Character Information
Background Theme
Full Name
Li'nara Shaniya Nular
Race / Culture
· Mixed race- Isldar, Bene Vixit & Sihai, Beian
· Identifies with Sihai culture, where she was raised and does not closely identify with her Isldar parentage nor culture.
Gender / Pronouns
Draconic magic (both healing & magical abilities), Tier Four Mage/Cleric
Core Concept
· Religion & Backstory- Li'nara holds the Dragon Beishén as her patron and worships the Goddess Severena, the Green Stalwart Dragon. She has recently concluded a pilgrimage to the Temple of Elevation, where she sought confirmation and raised enlightenment, to speak with her Goddess. She was denied at the temple, after her travel over the course of several months, only to be denied. She was deemed young and not ready but encouraged to discover herself more. Crestfallen, Li'nara is seeking to meet her true self and travel in anticipation of adventure to find what truly motivates her in life.
· Li'nara is most skilled in the brewing and harvesting of ingredients, the art of alchemy. She is seeking time on this new pilgrimage to learn about the world of magic, a strong desire she has always had but has been also denied by her family, out of fear of the danger of such knowledge. She is also seeking to further her medical knowledge and talents, as she has been limited until now.
Appearance Information
Li'nara possesses a mix of both her parents' identifying characteristics. She has fair, blue skin and long—pointed ears as well as light blue eyes. Her hair is also a dark, ocean blue from mutation. Her features, body and height are several characteristics similar to her Sihai heritage. At first glance, aside from choice of clothing style of the Sihai, it is difficult to determine what race Li'nara belongs to. She wears long, flowing robes that are loosely fitted and of Sihai colors. She at times wears loosely fitted, western traveling clothing.
Combat Style
Hobbies and Talents
Alchemy, Medical Hobbies & Cleric Talent

Background Theme
Full Name
Li'nara Shaniya Nular
Race / Culture
· Mixed race- Isldar, Bene Vixit & Sihai, Beian
· Identifies with Sihai culture, where she was raised and does not closely identify with her Isldar parentage nor culture.
Gender / Pronouns
Draconic magic (both healing & magical abilities), Tier Four Mage/Cleric

Core Concept
· Religion & Backstory- Li'nara holds the Dragon Beishén as her patron and worships the Goddess Severena, the Green Stalwart Dragon. She has recently concluded a pilgrimage to the Temple of Elevation, where she sought confirmation and raised enlightenment, to speak with her Goddess. She was denied at the temple, after her travel over the course of several months, only to be denied. She was deemed young and not ready but encouraged to discover herself more. Crestfallen, Li'nara is seeking to meet her true self and travel in anticipation of adventure to find what truly motivates her in life.
· Li'nara is most skilled in the brewing and harvesting of ingredients, the art of alchemy. She is seeking time on this new pilgrimage to learn about the world of magic, a strong desire she has always had but has been also denied by her family, out of fear of the danger of such knowledge. She is also seeking to further her medical knowledge and talents, as she has been limited until now.
Appearance Information
Li'nara possesses a mix of both her parents' identifying characteristics. She has fair, blue skin and long—pointed ears as well as light blue eyes. Her hair is also a dark, ocean blue from mutation. Her features, body and height are several characteristics similar to her Sihai heritage. At first glance, aside from choice of clothing style of the Sihai, it is difficult to determine what race Li'nara belongs to. She wears long, flowing robes that are loosely fitted and of Sihai colors. She at times wears loosely fitted, western traveling clothing.
Combat Style
Hobbies and Talents
Alchemy, Medical Hobbies & Cleric Talent
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 4
· Medical Point Buy
o 1) Free Medical Stance (Cleric)
o 2) Medical Revive Pack
o 3) Medical Barrier Pack
o 4) Medical Bolster Pack
o 5) Medical Resist Pack
· Chem Point Buy
o 1) Chem Bang Pack
o 2) Technique Parry Pack
o 3) Chem Purge Pack
o 4) Chem Revive Pack
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 6
· Cleric Point Buy
o 1) Free Sacred Revive Pack (Race – Sihai)
o 2) Sacred Healing Pack
o 3) Sacred Burn Pack
o 4) Sacred Bleed Pack
o 5) Sacred Portent Pack
o 6) Sacred Dispel Pack
o 7) Sacred Circle Pack
Magic: 4
· Magic Point Buy
o 1) Magic Bolts Pack
o 2) Magic Distort Pack
o 3) Magic Smog Pack
o 4) Magic Resist Pack
Mixed Mechanics
· "Sihai can telekinetically move, reshape, recolor, and restructure Jade with their mind. They can also turn any crystal-like substance or noble metal into Jade."· "Life Isldar can perform the Life Song on a recently deceased person of any heritage or culture, ensuring they pass into the afterlife (with OOC consent)."
