" This just happens when you got somethin' that good — ain't that your fault? "
— Kenshi Yonezu — Shinigami
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⊹₊ ⋆ CONCEPT ⊹₊ ⋆
- Llulupe Lamond (pronounced luh-loop luh-mond) is a Vaulter Maraya who has only been awakened from cryosleep very, very recently; he seeks to regain his bearings by learning more about the world he's been thrown into.
- Lupe used to be a prominent lawyer in certain branches of the ancient Meraic Civilization's legal system, infamously defending the falsely accused and protecting his clients from the harsh repercussions of the ancient police state.
- Lupe is a very justice-centric character who hates to see the "little guys" get picked on; despite this, upon waking from his slumber he was granted magical abilities that his society taught him were unjust and corrupt! The clashing themes of his righteous morals compared to the perceived stereotypes associated with magic and how he can learn to use what is perceived as "evil" in a "good" way will be a big focus of this character.
- Even if he's broke and has nothing to his name in this new world, he's trying his best to uphold his morals and figure out the best way to "get his name out there" in the legal world — then, maybe, his name will reach far enough to where his brother is…
- Full Name: Llulupe Lamond
- Nicknames: Lupe
- Heritage / Culture: Maraya — Vaulter
- Age: 162 (Starting Age: 162)
- Birthday: October 11th
- Gender / Pronouns: Male (he/him, they/them)
- Orientation: Bisexual (disaster)
⠀ - Religion: N/A
- Occult: Blessing Origin — Eidolon
- Demonic Training: Mind (Lie Detection), Mend (Self-Regeneration & Damage Negation), Illusion (General Manipulation)
- Character Occupation:
- Ex-Defense Attorney (a "defender" per se)
- Well, he's STUDYING to become a proper attorney again
- Perhaps he's been demoted to "legal assistant" now… or "aspiring attorney" or "lawyer understudy" for now
- In the meantime, he's happy to take on random jobs for money… as long as it's not illegal
- Personality:
- Contrary to popular dour Marayan stereotypes, Llulupe Lamond is an energetic, charismatic, and headstrong personality who enjoys fighting for "justice" and "what's right"… at least, by what his morals classify as right and wrong.
- He can be a bit brash, quick-to-act, and thick-headed… but more often than not, his actions are guided by his desire to do the right thing.
- That doesn't mean he doesn't have his moments of silence — asking about his past (especially his brother) is sure to tone down his energy levels… uh, just don't let him get too roped up in his thoughts or he'll start overthinking to the point of letting his health deteriorate.
- Maybe there's more to his quietness; despite being very outwardly friendly, he never seems to "open up" all the way and can be quite crafty and secretive if he wants to be.
- Additionally, being the age he is DOES mean that he doesn't have as much energy as he used to… he does get the occasional burst of energy in certain situations, but ask his opinion on it and he'll say that he's definitely mellowed out over the years.
- If you're against him when he's in attorney mode though… stay on your toes; the passion and skill he has for his line of work can be downright scary! Maybe there'll be other situations that bring out this scarily competent part of him, like if you meet him in combat or whilst doing shady business…
- Meet him outside court, though? You'll get to chat with a dopey, excitable, and well-learned middle-aged gentleman! (Apologies if he's a little weird though, he's still learning about this new world he's woken up in…)
- Full Name: Llulupe Lamond
- Eye Color: Dark Green, lighter green highlights, dark blue-tinted sclera
- Skin Color: Light Green / Mint, leaning slightly towards a blue tint
- Hair Color: Teal, with darker strands dispersed throughout
- Height: 6'2.5" (189 cm)
- Body Type: Tall, slim, surprisingly sturdy
⠀ - Additional Features:
- Marayan Features: In addition to the "trademark" Marayan ear shape (of which, Lupe's specific ear shape has a large upper piece and three smaller separate lobes), Lupe has four sets of horns: two smaller ones on his forehead, and three sets of horns on the sides of his head that are grouped close together and lay at flatter angles, appearing almost like a small set of wings.
- "Imperfections": Genetic engineering aside, being natural-born does mean that some small physical quirks "slipped through" to Lupe's appearance… the most notable of these being his snaggletoothed grin and birthmarks on the small of his back.
