Archived Lwc Suggestions Thread

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☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri (CST)
Since no one has made a suggestion thread yet, and everyone was complaining, I figured I'd go ahead and make it :P

Stuff I would like changed:
  1. Price: make it free to make chests. This price is just annoying, and it doesn't even show up in the /money log.
  2. Opening Notification: If the chest is owned by you, then don't have it display a message, only if it is owned by someone else. This could help reduce needless spam.
  3. Edited in: Make LWC chests expire after 20 days just like deadbolts.
Those are the only things I want changed so far, but if others could leave their ideas below, I'll edit them in.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
But we must Believe in our Almighty Code Wizard Cayorion
He who 5PEex w17 7eh kode 9oD2, and BE57OW2 UPON U2 9Re@ BOON2!

ps Enderdonut its actually can be alot of work to take someone else's code and chage its inner workings (especially if it is badly labled) and they do have alot on their plate with the Race rework/new mod and the Massive mob thing they are doing now.
Well if you must pay for every locked chest and cannot move them without paying I don't think that's a very good system. If you were to move to another faction you will have to pay to relock those chests all over again meaning if you are going to move somewhere any time soon there's no point in locking them. e.g if you are someone who moves a lot like a hermit every few months then you will have to pay for your 20 or so chests every single time you move. Another thing about a price for lwc, it makes it immensely easy for people to go from faction to faction stealing peoples stuff from chests they cannot afford to lock, in deadbolt you were stupid not to lock them but with lwc you can't help but leave behind a few chests unlocked because of the price. I was once stolen from by some dude who managed to open a chest in a officer room, it was silly for me to not deadbolt them so I decided to deadbolt all of them so no stealing can occur. But if this was to happen with lwc and you cannot afford to lock them all there's nothing you can do to protect your own chests. Take a look at any popular protection plugin, it lets you lock stuff for free because its your stuff and there should be no obstacle to stop you from locking your own stuff. It's eight days left till all deadbolts expire and still most of my stuff is deadbolted, I certainly am not the only one who doing this just to avoid having to pay. Because of this whole price for locking your own stuff I'm not going to lock much at all, I'll just use it to lock the doors and put all my chests in a special room. This price discourages you from locking chests, it hampers how much money you have and that is not a good thing at all for a protection plugin. Take a look at the original post for this, 27 agrees (as of yet) this has to be one of them most agreed suggestions post in this section of the forum. Take a look at any post that supports lwc, it either has few to none agrees or a quite a few disagrees. Admins this method of locking your own chests is a bad and inefficient system, can't you not see the high amounts of agrees against this and bad reception? Lwc is a good protection plugin but this fee you have coded into it is not in the slightest. It is a protection plugin, not something to balance out the economy. Please admins I ask you (and I am not the only one asking) to remove this fee, it will result in more thievery and it makes it hard just to lock your own chests and doors.
I was thinking of something like this:
  • 5 free locks at the start of each week(lets say every Monday)
  • This number doesn't stack, so if you don't use your 5 free locks at the end of one week, you don't get 10 free locks the next week, you still get 5.
  • Reduce the cost to 5r
I think this would be nice, and it would still balance out the economy, which would make the mods happy in turn, and also make the community happy for the 5 free locks every Monday.
๖ۣۜPersonally, I love this.

From what I am noting though is the good side of the protection. Since it basically destroys a good amount of regals to make chests, it will flow thousands of it out of the system within about a week. That will actually help destroy Regals at almost about 1/4 the rate it is taking to get them. However, at the same time, it kinda pisses me off because it is taking it out too FAST. I am pretty sure before most of us adjust our prices, we're already going to be running low on money and have to adjust it yet again, just to see it edited once more.

I was originally saving up Regals to purchase Premium, I had a good 2,000, however I had to lock about 10 chests. That brought me down to 1,900. Then, I had to purchase some supplies. 1,800. That was normal stuff I do about every month to gain anything needed, food/tools/armour/etc. Later, I had quite a lot of doors and blocks to lock using trapdoors. 1,500.

