La Légion De L'aigle | House De Letoirneau's Guard

IGN: H0on
Your Timezone: GMT +8
Do you have Discord? (Required): U got mine

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Durand de Borge
Character Age: 42
Character Race and Culture: Ithanian Ailor
Character Proficiencies:
  • +10 Bodycare Training (from Race Boost)
  • + 10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Points)
  • +2 Marshal Knowledge (+2 from points)
  • +10 Blades (+10 from points)
  • +10 Shields (+10 from points)
  • +10 Judicial (+10 from points)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Nop

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Letoirneau-Alaire,

I wish to join your House Guard and serve dutifully. I am a Bloodcast knight and worked for some time as a mercenary. I hope you accept me into your House Guard as I will put all my honor and pride into serving you and your family.

Sincerely, Durand de Borge
IGN: H0on
Your Timezone: GMT +8
Do you have Discord? (Required): U got mine

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Durand de Borge
Character Age: 42
Character Race and Culture: Ithanian Ailor
Character Proficiencies:
  • +10 Bodycare Training (from Race Boost)
  • + 10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Points)
  • +2 Marshal Knowledge (+2 from points)
  • +10 Blades (+10 from points)
  • +10 Shields (+10 from points)
  • +10 Judicial (+10 from points)
Squadron Preference? (If any): Nop

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Letoirneau-Alaire,

I wish to join your House Guard and serve dutifully. I am a Bloodcast knight and worked for some time as a mercenary. I hope you accept me into your House Guard as I will put all my honor and pride into serving you and your family.

Sincerely, Durand de Borge
As long as Durand no longer works as a mercenary, this application is Accepted.
Timezone: CST
Discord: Mhm you got mine
Character Name & App: Tusrig Herdier
Character Age: 67
Character Race: Yanar
Character Proficiencies:
  • Sciences Proficiency
    • +10 Medical Sciences (+10 from Points)
    • +15 Alchemy Sciences (+15 from Points)
    • +20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 from Race)
    • +2 Food & Drink Sciences (+2 from Points)
  • Knowledge Proficiency
    • +18 Linguistic Knowledge (+18 from Points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • +15 Athletic Training (+15 from Points)
Squad Preference: Nop
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyrprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyrprien de Letoirneau,

After having spoken to one of your guards by the name of Jacques Martyn, I have decided to write a letter to you expressing my interest in serving your house. I may not be able to fight by I'm a medic and an alchemist and as Jacques informed me you are always in need of a good medic. I've served in three wars in my lifetime the Chrysant War, and both Songaskian Wars as a medic. I'm an Ithanian born Yanar so there won't be a Language barrier between your family members and I. I hope you consider me and if accepted I shall serve your house and protect your members.
Tusrig Herdier
Timezone: CST
Discord: Mhm you got mine
Character Name & App: Tusrig Herdier
Character Age: 67
Character Race: Yanar
Character Proficiencies:
  • Sciences Proficiency
    • +10 Medical Sciences (+10 from Points)
    • +15 Alchemy Sciences (+15 from Points)
    • +20 Nature Care Sciences (+20 from Race)
    • +2 Food & Drink Sciences (+2 from Points)
  • Knowledge Proficiency
    • +18 Linguistic Knowledge (+18 from Points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • +15 Athletic Training (+15 from Points)
Squad Preference: Nop
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyrprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyrprien de Letoirneau,

After having spoken to one of your guards by the name of Jacques Martyn, I have decided to write a letter to you expressing my interest in serving your house. I may not be able to fight by I'm a medic and an alchemist and as Jacques informed me you are always in need of a good medic. I've served in three wars in my lifetime the Chrysant War, and both Songaskian Wars as a medic. I'm an Ithanian born Yanar so there won't be a Language barrier between your family members and I. I hope you consider me and if accepted I shall serve your house and protect your members.
Tusrig Herdier
Pending approval as the Head Physician will need to be informed and given a say.
IGN: _Churro
Your Timezone: Central Time Zone
Do you have Discord? (Required): Churro#5661