- Cryosleep Scars: Due to being awoken improperly from his cryosleep, Lupe's extremities (fingers, toes, ears, nose, lips, etc.) have a darker tint to them that lightens in a gradient moving inward toward his body — this is indicative of the nerve damage he sustained. He can still feel through these appendages, it just… takes him a while to register pain properly. It ought to get better with time…
- Apparel:
- Hair Style: A short, trimmed hairstyle; his bangs are asymmetrically parted and the layers of his hair are cut in straightened sections to sit above his ears. The hair on the back of his head sticks upward slightly, like he has bedhead. A C-shaped stray hair (ahoge) sticks up from the top of his head, between his wing-shaped horns.
- Clothing: A light green (nearly white) shirt with a high collar, loose sleeves, and wide cuffs topped by a dark green vest with brass buttons. His pants are the same dark forest green, with accents of a middling green color (similar to moss green) in the belt and lower leg pants leg area — the buttons on his pants are also brass. The fancier two-tone wingtip shoes he wears are a similarly dark and light green to accompany his outfit and are noticeably fancier in material.
- Accessories: A salmon-pink-colored jabot with a brass fastener is usually worn around his neck. He wears 2 smaller brass bangles on his right wrist; they rattle when he slams a podium. His old Meraic Civilization attorney's ID—a bangle made of a metal alloy with a crystal set into it—rests snugly upon his left wrist; its position doesn't shift through all his pointing.
- Likes & Dislikes:
- Likes:
- Ramen, beef, sweets, food… f o o d…: If only this man had the funds—or stomach—to back up his eyes…
- Pens, notebooks, stationary: Paper and ink as a form of recording semi-permanent media? How novel, how lovely! Oh man, this sort of thing puts Lupe in the mood to investigate! Wait, why's this ink so expensive?
- Nature, gardening: There's something about naturally-grown anything that makes the world feel more alive and less dreary. Oh, to be able to take care of a little potted plant one day…!
- Dislikes:
- Technology…: Sure, Lupe comes from a time when clothes washed themselves every other day and even an old man like himself can do a little hijacking, but that SURE DOESN'T erase all the years when he'd try to work his STUPID BROKEN TABLET or his STUPID BROKEN BREAD MAKER or his STUPID BROKEN—
- Cold Weather: His bones ache, and the tips of his fingers and ears start to sting all over again… getting old means you need heat to keep your body working!
- Being forced to use violence: A friendly spar, playful roughhousing, or an inevitable fight is one thing, but THIS is about situations that could've been talked through but weapons were drawn preemptively! Of course, Lupe will draw his knife to protect himself, but man… one less reason to fight's always a good thing, y'know?
- Likes:
- Trivia:
- The general Marayan opinion on carbonated drinks is… polarizing at best, but contrary to popular belief… Lupe WILL drink the bubbles. Through the fire and flame, through the burning mouth pain, through the foam gathering on his lips and the drool down his chin… he won't back away from this drink's truth. (He'll be ok in the end, don't worry.)
- On the topic of drinks, Lupe's not all that into alcohol but drinks when prompted. He RARELY ever drinks until he's smashed drunk though, since—at the end of the day—he's probably the one who's helping everyone get home safe.
- Even though Lupe studied to become a minstrel at first—yes, music history and theory, the whole package—when it ACTUALLY comes to shaping his own crystals and using them to play music… well, it's not HORRIBLE, but it's also not GREAT either… In the course of his learning, Lupe managed to nail one or two solid songs that make him LOOK good, but asking him for a freestyle song may result in disaster. (At least his singing voice is pretty nice when he focuses… though only in Shalota.)
- On the opposite end of the spectrum, thanks to his dexterous fingers and his surprisingly good dagger skills, Lupe's got pretty good penmanship and can draw decently well. He's taken up that "scrapbooking" thing in the latter pages of his "new world studying" journal by doodling the various things he sees around Regalia and adding notes about what they are… fair warning, it's all in Shalota.
- When he was a new lawyer, it was easy enough to rile Lupe into action by making him mad — thankfully he's less easy to tick off now, but he still does get a little "trigger happy" when you present something as a challenge to him… it's the spirit of the challenge to him, what can he say?
- Lupe's still half in the dark about the true nature of his magic, but it always seems to seep out and subtly protect him when the need arises… this is why he's come to believe that the little "near-death incident" that happened when he awoke from his pod has—in turn—made both his body and mind "very, very strong" (in his own words).
