Archived Massivelock Shop Idea

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May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
It isnt a huge idea so imma keep this part brief

Perhaps adding an option (similarly to Redstone/Hoppers/Autoclose/etc, the simply On or Off commands) that will automatically remove an item from your shop prices once its been sold out. This would be very useful especially if you are selling lore items, or anything else you wont constantly be restocking the same of.

@Madus @ulumulu1510
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I don't think think his is too easy to do actually.

Shops/Locks can consist of multiple chests and we can't risk loading chunks to check if they have the item in the them. Only checking the current chest is not sufficient.

We can't implement it for "one chest, one lock" type of shops, that would defeat the purpose.
I don't think think his is too easy to do actually.

Shops/Locks can consist of multiple chests and we can't risk loading chunks to check if they have the item in the them. Only checking the current chest is not sufficient.

We can't implement it for "one chest, one lock" type of shops, that would defeat the purpose.
Its actually very common for shops specifically to have 1 lock 1 chest. Mainly if you want different chests to sell different things. because each shop lock can only have 54 items in it, regardless of what's inside the chest. So having the ability to automatically remove the items once they're sold out would allow for easier cleanup. Is it possible that toggling it on can only occur if you only have one chest part added to the lock?
Its actually very common for shops specifically to have 1 lock 1 chest. Mainly if you want different chests to sell different things. because each shop lock can only have 54 items in it, regardless of what's inside the chest. So having the ability to automatically remove the items once they're sold out would allow for easier cleanup
I agree with you that it is common, yet it doesn'the solve the technical issue presented by me.

Maybe I need to rephrase:
If it won't work for all locks, regardless of their size and mode, it is not a good solution from a technical stand point.

Conditional shop item removal can be done, but the condition can not be met from a technical stand point.

If you present me a different condition, I can judge it's doability.
I agree with you that it is common, yet it doesn'the solve the technical issue presented by me.

Maybe I need to rephrase:
If it won't work for all locks, regardless of their size and mode, it is not a good solution from a technical stand point.

Conditional shop item removal can be done, but the condition can not be met from a technical stand point.

If you present me a different condition, I can judge it's doability.
other than also I guess, limiting it to the market world...? I don't know if that could be another condition, but it probably isn't... So it's probably safe to let this idea died out
@ulumulu1510 @Zacatero what if, at time of the shop listing, you could specify, a rule to the effect of "remove this item after x number of sales from the lock"? This would resolve the chunk loading issue since we don't have to check the chest content, just need to keep a record of how many sales actions are left on the lock for that entry. Thoughts?
@ulumulu1510 @Zacatero what if, at time of the shop listing, you could specify, a rule to the effect of "remove this item after x number of sales from the lock"? This would resolve the chunk loading issue since we don't have to check the chest content, just need to keep a record of how many sales actions are left on the lock for that entry. Thoughts?
That would definitely work on my end as the player
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