Memorial To Past Rp Characters


◡☾☝☽◠King Tiberius◡☾☝☽◠
Jul 13, 2013
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Memorial to Past RP characters

This thread is simply a place where players may post one or more of their old rp characters who have passed on.
(All the info in the format is strictly rp, not irl info x) )

If you can, please follow this format:
Vilkas Drenem
Time spent rp'ing as them:
Personality/life description:
How'd they die?:


I'll start it off! :D

IGN: Sollomon666
Name: Vilkas Drenem
Sex: Male
Age: 52
Race: Human
Time spent rp'ing as them: One year

Personality description: Vilkas was a mad man to heart. When I say mad, I mean insane of course. Some said Vilkas suffered from a severe case of Identity disorder, yet he described it as a constant conversation that never seemed to stop. Several personalities filled Vilkas's head, and often one of the nine would take hold which turned him into a partially different person.
How'd they die?:
Nearing his final days, Vilkas contracted a vampiric curse in which caused him to change all together. He was at constant battle within himself over control between his own personality, and that of the vampire that now was him. After several months spent in solitude, his grip slipped. The darkness within him had become to hard to control and before her knew it, he was done for. He was initiated into a guild of murderers who's goal was to cause terror under the alias of 'The Crimson Horror', the real one had never been seen. A mask was melted to his face to permanently hide his old self, and to ensure obedience. He was sent to kill one of the Kade girl's, Astrid; All he could do was watch as this creature did these horrible things. Something cracked in Vilkas's head and he once again had control over himself, but he forgot his current appearance and so when he went to warn the Kade girl, he was hunted because after this long of not speaking, all he could manage to say a few words: "Tick...Tock. Times up.". Upon fleeing, he was soon caught and beat close enough to death, which was at this point, inevitable. After being kicked in the head several times, he eventually was taken off to the Regalian prison where he bled out from his own wounds. No one to hear his story, no one to even care.

{I put allot, don't feel like you have to put this much. A simple sentence or two should be good enough}
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IGN: Laach

Name: Dilloh Wavern

Sex: Male

Age: ~16-17

Race: Maiar

Time spent rp'ing as them: Not really any time at all. I've started a few roleplays, but never really finished them. I dislike using an unapproved roleplay character, whether I believe he would be accepted or not.


Personality/life description:
He had a heart of pure rage, angst, and all that magical stuff that the hulk feels when he's pissed. Problem was, his state of hatred was permanent. You couldn't "not" make him angry, because the only thing that could appease him was impossible to attain. He lost the only person he cared about, he lost his hometown and the environment he had grown accustomed to, and he lost his tether to a world of peace and order. It's impossible to do his story justice through words alone.

How'd they die?: Lore change. The new lore and rules make it harder to express his story with the same impact as it used to have. I consider him, although my biggest project in terms of roleplay characters ever, a lost cause.
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IGN: Eliza_Nightly

Glenn Valium




Time spent rp'ing as them:
Almost eight months-- he was technically my first RP character if you don't count 'Eliza Nightly', who was essentially Runi LaCosta before we had the /nick use command.



Personality/life description:
Glenn was essentially your run-of-the-mill, "tragic hero" character. He was pretty selfless and usually assumed the role as father figure of the group. He had an avid fear of closed spaces and a weakness for children.