- Surprisingly, Lupe's VERY particular about the maintenance of his horns… it's not like it takes a lot—some pomade or polish is all he needs to keep them looking clean on a daily—but every month or so he makes sure to give his horns an extra-long polish, buff, and filing so they keep their trademark shape. It's good business to have a classic look!
- Because Lupe's only recently woken up from his Vault, his Common… still needs some work — he still needs help with some particularly complicated words, often mixes up terms here and there, and tends to speak with a very, VERY heavy accent. Funny enough, his reading ability isn't too bad at all.
- Media:
- ToyHouse Profile: [link]
- Playlist: take that!
- Pinboard: law & order
- Accent Reference: [link] — Not a voice claim, but I imagine Lupe's voice whilst talking in Common to have a similar cadence to Starfire from the OG Teen Titans!
- Voice Reference: [speaking] [singing 1] [singing 2] — Lilia Vanrouge, Twisted Wonderland
- Likes & Dislikes:
- Hobbies and Talents:
- Magical Talent — Illusions, Lie Detection, etc … ?: 'Tis both a blessing and a curse to have suddenly gained instinctual proficiency with the magic that keeps his body strong and healthy; Lupe is wholly in disbelief that he HAS magic in the first place, so most "instances" of him using it are chalked up to happenstance. EVERYBODY gets a little tingly when someone lies and slightly wigs out of existence when they get freaked out, right? Maybe there's some part of him in the back of his mind that consciously knows what he's doing… but for now, it's wholly an enigmatic force of nature that he's more than happy to ignore.
- Cooking & Baking: Surprising, he knows! But once a long while back, Lupe baked a wonderful loaf of bread for his brother and he was praised so heartily that he couldn't help but try his hardest at making yummy treats… it sure is going to be interesting getting used to the "new" ways of cooking, though…
- Games & Activities: With his astute eyes and a keen sense for information, Lupe's always happy to play any new board game, card game, or tabletop activity that comes his way. He likes to brag that it's quite hard to beat him in poker! C'mon, wanna play?
- Learning New Information: It's always been important for Lupe to keep his ears and eyes open for any new—or dangerous—tidbits of information that come his way; his wariness has resulted in a notable ability to "pick stuff up" easier, both in seeking info and in learning new abilities. (He's still as dense as a brick half the time, though…)
Mechanics:- Maraya have small Ichor glands on their hands, which are capable of producing Chrysalis that they can shape into Crystals of any shape or size.
- Maraya can also make music with these Chrysalis Crystals, as they can resonate based on tunes, and produce music autonomously.
- Maraya come from an Ancient world. They can read certain Event hints that may not be obvious to other Races (inquire with DM/Event Hoster for opportunities).
- Maraya can (out of combat) remotely hijack Tech (including Automata) to follow their commands and instructions instead, due to their historical superiority.
- Maraya can (if they can reach melee distance safely) hack into Dragon Sites/Entities and alter their routines to unlock additional functions (consult Event DMs).
Languages:- Shalota — The main language in which Lupe's most comfortable speaking, reading, and writing. In Shalota, his vocabulary is… exquisitely verbose… perhaps even snobby, though he doesn't mean to sound that way.
- Common — He's still learning… his knowledge is conversational at best, though his reading and writing skills are slightly better. Lupe tends to keep to simpler vocabulary while speaking Common… at least when he isn't in the middle of a trial.
- Hobbies and Talents:
- Aspiring Attorney — FOR JUSTICE!: Lupe's an expert on law and order in the ancient Meraic Civilization, but… things certainly have changed nowadays, huh? He's quite ready to get his "attorney's credibility" back though, so Lupe is actively looking for attorney-adjacent facilities, people, and texts to brush up on his knowledge. Maybe he can even land a case or two?
- Where Is My Brother?: Hey… do you happen to know anyone who looks just like Llulupe? He's a little sour-faced, and… hmm, no? That's fine… Lupe's on the lookout for any information about this "lost brother" of his, apparently he SHOULD have come from one of the nicer Vaults. He's quite willing to lend a hand—or get his hands dirty—for any info on unearthed Meraic Vaults!