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Violet de Seversky
Character Age: 67
Character Race and Culture: Avanthar/brood; Unionism
Character Proficiencies:
+10 Axes Combat Skill (From Race)
+10 Cavalry Combat Skill (From Race)
+10 Blades Combat Skill (From Points)
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill (From Points)
+10 Shielding Combat Skill (From Points)
+10 Athletic Training (From Points)
+5 Perception Training (From Points)
+5 Rogue Training (From Points)
+3 Food & Drink Sciences (From Points)
+5 Medical Sciences (From Points)
+2 Musical Arts (From Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): None

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
Over the two years of being in Regalia, I have not been able to find work that I have been interested in sense I have left Lusits. I am currently broke, and need a job to pay my taxes and bills. I am barely making it as of now, seeing my savings from my last job, in Lusits, are almost all gone. I have the skill to work as a guard in your house, if you're willing to let me work there. At the age of nine, when my family had enough money, I went to School of Atraves with two of my brothers. I am indeed a brood, but I am Avanthar. I am hoping to work with anyone I have to, but I highly do request working with Lilianna, a fellow brood friend of mine that has told me of this house I could work for. If not, I am ok with this, I will work with whoever I can to show my loyalty to this house, and to the people outside of this house if I am accepted to work for you.
With all loyalty, Violet de Seversky.
IGN: _Churro
Your Timezone: Central Time Zone
Do you have Discord? (Required): Churro#5661

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Violet de Seversky
Character Age: 67
Character Race and Culture: Avanthar/brood; Unionism
Character Proficiencies:
+10 Axes Combat Skill (From Race)
+10 Cavalry Combat Skill (From Race)
+10 Blades Combat Skill (From Points)
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill (From Points)
+10 Shielding Combat Skill (From Points)
+10 Athletic Training (From Points)
+5 Perception Training (From Points)
+5 Rogue Training (From Points)
+3 Food & Drink Sciences (From Points)
+5 Medical Sciences (From Points)
+2 Musical Arts (From Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): None

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
Over the two years of being in Regalia, I have not been able to find work that I have been interested in sense I have left Lusits. I am currently broke, and need a job to pay my taxes and bills. I am barely making it as of now, seeing my savings from my last job, in Lusits, are almost all gone. I have the skill to work as a guard in your house, if you're willing to let me work there. At the age of nine, when my family had enough money, I went to School of Atraves with two of my brothers. I am indeed a brood, but I am Avanthar. I am hoping to work with anyone I have to, but I highly do request working with Lilianna, a fellow brood friend of mine that has told me of this house I could work for. If not, I am ok with this, I will work with whoever I can to show my loyalty to this house, and to the people outside of this house if I am accepted to work for you.
With all loyalty, Violet de Seversky.
IGN: Unluckyyyy

Your Timezone: GMT

Do you have Discord? (Required): Unlucky#8243

Character Name: Blake de Blanc
Character Age: 21
Character Race and Culture: Ailor/Brood

Character Proficiencies:
Musical Arts +10 (from race/culture)
Unarmed Combat skill +10 (from points)
Axe Combat skill +6 (from points
Athletic training +5 (from points)

Squadron Preference? (If any):None

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
After being jobless for a year i have shown great interest in becoming apart of your House guard. I will show absolute loyalty and be able to carry out any job that is given to me, I have gained knowledge of this from Lillanne and I would be thankful I could be placed in the same squadron as her.

Sincerely Blake de Blanc
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IGN: Unluckyyyy

Your Timezone: GMT

Do you have Discord? (Required): Unlucky#8243

Character Name: Blake de Blanc
Character Age: 21
Character Race and Culture: Ailor/Brood

Character Proficiencies:
Musical Arts +10 (from race/culture)
Unarmed Combat skill +10 (from points)
Axe Combat skill +6 (from points
Athletic training +5 (from points)

Squadron Preference? (If any):None

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
After being jobless for a year i have shown great interest in becoming apart of your House guard. I will show absolute loyalty and be able to carry out any job that is given to me, I have gained knowledge of this from Lillanne and I would be thankful I could be placed in the same squadron as her.

