Memorial to Past RP characters
This thread is simply a place where players may post one or more of their old rp characters who have passed on.
(All the info in the format is strictly rp, not irl info x) )
If you can, please follow this format:
Vilkas Drenem
Time spent rp'ing as them:
Personality/life description:
How'd they die?:
I'll start it off!
IGN: Sollomon666
Name: Vilkas Drenem
Sex: Male
Age: 52
Race: Human
Time spent rp'ing as them: One year
Personality description: Vilkas was a mad man to heart. When I say mad, I mean insane of course. Some said Vilkas suffered from a severe case of Identity disorder, yet he described it as a constant conversation that never seemed to stop. Several personalities filled Vilkas's head, and often one of the nine would take hold which turned him into a partially different person.
How'd they die?:
Nearing his final days, Vilkas contracted a vampiric curse in which caused him to change all together. He was at constant battle within himself over control between his own personality, and that of the vampire that now was him. After several months spent in solitude, his grip slipped. The darkness within him had become to hard to control and before her knew it, he was done for. He was initiated into a guild of murderers who's goal was to cause terror under the alias of 'The Crimson Horror', the real one had never been seen. A mask was melted to his face to permanently hide his old self, and to ensure obedience. He was sent to kill one of the Kade girl's, Astrid; All he could do was watch as this creature did these horrible things. Something cracked in Vilkas's head and he once again had control over himself, but he forgot his current appearance and so when he went to warn the Kade girl, he was hunted because after this long of not speaking, all he could manage to say a few words: "Tick...Tock. Times up.". Upon fleeing, he was soon caught and beat close enough to death, which was at this point, inevitable. After being kicked in the head several times, he eventually was taken off to the Regalian prison where he bled out from his own wounds. No one to hear his story, no one to even care.
{I put allot, don't feel like you have to put this much. A simple sentence or two should be good enough}
Memorial to Past RP characters
This thread is simply a place where players may post one or more of their old rp characters who have passed on.
(All the info in the format is strictly rp, not irl info x) )
If you can, please follow this format:
Vilkas Drenem
Time spent rp'ing as them:
Personality/life description:
How'd they die?:
I'll start it off!
IGN: Sollomon666
Name: Vilkas Drenem
Sex: Male
Age: 52
Race: Human
Time spent rp'ing as them: One year
Personality description: Vilkas was a mad man to heart. When I say mad, I mean insane of course. Some said Vilkas suffered from a severe case of Identity disorder, yet he described it as a constant conversation that never seemed to stop. Several personalities filled Vilkas's head, and often one of the nine would take hold which turned him into a partially different person.
How'd they die?:
Nearing his final days, Vilkas contracted a vampiric curse in which caused him to change all together. He was at constant battle within himself over control between his own personality, and that of the vampire that now was him. After several months spent in solitude, his grip slipped. The darkness within him had become to hard to control and before her knew it, he was done for. He was initiated into a guild of murderers who's goal was to cause terror under the alias of 'The Crimson Horror', the real one had never been seen. A mask was melted to his face to permanently hide his old self, and to ensure obedience. He was sent to kill one of the Kade girl's, Astrid; All he could do was watch as this creature did these horrible things. Something cracked in Vilkas's head and he once again had control over himself, but he forgot his current appearance and so when he went to warn the Kade girl, he was hunted because after this long of not speaking, all he could manage to say a few words: "Tick...Tock. Times up.". Upon fleeing, he was soon caught and beat close enough to death, which was at this point, inevitable. After being kicked in the head several times, he eventually was taken off to the Regalian prison where he bled out from his own wounds. No one to hear his story, no one to even care.
{I put allot, don't feel like you have to put this much. A simple sentence or two should be good enough}
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