Preserved Sheet Leo Labandeira

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@microwavemmm requesting a RE REVIEW. did some major rehauling; retconned the eronidas bits (no longer relevant), removed sorcery and went fully mundane. also, gave her a gun.

requested REPEATED REVIEW . i removed all the dex because i didn't use the guns, removed mentions of using guns in the life story, fixed the tattoo description, and added a bunch of cute art in the art dropdown :)

hello i have:
-removed mount husbandry (pegasus was funny but made no sense)
-added amontaar wisdom (it's funny and i like the mental image of leo being able to talk her way into anywhere)
-added state saboteur (it's funny)
-added distant linguist (it's useful)
-added stupid luck (it's funny)

and i have also explained all of these in the life story

i would like a re review pls
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@BiBiBirdie hello i am requesting el re review (i updated my profs)
-removed stupid luck (state point buy limits)
-removed pet husbandry (no longer exists)
-added rearguard pack, archive pack
-pulled one point out of constitution and put it into wisdom