Archived More Regalian Guards.

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Grand Elder of Calemberg
Aug 8, 2013
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I originally was going to bring this up with Spartan, but since he seems to have been missing in action for a while, I figured the next best option was to post it here.

I am suggesting that we reopen the Regalian Guard applications, because I have found that most of the time, it seems that I'm the only guard online/on-duty. And when only one guard is online, and is called to go stop a riot near the tavern, things can get a little frustrating. I suggest that we at least hire 9 more guards to the force, so that we can cover the city more evenly, and so there will be more guards available if a sudden state of emergency pops up.

(MonMarty, tagging you because I believe you're in charge of applications.)
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As a previous Crimson, I would be very interested in working for Regalia again. It was a lot of fun.
I'd quite like this. Not gonna apply, but I'd like to see more guards around town to stop the bloody pickpocket vampires that've been thriving lately...
Mmm, yes I think the only active guard these days is Ulric and Kilian. Asmo and Spartan haven't been on, the orcs are doing Barjuk and Kade stuff, and the rest lost interest... it may be a good idea to get some more guards.
I would gladly join the Regalian Guard, actually. I just have to see if I can do it part time, while I work for Dr. Fong. So if he isn't on, I can be a Regalian Guard.
I would join but I am Tigran and my reputation is a bad bad..
I would use my alt role play character to be a guard in a heartbeat.
I would also Apply to join the Guard, Protect Regalia from Pesky Vampires and Stop Disturbances.
Valentino might be interested in a position as captain, since as a noble a regular guard position would be below him
I would love to become a guard again.. unfortunately I was dishonorably discharged for lavaing someone long ago.. and I fear Mon has made up his mind about it.
I'm certainly interested, though I doubt I would be recruited. Guarding seems like a nice business..
Eloraid would be happy to become a guard, well not happy it would be the next best thing to him.
Would someone who is a mage be able to join the guard I wonder? It would certainly be a boon to some degree, though I suppose it would also be risky for several reasons, mainly how people would view the guard.

I support this idea. While I do not personally travel into Regalia a ton these days, many of my friends do. I agree that there should be more online, so people actually RP with them there.
Would someone who is a mage be able to join the guard I wonder? It would certainly be a boon to some degree, though I suppose it would also be risky for several reasons, mainly how people would view the guard.

I support this idea. While I do not personally travel into Regalia a ton these days, many of my friends do. I agree that there should be more online, so people actually RP with them there.

I do not think that mages would be accepted. If they were, I believe they would have to refrain from using their magic.
I would glad fully once more join the Guard
Needs more guards. And good guards too, not God RPers and such, but actual guards who would do their job. Not many of them around...
I agree I remember trying to role play as a tigran supporting Crimsons (Weird huh) and had to deal with the pesky vampires and god rpers myself I could use some help
It would make Regalia more realistic if there were more guards as well. It being a great empire, it would have to have a lot of guards on each street corner or alleyway.
catcat1305 I personally love Ulric. XD. Best. Guard. Ever. Actually, when I roleplayed as Eb, something made a bit of excitement (and slightly anxiety) come from the guards. It was thrilling to be in a chase- moment (I unfortunately, would get caught... always) and that nowadays, I am hardly worried about guards at all, not as much am I worried about being poisoned by a person/enemy or something... O-O"
I don't enjoy the guards who try and patrol everything I do and disrupt rp at the very mention of the words vampire, uprising, assassin or other rumors. That has nothing to do with them. I wouldn't mind having more guards if they only stepped in when they're actually needed. Get more guards, sure. Just keep them on a tight leash and the hell away from me.
I love the idea of more guards, particulary from other timezones so we have more people bopping about the streets so we have a constants presense and catch all the naughty humies.
train them better first, i'l help the guards when they ONE i repeat only ONE of them says i can't use a enderpearl, and then five other players say i can. When i know enderpearls are lore legal.
I'm certainly interested in joining the guards, if applications do reopen I hope to be first in line!
I can't join the guards, because I'm a yanar, but yes. Regalia needs more. Especially when I'm out with Lysander(I'm his butler) and he tells me to call for guards, and there aren't any guards...
Mhm. Me like.

I think, the more guards we manage to achieve, more action will go on in Regalia. I myself won't apply for it, but I'm pretty sure a lot of others will.
We *need* more. Especially around the noble district. I've been in 3 instances where guards were needed but none were in earshot.
I support this idea, but consider this: adding npc guards programmed to patrol main regalia streets. This would make regalia look better and make the atmosphere more realistic. Sure, you can't roleplay with them, but maybe it'd make new players realize that guards are everywhere and they can't roleplay like there are no guards.
I support this idea, but consider this: adding npc guards programmed to patrol main regalia streets. This would make regalia look better and make the atmosphere more realistic. Sure, you can't roleplay with them, but maybe it'd make new players realize that guards are everywhere and they can't roleplay like there are no guards.

I sort of disagree with this, then players can go willy-nilly to EVERYONE if they are non-played characters. They will just patrol, and if you don't see one walk buy you, then the guard doesn't exist in that instance in the first place.

However, more guards WOULD be nice, it's always fun to roleplay with them and sort of hide everything you have done and wronged. Gives a very nice feeling to know you always have something to hide.
We *need* more. Especially around the noble district. I've been in 3 instances where guards were needed but none were in earshot.
Have to agree with that, when a thief entered the Beauveret manor, and assaulted Elaine, nearly killing her, by choking, used her as a human-shield, against the young fellows trying to help her, and ran off. (Is it bad that I laughed a lot while this was happening? Huehue) But basically, I would love a few more guards around, whether it's in the noble district, or anywhere. :3
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