My Experience With Dating In Rp

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Dates? Pfff. You take woman, do what you want. We don't have time for flowers and sweet words. Humans can waste their time with this but us? No...
Ofc not. Women of all races are too occupied for even offering an orc a blink. Women are too important <3
Soon there will be no orcs left.. Heheh... Heheheh..
Farryn never had a boyfriend till she met Ulysess ( @phon_senajan ) which I would say is the most kawaii/cute couple so far in my opinion. O-O. The cuteness level was off the charts when Farryn admitted having feelings towards him.

Drayce, my other RP character had a crush on a certain OC character of mine but she was killed by a vampire. Now he is single and lonely.
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Might as well make a little list.
  • Some random human I first took out for dinner.
  • Some other random human (thanks to alcohol).
  • Made a specific noble woman cheat on her boyfriend and slept with her (thanks to alcohol again). After that, she refused to talk to me any longer, but it was totally worth it.
  • My half elf neighbour.
  • Another Elf.
  • A gypsy (who robbed me while undressing me. But it was kind of fair because I shot her leg with a crossbow before)
  • A vice demon (shortest and worst date ever. Ended with a lot of dark magic, flying crossbow bolts, smoke bombs, and mobsters. And another Kathar who joined the party)
  • And a bunch of other smaller things which I either can't think of or are not worth being mentioned here.
In the end it turned out the boyfriend was voided, so Olivia and Tristan could've had a relationship.
@sakua how does one disagree with something that happened?
I used to have a char (loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago) who used to be very picky about what he stuck his thang into, here is the criteria
  • Alive
  • Female
  • Good looking
and that is the story of Daniel Cooper, Fastest and Slowest man alive
I used to have a char (loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago) who used to be very picky about what he stuck his thang into, here is the criteria
  • Alive
  • Female
  • Good looking
and that is the story of Daniel Cooper, Fastest and Slowest man alive
@Ha5h Please lock, necro.
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