakes him in the still of the night.
    • Yariel Kearney (Daughter @Chadwick ): Yariel is all that Naushe is certain he has left. He would sacrifice anything to ensure her safety, though she isn’t entirely thrilled about her father’s overprotective nature.
    • Moira Kearney (Illegitimate Daughter @LeoTheBootyful ) Moira is a delightfully excitable character, proving to have inherited every ounce of Naushe's temper. Naushe pities the poor girl and has grown to enjoy her presence, even though she starts up a heap load of trouble amongst his other family members and fellow guardsmen.
    • Cassius Kearney (Illegitimate Son @_Nick__ ) Cassius is a shy fellow, but seems to have a great deal of promise. Naushe hopes that the young lad will take up a job working for William Coen at his forge.
    • Caoiliann Donoghue (Niece @Shuikenai ) Naushe always appreciated his niece's sharp wit and confidence. He's a bit wary of her, due to the recent scuffles with Cao and Moira, not to mention sibling rivalry between her and Aindriu.
    • Hugh Kearney (Illegitimate Son @Slinkie_ ) Hugh's a bit of a handful. Ever aggressive, the young bastard tends to find him in a plethora of hostile situations, much to the dismay of his father. Naushe still likes him, though. <3
    • Qiang Zhou (Illegitimate Son @avemechanicus ) Qiang is an interesting character. Being a muddle of three or more different races, the golden-eyed sailor seems goodhearted and always means well. Naushe enjoys his company and worries for his safety.
    • Richard Donoghue (Brother In-Law @TheVelociraptor ) Richard was always a likeable fellow, even though he married Naushe's sister. Despite being protective of his only sibling, Naushe grew to like Richard's company and the two are fairly close.
    • Alastair Donoghue (Nephew @finners4444 ) Naushe adores Alistair-- he finds the child to be highly intelligent and endearing to a fault, arguably spending more time with the young redhead than he had with his own daughter.
    • Aindriu Donoghue (Nephew @WolferBooy ) Aindriu is full of piss and vinegar. Though he's capable of acting formally on most occasions, he tends to let his anger get the best of him in every other. He and Caoiliann do not get along well and it's typically up to Naushe to quell the fighting.
    • Lily Donoghue (Niece @Lazzulai )

    • Glenn Valium (Cousin; Deceased): Naushe didn’t even know that Glenn existed and unless Lance is informed of his origins, he probably will never know that he had any relation to the Valium family.

    • Lance Valium ( Second Cousin @davis1814 ): Naushe enjoys Lance’s company and typically thinks of the Valium’s constant drunken state to be entertaining. The two have more in common than they know.
    • Evellyn Lyncaster (Pity Case; Deceased @Skriibled )
    • Jaak Keppkuula (Furious Foe @Green_Hood ): Jaak offered Naushe the opportunity to be one of his possessed. Despite his reservations, Naushe agreed and allowed the Vice to do as the northerne pleased with his soul. They still aren't on great terms.
    • Sitrius Ravenburg (Rather Neutral Pain @Sinno31_ )
    • Kana Edwards (Considerate Companion @Chikyu )
    • Veridan Daevaar (Responsible Acquaintance @deadfoe51 )
    • Luthien Duchamp (Aloof Ally @Luthien )
    • Astrid Wolff (Equally Vague Acquaintance @Finn_Ish )
    • Nijad Al-Hassar? (Brooding Hex-Mage @Plecy )
    • Hadiyya Al-Layali (Spiteful Shadowmelder @Ryciera )
    • Shahrokh Vahahid (Stern and Unforgiving Slave-Breaker @Green_Hood )
    • Jaheem Imari (Kindhearted Ex-Adversary @Teddie000 )
    • Joseph Mercer (Unenthusiastic Aid @Plecy )
    • Annabelle Fabris (Accident-Prone Daughter-Figure @CandiAnne )
    • Krystal Talnae (Concerned Acquaintance @JamiJam017 )

    Life Story
    "Eh, I'm from New Ceardia, like... 'Tis 'bout the short and long o' it."