Sincerely Blake de Blanc
Pending official approval.
IGN: indyfan98
Your Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Sithembisa Syldove (
Character Age: 58
Character Race and Culture: Songaskian Url (however, Unionist)
Character Proficiencies:
  • 38 Hunting Knowledge (20 from race, 18 from points)
  • 10 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 from race)
  • 20 Throwing Combat Skill (20 from points)
  • 20 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (20 from points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Knighthood (Will take House Guard, however)

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,

I am Sithembisa. I have been referred by my brother to you house guard. My brother, Benjamin Syldove (not related by blood, but rather friendship), has recommended I join your ranks. I am a Cadet in the Sentinel Guard, but am approaching my next rank quickly, despite my short time with the guard. I am skilled in tracking, as many Urls are. I still have some roots to my old culture, with skill in throwing arms, and am skilled in the usage of crossbows. I am guild master of the Guild of the Regal Huntsmen, and am good at stalking my prey.

I hope to be honored with a rank amongst your knighthood, and with to be lead to victory through your leadership. Thank you, and Spirit's blessing be upon you.
Sithembisa Syldove.​
IGN: RedMuffle
Your Timezone: Central Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Not yet, I'm getting it though

Character Name: Wren Smith
Character Age: 32
Character Race and Culture: Highland Ceardian/Anglian
Character Proficiencies:
+15 Unarmed Combat Skill
+10 Axes Combat Skill
+10 Shielding Combat Skill
+5 Athletic Training
+2 Perception Training

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commander de Letoirneau,
I have recently settled down in the Regalian community and have need for a job. Since having walked around, I've overheard a few people speak of your house guard. It sounded like it had many positives and so, I write in hopes to be accepted. I have experienced combat in my axe and round shield, while also having great hand to hand knowledge.

Wren Smith
IGN: indyfan98
Your Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one):
Sithembisa Syldove (
Character Age: 58
Character Race and Culture: Songaskian Url (however, Unionist)
Character Proficiencies:
  • 38 Hunting Knowledge (20 from race, 18 from points)
  • 10 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 from race)
  • 20 Throwing Combat Skill (20 from points)
  • 20 Heavy Bow Combat Skill (20 from points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Knighthood (Will take House Guard, however)

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,

I am Sithembisa. I have been referred by my brother to you house guard. My brother, Benjamin Syldove (not related by blood, but rather friendship), has recommended I join your ranks. I am a Cadet in the Sentinel Guard, but am approaching my next rank quickly, despite my short time with the guard. I am skilled in tracking, as many Urls are. I still have some roots to my old culture, with skill in throwing arms, and am skilled in the usage of crossbows. I am guild master of the Guild of the Regal Huntsmen, and am good at stalking my prey.

I hope to be honored with a rank amongst your knighthood, and with to be lead to victory through your leadership. Thank you, and Spirit's blessing be upon you.
Sithembisa Syldove.​
IGN: RedMuffle
Your Timezone: Central Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Not yet, I'm getting it though

Character Name: Wren Smith
Character Age: 32
Character Race and Culture: Highland Ceardian/Anglian
Character Proficiencies:
+15 Unarmed Combat Skill
+10 Axes Combat Skill
+10 Shielding Combat Skill
+5 Athletic Training
+2 Perception Training

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Commander de Letoirneau,
I have recently settled down in the Regalian community and have need for a job. Since having walked around, I've overheard a few people speak of your house guard. It sounded like it had many positives and so, I write in hopes to be accepted. I have experienced combat in my axe and round shield, while also having great hand to hand knowledge.

