Preserved Sheet Makenna Waters

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another canadian
Oct 13, 2016
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--»☾ Maeve Waters ☽«--
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« "The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows." »

- Brene Brown

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- ‹⋅[ Tunes ]⋅› -
How the Tide Rushes in
Medhel an Gwyns

First Light
Stand In The Light
All That You Are

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« "When I look at a person, I see a person – not a rank, not a class, not a title" »
- Criss Jami

- ‹⋅ Basic Information ⋅› -
  • Full NameMaeve Fiadh Uí Uisgeachan
    • 〖 Refers to Self asMaeve Dawn Waters
  • 〖 Nickname(s) 〗Mimi, Enna, Waters
  • 〖 Age 〗28
    • 〖 Day of BirthMarch 3, 281 A.C.
  • 〖 GenderFemale
  • 〖 RaceAilor
  • 〖 Culture1/4 Heartland Ceardian, 3/4 Aontaithe
    • 〖 LineageDrahl
      • « Cara » Red Fur Fox, Familiar
  • 〖 SexualityHeterosexual
  • 〖 Eye ColourSteel blue

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« "Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens" »

- ‹⋅ Skill Information ⋅› -
  • 〖 CORE PROFICIENCY 〗28 + 5 = 33
    • +14 Fist Combat (+14 Core)
    • +9 Alchemy (+9 Core)
    • +8 Heavy Ranged (+8 Core)
    • +6 Sorcery (+6 Core)
      • Element Control 7
      • Light Mend 1
    • +3 Engineering (+3 Core)
      • Weapons
    • +5 Perception Training (+5 Core)
    • +15 Horticulture Art (+10 Hobby, +5 Racial Boost)
    • +5 Sailing Art (+5 Core)
Body Shape
  • Body Stat = 14
    • 10 Stave + (5 Horticulture × 0.5) + (2 Sailing × 0.5)
    • = 14 (Rounded from 13.5)
  • Low Body Fat
  • Toned Body Shape
  • 〖 Common Learned in childhood.
  • 〖 Ériunnach Parental tongue.

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Special Abilities 」
    • Battle Sense I « Control Power »
      • "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."
    • Spirit Familiar I « Toggle Passive »
      • "No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have,
      • loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure."
    • Honed Skill III « Constant Passive »
      • "Your skill can be either an asset or a liability."
    • Element Control III « Magic Spell »
      • "Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar."
    • Element Control VI « Magic Spell »
      • "Most important thing in life is learning how to fall."
    • Element Brand II « Object Enchant »
      • "To most human beings, wind is an irritation. To most trees, wind is a song."
    • Light Mend I « Magic Spell »
      • "Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world."
  • Crimson Lies Vampire Spell
    • "The Vampire is able to target one person per day to alter their mind into believing something is the opposite of what they believe to be true.."
  • Crimson Dressage Toggle Passive
    • "The Vampire is able to change the appearance of their clothing, add, or remove clothing magically and instantly, either with an aesthetic magical transformation, or simply instantly."
  • Crimson Hostage Target Curse
    • "Those fed upon gain the Crimson Hostage trait, which makes them strongly want to prevent the Vampire from being harmed, caught or cured, for up to 72 hours after having been fed upon."
  • Crimson Guile Toggle Passive
    • "This Mutation has two effects: Primarily, it makes it so that anyone the Vampire is feeding on does not feel pain, and will forget about the circumstances surrounding the feeding afterwards, leaving no bite marks. Furthermore, it makes the Vampire look entrancing, beautiful and alluring, as long as eye contact is made."
  • Crimson Reflection Toggle Passive
    • "The Vampire can magically change superficial appearance aspects about themselves: Change the colour of their hair, change the colour of their eyes, add or remove facial scars or freckles, change the skin lightness/darkness, and the length of their hair, including the texture (curliness, straightness, waviness).


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- ‹⋅ Visual Information ⋅› -
  • 〖 Eye ColourSteel blue
  • 〖 Hair ColourLight ginger
  • 〖 Hair StyleTypically tied into a bun, accompanied by a small ribbon
  • 〖 Skin ColourPale
  • 〖 ClothingA simple gown with either a shawl or a long coat to cover her arms and shoulders
  • 〖 Height5'2"
  • 〖 Body BuildAverage