· "Life Isldar are immune to harm from frost or cold sources (unless they are Magical), and do not suffer decreased visibility or choking hazard in a blizzard/snow-storm."
· "Life Isldar can use Farsight to receive vague visions of things happening and existing in faraway lands. (this may require communication with Event DM's or Tickets)."
· "Sihai may receive calamity visions during pivotal choice moments in Staff Events (Private Message to DM to discuss opportunities) that may warn from bad decisions." (All taken from the Wiki on both the Sihai and Isldar races).
Sulvaley, self-taught out of interest as she has Isldar heritage as well.
Personality, likes, & dislikes
Personality- Li'nara is very open-minded, compassionate yet quiet and tries her best not to burden those around her. She can seem closed off and quiet upon meeting her but she is quick to warm up to people whom she spends time with. She is very spiritual but no to the extent of being considered a shaman. Li'nara is often cool, calm and collected in the face of crisis and stress. She is quick to jump to her friends aid, in any circumstance and does not judge those who are occult or non-occult. She is curious, well-read and even considered a scholar in her free time and travels. She documents her journeys regularly. Her Mother is Sihan and her Father Isldar, whom she has never met or held contact with as he passed away when she was born by political execution although this is all that she knows. She likes books, brewing potions, listening to bards sing, the ocean and animals. She dislikes temple defilers, thievery of the commonfolk, carrots, hurricanes, and wearing close-toed shoes.
Sulvaley, self-taught out of interest as she has Isldar heritage as well.
Personality, likes, & dislikes
Personality- Li'nara is very open-minded, compassionate yet quiet and tries her best not to burden those around her. She can seem closed off and quiet upon meeting her but she is quick to warm up to people whom she spends time with. She is very spiritual but no to the extent of being considered a shaman. Li'nara is often cool, calm and collected in the face of crisis and stress. She is quick to jump to her friends aid, in any circumstance and does not judge those who are occult or non-occult. She is curious, well-read and even considered a scholar in her free time and travels. She documents her journeys regularly. Her Mother is Sihan and her Father Isldar, whom she has never met or held contact with as he passed away when she was born by political execution although this is all that she knows. She likes books, brewing potions, listening to bards sing, the ocean and animals. She dislikes temple defilers, thievery of the commonfolk, carrots, hurricanes, and wearing close-toed shoes.
Life Story / Plot Hooks
Li'nara is not typically offended when her given name is addressed to by people who do not belong to her culture. Li'nara is known for her clerical abilities in her community but more so in small towns and villages for her pass-throughs for her potions and alchemical abilities. Li'nara offers her healing abilities generously to any who seek aid, no matter who they may be. Li'nara is a cleric, living in a temple for most of her years and has a closeknit as well as large, loving family in Beian. She also loves to write and longs to have her own library when she has her own home one day and desires to open her own temple to the public in worship of her deity. Li'nara is bisexual and openly so, despising the homophobia that sometimes was present in her home among families of status.
Li'nara is not typically offended when her given name is addressed to by people who do not belong to her culture. Li'nara is known for her clerical abilities in her community but more so in small towns and villages for her pass-throughs for her potions and alchemical abilities. Li'nara offers her healing abilities generously to any who seek aid, no matter who they may be. Li'nara is a cleric, living in a temple for most of her years and has a closeknit as well as large, loving family in Beian. She also loves to write and longs to have her own library when she has her own home one day and desires to open her own temple to the public in worship of her deity. Li'nara is bisexual and openly so, despising the homophobia that sometimes was present in her home among families of status.