Archived Magic

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Chief of Regulus
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score
Adelaide, SA
MagicSpells has already been suggested here: Suggestion - Magicspells plugin | MassiveCraft Forums

But this isn't about that.

Is it possible that a team member or someone can make their own Magic plugin to make wizards a playable choice.

Balance it out by having spells cost resources like gunpowder, spiders eyes, etc along with a mana bar (casts from food bar maybe? Which means you can replenish mana by eating.)

This would prevent just anyone from running around casting spells.

Have spells do things like temporary damage reduction. Maybe a few attacking spells like fireballs, but not enough to make them OP. Maybe make it so magic cannot be cast while wearing armour (Squishy wizards)

I don't know if this would even work, but its just something I was thinking of. Thought I would share.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The team, as far as I know of, has already been thinking/working on incorporating magic into Massivecraft. Cayorion is currently working on sharding, so I wouldn't expect him to try and develop a new plugin.

This looks like another vampire plugin to me which will probably cause a lot of lag on our already strained server TPS.
I doubt they will work on this until after Server Sharding and the Factions 2.0 plugin are completed... aka, a while from now lol. But I do like the idea. I would suggest that wizards can wear armor, but only Leather, Chain Mail, and Gold Armor, so as to not be walking tanks.
I was going to make a post myself but then i found this one and thought why not add my surgestion here :D
I came across some awsome plugins made for casting magic. some had pretty awsome spells in them too but.. there was one problem. If i want to surgest this to be added i do think it needs to be addapted. Here is the plugin i thought that had the best spells and !terrain damage control! :)

ofcource i am unaware of the coding recuired to get all this stuff. I am starting to get into it a bit myself resantly :D if it is to be done I do wish my Best of luck on the coding :3 Your doing already an awsome job so far guys!!!

Sorry i am still new to posting treads il try get the video into a spoiler thingy next time or however it should be done...

Here you see many awsome spells used but this does need some restricting and balancing. For instanse we don't want to have invincible wizarts :P. To begin with the wands. In the video the wands were gold tools/armour. Ofcource this would look a bit rediculous. Since items can be given names since the 1.5 update Maybe it is possible to turn a more reasonable item into a wand. For example the stick. (Don't go think about H.P. il kill you if you do >:P ) The Blaze rod might work too.

Now about whos allowed to use magic? This may be the possibility to add another feature to races. Ofcource its a bit silly to think everyone could use magic. The whole server would be only about it then and that won't allow this plugin to improve the magic department. Becomming a wizart trough some sort of trial would seem best to me. Like vampires you don't become something just because you want to be it. Although it be better to make people sacrifice items to become the wizart instead of letting them when they are undoing the process. (so the opposid way vampires do).

The magic itself. Wel ofcource we can't cast magic without energy. This energy can either be extracted from items or time. Im fine with both. But the storage of this energy will be a tough one. This will be tricky but using the experience bar as an energy bar might work. This obviously allows wizards to become masters of enchantment while we are at it :) (although we should restrict their ability to wear armour since otherwise it be once again verry atractive to be a wizart :P ) (also consider this is the costs of becomming a wizard otherwise people go wizard, craft god armour, and turn back again to wear it anyways ;/ ) Now the most important thing is ofcouce is items->energy Every items has a surtant value. This value should then be turned into experience points (incase we use the exp bar and all that wat i wrote above :) ) Like a alter of light and dark we can have an altar of magic :D
or we just use commands to do it if thats prefered :( (still i think altars will be liked more xD)

At last we came to the spells. Spells are obviously seperated into surtant sections: Distruction,Healing,Summoning,altering
Distruction is simply KILL KILL KILL. Fire a lightning bolt or a fire ball. Seems quite obvious to me :D. (add any surgestion you like yourself :P)
Healing is obviously restoring your health meter and hunger meter. You can also use wards to give your self armour this could reduce damige of a surtant type.
Summoning is also verry simply the summoning of monstors. carefull tho to make sure these monstors hunt your foe's not your friends ;p maybe something could be invented to improve the relations but thats for later.. (i dont say all these spells need to be included. its up to the moderators if they aprove surtant spells.) ofcource summoning passive mobs would be usefull aswel :D
Altering is changing your suroundings. in the video you can see the actions of magic undo your spell in a min of time. Such would also count for any alteration to the terrain done with altering. You could freeze water. turn the ground to fire! trap your enemies in crystal. :D let your imagination flow :)
Each spell ofcource corresponds to a surtant amount of energy drain. Balancing this is crusial also to the will to become a wizard. A wizard must be able to fight a swordsmen or an archer but the tree musnt be stronger than the other.

last surgestion into wat wizards could do.. Making small trowable tools. for instance the egg and snowball. The egg would be enchanted with an amount of energy and then once trown it creates a explosive result. (does no area damige) (offensive) a snowball once trown could blind an enemy for some amount of time and freeze a small area of land/water (causes fires to stop) (tacticaly). These items are obviously gifts normal people could then use. since the magical process in making them is already compleeted normal people (any race) can use these items to cast a little of their own magic aswel :D (this also opens up a new market for magic items :P )

Wel i have had my day again writing this bunch T-T. sometimes i forget why i even start writing this much but who knows maybe it may turnout into something great :D I hope you like the surgestions i made. DO know these are surgestions and you may add or remove adapt any if you feel their either incompleet or overdone. (yes i know sharding and factions comes first)
But i just hope this gives a more clear view of wat a magic plugin would have to offer :D
I was too lazy to read that, so...

I recharge for each spell would be nice, too. Depending on the power of each spell.

Examples for Spells:

[Spell] Spell name
[Recharge] How long the spell takes to recharge (seconds)
[Consumes] How many hunger levels are consumed
* This is a spell description

[Spell] Light Spell [Recharge] 5 [Consumes] 1
*This places a glow stone block where you are looking (within reach?)
[Spell] Fireball [Recharge] 10 [Consumes] 5
*This spell sends a fireball in the direction you are looking
[Spell] Summon zombie [Recharge] 30 [Consumes] 10
*This will summon a zombie that will fight for you (VampTruce bypass?)
[Spell] Lightning [Recharge] 35 [Consumes] 14
*This casts lightning at an opponent (sure hit)
[Spell] Explosion [Recharge] 120 [Consumes] 18 (or 19)
*This throws an explosive object (mine?) with a normal TNT explosion.

If you have any other spell suggestions/changes, keep this format. :)
It would need to be very very balanced but it would add a very great deal or rp aspect to it perhaps they could somehow if this is possible model it off of mcmmo I would be very interested in becoming a Mage
How about worded spells, like player alpha types: "/spell the feet of beta stick to the ground" then that (minus the /spell part) is broadcast in say chat, and so long as neither players alpha or beta are within a safe zone and are within 50 blocks of each other beta gets the slowness effect for 10-15 seconds.

Could also do things like "the strength of beta fails" for weakness or "light shine on beta" to give short period of regeneration for non-vamps, and increase heat level of vamps.

A cooldown and/or hunger or hp cost would be necessary, but as the processes of casting itself requires a name it would restrict someone's ability to fight with it and to spontaneously use it, giving those who don't use magic an edge in some encounters.
How about worded spells, like player alpha types: "/spell the feet of beta stick to the ground" then that (minus the /spell part) is broadcast in say chat, and so long as neither players alpha or beta are within a safe zone and are within 50 blocks of each other beta gets the slowness effect for 10-15 seconds.

Could also do things like "the strength of beta fails" for weakness or "light shine on beta" to give short period of regeneration for non-vamps, and increase heat level of vamps.