    Naushe was born illegitimately to a married, full-blooded ailor woman and a tramp of qadir descent. He had a rather mundane childhood and grew up amongst the valleys of central New Ceardia in a town called Kadn. When he was just a child, his sister lost her right arm during a wolf attack after the two youths stumbled upon a den in the wilderness. A few years later, Naushe joined the local guard at age fourteen and was trained how to wield a halberd by his stepfather, though it was not until eighteen that Naushe was confronted with his opportunity to quell an impending crime. After going toe-to-toe with a vampire that had threatened a young woman's life, he managed to slay the sanguine, behead him, and meet his wife all in one fateful evening.

    It was not long before Naushe's actions as a guardsman were recognized and he was promoted to the head of the Kadn Guard, though unfortunately, on the night of his celebration, his wife was killed during an undead invasion-- just a year after the two of them were blessed with a daughter. He blamed solely himself for the tragedy, thus resulting in him stepping down from his prestigious ranking, lingering as a lower ranked soldier. Another year passed after his wife's departure and Naushe opened a tattoo parlour; however, he continued to work as a recruit amongst his fellow guardsmen. Due to his heavy hours, he didn’t get to spend a great deal of time with his daughter, causing her to drift apart from him.

    Just two years before Naushe arrived in Regalia, Kadn was assaulted by another wave of undead, but during this advance, the guards and those of able bodies failed to defend the city. Those that wished to survive had no choice but to flee, giving his daughter, Yariel, but one option and she narrowly managed to aid her father away from the fray. Naushe lost his foot during this final battle and was bedridden for sometime after the devastating event, while the rest of his family members were separated from the both of them and were ultimately forced to seek refuge elsewhere.

    Naushe and his daughter were taken in by an elderly couple along the southern foothills of the mountains where Kadn used to lie, where the duo was nursed back to health-- Naushe fitting his calf with a wooden peg leg as to replace the lack of foot. A few months after offering the strangers their hospitality, Naushe and Yariel gathered up their belongings and made their way to Regalia in order to seek out new opportunities.

    Once there, Naushe purchased a home and refurbished it to set it up as a dual-purpose apartment-- tattoo parlour at the base, followed by a functioning living quarter on the second and third floor for he and his daughter. Due to being quite new to the city, his business suffered, so he had no choice but to seek out further employment opportunities. After meeting with Jared Silverhand, just hours following the Harvest Ball incident, Naushe and the veteran elf sparred in order to test Naushe's mettle and potential, ultimately deeming him worthy of guard status.

    [Somewhat] Recent Events
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    During one of his patrols, he was faced with a rather unruly male of northerne descent, where he proceeded to try and arrest him; however, in mid-arrest, after being interrupted by countless wannabe vigilantes, the man, known as Jaak, walked off with one shackle about his wrist. Ever stubborn, Naushe gave chase and followed him to the poor district, where he-- assisted by both Alea Ash and Piper d'Pim-- successfully apprehended him and escorted the blonde barbarian to the Brute Squad Headquarters. Since that day, Jaak vowed to exact his revenge, though in a much more visual manner through snapping the iron shackles at the center chains. Naushe has been paranoid from that day forward, even though it would seem Jaak got what he wanted after he beat the redhead within an inch of his life via a warhammer.

    After becoming acquainted with a rather attractive Qadir by the name of Lyla Lynscott, Naushe found himself growing closer and closer to the maternal woman. When the order was issued regarding arrests and even executions for (the exceptionally aggressive) Qadir once the war had begun, Lyla stole to the sewers for safety. Due to her new residence, Naushe was forced to seek her out via the underground canals of the city; however, he was soon met with a familiar northerne that yet again managed to nearly kill him for the second time. Needless to say, Naushe considered Jaak to be one of the most terrifying men he had ever butted heads with.

