Massivecraft Survey And Feedback


S A D B O Y S 
Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hello Massivecraft!

If you enjoy the server please take a few moments to fill out this survey with your feedback. Surveys like these help the staff better understand the player base and improve the server for you, the players!

Thank you!

Note: Please leave only serious and honest responses.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas or other feedback about this survey just leave a comment below.
This is a very nice Survey, very well made, however about this Survey, does it simply head right to the Mods/Admins/Trusteds/Worshiped People or does it take time for it to send? Cause I'm really hoping the *Insert another mile long list here* See this, as it could make most of the events be a lot cooler, even though they already are pretty awesome.
I shall be quite interested in seeing the results for the survey
This is a very nice Survey, very well made, however about this Survey, does it simply head right to the Mods/Admins/Trusteds/Worshiped People or does it take time for it to send? Cause I'm really hoping the *Insert another mile long list here* See this, as it could make most of the events be a lot cooler, even though they already are pretty awesome.

I'm not quite sure what you are asking but if you are referring to the Survey Results, yes I am able to view them right away and yes the other staff and I will be reviewing the results.
Not quite sure if I'll release the results but ya some of the answers are pretty interesting and will definitely be helpful

I think it should be more kept personal between you and the admins, and MAYBE talk to the person who might have had like a problem or all that stuff. Very nice survey!
I can't wait to see the results of this and if they make any server changes based on them.
I'm not quite sure what you are asking but if you are referring to the Survey Results, yes I am able to view them right away and yes the other staff and I will be reviewing the results.

Yeah, that's what I was asking, I'm just an over-explainer. xD
Is it okay to put a check in every box for an answer where you seriously want to put a check in every box? Plus a nice little suggestion that was an option... :)
In the words of Cap'n Gandamar himself, "Yarr harr fiddle dee dee, please fill out this survey for meee"
You should interview yourself sometime.