Archived Lwc Suggestions Thread

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☑ rekt ☐ not rekt
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Kansas City, Missouri (CST)
Since no one has made a suggestion thread yet, and everyone was complaining, I figured I'd go ahead and make it :P

Stuff I would like changed:
  1. Price: make it free to make chests. This price is just annoying, and it doesn't even show up in the /money log.
  2. Opening Notification: If the chest is owned by you, then don't have it display a message, only if it is owned by someone else. This could help reduce needless spam.
  3. Edited in: Make LWC chests expire after 20 days just like deadbolts.
Those are the only things I want changed so far, but if others could leave their ideas below, I'll edit them in.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I certainly agree with the price suggestion. I can see its addition as a money sink, but I believe it will greatly perturb many players from joining the server. When you join a server, little things make a huge impact on your opinion. To find that you have to pay to protect chests could easily put people off. I appreciate that the MassiveCraft staff know what they're doing and I can see why they made the first few protections free, but five chests isn't many, and upon seeing the cost, many would be irritated.

The primary reason I get premium is for its functionality in PvP and that side of MassiveCraft. To be required to pay for privating chests puts me off getting involved in that side of MassiveCraft and may well, in the future, put me off buying premium, in favour of RPing with no premium.

Personally, I'm very far from being rich and to be required to pay for each deadbolt is hugely limiting. I believe that MassiveCraft is a server with a greatly unequal wealth distribution. I will not try to put a statistic in here because I may well be totally wrong, but those on the bottom end of the economy who still wish to PvP (a lot of people) would be greatly affected by this. I have a storage room with about 200 doublechests in, 2k regals is an insane amount to pay for locking all that, and though I am able to do so through use of my factions, that is not an option for everyone.

As an alternative, perhaps target those higher up in the economy. Allow people to have 50 protections at one time before they have to start paying.
I agree that new players may be discouraged from staying. Many new players don't stay very long, and that's without having to buy deadbolts. If you joined a server, unaware of a great community, and discovered you had to pay to protect your stuff, wouldn't you leave and go join a server with free protection? Players, correct me if I'm wrong, only receive 300r upon joining the server. That's 35 (factoring in the first 5 are free) chests they can protect, at the maximum, not factoring in the need to buy starting materials. If you set aside 100r for materials, they'd only be able to claim 25 chests, and then there's doors and other facilities besides storage. I think the idea can work, but the cost should be lower than 10r. I'd say no higher than 5r.
We are paying for chests?!

Nuh-uh, no way. Not possible. Negative.

-Steals all the chests he could gather-
Runs into a just disbanded, rich faction with lots of chests which is about to become a free-for-all siege zone. Has no money or faction claims left.

NOOOO!!! WHY?!?!?

Just saying, why not Lockette or a plugin like LWC where you put a sign on the chest, asks if you want to lock it for chest shop's sake, if yes, it removes the sign and locks the chest with a magical spell like LWC?
The protection costing money is just horrible, in my opinion. It will cost a crapload of money to get my stuff protected..
i rather keep it with the deadbolts than cprivate couse that is just a stopid command, and yes chest privating costing money? wuut didnt know about this and its stopid aswell lol, the dwarf have spoken!
I don't oppose the regal cost, though perhaps raise the initial chest amount to a higher but still reasonable number, such as ten
I think charging for a deadbolt is a good thing to stop the whole spam deadbolt thing which I personally, as a looter, find incredibly annoying. But I also think the price should be lowered to like... 1-5regals so new members can protect their stuff without having to hunt all night to deadbolt a chest :c Just a thought though!
I 100% agree with this, paying to lock chests is ridiculous and I think will drive people away. Yendor said today that the reason deadbolt was removed because of the glitch with hoppers, so now players can't steal items but the server takes money from you? Is that really better? Rather than a low risk if theft you have a guaranteed loss.
I hate using LWC, mainly because of the fact that LWC locks NEVER EXPIRE. That has always bugged me a lot because there would be locked doors or chests whose owners had not been on the server for months that would block key building areas or something stupid. I mean, wouldn't you think that that would be an important feature when the owners created the plugin?

Definitely should have locks expire.
You guys are lucky, someone probably stole my stash by now...

Also I never got a warning or anything for LWC, I could've locked my chests and prepared, but no, we had no ahead of time notice therefor I hope my items aren't gone!
You guys are lucky, someone probably stole my stash by now...

Also I never got a warning or anything for LWC, I could've locked my chests and prepared, but no, we had no ahead of time notice therefor I hope my items aren't gone!

Nah, deadbolt is in place for 20 days after LWC was implemented to allow time for people to switch over.
Nah, deadbolt is in place for 20 days after LWC was implemented to allow time for people to swit
Nah, deadbolt is in place for 20 days after LWC was implemented to allow time for people to switch over.