A cooldown and/or hunger or hp cost would be necessary, but as the processes of casting itself requires a name it would restrict someone's ability to fight with it and to spontaneously use it, giving those who don't use magic an edge in some encounters.

Incase of a real combat scenario you would have alfa the mage being busy typing while beta kills alfa with his sword everytime he tries to write a spell... No typing spells won't do good. Spells should be augmented into a staff which you then with richclick can switch between the augmented spells. leftclick would then cast the spell selected.

The idea of having magic is the ability to cast a spell without having to type it. (during a combat scenario)
besides i see many people have surgested the hungerbar as magic energy bar. In a roleplay sense using magic doesnt make you get hungry. Hunger and magic have nothing to do with one another. Using hungerbar as an energy storage for magic would also make it easy for a wizard to replenish its energy surply. Thus ending with a "near" unlimited use of energy at the expence of cheap items. (Verry overpowered if you ask me.)

cooldown for spells is however a good thing to add. You may use a different spell instantly but the already used spell needs time to recharche. (dont forget you also run out of your stored energy using too much magic). anyways it was a verry good idea though :)

Should i make a list of spells where you guys could add yours to or edit the ones i provide?
also if theres any question about the things i had surgested previously do ask :)
Your right that magic depleting the hunger bar doesn't make allot of sense, but until the minecraft modding api thingo is done we cant get any better visible charge bar. Its a choice of just cooldowns, hp drain, hunger drain, consuming materials, or maybe a charge you have to use chat to see.

This tread here: guidelines on magic, I don't do roleplay myself, but from the threads sticky status the magic system seems to be semi-officially accepted, or at least as far as roleplay is concerned. Most of its far to elaborate for a plugin, but in short you draw power from your aura and say what you want to happen. That's what I was trying to emulate by having to type it as a sentence.

There is no reason why there can't be shorter spells, like just doing /s slow beta, but keeping with the aura magic, it would have a higher cost/longer cooldown when cast.

Taking too long to cast spells can be a good thing, if everyone can instantly chuck a spell when someone jumps out at them then almost everyone would choose to be a mage. Being a major magic user wouldn't a dedicated profession like it should be, every noob and their dog would run around shouting how they are a kick ass warrior wizard.
That's why a dedicated mage would need a tank. Meaning you'd want a party, meaning you'd want a party function. :D

But I just consider splash potions magic at the moment, even though you throw them so weakly. :/
Found a couple problems with my own suggestion. As you need to type target name for many spells, people with long, hard to spell or with zeros and/or capital o in their names would be much harder to cast against.
every noob and their dog

Found a couple problems with my own suggestion. As you need to type target name for many spells, people with long, hard to spell or with zeros and/or capital o in their names would be much harder to cast against.
On a more serious note. Yes this would be a problem users with names like imine which have no numbers, no random letters and a very short would have a distinct disadvantage to players with names like iXmineYlotsZ3445746.

I suggest magic be based on the number of players between you and the person you are attacking so if alpha was attacking beta and beta was the closest player they would type /spell kill 1. If they beta was the fifth nearest attack able player they would type /spell kill 5. I believe this would reduce the OPness of magic and make it so not everyone wants to be a mage as it is complicated and hard to master. Another option is to make it so it counts all players not just the nearest ones and if you can not attack the targeted player it will display a message saying "you cannot cast a spell on them" unless it is a positive spell such as regeneration in which case you can use it on anyone. for attacks on multiple people you could type /spell kill 3 4 5 8 12. With the numbers representing the people you want to attack. Also a distance limit should be implemented for each spell (some would reach further than others).[DOUBLEPOST=1364457362,1364457165][/DOUBLEPOST]Hostile mobs would be counted in this as well so if 20 zombies were closer to you than a player and you wanted to spell the player you would type /spell kill 21. It should be made so it takes less energy to attack mobs than it does to attack players. (btw I have just used kill as example in all my spells, I am not suggesting kill should be the only spell or anything)
First I would like to remember you of two things:
1) We will not take any existing sytem. We will make our own one specially for massivecraft.
2) This system will not (ot most likely) be as you think.

As you might noticed, we do things differently than other servers. Cayorion is veyr fund of plugins and other things that are consistant and stable. (You don't know what consistant means? Google is your friend)
As such, magic will be available to everyone in some way. This means we have to make it fit without making magic OP. Spells that do damage could easely be abused (or being considered over powered) when you combine it with mcmmo.....that leaves us with much bigger problems than you can imagine. As like every plugin for the medieval universe, it should be focused on RP.

I wouldn't invest too much time in thinking about magic right now, because we simply cannot do exactly what you want. Take it as a surprise from us to you. A surprise that you have to discover yourself once we implement it...
Or we just stick to a wand which will have a spell enchanted on it which will be casted against the person you aim at. Besides we aren't just talking about healing/distruction spells here. Area spells like freezing a river for a short time is going to be extreemly difficult incase if your on the run for somewone. Sometimes Type spells aren't good enough. besides wat is the point of having typed spells anyways? It would only give an effect to the current magic usige. (current magic use: alfy types: Casts freeze spell on delta, Delta types: Becomes frozen and canot move.) This is the thing i wanted to Change to a more active combat instead of improving the old way. An archer doesnt type the name of who is is shooting at either now is he?(same with swordsman) If we are to use chat as our combat system wel then i can imagine how much our local chat is going to get spammed with messiges :/

The idea with using an item as a wand or staff and combine the item with a spell so that it could be casted like a swordsman uses his sword and an archer shoots its arrow. I can hardly believe anyone wants to be a mage typing his spells if not only in a role play sence.
This magic plugin wat i am partly surgesting is ment to change the mage part into a 3rd combat class. (or 4rth if you count potion trowing people as combat class. :P ) The only way to get a new combat class is by to allow it to act similar like the other classes. Weapons and tools are made in advance for later usage in combat: Swordsman enchants his armour and weapons, archer enchants his bow makes arrows, Mage craft staff and embue it with a spell to use during combat.

I hope you people agree with me that adding the actual usage of magic should be like i just explained above.
If spells are bound to an item then you need to have an item in order to use magic. A mighty mage rendered powerless because he didn't have time to grab a stick.
If its bound to an inventory slot than every time you use a spell you activate berserk as well, and vice versa. I could try to use berserk to break some blocks then freeze myself, or hit someone with healing right before I try to kill them.
Every method of direct forms of magic like what we have suggested here seems to be very complicated, probably too much so to be worth implementing.
I look forward to seeing how the team intends on handling magic.
First I would like to remember you of two things:
1) We will not take any existing sytem. We will make our own one specially for massivecraft.
2) This system will not (ot most likely) be as you think.

As you might noticed, we do things differently than other servers. Cayorion is ver fund of things that are consistant and stable. (You don't know what consistant means? Google is your friend)
As such, magic will be available to everyone in some way. This means we have to make it fit without making magic OP. Spells that do damage could easely be abused (or being considered over powered) when you combine it with mcmmo.....that leaves us with much bigger problems than you can imagine. As like every plugin for the medieval universe, it should be focused on RP.

I wouldn't invest too much time in thinking about magic right now, because we simply cannot do exactly what you want. Take it as a surprise from us to you. A surprise that you have to discover yourself once we implement it...