How'd they die?:
After refusing to continue to carry out the bargain he made with Freya Lo, Ott Keppkuula accused him of speaking ill of the Senator and eventually, the allegation led a few rather prominent individuals to believe that Glenn had traitorous tendencies and should be punished as such. Due to his fairly good judge of character, Tristan Lamperouge set Glenn free overnight and helped him flee to New Ceardia in order to seek refuge until the situation blew over; however, being the hardheaded, father-figure he was, Glenn refused to hide away while his friends faced potential dangers back in Regalia. He returned incognito, donning a new head of red hair and a long, shaggy beard. Despite his best efforts, Axel Riviere managed to see through the disguise and coax Glenn into a false sense of security, where he then turned the traitor in to the state. From there, Glenn was certain he was to be executed, but, due to her sadistic nature, Freya was not about to allow him a quick, somewhat humane death. She and Ott plucked Glenn from his cell in the highest tower of the prison and escorted him back to her manor in the noble district. While Freya inflicted pain upon Glenn's restrained body, Ott seemed to see something more in the outspoken blonde and decided to give him another chance, tearing his very soul from his form and securing it in the bell about his thick neck for future use. Glenn's body essentially died, but his soul lives on-- now tethered to a certain female qadir that walks with a limp.

(( Okay, so he's not officially dead, but I can't play 'Glenn Valium' anymore x3 ))
IGN: BabaManga
Name: Celine Teresa Anahera (née Sylvia)
Sex: Female
Age: 73
Race: Ailor Human
Time spent rp'ing as them: ~6 months, I believe.
Personality/life description:
Celine Anahera was born and raised in the lap of luxury -- if you could call it that. Truth be told, she and her family were of the lowest of the low in terms of the local Daendroque gentry. Though they lacked funds and titles, Celine's family, those of the House Sylvia, still maintained large tracts of land, and during the continued rise of the House Anahera, Celine was married off to the expected heir to the House Anahera's land, titles, and fortunes. In turn, the House Anahera effectively absorbed the House Sylvia and integrated them under the Anahera name. Years after the fact of the marriage, Celine birthed 4 children, only to have her husband die of illness en route to Regalia for a political diet. Celine essentially regented the House Anahera's assets while also further progressing its standing in Regalia.

Sharp, witty, and horrendously motherly, Celine was a conservative woman stuck in the morals and traditions of decades past. In her deep love and affection for her kin, Celine was something of a very versatile yet progressive politician, working to further the family's standing in the smoothest way possible. Celine's motherly tendency exposed an influx of raw emotion that she tended to suppress in favor of a professional, political facade. At the time of her death, Celine was quite different from the time she first set foot on the Regalian harbor. Having been eroded and broken down from her stony persona, Celine died a confused, decrepit, loving woman, whose last thoughts were on nothing but her firstborn daughter.
How'd they die?: Celine was brutally decapitated on the altar of the Regalian Cathedral, having been murdered by vampires. While the circumstances deduced to a few explicit people, the case still remains open and her murderer unknown.
IGN: Ellimairy
Name: Ellenore Montgomery The Second, Or Lady Montgomery The Second, as she preferred to be called.
Sex: Female
Age: 29
Race: Human
Time spend during Roleplay: I would say about 8 Months? Maybe more.


Life: Ellenore was born in a middle class family. Living in Ellador for a long time, she made the step and moved towards Regalia. Strating out as the head of the household at one of the noble houses, Ellenore quickly made herself common to the wealth and made sure she was around all the interesting people. With her former Lord knowing all of them, she quickly rose to the rank of Nobility.

From here on, her trading empire, The Montgomery Trading Company (Dont get confused with the Montgomery Mini-mall.) started to grow. Almost known to everybody in the Regalian streets. Once that was settled, Ellenore expanded out in the new world of Fendarfell. By this time, She didn't mingle in politics, and she never would.

Personality: Ellenore loved children, hated each and everyone of the rude peasents she was once part off, and loved to throw shade. This gave her a horrible name within the Regalian streets, although she didn't really care. She wanted to rule, and mostly alone.

How did she die: Ellenore was part of a plan to kidnap Freya Lo, whilst the kidnapping started, Ellenore got called away to Fendarfell, not being able to partake. When she found out, that one of the people, who wanted to kidnap Freya, rented everybody out, she was in total shock. At this time, she was back in regalia, only to be arrested and striped from her Nobility status.