- Hi, I'm New Here: Fresh outta the Vault, this one is! Lupe's still VERY very new to this whole… new world thing, so you're bound to see him get some things very, very wrong. Wanna step in and give him a hand… or pick on him for his heavy accent?
- Eager to Learn, Happy to Serve: Being new to the world means being fresh out of money… desperate times call for desperate measures! As long as you aren't asking Lupe to do something SUPER DUPER illegal, Lupe's down to help out with most endeavors… just be gentle with him, ok?
- The Game's Afoot!: Game night? Oh, Lupe's SO IN! Let him at a deck of cards and he'll show you a whole new world… or something! He's quite open to learning ANY new game… just give him a bit and he'll be ready to play!
- A Trick Up His Sleeve: Since gaining them, Lupe's never really… tapped into his magic powers beyond a "reasonable" point. It's not his fault that they sometimes leak out to protect his body when he needs it… maybe you'll take pity on Lupe and give him some pointers or goad him into using his magic for less-than-savory activities? Maybe one day he'll even learn more about the blonde woman in his blurry memories…
CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, near-death experience, depictions of blood and injury⠀
- Llulupe Lamond and his twin brother Llolomde Lamond were a pair of natural-born twins born to a well-off enough family back in the tail end of the Meraic Civilization's history. Besides the occasional oddity, their upbringing was average for the time.
- Lode inspired Lupe's interest in law from a young age; even after the two were separated, Lupe continued to have a hobbyist interest in law. This changed when he was wrongfully accused of murder and subsequently acquitted by his to-be mentor, Mimilaa Alagula. With the help of her and her colleague, Kaavale Maloral, Llulupe became a defense attorney to protect others from wrongful accusations and falsified evidence.
- Eventually, Lupe reunited with his brother who had become a dissident, and stayed in contact with him through the beginning of the Bright War. He was called to different areas in an attempt to salvage law and order; this wore Lupe down to the point where he accepted a dubious deal from his colleague Kava to fully acquit someone in exchange for his brother's safety.
- Lupe was forced to use falsified evidence he received from Kava to complete his side of the deal; in the end, Kava intended to put Lode in the stasis pod that was to be allotted to Lupe. Because Lupe cared deeply about his brother, he allowed Kava to get away with his trickery and take Lode away to "safety".
- Despite being left for death without a Vault to go to, Lode's dissident allies arrived in the nick of time — Lode requested they find a way to get Lupe into a Vault if things go awry. With their help, Lupe finds his way into a second-rate Vault and successfully falls into cryosleep.
- Many, MANY years down the line, Lupe reawakens improperly as his pod was crushed by the surrounding environment enough to pop the lid open. Before he died from his internal injuries, he was found by the Justice Arken who imparted magical powers to Lupe to bring him back from the brink of death, as he wished for strength in the pursuit of the truth.
- Afterward, he was found by an Orion knight who aided him by taking him back to Regalia for safety; there, Lupe could gain more information about this new world and get back into the lawyer business.
- Llulupe Lamond [luh-loop luh-mond] and his twin brother Llolomde Lamond [loh-lode luh-mond] were a pair of natural-born twins born to a well-off enough family back in the tail end of the Meraic Civilization's history.
- Their parents were quite odd, really… insisting their children be natural-born as well as protesting the use of tech in raising their kids was already quite the unusual stance. It didn't help that their parents tended to spend most of their time away from home doing this or that… apparently, it had something to do with 'rights' and providing support to less-developed areas, but neither Lupe nor Lode was ever clued in on any of their parents' mysterious actions.
- For most of Lupe's childhood, he only had Lode to look up to — his parents were more concerned with their work, and any other Marayan children he interacted with could tell that Lupe was a bit… weird. The family's "situation" never came to light, but Lupe was still bullied by others for how he acted… Lode would always come save the day, interrogating those who bullied his twin brother.
- "If my brother really stole your toys, then where is your proof?!" — more often than not, the other children were simply bluffing and couldn't back up their points! Being protected with logical arguments like this throughout his childhood sparked Lupe's early, eager interest in protections, laws, and studying the teachings of the Tohn Sona… which he continued to do through his early years.
- Besides the "unusual" hobby of studying law, most of his upbringing was quite average for the time… though upon moving away from his parents to attend higher education, Lupe subsequently lost contact with his twin brother. Apparently, Lode was getting into some shady business, and his parents advised Lupe to find his own path… to each their own. Lupe didn't know the severity of his brother's situation, and wouldn't ever get to know in full detail.