Wel i hope you got the messige of my first post on this subject correct when i was saying that the plugin in the video only gives a concept of wat we could make of it :). Ofcource it wasn't ment to be directly implanted for i didn't like the plugin as it was in the video anyways. (only surtant consepts of it like the scenematic effects and the usage.) also i did add that magic was indeed to be balanced alot so it would be equel to the usage of other combat themes. The last thing i want is magic to become op and everyone taking the path of becomming a mage. Being a mage deffinatly must have its disadvantages! Doing magic damige is already nerved down to a cooldown between the use of the same spell and a limited amount of energy to cast spells. (making it a serious drain on a mages its power if theres need of combat) --> (and if aditional energy is to be added it will be at high expence)
so no, abusing the damage capability is somewat controlled. (important to note is that it does have to be intergrated with factions so you can't damige players in other factions if not enemied.) I would never agree myself on implenting it with mcmmo since the intire usage of magic isn't based on how wel you can cast stuff but if you can cast stuff. (ofcource it could be combined for nerving it down, so maybe it can be used for the opposid thing people may be thinking of)

as of last Yes it should be used as a focus to roleplay but the implenting of magic should be constricted to roleplay only!
For then we will be again stuck with our previous magic usige (typing). Implenting magic like i said in previous post !could! add up to many layers of additions. Implenting it was in my view something that would indeed take time and divotion to make it a great adition to the server. YES do surprice us with a concept of your own but do take note on wat the majority of people hope to get. (but ofcource i am not saying something you don't already know :P )[DOUBLEPOST=1364466192,1364466087][/DOUBLEPOST]
If spells are bound to an item then you need to have an item in order to use magic. A mighty mage rendered powerless because he didn't have time to grab a stick.


Wat is the king of swords without its blades? I think mages, swordsman and archers are pretty equaly worthless without their weapons :P
Incase of a real combat scenario you would have alfa the mage being busy typing while beta kills alfa with his sword everytime he tries to write a spell... No typing spells won't do good. Spells should be augmented into a staff which you then with richclick can switch between the augmented spells. leftclick would then cast the spell selected.

The idea of having magic is the ability to cast a spell without having to type it. (during a combat scenario)
besides i see many people have surgested the hungerbar as magic energy bar. In a roleplay sense using magic doesnt make you get hungry. Hunger and magic have nothing to do with one another. Using hungerbar as an energy storage for magic would also make it easy for a wizard to replenish its energy surply. Thus ending with a "near" unlimited use of energy at the expence of cheap items. (Verry overpowered if you ask me.)

cooldown for spells is however a good thing to add. You may use a different spell instantly but the already used spell needs time to recharche. (dont forget you also run out of your stored energy using too much magic). anyways it was a verry good idea though :)

Should i make a list of spells where you guys could add yours to or edit the ones i provide?
also if theres any question about the things i had surgested previously do ask :)

Dunno if anyone said this already... but in many stories and magic-oriented shows, the mages have to chant out something in a language in order to use magic. This makes them lousy front-line warriors. However, if you get a few guards, they can deal MASSIVE damage while being protected by said guards. Imagine a high-lvl mage being guarded by high-lvl swords/axemen. The swords/axemen protect the mage while the mage works up the spell and then finishes off the attackers.

Most realistic magic has a build up, either in the form of a chanted spell or in the form of gathering energy. For the build up, the caster simply has no defense and must rely on others for that. This is more RP-acceptable, as it causes Mages to need to have defenders and expands the size/diversity of factions. It also helps game wise, as a mage without a charge up is very literally a walking machine-gun turret of magic. But if they can't shoot and move/defend at the same time, then they CAN be beaten.

So if Magic is included, they should DEFINITELY not allow them to move/defend while charging/casting a spell.
One problem I see is, with giving the mage high disadvantages (disabling armor, mcmmo, whatnot) we would limit the player too much. Pve would be nerfed somehow, the regular minecraft rules (sword defends ect) wouldn't apply anymore and the Rp possibilitys would be very limited to mage only.
But what about hybrids, priests, Paladin and other half-magic/divine characters? Everyone should somehow be able to cast magic, no just the mages only.
With that in mind, it is very unlikely that we come to a result in this thread, but please throw in your ideas so we can come back to this thread and gather inspiration.
One problem I see is, with giving the mage high disadvantages (disabling armor, mcmmo, whatnot) we would limit the player too much. Pve would be nerfed somehow, the regular minecraft rules (sword defends ect) wouldn't apply anymore and the Rp possibilitys would be very limited to mage only.
But what about hybrids, priests, Paladin and other half-magic/divine characters? Everyone should somehow be able to cast magic, no just the mages only.
Wiht that in mind, it is very unlikely that we come to a result in this thread, but please throw in your ideas so we can come back to this thread and gather inspiration.
Elves are full magic, are they not?
The team, as far as I know of, has already been thinking/working on incorporating magic into Massivecraft. Cayorion is currently working on sharding, so I wouldn't expect him to try and develop a new plugin.

This looks like another vampire plugin to me which will probably cause a lot of lag on our already strained server TPS.
Agreed. Now to build of what you said, assuming that this is considered. People aren't going to like what I'm going to say, but-

First, mages need to besomewhat underpowered, otherwise everyone is going to be one, not for roleplay purposes, but for pvp boosts and 'lulz look what I can do'. Secondly, I think there should be a level of learning to magic. Someone who has been RP'ing as an archmage and chose mage, and has been using it for a long time as someone who joins the server in 1 day and gets the ability. So say mage is some sort of race or class. I'm saying you might learn a new spell every couple weeks by using your current spells, and the first 5-10 spells are very simple things like perhaps a cast-able night vision potion, or creating a block of fire without a flint and tinder. This would reduce the amount of noob mages, and the ones who have a large selection of powerful spells would be regarded as much powerful. I know that the cayorion and the other people are probably not gonna take in any ideas, but thats just a quite simple one.

I myself don't see why all magic has to be combat magic. I would more enjoy spells that I can use in regular roleplay with friends. Perhaps a spell that can harvest a section of crops without needing to break anything, or maybe a spell that temporarily slows down a fall, as if your in water? (I have no idea if that is possible, just trying to think of ideas.)) Another one might be an illumination spell, which places a glowstone block at your feet and respawns under you every few blocks as you move? And the normal block would be replaced after you moved on.
Agreed with Golem. I would like no combat spells at all, but I would enjoy spells like quick bonemeal, an extra light source, maybe an extra mob or a chance to get more from mining. These are the ones that improve roleplay the most and will entertain people.
Agreed with Golem. I would like no combat spells at all, but I would enjoy spells like quick bonemeal, an extra light source, maybe an extra mob or a chance to get more from mining. These are the ones that improve roleplay the most and will entertain people.

While I agree that magic should have non-aggressive uses, I feel that anything that can be used as a tool will eventually be used as a weapon. There should be some combat spells, but they should also be, say, one use spells or spells that take a hefty toll (like needing a golden block or two to cast the spell). Also, each race could/should have magics they specialize in.

Elves - Forest Growth Spell - Grows all saplings over a region of area that increases in size per the number of emerald blocks used. The radius increases by 16 blocks for every emerald block used.

Dwarves - Cave Creation Spell - For every 16 Iron Blocks, a Chunk of Stone/Dirt can be cleared away. Does not increase radius if more then 16 iron blocks are used.

Humans - Farm Growth Spell - Grows all farm-able plants (including cocoa beans) within 16 blocks. Uses one quartz block.

and so on for each race as a peaceful spell. Combat spells would be like:

Star Arrows - can be cast upon another player, gives their bow flame1 enchant for 2 minutes. Costs 16 Netherrack and 1 lava bucket.

Heavy Feet - Can be cast on another player, causes them to move as the speed they do when in soul sand. Prevents knockback from working. Costs 16 soul sand and 1 diamond block.

