Shelved Character Mathias Sava Terro

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
@HydraLana Made some changes to his character. Ditched the dagger and ranged skill in favor of the obviously cooler Clockwork. How there was mention of the character living in Qadir lands it is a complete missed opportunity to not allow himself the knowledge of how to use clockwork. Changes in his lifestory have been made as well in red
@HydraLana Made changes in accordance to the engineering update and the linguistics update
Everything looks good, there's just a few small edits that need to be made before I can approve this:
  • Your point spread still lists Linguistics as 'New Regalian'. Please update this to reflect the languages section beneath.
  • You Phys Stat is calculated incorrectly. You should have 20 Glaive + 8 Heavy Ranged + 2 (4/2) Utility Ranged, hitting the 30 Drahl Phys cap.
  • Maximum height for Drahl Ailor is 6'6". Please lower character height or invest in Genetics.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made the necessary edits so I can review, thanks!
Everything looks good, there's just a few small edits that need to be made before I can approve this:
  • Your point spread still lists Linguistics as 'New Regalian'. Please update this to reflect the languages section beneath.
  • You Phys Stat is calculated incorrectly. You should have 20 Glaive + 8 Heavy Ranged + 2 (4/2) Utility Ranged, hitting the 30 Drahl Phys cap.
  • Maximum height for Drahl Ailor is 6'6". Please lower character height or invest in Genetics.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made the necessary edits so I can review, thanks!

oopsie, oversights I missed when updating the app, all fixed gamer B)
@Yurs Made minor changes to Mathias. Decided to make him predominantly Avanthar and shifted some points around I thought were awkward, making sure with you I missed nothing
Looks good for the most part. Generally knights are discouraged from having Engineering, but since it's just the one pack it's not a huge deal. Keep that in mind though if you had planned on adding more down the line.

Additionally, please lower the height back down to 6'6", as Avanthar have the same racial limit as Drahl Ailor. Remember to consult this page if you're unsure.

APPROVED, but make that minor adjustment to be compliant please.
Looks good for the most part. Generally knights are discouraged from having Engineering, but since it's just the one pack it's not a huge deal. Keep that in mind though if you had planned on adding more down the line.

Additionally, please lower the height back down to 6'6", as Avanthar have the same racial limit as Drahl Ailor. Remember to consult this page if you're unsure.

APPROVED, but make that minor adjustment to be compliant please.

Fixed. The Avanthar page should be updated as their max height is listed as 6'10 which is why I thought it was okay lol
Fixed. The Avanthar page should be updated as their max height is listed as 6'10 which is why I thought it was okay lol

The Proficiency page's chart is generally the most up to date but there's occasionally inconsistencies like that, so feel free to report any weird outdated stuff you find. It'll be updated shortly, thanks for letting us know!
@Yurs With the update I thought it was proper to completely rewrite sections of Mathias' lifestory, fixed up his points, added and removed a bunch of stuff too with the change. Will need a full re-review to ensure everything is proper.
@Acosmism Re-did the proficiencies with the new update. Will most likely re-do the life story a bit once the Maquixtl lore is fully finished.
Re-approved, sorry for the wait!
@Acosmism Made minor edits to my characters points with the new changes, is everything gucci?
@Scribbe Updated Mathias' proficiencies with the new update. Ensuring with you everything is okay.