⠀ - As a young adult, Lupe initially studied to become a minstrel while consuming political and judicial texts on the side—he wasn't sure what to study going into higher education and had simply just… picked something, Lupe hadn't originally thought too much about it.
- He was content with simply having a hobby-like interest in law… until he experienced the Meraic State's tyranny first-hand by being wrongfully accused of murder in Meraic court. He was out of luck… until a then-rookie defense attorney named Mimilaa Alagula took his case. Her spectacular defense earned Lupe a complete acquittal, and Lupe instantly took the chance to ask to study law under her and her colleague, Kaavale Maloral. That's all fine and dandy… just get through school first, Lupe!
- The three became quick friends; both Mila and Kava helped get Lupe through the further education and credential tests he needed to become a real defense attorney, and from then on… he was unstoppable! (Well, just as long as he made sure to make enough money for rent and stuff…)
- Llulupe Lamond became known in certain legal circles as a tried-and-true defender of the law who dutifully upheld justice and the standards set by the Tohn Sona. He was slightly famous—or infamous, depending on who you asked—for protecting unjustly accused who couldn't defend themselves from improper charges and falsified evidence laid on by the intense Meraic State — TECHNICALLY what he did was all legal, so his "truth" couldn't be silenced!
- Eventually, some ways into his career, Lupe reunited with his brother Lode in the middle of an investigation for a case. It turns out that Lode had joined a group of well-hidden "underground" dissidents who quietly fought against the Unity's iron grip on the state of civilization. Despite sharing similar viewpoints on government issues—and despite being extended an invitation to help the dissidents make waves in the legal system—Lupe denied joining outright but stayed in secret contact with his brother through the years.
⠀ - The Singularity Machine's failure and the start of the Bright War sent ripples through the Meraic Civilization; despite not being a combatant, Lupe was still recruited in the effort to salvage law and order as he was a defense attorney that most could count on… until demons plagued the halls of the Tohn Sona Unity and no one could trust anything anymore. Through their dwindling numbers, Lupe did his best to fight where he could — he was split from his friends and family in the upcoming years as he traveled between providences, doing his best to help where he could.
- Lupe worried for his job, his friends, and his family… ahh, his brother… where was he now in all this chaos? At this point, all the stress was starting to wear this poor man down to the bone… that was when he reunited with his attorney ally, Kaavale. Lupe ended up venting about his situation to Kave, who proposed an… interesting deal: get this certain person fully acquitted before the total collapse of the Unity, and Kava would find Lode and guarantee that Lupe's twin brother would get placed in one of the best Vaults Kava could find. Why wouldn't he accept this deal from a colleague that he trusted so dearly?
- Though… this "final trial" of his didn't exactly go smoothly; the truth was in Lupe's grasp, his client was truly innocent… yet it couldn't be proven in the slightest! Where was the evidence? Nowhere… well, there was ONE trump card that Kava had. A piece of evidence that "could have been", right there for Lupe to use. It was falsified evidence, no doubt about it… no one in this corrupt court would even bat an eye at this point, right? Use it. Kava prepared it so nicely. Why not? It was his win to take, it would guarantee Lode's safety, it…
- It hurt to use that evidence to win. Lupe's client was fully acquitted, but at what cost? The taste of a poorly won victory—and the realization that Kava wasn't as benevolent of a companion as Lupe thought he was—was bitter in Lupe's mouth… but a deal was a deal, and Kava would at least be trustworthy enough to carry out his end of the bargain… right?
⠀ - Vault Day came much too soon, and Lupe's brief communication with Kava (as painful as it was to talk to that man) brought him a tiny sliver of hope. Lupe was told to gather what he could and to start heading toward his assigned Vault… Kava would flag him down somewhere along the way. Most of the documentation on Lupe's legal escapades—along with some other historical mumbo-jumbo—was already packed in the high-class Vault where Llulupe Lamond, famous defense attorney, was to be laid to rest. It was a miracle that they managed to rescue that information and pack it in a Vault with other important folk… and maybe Lode would be placed somewhere just as safe.