Stuff like these semi-passive spells would enhance pvp and give magic a useful role outside of peaceful activities without making it too powerful. Since the spells are cast via type /spell cast <spellname> <target player/radius> they would make it risky to be a magic user in combat, and since they use valuable resources they won't be abused too much. PVP spells can be used in enemy territory, and turn off pacifist regardless of where/how they are being cast. Peaceful spells do not work in territory that blocks editing.

I think I digressed from my initial topic, but even so, what do you folks think about it?
Agreed with Golem. I would like no combat spells at all, but I would enjoy spells like quick bonemeal, an extra light source, maybe an extra mob or a chance to get more from mining. These are the ones that improve roleplay the most and will entertain people.
Well I don't there there should be absolutely no combat magic, I just meant to say that there's more to magic then fighting.
Wel lets just say for short we do have our disagreements about wat should or shouldn't be added. Eventualy its up to the staff to decide wat is best for the server to add and not to add. Maybe they will add something compleetly different from wat we surgest. And so we can only hope they find our surgestions interesting enough :P. Il put a new and compleet list of all the things id surgest. I do warn that should you find things in it you like but don't like the whole package, know then that the best things can be picked out of it. (This is wat to my believes usualy happens when many people make surgestions.) So just to start Il put all in spoilers so i won't over spam the whole topic board :P.

1, Becomming a Mage
2, Saving magic
3, Charging magic
4, Using magic
5, Learning spells
6, Spell list
7, Adtitional magic usage
8, Other magic using enteties
9, rp
10, nerving mage
11, short reply on some previous posts

1, Becomming a Mage
The first steps to becomming a mage is by starting to charge your energy to the fullest. How this energy is to be stored will be explained in the next section. (similar to the dark decease going 100% to get vampirism.) The aprentice can start this process by building an altar of magic. A second surgestion on to starting the process is doing a ritual where you will have to sacrifice a surtant amount of items. For example: 4 emeralds 4 diamonds 4 goldbars a golden carrot and some wheat. (note this could be anything.) (note2 making the starting process expensive addsup to reducing the choice of people becomming mage.) Once the process is compleet and you hit 100% you will become an aprentice mage. At this stage you have no way of using your magic yet. (Not for casting magic at the least.) Wat could be added is that the recuirements of becomming a mage could be race bound. For example you will have to be a race that is known for the ability to use magic. Or disallow already adapted enteties not to become mage aswel. In this case i am ofcource talking about vampires. Since they already have surtant advantages/disadvantiges, disallowing them could ensure some balancing. (besides all races could be allowed to use magic but incase of vampires i personally recommend to disallow them)

2, Saving magic
To store magic there are many options. First we could do it simply trough direct item sacrifice. Each usage of magic (depending on wat level of usage) will recuire a surtant amount of items. A great disadvantige is that magic will become verry expensive. The second surgestion would be using the hungerbar. Using the magic drains energy from your hunger. Although this could easily be replenished with food, eating food reduces your mobility between the uses of magic. A 2e thing to take considering in with the hungerbar is that you have a verry limited choise of how much magic a spell would cost. Last but not least (my favourite aswel), the experiencebar. The experience bar is a less limited storage of magic since it can count up more than 30 levels of experience. With the experiencebar you can also implent the previously mention item sacrifice as an adition. (a boost of magic) (Achievement unlocked! MAGIKA POTION! :P) but seriously this would take less toll on your inventory or hunger levels. (Growing hungy for using magic doesn't sound right in my opinion :/ ) Now ofcource both hunger and experience meters will recharge on their own explained in the next section

3, Charging magic
When it comes to replenishing your magic surply i have already previously added the sacrificing of items. this i realy do like but it should be a choise not a requirement in my opiniom. Thats why i think energy should recharge over time. Conditions to this however can be added. For instance creating an alter of magic and being in its presants recharges you. (in this case the alter gives you a recharge effect lasting for a while so you don't get borred just standing next to it :P. (alter could also be used to boost the recharge if its not the main charger) Magic only recharge when your standing in sunlight or during night time. Loose from the conditions it will be up to staff to set the recharge rate for both standart and boosted recharge. more about the magic alter in section 7

4, Using magic
This is indeed the tough one. How we use magic? How do we cast it? Some people surgested trough typing the magic commands. (personaly i don't like to type every spell i like to cast, some times i just like to cast magic instantly.) Wat i am a bout to surgest i am unsure of if it will actualy work. Since the resant minecraft update we can name almost every item. Using this i was hoping we could like spells to a staff like item. For example a stick or blazerod. (incase it has a decent texture in the texturepack) Wat will happen is that the staff will be given a name. (this name you may give it yourself) You are allowed to bound a surtant amount of spells to each staff you craft. Be warned! crafting a staff will come with the expence of magic and items. Thus also to be taken in an account that you can't use a staff if it has a spell you don't controll yet. (more of enabling spells in next section) Using the staff will be simple. left clicking will cast the selected spell and richtclicking toggles between the spells the staff contains. (ofcource the mage knows every spell and in a way be able to use them all but limiting the amount of spells per staff is only to make it easyer to switch between your spells should you be a high mage and have alot.) Staffs will be dropped on death. But if your not a mage you will only be able to sell it to somewone who does has use to it. (more of this in section 7) A last usage of the staff which may be more tricky is to allow a power charge. Like a bow you will charge your staffs energ and then release for a more powerfull effect. But programming this with items which may not have this will become intensly difficult so if you can do it, then add it! if its to hard then its alright if it aint in there. (its a surgestion after all :P )

5, Learning spells
To learn spells can be done trough the obtaining of a surtant level of mage. Mcmmo was previously mentioned. This would surtantly be a good way to allow mages to learn spells over experience. implanting it with Mcmmo? i have no clue how to do that so... I don't know if that is possible. An alternate way to obtain new spells is by using your own magic. Trough commands you would then sacrifice a large portion of collected magic to learn a new spell. A surtant research tree can be added to the process asking previous spells to be learned first before enabeling more advanced ones. With Mcmmo they obviously would just come in a row as you progress. unfortunatly i don't know many ways to obtain spells. All spells can also be enabled at the beginning but then you will loose the actual learning process of spells and thus less rp (more about rp in section 9) A funny way to obtain new spells is by slaying monsters and (roleplay) soultrap them to learn a new spell trough their energy/memories. This will recuire you to have some good pve capability.

6, Spell list
Wel ofcource everyone will want to add their own spells in here :P theres nothing i can change to that.
There for i will just add my own inventer list and make it as good as i possibly can. :D Il devide the list in classes

spelname, dicription, effect
~Distruction~ (the name says it. Combat oriented spells)
Fire punch, weak fire spell on target, fire damige over short time
Fire wall, area spell creates a wall of fire, Small area infront of player turns to fire for short moment.
Fire ball, medium fire spell, once hit does direct damige and fire damige over a short time
Fire ring, medium area spell, Creates a ring of fire around the player
Fire storm, rain of fire, Casts down a rain of fire balls on selected player or area doing direct damage and fire damige over time.
(short note! fire shouldnt hurt the caster or its allies if possible!)
Ice punch, weak ice spell on target, does direct damige and lowers the enemy its hunger a bit
Frost wall, area spell wall of ice, The area infront of the player cools down slowing down any enemy in the affected area.
Ice spike, medium ice spell, Casts a ice spike doing direct damige.
Frost ring, A area turns to frost, The area around the player slows down enemy's decrease hunger
Ice storm, A storm of ice and frost, Does direct damige to the selected area and slows down enemy's decreasing their hunger
(short note! hunger only goes down a little with every spell, but players are heavily slowed down)
Electric punch, weak lightning spell on target, Does direct damige and does punch effect.
Electric wall, small area spell, small radius of caster gets direct damige and gets punch effect.
Lightning bolt, medium lighning spell on target, does direct damige and does punch effect. (both stronger than electric punch)
Lightning ring, medium area spell, medium radius of caster ets direct damige and gets punch effect.(stronger than wall)
Lightning storm, A storm of lighning, Doing direct damige (possible chain on enemys?) if not than simply radius on impact.

