Archived Massive Restore For The Rift. (short Term Quartz Solution)

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Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
Reaction score
(Please read tekst before voting)

Hello everyone,

For those that are having trouble getting their hands on large quantities of quartz I would like to propose a temporairy solution. Enable Massive restore for the Rift. But why call it a temporairy solution you may ask?

Our amazing staff is always prepearing for the future. And without doubt they already have plans to tackle this. But acording to what I know these are indeed longterm items. And by offering this idea untill those plans can be executed seemed like a good idea. Avoiding any need for rush and provide the community with plenty quartz untill later changes.

~Lets be hounest. It is a beautifull material to work with.~

I will mainly leave the pro's and con's up to you.
For where it would offer much more luxorious builds, it could spam the world.
And where it could boost the current quartz market, it could also deflate it.
The main goals is to offer easier access to quartz than current method.

Now this is the following scenario I propose:
  • Enable massive restore for the current rift incase there is a backup copy or...
  • Enable massive restore for a newly generated rift with the addition of the base in the current rift.
Also a suggested rule set for this world:
  • Enable faction claim
  • Limit faction claim to 1 chunk per faction
  • Minimal distance between factions reduced to 3 chunks from 10. (Preview: "--X---/--" )
I will also add that there used to be an older post suggesting the same idea... However I left the server shortly after the post and never returned to keep it running. Many thanks for the contributers back in those days. All credit for the suggestions they made that are reflected here go to their respectfull creators.

(Not nessesairy to read for this poll, but interesting for previous results and comments)
Link to old post:

As for the poll...
Since it has been a while I would love to hear what you think now. You feeling patiënt? Or you completely disagree? please do tell. Any input on the topic is welcome (also the positive stuff ;p )
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello xD

So the rift is a unique map. Once the new year happens, it will be the only map not enabled with massive restore... That you can still build on. The reason that Daendroc and Ellador didn't have Massiverestore... Was because the plugin requires a back up of the world to base the restores on. That way it knows what the world supposed to look like when it's fully restored. And we never had a back up for those worlds. I don't know for sure if a back up of the rift exists to run massive restore on. @Kellock93 or @MonMarty will know though.
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Hello xD

So the rift is a unique map. Once the new year happens, it will be the only map not enabled with massive restore... That you can still build on. The reason that Daendroc and Ellador didn't have Massiverestore... Was because the plugin requires a back up of the world to base the restores on. That way it knows what the world supposed to look like when it's fully restored. And we never had a back up for those worlds. I don't know for sure if a back up of the rift exists to run massive restore on. @Kellock93 or @MonMarty will know though.

ofcourse. Thats why I also had the scenario to generate a new rift with the spawn base as I mentioned before. :)
(the spawn base would have to be eddited in ofcource but I asume we all know that)
Ok I realy need everyone to help along a little. I know not everyone has time to read every topic. But I hope you can find the interest to vote on this topic as it will help yourself a great deal aswel. This is why:

We don't get to see allot of big builds like these. And to give people the means to build them would help boost the creativity of many builders out there. Please give us your support by placing a vote.

(note that pictures is a draft of what I am planning on building. I am sure you all have some project like mine ;3)
Ok I realy need everyone to help along a little. I know not everyone has time to read every topic. But I hope you can find the interest to vote on this topic as it will help yourself a great deal aswel. This is why:

We don't get to see allot of big builds like these. And to give people the means to build them would help boost the creativity of many builders out there. Please give us your support by placing a vote.

(note that pictures is a draft of what I am planning on building. I am sure you all have some project like mine ;3)
There's actually a lot of large Quartz guilds on the server. Desolation, old wolves, most of SunKiss, Destruction, etc are all made almost entirely from Quartz and are all larger than the build you showed above.
And with little quartz remaining for other builds the need for a solution is becomming ever more urgent. Even though there is indeed still quartz to be found. There isn't allot left. I do like to visit those places you mentioned 65jes89. And ofcource the currently mined quartz had to go somewhere ;p Just asking support now for the idea itself. please do leave a vote.
I've always loved the wolves quartz castle.

But there is a lot of point here

Hey wasn't there an old world that had a lot of Quartz?
I don't know how they can regenerate the rift if there are quests and what not there. But Quartz is quite simple and there's a lot more than you think. Go dig a big room and you'll find tons.
Yeah I have a few blaze spawners and they are only like 1000 blocks in and the area is untouched around them except for what I have mined myself which isn't much as I think quartz is kinda ugly.
@MonMarty @Thortuna

Thanku for the implementation. I would like to ask if you think its wise to continue suggest trough this topic for the remainder of the functions suggested here that were not implemented?

If not then please also lock this treat as it then has served its use.
Again. many thanks. (mined a dc of quartz blocks yesterday xD)
To my knowledge Rift maps are temporary until we can make a more permanent solution.
This rift map has MassiveRestore enabled to make it last longer due to the amount of quartz people buy and mine so supply should be maintained until we can find a more permanent solution as MonMarty stated.
Oh But I based this whole topic on the fact that the rift was a temporairly solution.
Again many thanks for making the changes thortuna!

And please. Do put on that lock since I think this is a nice end for the topic :)
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