    Meanwhile, amongst the chaos, as she was seated peacefully in the tavern, Yariel was approached by Tristan Lampero and a handful of other guards due to her questionable tone of skin. It did not take her very long to crack under the pressure of their inquiries, eventually admitting to being part-Qadir, and due to her relation to Naushe, the Violets promptly stormed the Kearney household for the presumed traitor, a snake in the Order's ranks. With the help of Alexander Smiter, the Lampero arrested Naushe and his daughter for their transgressions against the state and escorted the two of them to Greygate for interrogation, where Gustavo Anahera himself had a brief word with the quarter-Qadir. Following their talk, the guard commander ultimately claimed that the two Kearneys were innocent, being of Daendroquian descent; however, his risky course of action had a price. He took Naushe aside after the situation cooled and asked about the red-head's daughter, issuing a promise that the father would not soon forget:

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    Weeks later, it was with a heavy heart, when a certain Calder Arminburg sought Naushe out as a friend of Piper Duchamp Pim's, that the plucky crimson-haired guard accepted the stranger's pleading request-- one that required his assistance in rescuing Piper's crew from the hands of a rather unruly blonde warrior. By some miracle, Piper and company made it out alive, retreating at Naushe's command, and the Kearney survived despite various, severe wounds from the battle. Oddly enough, both he and Jaak shared a laugh, each slumped against the sewer's musty pillars in a mess of blood and broken bones within their battered bodies.

    The damage done was far worse than Naushe could've imagined, and thanks to a clinic employee by the name of Leo, Naushe's life was spared after the tall, strangely androgynous acquaintance offered him a suspicious drink of deep, thick liquid. This fluid was, in actuality, Te'suek blood, and because of Naushe's meager percentage of Qadir lineage versus his Ailor, he was able to contract the disease, much to Leo's-- or Luthien's-- surprise. He turned, and it took over a week for his closer companions and a lovely Elven maiden by the name of Lithiel to convince him to be cured; the poor Nelfin nearly strained her body past its limits, despite Naushe's requests that she cease the excessively taxing form of magic, but she managed to cure him over the course of a few days.

    While still weak and rather ill, Naushe returned to his guard duties, only to be faced with a new threat under a new rule. The Qadir overtook the holy city and all guardsmen enlisted in the Violet Order were to serve the Sultanate and the new laws placed into effect upon Regalian occupation. Slavery was deemed legal. Qadir were considered the only first-class citizens and could cast magic at any given time without bearing a collar. Non-Qadir mages were executed on the spot. In short, Regalians had to adapt quickly, or they were put down. One particular Ailor, named Myrinsara Burrow, insulted a group of Qadir and was promptly enslaved. Naushe wasn't too considerably concerned at first; however, when Willem de Blouscheur planted ideas regarding potential, sexual abuse amongst slavers, the red-head reluctantly agreed to join in on Willem's plot. Swathed in a canvas-like tunic, sandals, and a newly shaven head and face, Naushe accompanied Willem and his companions to attempt a slave trade with the tightly knit crew of Malik Sabah.

    The trade-off went swimmingly enough, but Naushe was soon identified as a guardsman, where word then swiftly spread as quickly as wildfire. Malik and his fellow pirates found themselves confronted by both Tristan Lampero and the esteemed Cedric Kade-- posing as a slave by the name of Sid. Willem was soon revealed as a scam artist, only to have the claim reversed by Naushe in order to prevent Myrinsara from being repossessed by the devious group of Qadir. He took the blame and was thereby officially removed from the Violet Order, remaining a slave to Malik and company.

    Naushe suffered heavily as a slave, having an unruly temper, heaps of self-pride, and reluctance to obey orders from those that oppress others, and his term lasted a good majority of the Qadir-Regalian war. Friends consistently attempted to buy him off of Malik, but their efforts failed in a predictable fashion. It was not until Piper Pim conceived a plan to free him that Naushe was reintroduced to the taste of freedom: a certain evening, when Malik allotted Naushe a moment of solitude upon a bench in the tavern whilst the Qadir mage dipped out for a brief conversation, Piper and a few companions escorted the battered slave from the mustering hall and fled down the streets before Malik even returned to the booth he had temporarily withdrawn from. Ultimately, both Naushe and Yariel stole away to New Ceardia to allow Malik time to cool off in response to the betrayal.