Unable to cope with this, Ellenore visited the Chancellor in his office, but her plans interfeerd when one of the family members of the Chancellor walked into the building. Fleeing towards the top of the chancellery, Ellenore wanted to glide from a rope down, sadly, it snapped, and she broke her neck on the ground.

What the common public was told, is that Joshua Kade Brutally murdered the defenseless women.

Lady Montgomery.png
IGN: Farryn Gris Aetos/Kestrel
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Race: Alior
Time spent rp'ing as them: December 23rd 2013 - September 22th 2014 (She survived that long after killing around 6 IG vampires and getting into bad situations. xD)
Farryn when she first arrived in Regalia. Later had short spiky hair.

Personality/life description:
Farryn was a calm, serious but friendly huntress. She fought against the vampires for the behalf of those who could not (basically, for everyone). Despite her Aetos Personality (where her personality would switch into her being murderous, mericless and cold-hearted), she was someone to talk to or go to if in need to help. As for her past? Her past wasn't a good one; Her father, Slivian Aetos, neglected her and placed her through vicious training before she stood up to him, resulting in the loss of her left eye. After the Aetos Masscre, Farryn and her childhood friend/sister, Elvirana Hawkins, ventured throughout Ellador and aided many who were suffering in the hands of vampires. After Elvirana's death/disappearance, Farryn came to Regalia where she met new allies and made a name for herself: "The Huntress". She was welcomed amongst everyone in the tavern, respected every race, and made sure that all were safe and protected from the vampires. Months later, Farryn joined the Sictor Guard and soon became Head Guard... yet everything went so wrong...
How'd they die?: A few months ago, Damon Sictor begun to manipulate Farryn. How he did so was why using her past and fears against her: threatened to give her back to her father, take away her remaining eye, harm her own friends. Farryn, scared for both herself and those she considered as allies, reluctantly allowed Damon to control her. Not once she could tell anyone, even if she wanted to, her fears overcame her and she couldn't tell anyone. In the end, Damon promised not to manipulate her but still wished for her to be within the guard, so he can watch over her.
Farryn was patrolling the manor when she was approached by Damon. The noble told her something had gone missing and Farryn questioned what. Instead of answering, Damon attempted to attack her and when she asked what he was doing. "Getting rid of a pest" was his reply. A fight took place between them but she was eventually over-powered and her left arm was sliced away from her body. Damon then did one thing: He took away her remaining eye. The other guards came and Damon ordered them to take Farryn away, taking her two Jian blades into his office as ornaments. Farryn was chucked into a cell and she eventually died from bloodloss, but with a satisfied smile on her face. Her body was later burned and the ashes were thrown into the sea. Her death is currently being remained a secret by Damon Sictor, his family and the Sictor guards. Farryn is currently deemed as "Missing" or is known to be travelling.
-cries- Farryn was a good character but she was beginning to lose her role with less actual good vampire rpers around. Also, I decided it was time for her to finally be put to rest so she was killed. DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT -
IGN: phon_senajan
Magnus Henschel
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Race: Ailor human
Time spent rp'ing as them: a few weeks

Personality/life description: A vampire hunter who took a liking to consuming his victims and being a general asshole. He was infuriated with not being able to keep up with a group of agile vampires so he in turn infected himself and hunted them down, he was overcame by the disease and turned into a mindless killing machine and his brother set off to end him. Later on his relatives stepped in and manage to get him cured after many casualties.
How'd they die?: He felt extreme guilt for what he did but he hid it away with his general asshole attitude, he was trying to kill himself to make up for what he did but his inner wuss prevented him from doing so. And so he searched for a person that could kill him for him. Evidently he succeeded and his body was burned away in a final peace.
IGN: Mecharic
Mecharic (so original, much wow, #NoNickNames)
Sex: Male
Age: Immortal (because f*ck yeah, no rules back then)
Race: Human
Time spent rp'ing as them: About a year.
Media(optional): N/A
Personality/life description: A kindhearted guy who was based off of any villager ever (since they're pacifists).
How'd they die?: -mutters something about lore changes and pesky 'rules'-
BEFORE SOMEONE MAKES THE OBVIOUS COMMENTS: Yes, I am aware I am irrelevant/not cute/whatever the running gag is nowadays. Yes, I do agree that he was a noob character that lived too long. Yes, I do agree trying to make 'personal lore' for him was stupid. Yes, his death is a disregard of personal lore, as a lot- who am I kidding, all- was unpublished. No, this was not RPed out, I changed my mind due to personal reasons, mainly my disappointment in what Silver has become and what I intended him to be. No, I am not attention whoring with this post, I am bringing this story to a close and probably permalocking my account manually by changing the password to an illegible scrawl of random letters. Yes, I know most of you didn't read this far. No, I don't care.

