Archived Magic

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Swag Cannon
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
São Paulo, Brazil
First thing you notice when you look at the title of the thread is "Magic", obviously. Now I know what you're thinking-Wizards casting huge fireballs and waves of air all over the place is silly. Everybody will want to be a mage! But no. I'm thinking of Magic incorporated to mcMMO. Now, I know this is probably still sounding lame, especially since Cayorion and the developers are busy with other projects, but say Magic was extremely hard to learn. And I mean extremely hard to learn. You could start by using a stick to cast spells such as throwing rocks at players, and by level 1000 you could be using spells such as fireballs.

One of the problems I thought of while thinking of this idea is that people will probably just spam the spells. For combat, there should be a cooldown of 10s or so, possibly more, else battles will just be teams of players casting spells at each other!

So, tell me what you think of the idea! And remember to ra- Oh wait, the staff removed ratings.
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i like the last line[DOUBLEPOST=1351386392][/DOUBLEPOST]Did you get this idea from when i was talking about the Bending plugin?
Cay and some other developers have been talking about incorporating magic into massivecraft, but it's not exactly how you explained it.
I personally do not have all the facts, bit if it is implemented, it will change the server greatly. (I personally to like your suggestion better.)
i would like it if they made it so its not all focused on combat, like if the first spells are more for convience rather than UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!!!!!!!! Like maybe a spell that helps with mining or farming or moving faster.
magic armor would be great, could only be used if you aren't already wearing any, gives you a magic armor that is equivalent to the different armor levels, leather, chain, iron, diamond, depending on your mcmmo level, also high axe skill won't degrade it as much as it would normal armor, except the magic armor cannot be enchanted and such, and only prem could use the diamond level equivalent of the spell[DOUBLEPOST=1353033880][/DOUBLEPOST]spells that have utility purposes would be great too, like a spell that slightly slows the degradation of the your tools for a short duration, or something that'll allow you to spawn a food item, or heal you, or allow you to heal allies, poison people, run faster, use nightvision, ect.
So has it been decided if we have this or not?
whilst a reward for players who have spent the time is good, I don't like the idea of having to spend days, weeks or in this case more like months grinding or "training" to properly use an aspect of a game. I think strong cons, or levelling up effecting cool downs/stamina costs more than what you can cast would work better.

As for actual magic content, I think being focused on support spells more than attacks and would be good. Things like lending strength and healing allies.
Yep, that way its not too OP and it doesnt become the next "vampire" where all the noobs want to be a mage so they can shoot fire.
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