    About a month later, when the heavy restrictions on naval travel were lifted, Yariel returned to the city with Naushe following shortly after her. Adjusting to civilian life was difficult for the ex-slave, and because of his severely disturbing flashbacks and night frights, he turned to drink in order to numb the edge. He slept less often and didn't eat very frequently, regularly choosing alcohol over solid sustenance. Because of his struggle to adapt, he reverted back to guardwork, having luckily been given a second chance by Ulric Typhonus-- mostly attributed to the lack of bodies in the waning, law-enforcement organization. With the aid of relatively effective distraction that patrolling brought about and the arrival of his previously presumed deceased family members, Naushe overcame his addiction to some degree. He still wakes in the still of the night and cannot handle any physical touch across his back.

    Time passed and with the spike in organized crime, Naushe found himself consistently busy with guardwork, soon becoming intertwined with a rather vicious streak of murders linking to a group entitled 'the Kindred de Nocturne'. Naushe's curiosity and desire for secured peace along the streets of Regalia spurred on further motivation regarding any and all Kindred-related investigation. Though he couldn't pinpoint their base of operations straight away, he eventually gathered information on individual members.

    Said information did not come without a price; Naushe contracted a strain of the Beguiled bloodline, which led up to a skirmish between he and his fellow guardsmen one evening within Greygate. Because of his actions, he was temporarily suspended from the Violet Order. In this time, Naushe's daughter, Moira Kearney informed him of her pregnancy with the nelfin Telvos, which seemed to manifest further problems that could quite possibly harm his career as a guard-- according to William Coen. Additionally, Naushe accepted the task of locating Flynn Sinclair's daughter, Shoryu, whom had been stricken with her own strand of vampirism and refused to return home due to her condition. Flynn requested that he seek her out for her own safety, a plea that he himself, a highly paternal man, couldn't refuse.

    He surprisingly succeeded in returning Shoryu to her rightful home, but as soon as his suspension from the guard was lifted, he received yet another assignment, this one involving the presumably, still-threatening Kindred. Nari Chang sought out those that were interested in ending the Kindred's sewer-bound reign once and for all, Naushe being no exception after light persuasion. She believed that the Kindred would be no more if the Violet Order executed a raid in that particular area of the sewers and put down any members of the de Nocturne present, which would be a very high percentage of their membership. She also hoped Naushe could convince his superiors to go through with such a plan, but alas, he failed to prompt them to do so and ultimately took part in a poorly conducted charge that nearly got him fired from the guard.

    Subsequently, after the near-loss of his job and a shockingly successful arrest of a recently wounded Jaak Keppkuula, Naushe decided a break was a fair response to the rough patch he endured regarding his vocation, so he vacated Regalia and headed to his homeland with Yariel in tow. The two experienced a rather close shave with a horde of rogue undead, thus solidifying their budding, rekindled bond. Weeks escaped the two of them and they eventually returned to the holy city, where Naushe then found Jaheem and a friend in quite the predicament. They were in need of a light mage, one that could cure them of their newly acquired vampirism, and Naushe agreed to keep quiet until a healer was located. Luckily, Lithiel was in town; however, unfortunately, so was Jaak, fully healed and dangerous as ever.

    After an excruciatingly long conversation with the northerne brute and the unexpected Lucy Fong, Jaak and Naushe came to an agreement-- one that would bestow the means of possible, remarkable strength upon the plucky punching-bag of Aloria in order to ensure that the Keppkuula wouldn't try anything with the Kearney's family or friends. Both Naushe and Jaak, accompanied by two other acquaintances of the northerne (one being the familiar Elizabeth Mahina), ventured down into the depths of the sewers where a ritual was soon take place. The three vices blindfolded Naushe before Jaak performed a rather suspicious incantation, drawn with his own blood upon the redhead's chest. The victim fell unconscious, ultimately being thrown into the sewage canal where he came to; however, he awoke without any memory of the ritual.