~Restoration~ (restores and protects life)
Gift of blessing, heals on target, heals a player over time
Aura of Healing, area spell, heals all players in a radius of caster over time
Hart of life, medium heals on target, instant heals surtant amount of hitpoints
Cure of healing, Cures a player, Removes all negative effects of a player
Replenish, restore hunger, use magic to restore hungerbar (this is only temporairy and will fade after a while)
(short note! GoB and AoH both increase the !regeneration rate! of hitpoints regardless of hunger)
Field of protection, weak area spell, Increases the damige resistance in radius
Aura of reflection, reflects projectiles, Anything trown at the player bounces off or has no effect (spell works for only a second)
Aura of life, uses magic as protection, once equiped any damige done to player drains magic first! (can't inflict damige yourself)
high blessing, stronger resistence on player, increases the damige resistence on a player (stronger resistence than FoP)
(short note! aura of life only works correctly when the spell remains equiped and the staff is in the mage his hand!)

~Alteration~ (For the people who don't like combat spells)
Freezing cold, freezes the land, Temporairly turns water to ice and add a layer of snow on land
Augmented fire, magical flint and steel, Turns a peice of land to fire (temporairly unless netherrack)
Nature's love, bonemeal, Creates perminent tallgrass and flowers like bonemeal does.
guardian light, creates light, Player becomes a lightsource (not sure if this is possible) otherwise creates a temporairy glowstone
Warp travel, Into the nether!, Makes a temp portal into the nether without leaving obsidian gates on either sides! (if possible)
Time travel, Into the end!, makes temp portal into the end. (should there be an end world)
(short note! warp/time travel also works reversed from nether/end to overworld.)

~illusion~ (creates illusions and effects on players)
crystal prison, traps enemy, Creates a glass prison around an enemy (enemy can break free and glass dissapear over time)
Blinding light, blinds an enemy, Enemy has reduced vision for short moment
mind wars, confuses enemy, target player will get (nethergate effect) for short time (might do little damige if target not a mage)
cameleon, Hide youself, caster become invisible (similar to the potion effect) but for a short time
Cloak, area hidding effect, people in a radius become invisible.
mind trick, fools enemy's , places a pile of inreal diamond blocks (dissapear after a while or on tough)
deceiver, Don't trust the cow, Turns the caster into a mob for surtant amount of time (should it be allowed)

~summoning~(spawns mobs)
Army of undead, spawns hostile mobs, chance of 2-3 zombies 1-2 skeletons 0-1 creeper
Life of nature, spawns 0-2 of any passive mob
Army of living, spawns an iron golum (mostly for pve) ( disapear after a while)

To inflict surtant spells like direct healing on the caster himself (no area spells) then the caster must aim either at the ground or air (not at other players)

(Important note!) All spells are surgestions make your own interpitation of the spells these are all to give an example :).

7, Adtitional magic usage
To begin we can have alters of magic. Similar to a altar of light and darkness there will be recuired items to make it. The usage of the altar will be crafting staffs and obtaining a magic regeneration boost. Another thing would be allowing staffs for trade. Now we can have our own magic shop :D. A good item to introduce would be Enchantment bottles. You can fill a bottle at an Magic altar with magic from your own and sell it on the market. (incase the magic is based of expbar) Another good thing which i already surgested before but i think wasn't realy noticed i think SO IL MAKE SURE YOU READ IT :D Magic eggs and snowballs. Eggs would be enchanted with magic to create an explosive effect when snowballs will give a blindness and slowness effect :D. (just thought this would be an awsome idea :P ) These 2 items can also be used as magical trade stuff. An important usage is also ofcource enchanting. it seems much easier for a mage now to enchant armour since they can easily achieve experience. Yes they should be allowed to use the aditional gained experience for enchanting as it can be seen as the 5th spell class aswel. (There will be a pretty considerable nerv to this later on).

8, Other magic using enteties
as somewone also asked about spriests and hybrid magic users. Yes they too should be able to use some form of magic.
A few spells at their disposal would allow them to use also magic but! The priest for instance must be reconisable from normal players. This is to prevent everyone enjoying the priest his abilities. And a good notice is that the priest must also the sacrifice something to balance the addons. (this also counts for other enteties capable of using magic.)

9, rp
roleplay is an important aspact of massivecraft. mage are untill now roleplay only! they are imaginative and hold no powers yet. With the surgestions we plan to change that giving them real abilities. This does not change the usage of mages in roleplay instead increases the actual roleplay as it plays. Instead of crossing an imaginative lake frozen by the wizard you can now actualy do that! (incase the surgestion is accepted ofcource xD) Speaking the spells is however something no longer needed with the wand/staff but! When casting the spell it may be programmed that a messige will appear in local saying which magic spell is casted or any discription to it. Mages won't be come a must have in role play. Even with the added visual effect you don't need them. But having them is now better than having them before.

10, nerving mage
Here comes the big aspect on how to balance a mage back down to equel the archer and the swordsman. Spells casted recuire a cool period. So you can't cast the same spell constantly. (ofcource the waiting periods are different with each spell)
The verry basic surgestion of needing energy to cast magic nerves mages down to needing to recharge their power if not boosted in any way. (mostly expensive items boost alot) No longer allowing the mage to wear armour. Yes this is a big blow to the head of anyone who want to be a mage. Why no armour? Mages use magic to protect themselves! i already surgested a few spells on protection of a mage. If they get armour ontop of that wont they just be uber soldiers? so no! no armour for the mage. the usage of bows and sword is allowable but because the mage has no armour it will need to use magic to atleast defend himself from incomming attacks. Also putting high prices on becomming a mage will keep the rate of people who want to become a mage low aswel. Some won't make the jump of spending so much items on becomming one. Mage's loose their staff apon death! and they wont keep their magika either! if they die they loose it all. also something to balance the mage his power.
Mcmmo should be allowed to the mage though. just because you can use magic now doesnt mean you can't do anything els. surely a mage may just collect wood, stone and farm watever he wants. only when it comes down to the aspect of who the person is and how he fights he will be a mage.

11, short reply on some previous posts
Well I don't there there should be absolutely no combat magic, I just meant to say that there's more to magic then fighting.
yes there is more to magic then just fighting but thats no reason to take the combat out of the concept. only to add other stuff besides combat into the concept.
Dunno if anyone said this already... but in many stories and magic-oriented shows, the mages have to chant out something in a language in order to use magic. This makes them lousy front-line warriors. However, if you get a few guards, they can deal MASSIVE damage while being protected by said guards. Imagine a high-lvl mage being guarded by high-lvl swords/axemen. The swords/axemen protect the mage while the mage works up the spell and then finishes off the attackers.

Most realistic magic has a build up, either in the form of a chanted spell or in the form of gathering energy. For the build up, the caster simply has no defense and must rely on others for that. This is more RP-acceptable, as it causes Mages to need to have defenders and expands the size/diversity of factions. It also helps game wise, as a mage without a charge up is very literally a walking machine-gun turret of magic. But if they can't shoot and move/defend at the same time, then they CAN be beaten.

