Mostly Complaint: The Death Of Ruvaen Vendithas

The vissi creature arose from the murky vegetation and approached the docks. He stumbled several times unable to get used to his recent body. He continued to stumble to a nice ithanian boat upon the shores of the bay. His bare yellow eyes showed no protection to his soul. They were lifeless hiding large agony. They were the pure essence of irony.

The night was dark and the vissi approached his home. He walked slowly to the entrance of the boat as he saw the large amounts of vegetation scattered across the boat. He noticed a new globe upon the boat ((thanks secret santa!)). He stumbled across the boat to the entrance to the small hull. He opened the door to awaken a startled wulong. The wulong stretched to the back of the hull in fear. The Vissi would speak but it wouldn't be understood.

He walked up to the vase in which he kept his items. He found his journal laying upon the table nearby. Upon the front was printed: "The Creatures of the Deep by Akoni Kahele." The Wulong ran from the room in fear.

The Vissi followed. Maybe he could work something out with this wulong and they could share the boat. The wulong just continued to back up as the vissi approached and the wulong came to the edge of the boat. He saw the journal in the Vissi's hand. He stated, "Wait, I know about that soul magic stuff, I sold that muttala, are you…. Youuuu Akoni Kahele?"

At just that moment the Wulong was hit with a massive ((pun there)) seizure as he had way too much to drink that night. He stood their and stuttered for a minute but then broke into muscle spasms as he fell back off of the boat. The vissi would jump in but he wasn't a maiar anymore. He let his own fear kill the ape. He had assumed that the wulong would escape to the dock as he seemed well in the water. Though, the vissi fell asleep in his bed, the wulong had died. He found a journal under the bed titled "The Journal of Ruvaen Vendithas" and an empty Muttala.