    • Winner Winner x 8
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    #1 Johto_Jo, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2015
  2. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    I am reviewing this character!

    • I will only ask you perhaps edit his weapons, updating them for his Regalian Guard status. Also, giving a short bit at the end of life-story explaining his status as a guard, and current goals in life, would be ideal.
    • Do that, and I'll happily approve this. Please tag me when you're done @Eliza_Nightly

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Ohright! On it! Thanks so much ;~;

    EDIT: Finished! @Jared4242 :')
    #3 Johto_Jo, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
  4. LumosJared

    LumosJared Around

    Jul 17, 2012
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    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Uh... Jaak's always in my characters' relationships. ou o
  6. Bensonio

    Bensonio Nordskag Enthusiast

    Jun 3, 2014
    Likes Received:
    What about Telvos? -wink wink, giggle giggle-
  7. Hnarqu

    Hnarqu Refugee

    Sep 26, 2014
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    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
  9. Hnarqu

    Hnarqu Refugee

    Sep 26, 2014
    Likes Received:
    More Naushe eee gotta do some traditional art soon. Much better than le digital.
    More Naushe.png
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Oh. I just saw this ^^; Neat. O_o
  11. ContestedSnow

    ContestedSnow Philippe du Langelier, Cavalièr de la Sang

    Mar 8, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Rather neutral pain XD
  12. Bounden

    Bounden Particular Pirates

    Apr 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  13. Hnarqu

    Hnarqu Refugee

    Sep 26, 2014
    Likes Received:
    @Kelpsy Eve's dead n Kat miiiight just be in relationships real soon.
  14. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Awhhhhh yus ;~;
  15. SacredTrout

    SacredTrout Patriot

    Mar 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Just noticed the Old Gods tree on his leg. ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Yay old gods :D I figured it fit him best. Idk ^^;
  17. Suzzie

    Suzzie elf appreciator

    Jun 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I feel special. ; u;
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    I had to add you after that talk. You and Naushe are buds~
  19. JResurrected

    JResurrected Broken On the Stone

    Jun 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Oh my god. So many freaking pictures. I'm going to pee myself Q_Q Aaahagghghghhaghgh... my artistic side wants to die right now, I am horribly jealous you've gotten so much character art XD It's amazing
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Aaaaa thank you ;~; Psh, I really really like your art :< I think it's super nice!
  21. JResurrected

    JResurrected Broken On the Stone

    Jun 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    The fantasticalness of it all Q_Q My heart rate is up so much, I think I'm going to have to take blood pressure pills XD
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  22. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Shhhhhh you're too kind! But like, don't have a heart attack D: fhfhufhfuh!
  23. JResurrected

    JResurrected Broken On the Stone

    Jun 3, 2013
    Likes Received:
    -takes deep breath- Okay, I try not to die from the arts
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  24. BuffyCreepSlayer

    BuffyCreepSlayer The Arsonist of Syndorei

    May 9, 2013
    Likes Received:
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  25. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
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  26. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
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    @Green_Hood ou o

    Applying for Special Permission: Demon Possession~

    Someone might want to remove this application from approved characters, just so there's no confusion.

    I've updated recent events; however, I'm still a bit foggy on the bits regarding Fury. Does he undergo an eye-color change? Would he have increased strength? Endurance? Any other benefits? I feel like I did alright on the negatives-- maybe. Feel free to have a quick look. :< I'm not sure what else needs to be done ^^;
  27. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Possession is a steady decline to a desensitized asshole that has so much anger for seemingly little reasons. There is no inherent "benefit" to being possessed, but that's subjective. Possession opens up the possibility to a whole variety of body mutations that can set in after some time of possessions, including but not limited to horns, rapid body hair growth, graying of the skin, claw forming of the hands, eye color changes, teeth sharpening, tusk formation, hair color changes, tails, bone changes. Actually now that I think of it, it can also have muscle growth as a result, which technically does mean it comes with added endurance and strength. Another "benefit" which you could subjectively call such is the utter lack of self preservation. Feels less pain due to simply not caring. The only thing you're "forced" to do in possession is become apathetic and selfish. Everything else, including the variety or the speed or order at which mutations take hold, or any at all is your own choice. The speed at which your character devolves from their current personality to fully infested is also up to you, and it can be cured at any point trough an exorcism. Or unless another vice or virtue runs into Naushe. I can imagine Honor or Justice would want to excorsize him without his consent simply because they disapprove of Fury.