IGN: SilverAlbatross
Captain Silver Gregorius Albatross
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Race: Human
Time spent rp'ing as them: About a year and a half.
Personality/life description: Started as a drunkard womaniser. Turned into an emotional mess who ass-kissed nobles and acted above commoners like he wasn't a peasant ex-something himself. Ended up a disgraced murderer-wannabe who hallucinated wildly and made up stories about himself.
How'd they die?: Silver went into isolation following the attempted murder of a local tailor. He returned to where his 'hometown' was by rowboat and... found a small fishing village. No big sprawling island of riches. No welcome-home party. Just... just a small village. And it hit him.
He'd lived a lie. It was all a delusion his family desperately tried to play along with. Silver had been extremely ill this whole time. It all made sense now; why he could never back his stories with evidence, why he was so little-known and little-respected for a naval captain, why nobles and commoners turned their heads alike when he entered a room (not counting his apparent smell of horsedung of course).
Silver, faced with this knowledge... snapped. He was reportedly seen the next day in the aforementioned rowboat, in his underwear, brandishing a dagger and charging on a guard during training (@Colonel_Connor). Silver died how he lived; being overly-optimistic and not realising he was damned from the start.
IGN: phon_senajan
Magnus Henschel
Age: 21
Race: Ailor human
Time spent rp'ing as them: a few weeks

Personality/life description: A vampire hunter who took a liking to consuming his victims and being a general asshole. He was infuriated with not being able to keep up with a group of agile vampires so he in turn infected himself and hunted them down, he was overcame by the disease and turned into a mindless killing machine and his brother set off to end him. Later on his relatives stepped in and manage to get him cured after many casualties.
How'd they die?: He felt extreme guilt for what he did but he hid it away with his general asshole attitude, he was trying to kill himself to make up for what he did but his inner wuss prevented him from doing so. And so he searched for a person that could kill him for him. Evidently he succeeded and his body was burned away in a final peace.

Little comment: Farryn was pretty much the one he went to ask to be killed by. She tried to but couldn't bring herself to do it, Magnus went for her (I think he did) and Damon came and killed him before Magnus could kill Far. Still, I didn't want him to gooo~!! TT^TT
IGN: masterman120
Name: Tytus Athius
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Race: half elf, half human
Time spent rp'ing as them: two months
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Personality/life description: Tytus had multiple personality disorder. One was pure evil, the other normal. Tytus, (as a baby) was plauged with nightmares of his sinister clone ripping at his mind.
How'd they die?: Tytus knew the only way to remove his evil half, was death.
Can I have his parent/guardians limbs now?
IGN: lanarmaiden

Name: Elly De' Kremheild

Sex: Female

Age: 20

Race: Ailor

Time spent rp'ing as them: A year, atleast. Or a few months. Forgot.


How'd they die?: HIGURASHI RIKA STYLE.
IGN: Purple_Manatees
Liliane d'Adreci
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Race: Ailor
Time spent rp'ing as them: Three months or so.
Screenshot 2014-06-30 at 4.02.53 PM.png
Personality/life description:
A coldhearted and mean person who has little to no respect for anyone.
How'd they die?: Accidentially poisoned herself.