Archived Massivecraft Shirts?

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Master Of Stealth
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
I think it would be an awesome idea if Massivecraft could start selling t-shirts! These shirts could have a variety of things on them (forum names, usersames, and other things of awesomeness!!) it could also include the logo! This would provide revenue to the server, to keep it running! I won't say anything specific (cost, where you would get them from ect.) I'll let the admins decide!
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Moved to Feature and Idea Discussion.
I would actually buy Massivecraft t shirts if we had any, and Im sure the design would be pretty awesome!
You just pump ideas out don't you....
Like anything, even around 20$ i would buy if it was a nice t shirt
Although I'm a closet nerd and could never buy one of these, this is a very decent idea.
I think just two or three simple shirts would be not only great, but would support the server. Forum people though may sound a bit strange.
I would wear one. I talk about this server all the time to my friends, I might as well be an even bigger nerd. <3
Brilliant idea.. It helps the server.. And peoples fashion! I would buy one in a heart beat.. Or two.
I think Cayorion considered merchandise sales a long time ago. I will bring it back up with him next time I speak to him.
Just threw this up on "Custom Ink" and mabey this could be a basic shirt?
Having to order from overseas and wait like 2 weeks for a t-shirt...

(You thought I was going to complain didn't you? Silly people.)
Give meh one NOW
As long as their is a shirt with me getting slotted by Undead bakers with duck faces and I'm riding an ancient magma cube, yes
I think Cayorion considered merchandise sales a long time ago. I will bring it back up with him next time I speak to him.
Oh yeah, I actually remember him talking about that over general chat once I think, someone actually brought it up not long ago, about massivecraft belts though
I'm a pro Designer/Illustrator/Photographer/Web Designer and I'd love to create a suite of 2-3 epic designs for just such a purpose...with a few caveats:

A - Too many cooks spoil the broth: in my experience the creativity of a concept is often diluted in direct proportion to the number of people who need to veto the design. The review process would be kept out of the forums for this reason - two or three staffers would be the panel - that's it.

B - The Brief: Valuable time would be spent on rough sketches and ideas before committing to production drafts. This is because full production illustrations/art can take over a week per piece (for complex designs) to complete.

C - The Cost: As this is my day job I'm not about to push paying work aside to commit a week (or three) to design a suite of two or three shirts/hoodies etc just for 'fun'... or because 'it would be epic man'. If the garment retailed for $30 ea I'd be looking for a sizable chunk of the profit margin. Even if we sold 100 shirts I'd probably still not even come close to my normal fee but there is a component of 'supporting the server' so that's OK (I normally get anywhere between $500 and $2500 per garment depending on the number of sides and complexity).

D - Shipping. is OK for USA & Canadia ;) but we'll need a solution for those in the rest of the planet.
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Maybe add some basic clothing department, but also a custom clothing department. If someone would be like: 'I want a shirt of my character/faction/friend/...' then they would make it. Maybe for a bit more money than the basic clothes, because then there is done more of an effort in it. I probably wouldn't buy a T-shirt from the server, but others might.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.
I'm a pro Designer/Illustrator/Photographer/Web Designer and I'd love to create a suite of 2-3 epic designs for just such a purpose...with a few caveats:

A - Too many cooks spoil the broth: in my experience the creativity of a concept is often diluted in direct proportion to the number of people who need to veto the design. The review process would be kept out of the forums for this reason - two or three staffers would be the panel - that's it.

B - The Brief: Valuable time would be spent on rough sketches and ideas before committing to production drafts. This is because full production illustrations/art can take over a week per piece (for complex designs) to complete.

C - The Cost: As this is my day job I'm not about to push paying work aside to commit a week (or three) to design a suite of two or three shirts/hoodies etc just for 'fun'... or because 'it would be epic man'. If the garment retailed for $30 ea I'd be looking for a sizable chunk of the profit margin. Even if we sold 100 shirts I'd probably still not even come close to my normal fee but there is a component of 'supporting the server' so that's OK (I normally get anywhere between $500 and $2500 per garment depending on the number of sides and complexity).

D - Shipping. is OK for USA & Canadia ;) but we'll need a solution for those in the rest of the planet.
Do you have a portfolio?
Damn, just got another few commissions dropped on me. I'll revisit this idea in a few weeks if I'm not flat out.
I want an authentic ban hammer of justice shirt! -squeals at the idea-
Managed to pump a few hours into a design and it's coming along nicely but I need:
1 - a profile side on shot of a skeleton horse (high res please and on a dark background would be awesome)
2 - I can't for the life of me find a picture of Mrs Baver anywhere - help!
Managed to pump a few hours into a design and it's coming along nicely but I need:
1 - a profile side on shot of a skeleton horse (high res please and on a dark background would be awesome)
2 - I can't for the life of me find a picture of Mrs Baver anywhere - help!
1-OMG, this sounds awesome, wish I could help...

2-Yeah....what even is her skin? I've only seen her once up close and that was a year ago...wait one sec..

I HAVE IT! MrsBaver.png Thank you Minecraft Skin Stealer!
1-OMG, this sounds awesome, wish I could help...

2-Yeah....what even is her skin? I've only seen her once up close and that was a year ago...wait one sec..

I HAVE IT! View attachment 25163 Thank you Minecraft Skin Stealer! were able to get it? I've tried, but the ign is not Mrs Baver, and I don't know what player plays her. How did you get it?
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