Wren Smith

Your Timezone: Currently up in EST
Do you have Discord? : You already have it

Character Name : (still working on my app so ill have that done asap)
- IC - Roseline Blackwood
Character Age: 22
Character Race and Culture: Ailor
Character Proficiencies: +12 Daggers +3 Unarmed Combat +7 acrobatics
Squadron Preference? (If any): House Guard (brood squadron please) :D
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I look for employment in your house guard to both protect and serve your family till my dying days, you see, I'm a fighter. Not just a fighter, A warrior. I've taken many small jobs around the city, cleaning up shops and serving for small kiosks on the side of the road. But I know that's not why i was put forth into this world. I was here to fight. I don't mean just good old blood and gore fighting. I mean fighting for the respect of my people. I'm a brood. My race has always been subject to ridicule and disrespect for centuries. I heard about your brood regiment, I want to be there to clean up the streets, take care of the family as best I can and prove my brothers and sisters can do good in this world, even if it takes all my life and all my energy just to get there. I want to become a part of your guard to show that I am willing to lye down my own life for that of you and your family.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Best wishes,
Roseline T. Blackwood

IGN: Jackalop3
Your Timezone: Currently up in EST
Do you have Discord? : You already have it

Character Name : (still working on my app so ill have that done asap)
- IC - Roseline Blackwood
Character Age: 22
Character Race and Culture: Ailor
Character Proficiencies: +12 Daggers +3 Unarmed Combat +7 acrobatics
Squadron Preference? (If any): House Guard (brood squadron please) :D
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I look for employment in your house guard to both protect and serve your family till my dying days, you see, I'm a fighter. Not just a fighter, A warrior. I've taken many small jobs around the city, cleaning up shops and serving for small kiosks on the side of the road. But I know that's not why i was put forth into this world. I was here to fight. I don't mean just good old blood and gore fighting. I mean fighting for the respect of my people. I'm a brood. My race has always been subject to ridicule and disrespect for centuries. I heard about your brood regiment, I want to be there to clean up the streets, take care of the family as best I can and prove my brothers and sisters can do good in this world, even if it takes all my life and all my energy just to get there. I want to become a part of your guard to show that I am willing to lye down my own life for that of you and your family.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Best wishes,
Roseline T. Blackwood
IGN: Ringo0310
Your Timezone: Mountain Timezone
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Eugenio Leocadio (I do have one, but it is in Re-review)
Character Age: 32

Character Race and Culture: Nelfin
Character Proficiencies: +12 light bow, +10 Large Shield, +10 Swift Blade
Squadron Preference? (If any): N/A

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear, Lord Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire, I write you this letter, for I am looking for a job, and I believe that my skills in combat would be very useful. I believe that I will be a great hire.
Eugenio Leocadio
IGN: Ringo0310
Your Timezone: Mountain Timezone
Do you have Discord? (Required): You have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Eugenio Leocadio (I do have one, but it is in Re-review)
Character Age: 32
Character Race and Culture: Nelfin
Character Proficiencies: +12 light bow, +10 Large Shield, +10 Swift Blade
Squadron Preference? (If any): N/A

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear, Lord Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire, I write you this letter, for I am looking for a job, and I believe that my skills in combat would be very useful. I believe that I will be a great hire.
Eugenio Leocadio
Pending approval. A meeting should settle any inquiries.

- Removed the Old Guard rank.
- Removed several members due to various reasons as a bit of a cleanup.
- Adjusted the ranks for a new chapter of the Regiment; removed Recruit, replaced spot with Guardsman, added Sergeant in place of Guardsman, changed Petty Officer to just Officer, re-arranged the responsibilities of both the Captain and Officers.
- Removed Ser Benjamin Syldove as Bannerlord.
- Removed Lady Victoriana de Letoirneau-Polignac as Head Physician.
- Disbanded La Puissante Tempete and changed eliminated the Squadron system.
- Re-assigned ranks of all members.​
IGN: Ailethi
Your Timezone: CDT
Do you have Discord? (Required): You got it
Character Name (Include App if you have one): Camilla Moreno
Character Age: 55
Character Race and Culture: Avanthar

Character Proficiencies:

  • 15 - Heavy Bow
  • 10 - Blades
  • 10 - Axes
  • 10 - Athletic Training
  • 10 - Linguistics
  • 10 - Calvary
  • 5 - Shields
Department Request(s) (Knighthood, House Guard, Medical Facility):?
Knighthood or/and House guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Cyprien,

Let me serve your house further, friend. You know how I act.

