Character Information
Appearance Information
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents:
Unionist Piety
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Proficiency Points:
Magic Information:
Full Name: Count Arthwys ad Medwyn of the Twyntyr Mountains
Heritage / Culture: Breizh Ailor
Age: 40
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
Religion: Unionism
Occult: Yes
Character Occupation: Nobleman & Scholar
Heritage / Culture: Breizh Ailor
Age: 40
Gender / Pronouns: He/Him
Religion: Unionism
Occult: Yes
Character Occupation: Nobleman & Scholar
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Hair: Greying Black
Height: 5'10"
Body Type: Trim & Healthy
Additional Features: Typically incorporates protective armour into their clothing styles accompanied by long flowing robes
Skin Color: Fair
Hair: Greying Black
Height: 5'10"
Body Type: Trim & Healthy
Additional Features: Typically incorporates protective armour into their clothing styles accompanied by long flowing robes
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents:
- Athletic Hobby
- Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
- Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
- Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
- Common
- Laithgar
- Ithanian
- Altalar
Unionist Piety
- Arthwys is devoted to his Unionist faith, and strives to make the Regalian Empire a place for everyone irregardless of their religious leanings. He will preach as much as he does his part to help the Empire along the path towards the Great Way.
- His faith does however follow a Breizh leaning interpretation, the folklore and culture of his people touching it with their own flare.
- Whilst not a knight, Arthwys was raised upon Knightly principals amongst the Breizh. He will not lie, nor will he deceive. He is above striking against the helpless/engaging in underhanded tactics and will do what he can to assist the needy. His loyalty to the Emperor of Regalia is fierce, rivalled only by that to his people.
- Together, these two create a brand of "proactive goodness" that may come off as intrusive to some. Arthwys is the sort to go out of his way to promote and push his ideals, bringing it to the people instead of waiting for calamity to come.
- Arthwys is proud of his heritage and bases himself upon the ideal Breizh soldier. Even though his days on the frontlines have passed him, he still maintains this soldier's humility in his service.
- Arthwys's heritage is the one thing that could come close to challenging his piety and devotion to the Emperor. Lucky for him, the two conflicting are a nigh impossibility. However, he does hold a quiet disdain for the Regalism movement, believing instead that the Empire should embrace and celebrate the cultural and religious differences within its borders, rather than seek to homogenise into one single peoples.
- Arthwys has a developed understanding of the magical through a close relationship with the Aelrrigan order and natural-born ties to the Dictat Dimension. As such, he constantly pushes for magical freedoms (with the required regulations in place), leading to constant head butts with Purist movements as he pushes it to be for the greater good of the Empire. Likewise, this conflict is also found with Regalia's Arcanist Society, as he believes their push for unregulated practice to be ill-informed and dangerous.
- Arthwys's alignment with the Dictat dimension has rubbed off an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Even when the topic isn't of much relevance to him, he is always eager to fill his tomes and notes with whatever he can on the subject, often derailing himself in this almost aimless pursuit of knowledge.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic - 5
Defense Stat: Magic - 5
[15/15 points spent]Defense Stat: Magic - 5
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 10
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 10
Arcane Tank Pack
Arcane Counter Pack
Arcane Aura Pack
Arcane Barrier Pack
Arcane Revive Pack
Arcane Isolate Pack
Arcane Cleanse Pack
Wardrobe Pack
Shapeshift Pack
Arcane Counter Pack
Arcane Aura Pack
Arcane Barrier Pack
Arcane Revive Pack
Arcane Isolate Pack
Arcane Cleanse Pack
Wardrobe Pack
Shapeshift Pack
Charisma: 5
Hosting Presence Pack
Sanctioned Presence Pack
Saving Presence Pack
Fame Presence Pack
Political Presence Pack
Sanctioned Presence Pack
Saving Presence Pack
Fame Presence Pack
Political Presence Pack
Magic Information:
Magic Learning:
Magic Harmony: 100%
Magic Schools:
- Teaching Origin
- Book Training
Magic Harmony: 100%
- Dictat Dimension
Magic Schools:
- Script School
- Codex School
- Counter School
- Shapeshifting School
- Alteration School
- Enchant School
- Gravity School
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