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Played Character Lynette ad Medwyn

This character is actively played.


The Bird Monarch
May 3, 2016
Reaction score

Character Information

Full Name: Lynette ad Merwyn
Heritage / Culture: Ailor | Breizh
Age: 29
Pronouns: She/Her
Religion: Unionist
Occult: Mageborn, Anima
Character Occupation: Philanthropist

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Mist Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5'4
Body Type: Slender

Skill Information

Languages: Breizh, d'Ithanie, Anglisch, Gallwech, Altalar

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: [D15] Magic
Defense Stat: [D15] Magic

Proficiency Points:

Magic: 10

  • Wardrobe Pack
  • Arcane Bolts
  • Arcane Healing
  • Arcane Portent
  • Arcane Snare
  • Arcane Barrier
  • Arcane Warp
  • Arcane Shove
  • Arcane Revive
  • Arcane Eruption
Charisma: 5
  • Fame Presence Pack
  • Hosting Presence Pack
  • Saving Presence Pack
  • Political Presence Pack
  • Hazard Presence Pack

Plot Hooks:

Lynette is a devout Unionist. Her faith was woven into her very core from a young age. In her eyes, faith is not just a personal matter but forms a bridge to connect with any who share it. It is her duty to see the completion of the Great Way, ensuring a place for everyone within the Regalian Empire, regardless of faith or heritage.

Lynette is an insatiable seeker of arcane knowledge. Her early tutelage in the magical arts was brief, but it kindled a relentless thirst for understanding the mysteries of the arcane. She is an eager patron and assistant to anyone who shares her passion.

Enamoured with the Briezh folklore, Lynette has blossomed into an enthusiastic and devoted storyteller. She is always eager to share the legends and traditions of her culture with anyone willing to lend an ear. She seeks out both kindred spirits and curious newcomers, hoping to ignite their imaginations and invite them to explore the heritage she holds dear.
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