- ‹⋅ Personality and Abilities ⋅› -
Option Two ║ The Core List
  • Character Alignment Neutral Good
    • Makenna does the best that any good person can do. She is devoted to helping others and values freedom and life above all else. She will forever keep her word, never wishing to betray those who she cares deeply about. Her motives in life are to keep her family safe, which means protecting and caring for her siblings for as long as she's alive.
    • « "The safety of the people shall be the highest law. If you can't solve a problem, it's because you're playing by the rules. Always let your conscience be your guide. Never stop being a good person because of bad people." »
  • Character Personality Type INFP- The Mediator
    • INFPs tend to be introverted, quiet, and reserved. Being in social situations tends to drain their energy and they prefer interacting with a select group of close friends. They typically rely on intuition and are more focused on the big picture rather than the nitty-gritty details. They're extremely difficult to get to know, can come off as being too idealistic, and tend to take things personally.
    • « "Every decision I make is a reflection of who I am and what I believe in." »
  • 〖 Character's Religion 〗The Draoidha Feya (8/10)
    • Originally living the life of an Agnostic, Makenna devoted much of her time as a child reading. She had a love for folklore and urban legends from the very beginning, sparking an undying curiosity in such a religion. While she doesn't place a firm belief in The Draoidha Feya, she can't help but follow the customs and imagine it to be true.
    • « "I don't believe in the Spirit. I don't know what to believe in, for all I know, is that as an individual, I won't allow this life - the only thing I know to exist - to be wasted." »

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« "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." »

- ‹⋅ Life Story ⋅› -
Childhood 1-9

Makenna Uí Aigéan was born in the Holy City of Regalia, spending the first few years of her life within its walls. She was made an older sister at just two years old, the responsibility of being the eldest child already a key part of her life. She had full appreciation and love for her parents, who were both dedicated, kind individuals. They eventually shifted to the archipelago surrounding Regalia, wishing for a life of privacy and security. Her father, who spent his days on the sea while serving the Regalian Navy, would always return with a new tale to tell her and her two siblings, Giselle and James. She was often caught up in such stories, causing a love for literature and adventure to arise. With her father abroad, Makenna was left helping her mother in the gardens, naturally falling victim to the beauty of nature, while also assisting with her sister and brother's needs, as well as the animal's. Despite her mother never truly being a scholar, Makenna's taste for knowledge didn't come as a surprise for both her parents. While she wasn't offered much in terms of a proper education, her father began gifting her with books on literature once returning from his travels, wanting to provide his daughter with all he could.

Upbringing 10-14

With the short trips her family and her began making to Regalia, Makenna's sense of curiosity and adventure fully developed. The stories of the sea no longer sustained it and, with her father catching sight of such, she set sail for the first time alongside him. Such practices became a frequent pass-time whenever he was home. She became obsessed with the study of astronomy, her father teaching her all that he could in regards to the sky and celestial bodies. Even so, she remained dedicated to her younger siblings, their bond a strong one, despite the differences they shared. She commonly aided them in regards to their studies, especially thanks to her love of knowledge.
Adolescence 15-20

When Makenna reached the age of 15, she was given books on herbology and history, sparking a new sense of purpose within her. While she continued with her duties around the house, which included teaching Giselle, who eventually went by the name Dusk, and James, she researched plant-life and the different functions relating to her primal interest. Her time outside became far more frequent, Makenna assisting her mother with the gardens and animals, and her father offering time spent on the water. However, when finished with her tasks, she took great pleasure in being alone, allowing for her to acknowledge the life of an introvert. Her love for literature remained, and she began to write, the stories of the sea and Regalia present within the back of her mind. Her sights finally landed on Ériu-Innis, a place she had only heard tales about. Wonder overwhelmed her, where she began researching its flora and fauna, its history, as well as her culture she had neglected for some time, Ériunin. Once gaining her family's backing, she left home, ready to face the path she had chosen for herself: travelling to Ériu-Innis.
Adulthood 21-Recent

Makenna found herself prospering with her new setting, excitement motivating her to learn all she could. While educating herself of the Ériunin culture, her eyes were opened to The Draoidha Feya, something she took great interest in. She had the plan to remain on the islands for some time, until the news of her father's death reached her ears. She immediately mourned for her loss, causing the passions she once held to slowly slip from her grasp. She decided to pack her things, only to return home to her mother and siblings. She spent many of her evenings by the shore reading and writing, the environment and activities a reminder of her father, while helping her mother throughout the day with all the chores she fulfilled as a child, being there for her family in any way she could. The Draoidha Feya was a constant consideration of hers, and with her father's recent death, her belief slowly began to strengthen, the religion offering her a sense of hope. Eventually, she once again sought out Ériu-Innis. The islands and its people comforted her immensely, and with her love of history, something her father took great pride in knowing, she continued with her passions. She was introduced to an Exist Sorcerer, who explained all they could, Makenna's natural curiosity getting the better of her. With it, came her love for music, where she picked up the flute, and learned the importance of the crying whistle of the feadóg. Yet, events were quick to repeat themselves, for a letter arrived explaining her family's dire situation. Her mother's recovery from her father's death hadn't improved, resulting in her passing. Her grandparents had rushed to Dusk and Jame's sides, leading Makenna to remain in Ériu-Innis in the meantime. The Uí Aigéan siblings, one by one, returned to the Holy City, where they reunited as a family. Makenna kept to her studies, and even began to practice with a stave. She fell to the Sanguine Curse for a brief time, where she has been cured and revived to her former self.
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Hello! Just updated Meira's skills to match the new proficiency system, and added the Alais bloodline, which has been activated through RP. I also made some small changes to her culture, religion, and languages. Otherwise, all edits have been made in blue!
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