Archived Magic Lore

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Science Nerd from a High School
Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
(I didnt know where to put this so i put it here, @Imboring56 correct this if im wrong) I think the magic lore is out of date, in the lore it states mages have a weakness to lapis, and in 1.8 lapis is esential to do "witchcraft" in enchanting. Thus the two of them has made the massivecraft lore Invalid for the magic users. just want to bring this to the attention of some ceatain staff members, @MonMarty @Cayorion and any other lore person i forgot (because there is alot)
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I believe they are looking for a way round this. It may be that enchanting is ignored in lore. However, a suggestion I made was that lapis absorb the magic, in that manner the magic in the lapis can then be utilised for enchanting.
@Oxoman's theory is probably right, lapis will absorb magic and store it. When the lapis is infused with a tool it absorbs the magic than charges the blade with it. But this may complicate collars and enchanted weapons and armour. I would guess enchanting would take small amounts of lapis so it will not affect magic to a high level.
Yes, lapis blocks the connection to the Void, which is the source of magical power, thus mages have a weakness to lapis as it blocks access to their power. It may be, as further magical research is done, that a way will be found to use lapis to lock magic in an item in a similar way to how it blocks the connection to the void. All this is pure speculation at this point, as the greatest magical theoreticians haven't even begun thinking about these "newfangled" applications.
(I didnt know where to put this so i put it here, correct this if im wrong) I think the magic lore is out of date, in the lore it states mages have a weakness to lapis, and in 1.8 lapis is esential to do "witchcraft" in enchanting. Thus the two of them has made the massivecraft lore Invalid for the magic users. just want to bring this to the attention of some ceatain staff members, and any other lore person i forgot (because there is alot)
I have already brought this up with the staff before, I think they'll be fine.
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