Preserved Sheet Leufred

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@MantaRey edited points as per the new prof changes
@MantaRey hello i am back again
  • rearranged points (again), body points included
  • leufred is now a villiers squire who quit before graduating
  • life story changed to reflect this (both the bullet point version and the thematic one)
App needs to be reviewed (again). Leufred is back, with some genuine significant changes.
@booette quick edits
  • Added spec perm document.
  • Changed Stealth Rogue to Shielding in light of new skill set.
  • Changed surname after recent IC developments.
Edited for the Ailor update. Needs to get looked over.
@Caelamus App rewritten.
Aesthetics reformatted to be less overbearing and look like a funny case file.
Some stuff stripped down. Alignment changed to fit better.
Proficiency reworked because like 3 reworks have happened and I hate shield points.
Backstory rewritten entirely.
application edited for archblood update