Archived Multiple Faction Homes

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Mar 14, 2014
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I am guessing you are all familliar with the /f home command which brings you back to where your faction admin has set an f home.
Recently my faction has made a few new citys and our members would love to have a quick way to transport through them so i thought of this:What if factions could set more than one home for a
equivalent of some regals(100-200 would be a fair amount) and also give names to them.
Examples:Faction admin sets /f sethome fhome1 with no amount of payment
then faction admin sets /f sethome fhome2 and 200 regals are taken from the faction bank
This would be done for a limit of times(Like 5-10)
So what do you guys think?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Or set up a portal to your other cities?
Moved to Features and Ideas Discussion section
I like the idea as it could provide an easier system of access to other cities on larger factions if a premium isn't present, but that's the thing if premiums aren't present. The whole point of the portals being a premium feature is so that it motivates players to get premium so they can do something like this. So coming from the perspective of server health, it's not the best idea, otherwise, I like the idea as it provides a way to link cities without a portal, so non-prems can link cities.
I'm pretty sure creative gates were made for this reason :P
@konaka321 your idea poses more than just a quick means of transportation, it also serves as a possible tole rout for faction members. I found your idea to be quite creative and convenient.
I wonder why you would want to charge members for using the system to get to other cities? is it for an RP feel of paying for the ferry?

Although this idea is an easy work around and I can put my hands down that it will not be implemented their are some easy work arounds for you.

I feel making a portal hub the /f home and having that hub be a link to other cities, perhaps the hub is a boat or a blimp?
As for your portal issue you can alwaise pay a premium you know or don't to come install it for you (I would be willing for a very low price) <- it does cost enchantment levels that is.

as for the ferry money you can ask for it to be an optional thing and maibe charge members for owning shops or homes on your land instead.

Good luck ruling your city konaka.
I am guessing you are all familliar with the /f home command which brings you back to where your faction admin has set an f home.
Recently my faction has made a few new citys and our members would love to have a quick way to transport through them so i thought of this:What if factions could set more than one home for a
equivalent of some regals(100-200 would be a fair amount) and also give names to them.
Examples:Faction admin sets /f sethome fhome1 with no amount of payment
then faction admin sets /f sethome fhome2 and 200 regals are taken from the faction bank
This would be done for a limit of times(Like 5-10)
So what do you guys think?
That's a great idea, but what about setting a name when you make it, like instead of /f sethome2, it would be /f setoutpost2 (Insert City Name)?
Guys as i posted above i believe that factions should need to pay a few hundrent regals to create the new /f home so that creative gates can be a cheaper way of transport than this.This will mostly solve the "lower creative gates popularity" problem
Also @Squeaker555 /f sethome2 was supposed to be an example to nameable /f homes

Note : Dworvin the regal cost is meant to be for creating the new /f homes and not for traveling through them
That doesn't solve the "only prems can use it" problem.
That's the point. Only premiums can make portals, and is one of té largest beenfits of being premium.Adding this would greatly reduce the need for portals, this eliminating one of the biggest reasons people get premium.