    The road to possession is a personal one though, where the possessed personality slowly devolves, becomes apathetic, violent and unpredictable. If Jaak offered the infestation to help Naushe, I would wager he did that to "release" Naushe from the virtue and care he has for others, as he would have likely seen that as a weakness holding back his potential so he can throw himself fully onto using rage in combat.

    Moved thread to Staff applications for you. It may be a bit difficult to represent the possession straight away as the character's personality slowly starts devolving. It may thus be a bit unnecessary to re-review the application right now, as opposed to say, in a month.

    Fun to see someone try out being an infestation though! haven't seen it before.
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
    #27 MonMarty, Oct 10, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  28. TheBioverse

    TheBioverse ❖ Prince of Thieves ❖

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Ohboy demons yess. I'll be reviewing this application, @Kelpsy !~
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  29. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Oooooh interesting :> Thanks!~

    Eeek! Alrighty :O Thankies :'>
  30. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Wait, I thought only staff members could be vice demons, and what happened to Jaak Keppkuula?
  31. Suzzie

    Suzzie elf appreciator

    Jun 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Naushe isn't a Vice, he has a voidling infestation. o uo
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  32. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    It says he's possessed by the vice demon Fury. I'm probably misunderstanding this, and I apologize if I am.
  33. Suzzie

    Suzzie elf appreciator

    Jun 6, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Pretty sure it's voidling, based on the context of the life story and what MonMarty described.
  34. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Just reread what MonMarty said, and I realized you were right. Sorry about that.
  35. TheBioverse

    TheBioverse ❖ Prince of Thieves ❖

    Sep 13, 2013
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    This was an exceptionally great app to review and the detail was phenomena - I wouldn't have expected any less of you. That said, there are a few irregularities we could iron out to really shine up the app.

    Within the Basic Information section of your application, you state that Naushe was 'possessed by the vice demon Fury'. Whilst it's later cleared up that it was the Vice Demon of Fury that forced a possession onto him, through a Possession Rite, the wording is a little misleading. I suggest you change it to 'recently infested by a Fury Voidling, via forced Possession by the hand of the Vice Demon Fury.' Or something along those lines. Differentiating from him being infested by the Vice of Fury.

    I personally feel his current life goal to be a little lacking, in contrast to all of what he has done, and what he claims to wish see done - his infliction to combating Jaak, for instance, or even filling any spare time with training to meet the goal of defeating him, or whatever else you may choose. Maybe he wishes to confide in family or friends, due to the confusion of all these angry, unnatural thoughts stemmed from his recent possession. All up to you. ~

    With the Infestation being recent, I'd say your personality section is spot on, though keep in mind that it will deteriorate as time passes. As Mon said; the rate of which is up to you.

    Within the Life story, you state that the unnamed event (hinted at as the infestation) bestowed great strength onto Naushe. As that's not the case exactly, I would change it to something along the lines of 'the means of harnessing great strength', and so on. If anything, I'd personally include the fact that the exchange that took place was in fact a forced possession, as to avoid any misinterpretations.

    Feel free to tag me once the necessary edits have been made, @Kelpsy !~
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  36. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
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    @Bioverse I think I've done all the necessary edits!~
  37. TheBioverse

    TheBioverse ❖ Prince of Thieves ❖

    Sep 13, 2013
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    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  38. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
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    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  39. ChensSpaghetti

    ChensSpaghetti Space Cowboy

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Add Raia. :3 He bought him a drink. :3
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
  40. Johto_Jo

    Johto_Jo Irresponsible Father

    Apr 1, 2013
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    I'm in desperate need to update his relationships. :(

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