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Mercenary Commissioner New Year Decree 1/6/309

Mar 3, 2017
Reaction score

The Mercenary Commissioner hereby decrees an amendment to Mercenary Law which sees a return to commoner contract work.
  • Mercenaries may accept legal contract work from all Regalian citizens.
This grants mercenaries the ability to accept contract work from commoners which allows them to act as bouncers for businesses, bodyguards for wealthy merchants and aristocrats, as well as plenty of other petty jobs. Commoners may not use the Crown Isle Bounty Board to declare a bounty, as that is the privilege of the four entities mentioned in Mercenary Law.

On the subject of mercenary and contractor accountability,
Mercenaries are by no means permitted to clearly violate Regalian Law when pursuing contract work. They should endeavor to take work from upstanding Regalian citizens for the sake of preserving their rights. Mercenaries who are believed to be overstepping their rights can be reported to the Mercenary Commissioner who will investigate the mercenary individual or group in question and extend consequence. Alternatively, commoner contractors who are overstepping their position as a contractor to inflict malice and violate Regalian Law will be censored by the Mercenary Commissioner and declared uncapable of making further contracts with Regalian Mercenaries.

In regard to the war effort,
The Mercenary Commissioner urges all mercenaries to sign up to join the Regalian Military and help bring this war in Hadar to an end. A specific call is for mercenaries with troops of their own to also join the war out of patriotic duty for their State and Empire. As much as this missive is a call to action it is also a show of appreciation and recognition from the Mercenary Commissioner for those who are doing their duty in service to the Empire to help the war effort.
His Lordship Theopold Kreiburg
Baron of Langthal
Regalian Mercenary Commissioner
Regalian Field General
Laird of the Gallovian Court
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