All that money I tore out from the system went away in a day, but I lost about 1/4 of my money. Now, this locking will slow down as I slowly lose less things to lock up, but it still kills me at how fast I am losing my hard-earned Regals... It's moving a lot faster than I even can keep up with.
Chests cost money.

Deal with it. There are positives and negatives of the new feature.
We get tons more additional chest functions now.
And I thought when they added in Regalia, that everything on the server went to shit. LWC made it worse than Regalia.
Take a look at any popular protection plugin, it lets you lock stuff for free because its your stuff and there should be no obstacle to stop you from locking your own stuff.
I would like to point out a flaw in your statement above. LWC is a popular protection plugin. We did not code the protection fee system, it comes with LWC. Both Deadbolt and LWC have the potential to cause lag. Deadbolt, due to the number of signs, and LWC due to the total number of protections. Because of this, most servers introduce a way to control the number of protections a player can have. These fall into 2 categories, hard limits and costs. We have too many people with 100s or 1000s of chests that they want to protect to impose a 100 protection hard limit. Because of this, and our existing believe that the server needed some money sinks, we decided to use a cost for protections to keep the database under control.

I would also like to point out to all those people who are afraid that their unprotected stuff is going to get stolen, that the people doing the stealing are going to have the same problem locking their stuff. It will be a difficult transition, as any big change like this is, but I have confidence in the ability of the people of MassiveCraft to adapt and thrive in this new system.

There are multiple solutions to the various problems. Take, for instance, the player who changes factions every couple of months. It might be in their best interest to protect a portion of their chests in wilderness, so that they wouldn't need to be moved every time they change factions. I think if people would share their incites into how to save money using the new protection system, that there would be a lot more content players.
Since no one has made a suggestion thread yet, and everyone was complaining, I figured I'd go ahead and make it :P

Stuff I would like changed:
  1. Price: make it free to make chests. This price is just annoying, and it doesn't even show up in the /money log.
  2. Opening Notification: If the chest is owned by you, then don't have it display a message, only if it is owned by someone else. This could help reduce needless spam.
  3. Edited in: Make LWC chests expire after 20 days just like deadbolts.
Those are the only things I want changed so far, but if others could leave their ideas below, I'll edit them in.


LWC protections expire after 20 days of being inactive (not logging on to the server). They do not expire due to not being used.
Here are a few more of my thoughts about LWC costs, etc.
  • It makes sense to RP - You are buying a lock and key for your door or chest.
  • Anti-Hording makes you think about what you store - No more spammed chests filled with garage. People will think before locking chests and doors unlike before LWC costs.
  • Five double chests for free is a lot of storage for a beginner.
  • 10 Regals will buy 20 steaks at my McClownalds Restaurant chains. Is that too high for a lock and keys?
Anyway, these are just my thoughts. I am lucky enough to be able to afford all the doors and chests I needed to lock. During my locking spree I trashed about 3 doublechests of junk that was no deemed worthy of locking up. I know it made me think a lot more about wasted space. I think it's a good thing to be more efficient with storage.

New things are always hard and I am sure there will be some growing pains with the new plugin. Keep calm and soldier on MassiveCraft.

Sorry Mr Fung,but 10 regals are the 1 old silver,gain 1 silver is not easy ,for some players are like almost 1 hour of game and for players have few time or are newbies (who dosent start with money now) is a unfair tax.1 silver per chest is MUCH money

here they are 2 problems.

1)They are people with much much money and dont take care about it (in other words,have silver to burn).

2)Money is hard to obtain for newbies or players with few time.

Maybe you have the lucky that do you have people full of money want buy your 20 steak for 1 silver,but in my case,the best price i have sell 1 stack of beef/steak was 7-8 regals.

In my personal opinion,if deadbolt works perfectly ¿why change it? .
Couldn't the server switch to some other locking plugin? There are probably tons that don't cost. Many something like lockette?
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