Lajo Fiestass’a Se Lloass’a Gua’alna’bosquess’ajo Se Regalia

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Jul 2, 2016
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A letter written upon aged parchment would be pinned to the Regalian Noticeboard by a nail embellished with the insignia of the Rangers of Hyarroc.
Upon said parchment read:

"Greetings citizens of Regalia, we are the unofficial
Lajo fiestass'a se lloass'a gua'alna'bosquess'ajo se Regalia. Or, in Ceardian
The Regalian Ranger Corps.
We come to your city in search of work, diplomacy and allies. Seeking to befriend one and all who
wish to become one of our order, and to learn our way of living.
We can aid this archipelago in many ways, such as providing a more detailed knowledge of the
unexplored territories that surround the city, as well as aiding as traders and emissaries.
Allow us to serve this empire, by first giving us the chance to show that we can serve the people.
May the spirit bless you, and Estel guide you.
Lajo fiestass'a se lloass'a gua'alna'bosquess'ajo se Regalia"


IC Information/ Goals:
  • The group's main aim is to establish a place in Regalia where people can freely learn the Ranger's lifestyle, as well as perform a service to the city itself as a scout for the military, or an emissary for the crown.
  • The group aims to build interest in the School of Rangers to everyone who may show interest in it, trying to revive and modernize the arts that they study.
  • They wish to aid in the safety of the people of Regalia
  • They wish to make money through honourable means, providing tutoring and doing work upon request.
  • To protect the forests of the Regalian archipelago, as well as establishing a secure trade route through them to the surrounding territories.

OOC Information/ Goals:

Lajo fiestass'a se lloass'a gua'alna'bosquess'ajo se Regalia is a group of Ranger scholars, and combatives alike that have come to Regalia in look of work, and with desire to serve the
empire. They plan to set up a place of operations where they can train the young and old alike in
the lifestyles of being a ranger. Not making them rangers themselves, but teaching them how to
survive and thrive. They wish to further progress Regalia with their teachings, making sure every
citizen is prepared for what may come.
Lajo fiestass'a se lloass'a gua'alna'bosquess'ajo se Regalia has sworn to abide by all
Regalian laws, and have even looked into their customs to better accommodate those that join
them, or take teachings from them.
Our ultimate goals are to become an approved charter, focused around diplomatic and more
peaceful natured jobs such as scouting, emissary work, and the likes. Unlike the many militarized
charters and Marks currently available to the public. But while being non-hostile, we still wish to
offer a government roleplay scene.

What we do?:

  • Freelance diplomacy.
  • Cargo escort.
  • People escort.
  • Scouting/ intelligence gathering.
  • Teachings on the non-fighting styles of the Rangers.
  • Odd jobs that your grandmother may ask for you to do.
All of our services apply inside, and outside of the city walls. Our Rangers do not fear what lay
outside those walls, and will not turn down a job simply because of it.
No matter the job there will be little to no questions asked.

IC Name:
Character sheet
(Not required but appreciated):
(if no sheet is linked):
Skill level with the School of Rangers:
IC and OOC reason for applying:
Actively played characters:
Self evaluation of RP 1-10
(10 being best.):
Other groups this character is in:
RP references:
IC Name:
Character sheet
(Not required):
IC letter with job details:

Send job requests to @NovaFlameveil and myself in a forums conversation, not as a response to this thread.
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Does the initiation require for new members to say Lajo fiestass'a se lloass'a gua'alna'bosquess'ajo se Regalia ten times fast?
It says that they will protect outside of the city's walls. When ICly the city takes up the whole island and outside of that there's a mote. How exactly do they protect the mote?
IGN: maddiefluffs
IC Name: Laurette Floreciente
Character sheet(Not required but appreciated): N/A
Race/Gender/Age(if no sheet is linked): Race: half Cielothar half Ailor / Female / Age: 23
Skill level with the School of Rangers: N/A
IC and OOC reason for applying: IC: My character is looking for something more to do with her life, and thinks helping people is the right way to go. OOC: I am looking for some more roleplay experiences and this seems like a great opportunity.
Actively played characters: Only Laurette right now.
Self evaluation of RP 1-10(10 being best.): 7/10
Other groups this character is in: N/A
RP references: Wolfiecat940
IGN: maddiefluffs
IC Name: Laurette Floreciente
Character sheet(Not required but appreciated): N/A
Race/Gender/Age(if no sheet is linked): Race: half Cielothar half Ailor / Female / Age: 23
Skill level with the School of Rangers: N/A
IC and OOC reason for applying: IC: My character is looking for something more to do with her life, and thinks helping people is the right way to go. OOC: I am looking for some more roleplay experiences and this seems like a great opportunity.
Actively played characters: Only Laurette right now.
Self evaluation of RP 1-10(10 being best.): 7/10
Other groups this character is in: N/A
RP references: Wolfiecat940