So if Magic is included, they should DEFINITELY not allow them to move/defend while charging/casting a spell.
If possible add the charging effect of a bow to the staff/wand but wat you surgest makes mages dependant of others. Mages indeed musn't be stronger than a swordsman or bowman but equeling to them seems fine to me. If your afraid that a swordsman can't get close to a mage then ask yourself how that goes with a bowman who has punch II power V flame II :P (or watever god bow combo may exist ) (and don't forget enderpearls :D ) yes the mage can inflict much damige, but if balanced well, then he will kill somewone just as legit as a bowman would kill an swordman.

One problem I see is, with giving the mage high disadvantages (disabling armor, mcmmo, whatnot) we would limit the player too much. Pve would be nerfed somehow, the regular minecraft rules (sword defends ect) wouldn't apply anymore and the Rp possibilitys would be very limited to mage only.
But what about hybrids, priests, Paladin and other half-magic/divine characters? Everyone should somehow be able to cast magic, no just the mages only.
I think i have made plenty surgestions regarding the problems were faced with. Mages been given great disadvantages is a sacriface for the things they get in return. besides pve doesnt need to be nerved if the usage of magic is possible trough enchanting a wand/staff like i explained. wat you mean with "rp possibilitys would be very limited to mage only" i dont fully understand. But wat mages have to offer in role play will only be increased. It won't overmaster other characters. or become impossible for a mage to role play. half magic users i also implented into the surgestion. They would also make a good adition to a more magical culture :D. And about everyone being allowed to use alittle magic... You can't expect a random person with no knowledge of the mage lore to preform a powerfull spell... You can expect him to use watever magical item you give him. For instance my magical eggs :D (POOF THEY SHALL IN THY FACE!) :P

Wiht that in mind, it is very unlikely that we come to a result in this thread, but please throw in your ideas so we can come back to this thread and gather inspiration.
Right on top of it :P
I have an idea. We already use experience levels for enchanting, a sort of magic. What if each spell consumes a certain amount of experience levels? This will make you have to work to use spells and there won't be many noob mages. Or you have to enchant a book a certain way to get a spell (still consumes materials).
In terms of casting the spell how about type it, then you click at a target to cast it, and if you move before casting the spell is undone.

@ emperor_max- if a light altar is used in the process of making a mage then it implies magic is sourced from good, not a thing of either.

Having no requirements of being a mage, as in everyone can cast spells without any initiation, is probably the way to go. Maybe make it so people can't cast spells when in iron, diamond or chain armour, or what they can cast is restricted, but that they can still choose to wear it.
I have an idea. We already use experience levels for enchanting, a sort of magic. What if each spell consumes a certain amount of experience levels? This will make you have to work to use spells and there won't be many noob mages.
(clap)you just said what has being said 2 posts earlier without even mentioning the existence of the earlier post.

Seriously, did you even read emperor_max's post?[DOUBLEPOST=1364529685,1364529578][/DOUBLEPOST]Not to mention the way you said it was much less thought out than emperor_max's post. Also if you still don't want to read his entire post at least read spoiler 2.
(clap)you just said what has being said 2 posts earlier without even mentioning the existence of the earlier post.

Seriously, did you even read emperor_max's post?[DOUBLEPOST=1364529685,1364529578][/DOUBLEPOST]Not to mention the way you said it was much less thought out than emperor_max's post. Also if you still don't want to read his entire post at least read spoiler 2.
It was too long.
Wel lets just say for short we do have our disagreements about wat should or shouldn't be added. Eventualy its up to the staff to decide wat is best for the server to add and not to add. Maybe they will add something compleetly different from wat we surgest. And so we can only hope they find our surgestions interesting enough :P. Il put a new and compleet list of all the things id surgest. I do warn that should you find things in it you like but don't like the whole package, know then that the best things can be picked out of it. (This is wat to my believes usualy happens when many people make surgestions.) So just to start Il put all in spoilers so i won't over spam the whole topic board :P.

1, Becomming a Mage
2, Saving magic
3, Charging magic
4, Using magic
5, Learning spells
6, Spell list
7, Adtitional magic usage
8, Other magic using enteties
9, rp
10, nerving mage
11, short reply on some previous posts

1, Becomming a Mage
The first steps to becomming a mage is by starting to charge your energy to the fullest. How this energy is to be stored will be explained in the next section. (similar to the dark decease going 100% to get vampirism.) The aprentice can start this process by building an altar of magic. A second surgestion on to starting the process is doing a ritual where you will have to sacrifice a surtant amount of items. For example: 4 emeralds 4 diamonds 4 goldbars a golden carrot and some wheat. (note this could be anything.) (note2 making the starting process expensive addsup to reducing the choice of people becomming mage.) Once the process is compleet and you hit 100% you will become an aprentice mage. At this stage you have no way of using your magic yet. (Not for casting magic at the least.) Wat could be added is that the recuirements of becomming a mage could be race bound. For example you will have to be a race that is known for the ability to use magic. Or disallow already adapted enteties not to become mage aswel. In this case i am ofcource talking about vampires. Since they already have surtant advantages/disadvantiges, disallowing them could ensure some balancing. (besides all races could be allowed to use magic but incase of vampires i personally recommend to disallow them)

2, Saving magic
To store magic there are many options. First we could do it simply trough direct item sacrifice. Each usage of magic (depending on wat level of usage) will recuire a surtant amount of items. A great disadvantige is that magic will become verry expensive. The second surgestion would be using the hungerbar. Using the magic drains energy from your hunger. Although this could easily be replenished with food, eating food reduces your mobility between the uses of magic. A 2e thing to take considering in with the hungerbar is that you have a verry limited choise of how much magic a spell would cost. Last but not least (my favourite aswel), the experiencebar. The experience bar is a less limited storage of magic since it can count up more than 30 levels of experience. With the experiencebar you can also implent the previously mention item sacrifice as an adition. (a boost of magic) (Achievement unlocked! MAGIKA POTION! :P) but seriously this would take less toll on your inventory or hunger levels. (Growing hungy for using magic doesn't sound right in my opinion :/ ) Now ofcource both hunger and experience meters will recharge on their own explained in the next section

3, Charging magic
When it comes to replenishing your magic surply i have already previously added the sacrificing of items. this i realy do like but it should be a choise not a requirement in my opiniom. Thats why i think energy should recharge over time. Conditions to this however can be added. For instance creating an alter of magic and being in its presants recharges you. (in this case the alter gives you a recharge effect lasting for a while so you don't get borred just standing next to it :P. (alter could also be used to boost the recharge if its not the main charger) Magic only recharge when your standing in sunlight or during night time. Loose from the conditions it will be up to staff to set the recharge rate for both standart and boosted recharge. more about the magic alter in section 7

4, Using magic
This is indeed the tough one. How we use magic? How do we cast it? Some people surgested trough typing the magic commands. (personaly i don't like to type every spell i like to cast, some times i just like to cast magic instantly.) Wat i am a bout to surgest i am unsure of if it will actualy work. Since the resant minecraft update we can name almost every item. Using this i was hoping we could like spells to a staff like item. For example a stick or blazerod. (incase it has a decent texture in the texturepack) Wat will happen is that the staff will be given a name. (this name you may give it yourself) You are allowed to bound a surtant amount of spells to each staff you craft. Be warned! crafting a staff will come with the expence of magic and items. Thus also to be taken in an account that you can't use a staff if it has a spell you don't controll yet. (more of enabling spells in next section) Using the staff will be simple. left clicking will cast the selected spell and richtclicking toggles between the spells the staff contains. (ofcource the mage knows every spell and in a way be able to use them all but limiting the amount of spells per staff is only to make it easyer to switch between your spells should you be a high mage and have alot.) Staffs will be dropped on death. But if your not a mage you will only be able to sell it to somewone who does has use to it. (more of this in section 7) A last usage of the staff which may be more tricky is to allow a power charge. Like a bow you will charge your staffs energ and then release for a more powerfull effect. But programming this with items which may not have this will become intensly difficult so if you can do it, then add it! if its to hard then its alright if it aint in there. (its a surgestion after all :P )

