Archived Mcmmo Classes

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Jul 25, 2012
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I've seen many conversations regarding MCMMO being OP and other conversations regarding a stat limit. So, my suggestion is to add classes which each have unique classes.

The skills will be listed after each class. I'll put skill limits like this: {9001}. And I'll put class levels for each skill like this: [9001]. I give skill levels in fractions because the max level could be different depending on what you want.

Each skill also has armor limitations (this means the diamond armor limit to Premiums would be gone).

Universal Skills:
  • Acrobatics {1000}
  • Fishing {1000}
Neutral Classes:
  • Miner
    • Mining {1000}
    • Excavation {750}
    • Repair {1000} [Half]
    • Leather, Chain, Iron
  • Woodsman
    • Woodcutting {1000}
    • Axes {500} [Half]
    • Leather, Chain
  • Farmer
    • Herbalism {1000}
    • Taming {1000} [Half]
    • Leather, Chain
Offensive Classes:
  • Swordsman
    • Swords {1000}
    • Acrobatics "Lucky" perk [half]
    • Leather, Chain, Iron, Gold
  • Knight
    • Swords {1000}
    • Archery {250} [Half]
    • Leather, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Gold
  • Warrior
    • Axes {1000}
    • Archery {250} [half]
    • Leather, Chain, Iron, Diamond, Gold
  • Archer
    • Archery {1000}
    • Swords {250} [Half]
    • Leather, Chain, Gold
Other Classes:
  • Mage
    • Uses Mana (separate coding) to cast spells that do basic amounts of damage. [Mana Cost/100 base]
      • Bolt (8 damage) [10]
      • Fireball (Casts a fire charge) [15]
      • Poison (Poison II 10 secs) [40]
      • Lightning (Zaps target with lightning) [50]
      • Poison Bolt (Zaps target + Poison II 10 secs) [75]
Relation to Races:
Each race has its own mana (according to their magical ability in this thread)
  • Yanar, Elf, Tigran = 130 mana (30% more)
  • Human, Maiar, Dakkar, Naga = 100 mana
  • Dwarf, Orc, Undead = 70 mana (30% less)
Everyone will have their own mana set no matter what (saves time on the computer trying to change who has mana and whatnot blah blah blah. Mana will recover at a rate of 5 per second (recovering 10 at a time, aka, recovering every 2 seconds).
/class ?, help {gives information on class command}
/class choose, pick, be, b, use, c <class> {chooses your class}
/class <class> {gives information on that class}
/class mana, /mana {gives your amount of mana}
Experience equation:
(experience needed to level up)=(current level)^2 + 100

For most of this to take place, the MCMMO files will have to all be deleted so every person has their power set to 0. This is mainly so we can limit who uses what. Any suggestions regarding classes and skill changes can be posted below.
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Excuse me but DO WE NAGA GET ANY MANA???
I think while adding the armor weight from the other thread, specifying armor types by class wouldn't be needed. But even if that is kept, Diamond should be usable by swordsmen as well I would think.

Otherwise this is pretty great :3
Yeah, theres one problem with this. It restricts roleplay and gameplay way too much. You can realistically be good at Swords, Axes, Archery, and hand to hand combat. You want to know how I know? BECAUSE I ACTUALLY AM.
Classes shouldn't restrict what armour they wear. I'd be an Archer but I still want to wear diamond armour. Also you haven't mentioned any of the other MCMMO skills like Repair and Taming because I am pretty sure everyone wants to be able to repair stuff.
I really, really hate the current system and love these suggestions, but please, dear Notch no, not anymore on the magic. We've seen too many magic suggestions, mate, and honestly ANY plugin about magic spells in particular would severely limit roleplay :P
Perhaps bonuses for wearing class compatible armors and small penalties for wearing outside of the suggestions.
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