IGN: HoshiChomp12
IC Name: Marina Deckard
Character sheet: WIP <3
Race/Gender/Age: Yanar/"Female"/23
Skill level with the School of Rangers: None
IC and OOC reason for applying: Marina is a new character so I need something for her to do. Marina wants to explore more Elven culture and would like to fight.
Actively played characters: Mama Yahdga, a few others that I barely play
Self evaluation of RP 1-10: 5 1/2
Other groups this character is in: 0
RP references: quasiff, Friendly_Gal, You (I think XD)
IGN: HoshiChomp12
IC Name: Marina Deckard
Character sheet: WIP <3
Race/Gender/Age: Yanar/"Female"/23
Skill level with the School of Rangers: None
IC and OOC reason for applying: Marina is a new character so I need something for her to do. Marina wants to explore more Elven culture and would like to fight.
Actively played characters: Mama Yahdga, a few others that I barely play
Self evaluation of RP 1-10: 5 1/2
Other groups this character is in: 0
RP references: quasiff, Friendly_Gal, You (I think XD)

Please message me your skype if you have one.
Edmure scratched the back of his head, edging away from the poster as he mumbled to himself.
"If you're trying to petition yourself in Regalia, at least make the name understandable. Silly elves."
IGN: Angelwho2013
IC Name: Akame
Character sheet
Skill level with the School of Rangers: None so far.
IC and OOC reason for applying: Akame thinks the community of rangers is full of fun, good people. It's about time she
tries to get into a group like that. OOC, I do in fact think it will be fun and add a greater variety to my role plays.

Actively played characters: Akame is my main, the others are a little high up on the shelf at times.
Self evaluation of RP 6.5
Other groups this character is in: Surreptitous Order
RP references: Grimdevallhalla, All the Weeaboos.
IGN: Angelwho2013
IC Name: Akame
Character sheet
Skill level with the School of Rangers: None so far.
IC and OOC reason for applying: Akame thinks the community of rangers is full of fun, good people. It's about time she
tries to get into a group like that. OOC, I do in fact think it will be fun and add a greater variety to my role plays.

Actively played characters: Akame is my main, the others are a little high up on the shelf at times.
Self evaluation of RP 6.5
Other groups this character is in: Surreptitous Order
RP references: Grimdevallhalla, All the Weeaboos.

Due to the more illegal nature of the Surreptitous and her affiliation with them I must Reject this application. If situations change, feel free to apply again.
The Lajo fiestass'a se lloass'a gua'alna'bosquess'ajo se Regalia currently has enough students.
Thus if you do not have prior experience in the school of rangers or related, you will be rejected.
Due to the more illegal nature of the Surreptitous and her affiliation with them I must Reject this application. If situations change, feel free to apply again.
IGN: Angelwho2013
IC Name: Akame
Character sheet
Skill level with the School of Rangers: None so far.
IC and OOC reason for applying: Akame thinks the community of rangers is full of fun, good people. It's about time she
tries to get into a group like that. OOC, I do in fact think it will be fun and add a greater variety to my role plays.

Actively played characters: Akame is my main, the others are a little high up on the shelf at times.
Self evaluation of RP 6.5
Other groups this character is in: Surreptitous Order
RP references: Grimdevallhalla, All the Weeaboos.
Accepted under special circumstances

IC Name:
Llef'en'soja'la Asi'gos'la'en'can
(Lle'en Asi'gos)

Character sheet
(Not required but appreciated):
Don't have one

(if no sheet is linked):
Avanthar, Female, 32

Skill level with the School of Rangers:

IC and OOC reason for applying:
Sounds very cool and seems like it would give me a chance to meet more people and be able to roleplay.

Actively played characters:

Self evaluation of RP 1-10
(10 being best.):

Other groups this character is in:

Currently applying for another one

RP references:


IC Name:
Llef'en'soja'la Asi'gos'la'en'can
(Lle'en Asi'gos)

Character sheet
(Not required but appreciated):
Don't have one

(if no sheet is linked):
Avanthar, Female, 32

Skill level with the School of Rangers:

IC and OOC reason for applying:
Sounds very cool and seems like it would give me a chance to meet more people and be able to roleplay.

Actively played characters:

Self evaluation of RP 1-10
(10 being best.):

Other groups this character is in:

Currently applying for another one

RP references:

Accepted. If you have it, please send me your skype name over PM.
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