5, Learning spells
To learn spells can be done trough the obtaining of a surtant level of mage. Mcmmo was previously mentioned. This would surtantly be a good way to allow mages to learn spells over experience. implanting it with Mcmmo? i have no clue how to do that so... I don't know if that is possible. An alternate way to obtain new spells is by using your own magic. Trough commands you would then sacrifice a large portion of collected magic to learn a new spell. A surtant research tree can be added to the process asking previous spells to be learned first before enabeling more advanced ones. With Mcmmo they obviously would just come in a row as you progress. unfortunatly i don't know many ways to obtain spells. All spells can also be enabled at the beginning but then you will loose the actual learning process of spells and thus less rp (more about rp in section 9) A funny way to obtain new spells is by slaying monsters and (roleplay) soultrap them to learn a new spell trough their energy/memories. This will recuire you to have some good pve capability.

6, Spell list
Wel ofcource everyone will want to add their own spells in here :P theres nothing i can change to that.
There for i will just add my own inventer list and make it as good as i possibly can. :D Il devide the list in classes

spelname, dicription, effect
~Distruction~ (the name says it. Combat oriented spells)
Fire punch, weak fire spell on target, fire damige over short time
Fire wall, area spell creates a wall of fire, Small area infront of player turns to fire for short moment.
Fire ball, medium fire spell, once hit does direct damige and fire damige over a short time
Fire ring, medium area spell, Creates a ring of fire around the player
Fire storm, rain of fire, Casts down a rain of fire balls on selected player or area doing direct damage and fire damige over time.
(short note! fire shouldnt hurt the caster or its allies if possible!)
Ice punch, weak ice spell on target, does direct damige and lowers the enemy its hunger a bit
Frost wall, area spell wall of ice, The area infront of the player cools down slowing down any enemy in the affected area.
Ice spike, medium ice spell, Casts a ice spike doing direct damige.
Frost ring, A area turns to frost, The area around the player slows down enemy's decrease hunger
Ice storm, A storm of ice and frost, Does direct damige to the selected area and slows down enemy's decreasing their hunger
(short note! hunger only goes down a little with every spell, but players are heavily slowed down)
Electric punch, weak lightning spell on target, Does direct damige and does punch effect.
Electric wall, small area spell, small radius of caster gets direct damige and gets punch effect.
Lightning bolt, medium lighning spell on target, does direct damige and does punch effect. (both stronger than electric punch)
Lightning ring, medium area spell, medium radius of caster ets direct damige and gets punch effect.(stronger than wall)
Lightning storm, A storm of lighning, Doing direct damige (possible chain on enemys?) if not than simply radius on impact.

~Restoration~ (restores and protects life)
Gift of blessing, heals on target, heals a player over time
Aura of Healing, area spell, heals all players in a radius of caster over time
Hart of life, medium heals on target, instant heals surtant amount of hitpoints
Cure of healing, Cures a player, Removes all negative effects of a player
Replenish, restore hunger, use magic to restore hungerbar (this is only temporairy and will fade after a while)
(short note! GoB and AoH both increase the !regeneration rate! of hitpoints regardless of hunger)
Field of protection, weak area spell, Increases the damige resistance in radius
Aura of reflection, reflects projectiles, Anything trown at the player bounces off or has no effect (spell works for only a second)
Aura of life, uses magic as protection, once equiped any damige done to player drains magic first! (can't inflict damige yourself)
high blessing, stronger resistence on player, increases the damige resistence on a player (stronger resistence than FoP)
(short note! aura of life only works correctly when the spell remains equiped and the staff is in the mage his hand!)

~Alteration~ (For the people who don't like combat spells)
Freezing cold, freezes the land, Temporairly turns water to ice and add a layer of snow on land
Augmented fire, magical flint and steel, Turns a peice of land to fire (temporairly unless netherrack)
Nature's love, bonemeal, Creates perminent tallgrass and flowers like bonemeal does.
guardian light, creates light, Player becomes a lightsource (not sure if this is possible) otherwise creates a temporairy glowstone
Warp travel, Into the nether!, Makes a temp portal into the nether without leaving obsidian gates on either sides! (if possible)
Time travel, Into the end!, makes temp portal into the end. (should there be an end world)
(short note! warp/time travel also works reversed from nether/end to overworld.)

~illusion~ (creates illusions and effects on players)
crystal prison, traps enemy, Creates a glass prison around an enemy (enemy can break free and glass dissapear over time)
Blinding light, blinds an enemy, Enemy has reduced vision for short moment
mind wars, confuses enemy, target player will get (nethergate effect) for short time (might do little damige if target not a mage)
cameleon, Hide youself, caster become invisible (similar to the potion effect) but for a short time
Cloak, area hidding effect, people in a radius become invisible.
mind trick, fools enemy's , places a pile of inreal diamond blocks (dissapear after a while or on tough)
deceiver, Don't trust the cow, Turns the caster into a mob for surtant amount of time (should it be allowed)

~summoning~(spawns mobs)
Army of undead, spawns hostile mobs, chance of 2-3 zombies 1-2 skeletons 0-1 creeper
Life of nature, spawns 0-2 of any passive mob
Army of living, spawns an iron golum (mostly for pve) ( disapear after a while)

To inflict surtant spells like direct healing on the caster himself (no area spells) then the caster must aim either at the ground or air (not at other players)

(Important note!) All spells are surgestions make your own interpitation of the spells these are all to give an example :).

7, Adtitional magic usage
To begin we can have alters of magic. Similar to a altar of light and darkness there will be recuired items to make it. The usage of the altar will be crafting staffs and obtaining a magic regeneration boost. Another thing would be allowing staffs for trade. Now we can have our own magic shop :D. A good item to introduce would be Enchantment bottles. You can fill a bottle at an Magic altar with magic from your own and sell it on the market. (incase the magic is based of expbar) Another good thing which i already surgested before but i think wasn't realy noticed i think SO IL MAKE SURE YOU READ IT :D Magic eggs and snowballs. Eggs would be enchanted with magic to create an explosive effect when snowballs will give a blindness and slowness effect :D. (just thought this would be an awsome idea :P ) These 2 items can also be used as magical trade stuff. An important usage is also ofcource enchanting. it seems much easier for a mage now to enchant armour since they can easily achieve experience. Yes they should be allowed to use the aditional gained experience for enchanting as it can be seen as the 5th spell class aswel. (There will be a pretty considerable nerv to this later on).

8, Other magic using enteties
as somewone also asked about spriests and hybrid magic users. Yes they too should be able to use some form of magic.
A few spells at their disposal would allow them to use also magic but! The priest for instance must be reconisable from normal players. This is to prevent everyone enjoying the priest his abilities. And a good notice is that the priest must also the sacrifice something to balance the addons. (this also counts for other enteties capable of using magic.)

