Archived More Regalian Guards.

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Grand Elder of Calemberg
Aug 8, 2013
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I originally was going to bring this up with Spartan, but since he seems to have been missing in action for a while, I figured the next best option was to post it here.

I am suggesting that we reopen the Regalian Guard applications, because I have found that most of the time, it seems that I'm the only guard online/on-duty. And when only one guard is online, and is called to go stop a riot near the tavern, things can get a little frustrating. I suggest that we at least hire 9 more guards to the force, so that we can cover the city more evenly, and so there will be more guards available if a sudden state of emergency pops up.

(MonMarty, tagging you because I believe you're in charge of applications.)
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Another good way to resolve this is to have an alarm system that would notify all guards that someone is calling for them, maybe another channel in chat? something like gu: , yellow guard chat, only for calling guards for help. Anyone who doesn't want to hear it could leave this chat and join it only when needing help, and guards could come from anywhere to help in regalia, even if they don't hear anything in local. That way there's no need to have a guard on every street, only 2-3 guards online at all times.
Another good way to resolve this is to have an alarm system that would notify all guards that someone is calling for them, maybe another channel in chat? something like gu: , yellow guard chat, only for calling guards for help. Anyone who doesn't want to hear it could leave this chat and join it only when needing help, and guards could come from anywhere to help in regalia, even if they don't hear anything in local. That way there's no need to have a guard on every street, only 2-3 guards online at all times.

Interesting idea, but I would still like to see the number of guards increased for patroling and halting riots.
I think it is a good idea to have more they are only on when there is something big be we need them for small things like bar fights it also give more people a chance to have a better roleplay time on massive
train them better first, i'l help the guards when they ONE i repeat only ONE of them says i can't use a enderpearl, and then five other players say i can. When i know enderpearls are lore legal.

That one guard was the best of them. Ender pearls are used in demonic rituals, and are not allowed in Regalia.
That one guard was the best of them. Ender pearls are used in demonic rituals, and are not allowed in Regalia.

he tried to claim that ender pearls CAN'T be USED. I understand the legality in regalia, but he said they are against rp lore. Which is wrong.
he tried to claim that ender pearls CAN'T be USED. I understand the legality in regalia, but he said they are against rp lore. Which is wrong.
They are not against RP Lore, but they are considered Ender Magic which is banned in Regalia. If I am wrong, please inform me.
Well, in that case, he was an idiot.

this guard also has this on his list of screw ups: he released Sean beuaveret after 14 year old girl lied to him. He was knocked out inside a noble mansion. And he was attacked by the same girl and he couldn't fend her off.
They are not against RP Lore, but they are considered Ender Magic which is banned in Regalia. If I am wrong, please inform me.

they are banned in regalia yes. But he made the argument they break lore and i can't use them. This is why we need better guards.
this guard also has this on his list of screw ups: he released Sean beuaveret after 14 year old girl lied to him. He was knocked out inside a noble mansion. And he was attacked by the same girl and he couldn't fend her off.

Did he lie about being intelligent in his application?
train them better first, i'l help the guards when they ONE i repeat only ONE of them says i can't use a enderpearl, and then five other players say i can. When i know enderpearls are lore legal.

They are lore legal, buuut they are seen as a form of void worship, dark magic, un-approved magic etc, as you are using something that came directly from the End....
I feel the key points from this thread is just simply more guards and more training. I've only skim read so forgive me if someone has already put a point across but saying you dislike guards because they arrest you and apprehend you for doing a crime is like disliking the pope for being religious. Its kinda thier thing, I saw earlier a mention on ender pearl usage? While yeah I get they can be used you'd be expected to be hunted somewhat for using them as they are a link to the end and thier various demons I believe?

I no know. I guess im saying dont commit the crime and expect to not be hunted for it <3
patrickdxs Spiderer1210 Quit derailing the thread. I don't know which guard told you that ender pearls were illegal, but they were doing their job right.

Noctus And yes, I'm sure MonMarty has the mind to know who would make a decent guardsman. I think he won't hire any of the old guards back.
patrickdxs Spiderer1210 Quit derailing the thread. I don't know which guard told you that ender pearls were illegal, but they were doing their job right.

Noctus And yes, I'm sure MonMarty has the mind to know who would make a decent guardsman. I think he won't hire any of the old guards back.

In regards to patrick, I think the guard wasn't telling him it was illegal but that he wasn't allowed to use it because it is bad roleplay ( like warping/teleporting away from a fight- something which wouldn't be lore compliant, while an enderpearl is lore compliant); I believe that is the base of where his complaint is coming from. The guard was telling him ooc that he couldn't use a pearl to escape from a fight (which he could, even though the pearls are seen as illegal objects).
In any case, I really do hope they get more guards out. Their presence definitely adds a nice dynamic to roleplay (so long as the guards are decent roleplayers themselves and are lore compliant). I like seeing the guards around, trying to keep order. I hope they can reopen applications soon.
Now, I feel as if this suggestion has enough supporters.

I'll be tagging MonMarty for further details and answers on this suggestion.


Maybe the other Staff can give their input on this subject.

Hint Hint Wink Wink Nudge Nudge
In regards to patrick, I think the guard wasn't telling him it was illegal but that he wasn't allowed to use it because it is bad roleplay ( like warping/teleporting away from a fight- something which wouldn't be lore compliant, while an enderpearl is lore compliant); I believe that is the base of where his complaint is coming from. The guard was telling him ooc that he couldn't use a pearl to escape from a fight (which he could, even though the pearls are seen as illegal objects).
In any case, I really do hope they get more guards out. Their presence definitely adds a nice dynamic to roleplay (so long as the guards are decent roleplayers themselves and are lore compliant). I like seeing the guards around, trying to keep order. I hope they can reopen applications soon.

Ah, ok. I would still prefer it if they kept the topic off this thread though.
I agree, and I am very sorry for being inactive, problems with internet.
Now, I feel as if this suggestion has enough supporters.

I'll be tagging MonMarty for further details and answers on this suggestion.


Maybe the other Staff can give their input on this subject.

Hint Hint Wink Wink Nudge Nudge

Continuing on what he said, anyone else want to give their two cents? And can we possibly have a judgement from MonMarty?
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