Preserved Sheet Leon Claudio

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Now just delete his Talents and he's good to go!
Also got rid of Syndicate contact fully, now changed to Battle command, if not possible i will change it back
An excerpt from the character application template:
Skill Information (Optional)
The following is optional when filling out your character application, though mandatory when registering a Special Permission, or when your character has been trained by one of the Military/Magic Schools. Please use a Bullet Point list. Try to keep the information as simple and confined as possible. This information mostly pertains to combat/magic education and training to declare a skill level.
  • School: (Declare what Military (example) or Magic (example) your character is trained in. You can declare multiple Schools, but consult with Lore Staff/the Wiki articles about limitations. Be aware that Intellect Schools often have multiple Disciplines and you will need to specify which one [or more] your character is trained in.)
  • Level: (Declare what Skill Level your character is in their Military/Magic School(example) for example: Trainee/Mage/Warrior etc. If you have multiple Schools, declare them all. Be aware that Intellect Schools often have multiple Disciplines and you will need to specify which one [or more] your character is trained in.)
  • Source (Declare the source of your School training per School. For example for Magic this could be "Mentored by Father" or in the case of a Military School: "Attended Turall Blade School" or "Taught by a private tutor paid for by uncle". For each School, declare separately, even if the sources are the same.)
Age him up to 37
added his sneak prof by +1
added his husbandry prof by +1