- The energy in the air, the buzz of Marayan weapons firing desperately, the sway of the crowd, and the distant explosions… what a dour situation. The only truly bright expression was upon Kava's face as he waved Lupe down, beckoning Lupe to follow him into a side room.
- There Lupe found… his brother! Lupe gave Lode a big hug, but Lode was… unresponsive. No, scratch that — Lode was out cold and a big bruise was forming on the back of his head.
- "… what have you done?! Kavalle!" Lupe had already realized what was to come; the tears that beaded up in the corners of his eyes began to fall.
- "I'm just keeping my end of the bargain. I did say that I'd put your brother in one of the safest Vaults I know, didn't I? You sweet thing. Won't you take pity on him… won't you help him out, like you do with your clients?" Kava pressed his lips to Lupe's cheek, wiping away a tear with his poisoned words. "You know what I called you here for."
- Begrudgingly, Lupe handed over his state ID; the Vault that he himself was admitted to was indeed the safest place that Kava could take Lode… and the both of them knew that Lupe was too nice for his own good. Once Kava had received what he came here for… he wordlessly scooped the unconscious Lode into his arms and made his escape, leaving Lupe alone in the flickering lights… cold, crying, and full of self-directed anger.
⠀ - Lupe's moment of self-wallowing pity was short, though — a nearby window was shattered with a hearty mechanical kick, and a gruff-looking older man scooped Lupe up by the collar and deposited him into the shoddy-looking unmarked ship.
- The ship was manned by a tiny crew of dissidents… no, Lode's friends. Somehow, some way, Lode had a plan for "What to Do if my Brother's Too Nice to Me" — if Lode got ferried off to some fancy Vault, then Lode asked these folks to ascertain that Lupe gets placed in a Vault… no matter the cost. Lupe never really got to learn any of their names, but his gratitude truly couldn't be contained.
- Thankfully he didn't eat breakfast, so his stomach contents COULD be contained as the rickety ship zipped through the fire, flames, and demon tentacles. The ride was extremely rough—certainly, the people going through official channels had a much smoother ride, despite the demon attacks… right?—and more arduous than one would think. Vaults were closing fast, and the crew had to dart around to at least five different areas in search of a Vault that hadn't already closed its doors.
- Finally, the crew spotted ONE Vault that was on the verge of closing… they couldn't land the ship as it'd take too long for Lupe to run to the Vault's main door, so they simply suited the poor attorney up, handed him an access ID to keep with his things, and bid him farewell—and good luck—as they shoved him out of the ship. (It's fine, he's a sturdy boy.)
- Upon making his landing, Lupe shuffled in with the stragglers; the access ID given to him easily allowed Lupe passage into… quite a hastily built Vault. These systems weren't nearly as updated, bits and baubles were strewn about the area, and even the pods looked less-than-trustworthy! But… there it was. One of the final single unoccupied stasis pods was left vacant due to its owner succumbing from his grievous injuries before being able to pull himself in. It was there… open and waiting.
- Lupe eased the poor soul off the pod's front interface and did his best to ignore the gruesome smear of blood that stuck to its surface as he laid himself inside.
- As the lid shut and the mechanics of the stasis pod stuttered to life, Lupe checked his pockets — all he had was his law notebook… and his attorney's ID. Guess he didn't give that up with his state ID after all.
- Gripping his pockets tight, Lupe closed his eyes… soon enough the stress, noise, feeling, and memory all faded away, and he could finally rest easy…
⠀ - Or… not. Did you really think things would be easy for you, Llulupe Lamond?
- His body was usually quite healthy, but right now he felt more like a melting pile of ice on the floor than anything relatively person-shaped. Lupe couldn't feel his fingers, toes, lips, or tongue… he let out a ragged breath, though it was quickly followed by a wet cough. Where was he? Who was he?
- He mustered all his strength to turn to his side so he didn't choke on his own expel; his vision was blurred and he could barely make shapes out, but he knew enough to make some educated guesses.
- The Vault had been ransacked; who knows who did it, but everything was barren… all the baubles had disappeared, there was dirt everywhere, and the walls had all but caved in. In fact, the stasis chamber that Lupe called "home" was now nothing more than a twisted piece of metal, popped open like a bean pod. In the corner of his right eye, a red light flashed warily.
