Massive Armor Pricing ?


The world cannot live without love.
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
US, California
Are These The Usual Prices on These Items?
Helmet: 28s-32s​
Chest Plate: 35s-40s
Leggings: 30-35s
Boots: 25s-28s

Massive Armor :
  • Unbreaking V
  • Protection V
IMAO all pieces have near equal worth.

According to what I witnessed the following applys:
- Price is strongly dependant on buy and has been lowered since the introduction of massive armor (at the begining it was around 50s)
- If you want to buy piece of armor fast the price is around 30-40s. If you are patient you can get it in aucitons for as low as 20s or 25s.
I wouldn't sell a piece for less than 40s
They used to go for quite large amounts, but with most of the server wanting them removed, a lot of people feel that it IS in fact rather unbalanced and is requested to be removed. There for, no sense in buying an item for such high prices when you wont get to keep it anyways. (if the rumor is true)
Well the thing is if Massivecraft just removes Massive Armor from Massive, then there's going to be quiet a bit of lost money, due to the fact that its been around a month(I think) since they added it as a prize. However, if Massivecraft only removes the ability to get Massive Armor, the server is in another pickle due to the fact that Massive Armor is Unbreaking V and that apparently you can repair it for 23 levels.
XD I sold a chestplate to someone for 30s, and they said they were gonna re-sell it for more than double that. If these prices are true, it looks like that poor soul's plan backfired...
I know prices are around 20-25 a piece. However one of my friends on the server got a full set for 40s by travelling to a noob faction of non-prems. It was worthless to them, but silver wasn't.
I've seen the various Massive items sell for 18s on the low range, to 60s on the high range.
I purchased some leggings the other day after a new member was selling them for 5s. I sort of feel bad, but you should do your reading before-hand.