Mmk thanks for telling me, but still I think being charged to store items doesn't make since, I mean the economy does need a little leakage but I think that the way of the leakage should be rewarding by things that you can buy for money that just gets dropped. Maybe weddings could be hosted and cost money, maybe you should have to buy tickets for ships or something like this, but I have like 400 chests so I think im getting ripped off... Sorry, but just because you have a lot of chests does not necicarily mean your rich
ReallY? in 20 days all of my deadbolts are unlocking??
You did a terrible job on communication and im watching closely the outcome of this to determine if i'll be canceling my subscription.
LWC was communicated extremely poorly, noone understands if we can use groups or not, or how. I've never used the addin before so understanding how to use it in place of deadbolt will take time because theres been no documentation given. We also have no details on how it was implemented on this server. Do all of the commands actually work? How do i tell at what point i will be charged? if i chain chests and trapped chests, deadbolt locked them all with one sign, how does that work with LWC?
What a terrible change, it does nothing but anger people, not because the change is bad, but because we have no idea what you're doing and it makes it seem like YOU all have no idea what you're doing.
ReallY? in 20 days all of my deadbolts are unlocking??
You did a terrible job on communication and im watching closely the outcome of this to determine if i'll be canceling my subscription.
LWC was communicated extremely poorly, noone understands if we can use groups or not, or how. I've never used the addin before so understanding how to use it in place of deadbolt will take time because theres been no documentation given. We also have no details on how it was implemented on this server. Do all of the commands actually work? How do i tell at what point i will be charged? if i chain chests and trapped chests, deadbolt locked them all with one sign, how does that work with LWC?
What a terrible change, it does nothing but anger people, not because the change is bad, but because we have no idea what you're doing and it makes it seem like YOU all have no idea what you're doing.

Uncalled for.
I'm going to ask everybody here to keep an open mind. This is a thread made so that people can share their ideas, collaborate, and ultimately think about ways that we can make LWC better. If you are coming here to start complaining about features, this is not the place for you. That place is the complaints section of the forums. Feel free to post as much as you'd like there. However, if you plan to bring non-constructive behavior here, I am going to ask you to kindly leave this thread.

Other than that, punishments will be given to people who disobey my warning here.
Oh Please, tell me about the excellent communication on this, and while you're at it point me to the info on how this was implemented and what i should be doing to prepare for the next 20 days?

They have been working tirelessly to help players confused by the plugin, saying they had "no idea what they are doing" is offensive, as the staff are hardworking individuals who KNEW what they were doing. Without Lwc the bugs of Deadbolt would have caused serious security issues.
Oh Please, tell me about the excellent communication on this, and while you're at it point me to the info on how this was implemented and what i should be doing to prepare for the next 20 days?

Two points I'd like to mention:
  1. Maybe instead of complaining, you should actually take time to read our documentation?
  2. I'd like to see you try to gather a survey with accurate results from over 2000 players. It's not possible for the staff to get accurate results, so we rely on all our opinions (including Game staff especially) to make better decisions for the players as a whole.
They have been working tirelessly to help players confused by the plugin, saying they had "no idea what they are doing" is offensive, as the staff are hardworking individuals who KNEW what they were doing. Without Lwc the bugs of Deadbolt would have caused serious security issues.

you misquoted me.
my statement was about appearances. I'm aware of all the custom addons and code these guys make, thats why i play here and pay for prem. I work in a software dev/release role myself, and communication with your user base is absolutely key.

Since Imboring is asking for constructive additions:
1. charge 5-10r for a locked chest, refund 80-90% of that when the chest is un-privated. People need to be able to move stuff.
2. put out some docs on locking chests, doors and adding users. I had to go to the developers bukkit site to even understand what this plugin is.
Two points I'd like to mention:
  1. Maybe instead of complaining, you should actually take time to read our documentation?
  2. I'd like to see you try to gather a survey with accurate results from over 2000 players. It's not possible for the staff to get accurate results, so we rely on all our opinions (including Game staff especially) to make better decisions for the players as a whole.

A Link! Thank you!
I've been to the site many dozens of times looking at other docs, had no idea this was added.
I think that rather than complain on this thread, I'm going to make a suggestion.
By reading the documentation I understand how to use this system. Fairly well, at least...
But I understand that many players cannot read.
They cannot waste their brain cells looking at the documentation.
They must have it spoon fed.
They must... Be nurtured by the best of the best.
The most brilliant minds on Massive.
Tom1804 BigBellyBuddah
Moovee naow plox???
Two points I'd like to mention:
  1. Maybe instead of complaining, you should actually take time to read our documentation?
  2. I'd like to see you try to gather a survey with accurate results from over 2000 players. It's not possible for the staff to get accurate results, so we rely on all our opinions (including Game staff especially) to make better decisions for the players as a whole.
I think he means that it would be best to make a warning in advance to it being implemented instead of *BAM, new unannounced plugin that could drastically affect some players*. I too would like a warning that a plugin/change will be implemented beforehand. Other than that I disagree with his post :P
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