- Well… shit. No Dragons magically appearing out of thin air to raise him, no other people around, and Lupe's pod malfunctioned badly enough to force him awake and almost kill him. Scratch that, the cold feeling that started in his fingers was slowly moving its way up… maybe he was ACTUALLY dying.
- As Lupe lay on his left side… someone appeared above him. He couldn't make them out well, as his body was too weak to properly focus. A blonde(?) lady(?) of some sort…? She was just there… staring at him… expectantly(?). Should he… say something?
- "… I, um…" Cough, cough — "I think I… I am dying?" No response, but Lupe felt… oddly compelled to talk. About what? The world seemed to slow down long enough for Lupe to start talking about the things he did right before going into stasis and about how… disappointed he was in himself, of all things.
- "So you regret those choices?" The stranger finally spoke after letting Lupe prattle on. Lupe made a face — he did… of course, he did… but if he hadn't then his brother would… The truth was muddy like that. Strange Lady tilted her head to the side questioningly — "Cannot say for certain? Then, what good is your resolve?"
- Lupe gurgled semi-defiantly; he had resolve, he did! Sure he had a weak moment, but that's the nature of mortals! If he could just get up… if he had a second chance to prove his point… if only his body and mind were stronger…
- "… you want a second chance?" The stranger's voice pulled him from his thoughts. "Life does not give those, unfortunately. There are no second chances, only chances to reveal the truth for what it really is. And the truth you seek…" Lupe's vision is obscured by the strange woman's hand coming down to grip his face, "… should be seen with your own eyes."
- The next long, LONG moments were moments of the most intense pain Lupe had felt in life thus far — it was as if his body were burning from the inside out! It was so bad that he didn't even notice that the expel from his mouth slowly dried… and that the cold grip of death was blasted to smithereens by the fire of pure justice. That is to say… after about seven seconds, he whited out. To this day he cannot remember any more details about the strange, blonde lady. (Sometimes, he even wonders if that whole event even happened… he WAS kinda DYING at the time, y'know.)
⠀ - Eventually Lupe regained consciousness… and the lady was gone. Well, at least he wasn't dying anymore… right? He still couldn't move all that well, but his body felt… better! Different! Different? Maybe it was just the air in this place or something.
- With a grunt, Lupe turned and attempted to orient himself… he felt like shit, but he had to at least figure out where he was, right? He had almost pushed his upper body up when—
- FLASHBANG. An extremely bright humanoid creature wearing some weird metal casing over itself just so happened to wander in through a crumbling wall and one of the light beams from the fellow's effervescent self proceeded to metaphorically burn out Lupe's retinas. Luckily, the creature noticed! Unluckily, the sheer shock of the situation—coupled with how… odd his body still felt—instantly knocked Lupe out for the count. Goodnight, Good Knight!
- Upon being rescued by this Knightly fellow, Lupe was taken to this "Regalia" place to rest, recuperate, and eventually regain his footing through immersion. Lupe would later come to learn that his Vault had already been opened and others from the area had been rescued earlier… the only reason he was woken up later was that his pod was jammed and showed an error, convincing onlookers that the device had simply failed.
- Technicalities aside… What kind of place was this? What sort of world did he wake up in? Was his brother somewhere out there? And… did this place have some form of law to learn? All of these questions were things that this intrepid lawyer would soon set out to answer.
[CRP Sheet for Combat Boards]⠀
Attack Stat: Dexterity — 1d10+7
Defense Stat: Magic — 1d10+5
Proficiency Points — [15/15 Used]
- Strength: 0
- N/A
- Constitution: 0
- N/A
- Intelligence: 0
- N/A
- Wisdom: 0
- N/A
- Dexterity: 7
- Cutthroat Stance
- Cutthroat Mirror Pack
- Sharp Reflexes Pack
- Escape Artist Pack
- Fancy Footwork Pack
- Improvised Attack Pack
- Flexible Maneuver Pack
- Fate's Wheel Pack
- Faith: 0
- N/A
- Magic: 5
- Safeguard Pack [Magic Variant]
- Wardrobe Pack [Magic Variant]
- Arcane Snare Pack
- Arcane Distortion Pack
- Arcane Cleanse Pack
- Charisma: 3
- Sanctioned Presence Pack
- Saving Presence Pack
- Undisclosed Presence Pack

" One-hundred percent on the path to the truth, or your regals back! Is… that how it goes? "

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