Magnanimus Working With Mechbank

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CommanderKull is gonna be a tough one to collect on, even with mag

I expect so as well, but worse come to worse I can always make a scam case against him I suppose. I'd rather not, and the admins would rather me not as well.

And the fall of the Paloin family will be short and swift, as this remark is to stand against the living, and to rebel against the families apposed to the undead. Carling Perhaps you can talk some sense into your husband?

Just a wee little note... this is OOC. You may or may not have noticed the complete lack of Duval's name ANYWHERE in this. There is no way in hell Duval would be dumb enough to get caught. At the very least he can state that he was unaware of the "Gem of Hatred" was a magical item and that it had been given to him as collateral on a large loan.
Hmmh, a pink cloud. It is war. It wasn't meant to be in character, just a sly response, nonetheless anything associated with the Mech Bank would be effected into role-play slightly, though if you wish your guarding system be involved in role-play, please state so.
Personally, on an OOC note, I would like to say that I'm happy Magnanimus came to your aid, and I'm really surprised and glad that they did such a thing.

It's just total bullshit that the staff won't help you recover scams, and if I were you, I would've just shut the bank down. But it's pretty sweet that Mag came to your aid.

+Googleplex Support for Mag :)
"Banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies." - Thomas Jefferson
Since I've always wanted to say this...

"You gimmi da money, we 'ave no problems. You don't gimmi da money, we 'ave a problem. Capisce?"
I can vouch for Mecharic being a good, honest and fair Banker. I have borrowed a average of 100 silver over my time from him, paid it all back within the dates and everything was fine.
Mecharic Of course I stand with Lady Rose on everything. It seems that this is going to cause a lot of upset amongst people, it possibly won't be safe for Clarisse or her family. I suggest you tread carefully with this plan.
This is why I never do any business when it comes to my money. My silver is my problem, and I'd rather not have a bunch of people I've never even met attacking my tribe.
Mecharic Of course I stand with Lady Rose on everything. It seems that this is going to cause a lot of upset amongst people, it possibly won't be safe for Clarisse or her family. I suggest you tread carefully with this plan.

In all honesty the whole RP aspect is irrelevant. This was done for In-Game reasons to sustain the In-Game bank. Not for the roleplay aspect that was more or less needed in order to explain to people how Magna would fight for my bank because we apparently needed a roleplay reason for it. If you want a divorce now would be as good a time as any for Duval to keel over stop running the bank, which would convert it into a solely In-Game facility.

That said, I'd really like it if people DIDN'T look at this from a roleplay perspective but rather from an OOC perspective of me trying to make sure that people actually repay my bank so I don't have to close it down (which would result it my much increased server inactivity btw). Seriously people, this was caused by loanies not paying up. Go raid them for me in Mags stead and I'll be overjoyed to pay you the normal rates for it -_-
In all honesty the whole RP aspect is irrelevant. This was done for In-Game reasons to sustain the In-Game bank. Not for the roleplay aspect that was more or less needed in order to explain to people how Magna would fight for my bank because we apparently needed a roleplay reason for it. If you want a divorce now would be as good a time as any for Duval to keel over stop running the bank, which would convert it into a solely In-Game facility.

That said, I'd really like it if people DIDN'T look at this from a roleplay perspective but rather from an OOC perspective of me trying to make sure that people actually repay my bank so I don't have to close it down (which would result it my much increased server inactivity btw). Seriously people, this was caused by loanies not paying up. Go raid them for me in Mags stead and I'll be overjoyed to pay you the normal rates for it -_-

He is right about this, people. Besides, how many of you will actually not pay your loans in time without giving due notice as to the reason? This is enforcement for something most people don't have problems with, paying on time is one of the obligations of borrowing money. Mech is perfectly within his rights to both do this, and introduce it into roleplay.
Good Idea Now will you tell us where the Faction bases are I want to set up a grand stand to watch we could make a ton of money
I think commanderkull is leaving the server anyways... He's selling all his items and an alt account

I bought both... ACTUALLY, I half own him too. As soon as he leaves for good, I get full control over his account as well. So, Mech, again, as I said on the other post, if you need help getting loans back from people who leave the server, I'd be MORE than happy to assist. :#3
I bought both... ACTUALLY, I half own him too. As soon as he leaves for good, I get full control over his account as well. So, Mech, again, as I said on the other post, if you need help getting loans back from people who leave the server, I'd be MORE than happy to assist. :#3

Will you use his account to pvp with? If you buy premium I guess. If not nvm
Will you use his account to pvp with? If you buy premium I guess. If not nvm

You kidding me? I get like, 250s every time I donate for my MAIN account. With that money I can sustainably buy prem for kull's account with silver. Therefore I see no reason NOT to buy premium, and since kull has at least *half decent* stats, I can do so with ease. SO, I'm probably going to use Kull as a PvP/RP alt. I DO want to RP more and get back into it, I've tried a few times, but I couldn't get back into the groove I used to have. Maybe since my friend Demon_Miyu *might* be joining up, I'll get out of my extended funk.
Glad to see you will be getting your money back, Mech.
However, it looks like yet another excuse for Mag members to go around killing people.
Mag will be Mag I suppose...
Glad to see you will be getting your money back, Mech.
However, it looks like yet another excuse for Mag members to go around killing people.
Mag will be Mag I suppose...
He put forward pretty much an invitation for everyone and anyone to be brusiers for him. Server will be Server.
Magnanimus is no longer working with MechBank. Therefore, locking.
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