9, rp
roleplay is an important aspact of massivecraft. mage are untill now roleplay only! they are imaginative and hold no powers yet. With the surgestions we plan to change that giving them real abilities. This does not change the usage of mages in roleplay instead increases the actual roleplay as it plays. Instead of crossing an imaginative lake frozen by the wizard you can now actualy do that! (incase the surgestion is accepted ofcource xD) Speaking the spells is however something no longer needed with the wand/staff but! When casting the spell it may be programmed that a messige will appear in local saying which magic spell is casted or any discription to it. Mages won't be come a must have in role play. Even with the added visual effect you don't need them. But having them is now better than having them before.

10, nerving mage
Here comes the big aspect on how to balance a mage back down to equel the archer and the swordsman. Spells casted recuire a cool period. So you can't cast the same spell constantly. (ofcource the waiting periods are different with each spell)
The verry basic surgestion of needing energy to cast magic nerves mages down to needing to recharge their power if not boosted in any way. (mostly expensive items boost alot) No longer allowing the mage to wear armour. Yes this is a big blow to the head of anyone who want to be a mage. Why no armour? Mages use magic to protect themselves! i already surgested a few spells on protection of a mage. If they get armour ontop of that wont they just be uber soldiers? so no! no armour for the mage. the usage of bows and sword is allowable but because the mage has no armour it will need to use magic to atleast defend himself from incomming attacks. Also putting high prices on becomming a mage will keep the rate of people who want to become a mage low aswel. Some won't make the jump of spending so much items on becomming one. Mage's loose their staff apon death! and they wont keep their magika either! if they die they loose it all. also something to balance the mage his power.
Mcmmo should be allowed to the mage though. just because you can use magic now doesnt mean you can't do anything els. surely a mage may just collect wood, stone and farm watever he wants. only when it comes down to the aspect of who the person is and how he fights he will be a mage.

11, short reply on some previous posts
yes there is more to magic then just fighting but thats no reason to take the combat out of the concept. only to add other stuff besides combat into the concept.

If possible add the charging effect of a bow to the staff/wand but wat you surgest makes mages dependant of others. Mages indeed musn't be stronger than a swordsman or bowman but equeling to them seems fine to me. If your afraid that a swordsman can't get close to a mage then ask yourself how that goes with a bowman who has punch II power V flame II :P (or watever god bow combo may exist ) (and don't forget enderpearls :D ) yes the mage can inflict much damige, but if balanced well, then he will kill somewone just as legit as a bowman would kill an swordman.


I think i have made plenty surgestions regarding the problems were faced with. Mages been given great disadvantages is a sacriface for the things they get in return. besides pve doesnt need to be nerved if the usage of magic is possible trough enchanting a wand/staff like i explained. wat you mean with "rp possibilitys would be very limited to mage only" i dont fully understand. But wat mages have to offer in role play will only be increased. It won't overmaster other characters. or become impossible for a mage to role play. half magic users i also implented into the surgestion. They would also make a good adition to a more magical culture :D. And about everyone being allowed to use alittle magic... You can't expect a random person with no knowledge of the mage lore to preform a powerfull spell... You can expect him to use watever magical item you give him. For instance my magical eggs :D (POOF THEY SHALL IN THY FACE!) :P

Right on top of it :P
While I agree with everything you have said, never have I once argued that combat magic shouldn't be a part of it. That was Imboring, if you read the quote of mine that you posted you'll see I actually said I wanted to have the inclusion of both...
I also agree with this. With the source of magic I like the exp bar idea. This would mean mages have to rest (as in not use magic, they would really be killing mobs with normal weapons to get exp) between there magic uses. More powerful spells should cost more exp to use.

How ever there is one thing I would like to add. If you run out of exp you can still cast small spells however casting one will start a process which give you negative potion effects ending in a wither effect. Every spell you use after starting these effects reduces the time until the wither kicks in. You can only use small spells in this time. It would work like this.

Have exp - no negative effects
Run out - no negative effects
Cast another spell - starts negative effects
0 minutes after casting spell - weakness and slowness
1 minute - weakness, slowness and poison
2 minutes - wither effect
Using xp to fuel spells means that mining, killing monsters and smelting is the source of most of a mages power.
Doing small spells without helps a little, but someone playing as a mage, not just a magic user, will need to fairly regularly use big spells and having to do very unmage-like activities in order to do so doesn't seem right.

Over extending yourself resulting in negative effects is all good though.
Using xp to fuel spells means that mining, killing monsters and smelting is the source of most of a mages power.
Doing small spells without helps a little, but someone playing as a mage, not just a magic user, will need to fairly regularly use big spells and having to do very unmage-like activities in order to do so doesn't seem right.
That's true enough. Maybe a magic bar could be implemented separate to the exp bar. This would recharge automatically and as you leveled up your magic skill you would get more magic for bigger spells.
I still think that a good way to ensure no noob mages (which would be a stupid as noob vampires) would be to make fairly hard to get materials needed for the more complex spells. The more complex/powerful the spell, the more valuable the resources it burns up.

Also, since this is about magic and not just mages, I do believe every race should have at least 1 spell that they can cast without being a mage as an individual. This would give magic a greater value in the world.
In terms of casting the spell how about type it, then you click at a target to cast it, and if you move before casting the spell is undone.

@ emperor_max- if a light altar is used in the process of making a mage then it implies magic is sourced from good, not a thing of either.

Having no requirements of being a mage, as in everyone can cast spells without any initiation, is probably the way to go. Maybe make it so people can't cast spells when in iron, diamond or chain armour, or what they can cast is restricted, but that they can still choose to wear it.

just to clearup wat you said about the altar... I mentioned a 'magic altar' not an 'altar of light'. I never implied magic is a good or a bad thing. Do actualy read my post if your referring to it. (and yes if you think its too long then just read the parts of it that interest you or your referring to) :P

Using xp to fuel spells means that mining, killing monsters and smelting is the source of most of a mages power.
Doing small spells without helps a little, but someone playing as a mage, not just a magic user, will need to fairly regularly use big spells and having to do very unmage-like activities in order to do so doesn't seem right.

Over extending yourself resulting in negative effects is all good though.

I did put alternative recharging capabilities in my post under section 3 incase you were looking for more magelike ways to obtain magic energy :)
I think that
Also, since this is about magic and not just mages, I do believe every race should have at least 1 spell that they can cast without being a mage as an individual. This would give magic a greater value in the world.

This is a pretty good idea in my opinion. However while there are some obvious racial magics like a bonemeal spell for Yanar perhaps, some races may be harder to give default spells to, for example giving Agni a fire based spell without it making them seem overpowered. I do still like the idea however and think that it could be extended to include vampires as classic vampire lore has a range of cool potential spells they could learn, perhaps through using the dark altar. These spells might include shapeshifting into a bat or wolf. They could also have the ability to glamour opponents, glamour being the word used in vampire lore for hypnotise, this could be incorporated as an immobilise or pacify spell making targets incapable of movement or attack, so long as neither party move or receive damage.​
Currently magic does not exist for a lore reason (no matter how much some players want it to exist to the point where they bend lore to make it so) but there are plans in the future to "reintroduce" magic into the world trough an event of sorts. the only solid information we have on planned magic features, is a system similar to mcmmo. magic has to be learned trough quests and perfected. Any other information is pure speculation on rumor, even if it comes from an admin.
A world without magic... seems okay to me.
Currently magic does not exist for a lore reason (no matter how much some players want it to exist to the point where they bend lore to make it so) but there are plans in the future to "reintroduce" magic into the world trough an event of sorts. the only solid information we have on planned magic features, is a system similar to mcmmo. magic has to be learned trough quests and perfected. Any other information is pure speculation on rumor, even if it comes from an admin.

Mon, what lore-side info conflicts with magic? I'm just curious :)
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