Preserved Sheet Merilya Jouhari

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
Claimed for review.​
  • [ Character Alignment | Chaotic Neutral ]
    • A chaotic neutral character is an individualist who follows their own heart and generally shirks rules and traditions. Although chaotic neutral characters promote the ideals of freedom, it is their own freedom that comes first; good and evil come second to their need to be free.
  • [ Character Personality | ESFP-T "The Entertainer" ]
    • Although it may all look a little bit too melodramatic and exaggerated, Merilya is a woman who carries herself with an indisputable amount of poise and pride, unapologetically flaunting herself to the world like a glinting trophy that begs for attention and celebration.. She's a gregarious woman who can talk endlessly about nearly everything, ranging from dire matters to trifling small talk. Merilya can be an obnoxiously domineering personality however that can reply with snarky and crude words if anything takes a blow on her.
Since this has been removed from the app template, leave it in a spoiler, and I'm good to approve this.

finally updated this application!! only touched the proficiency and ability information @fantuinn
finally updated this application after missing a couple of the important reworks! @BiBiBirdie
  • changed her race from a suvial/qadir halfing to ithanian/qadir halfling per avarice's set genetics
  • redid her proficiencies (removed the burglary pack, and shuffled around some new spell packs)
  • added new specials
  • updated her backstory accordingly
Add a note about your chars religious beliefs or outlook in your core concept and you'll be set.
Not sure if I missed it, or the update passed sorry but you need to change these two under your STR to the new pack names/update them. Improvised Weapon Pack and Short Blade Pack. @Halsi