Canilla Moreno​
IGN: Ailethi
Your Timezone: CDT
Do you have Discord? (Required): You got it
Character Name (Include App if you have one): Camilla Moreno
Character Age: 55
Character Race and Culture: Avanthar

Character Proficiencies:

  • 15 - Heavy Bow
  • 10 - Blades
  • 10 - Axes
  • 10 - Athletic Training
  • 10 - Linguistics
  • 10 - Calvary
  • 5 - Shields
Department Request(s) (Knighthood, House Guard, Medical Facility):?
Knighthood or/and House guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

Dear Cyprien,

Let me serve your house further, friend. You know how I act.

Canilla Moreno​
IGN: Ottorintsu
Timezone: BRT
Do you have Discord? You have it.

Character Name: Olivier de Letoirneau
Character Age: 22
Character Race & Culture: Ithanian / Leutz-Vixe Ailor.

Character Proficiencies:

  • Blades (+11)
  • Unarmed Combat (+4)
  • Marshal Knowledge (+4)
  • Statesman Knowledge (+3)
  • Bodycare Training (+10)
Department Request: Knighthood.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire
Dearest brother,

Although I have indeed applied to join your Sentinels, I wish to further serve our family. Allow me to make use of my skills as Bloodcast Knight to protect and assist our House.

Yours truly,
Ser Olivier Sébastien de Letoirneau-Alaire
Knight of Bloodcast
IGN: DraugrTheJarl
Your Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): Aezathgora#6596

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Here
Character Age: 62
Character Race and Culture: Altalar race, culture, and religion.
Character Proficiencies:

  • [*]Combat
    [*]+20 Altalar Martial Skill ( +10 Altalar, +10 Points)
    [*]+15 Historical Knowledge ( +10 Altalar, +5 Points )
    [*]+10 Magic Knowledge ( +10 Points )
    [*]+17 Metallurgy ( +17 Points )
    [*]+10 Literature ( +10 Points )
    [*]+8 Athletic Training ( +8 Points )
    [*]Body Shape
    [*]Athletic Body Shape
    [*]Low Body Fat

Department Request(s) (Knighthood, House Guard, Medical Facility): House Guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
My names, Joycie Caladwen, and I'm some Altalar girl interested in joining the le-regiment de tonnerre. My combative skills mostly go into my kinds native martial skills. Weapons such at the Altalar Glaive Sword, and that sort of thing. There's not a whole lot for me to write about myself other than that.
Joycie Caladwen
IGN: Ottorintsu
Timezone: BRT
Do you have Discord? You have it.

Character Name: Olivier de Letoirneau
Character Age: 22
Character Race & Culture: Ithanian / Leutz-Vixe Ailor.

Character Proficiencies:

  • Blades (+11)
  • Unarmed Combat (+4)
  • Marshal Knowledge (+4)
  • Statesman Knowledge (+3)
  • Bodycare Training (+10)
Department Request: Knighthood.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire
Dearest brother,

Although I have indeed applied to join your Sentinels, I wish to further serve our family. Allow me to make use of my skills as Bloodcast Knight to protect and assist our House.

Yours truly,
Ser Olivier Sébastien de Letoirneau-Alaire
Knight of Bloodcast
IGN: DraugrTheJarl
Your Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? (Required): Aezathgora#6596

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Here
Character Age:
Character Race and Culture: Altalar race, culture, and religion.
Character Proficiencies:

  • [*]Combat
    [*]+20 Altalar Martial Skill ( +10 Altalar, +10 Points)
    [*]+15 Historical Knowledge ( +10 Altalar, +5 Points )
    [*]+10 Magic Knowledge ( +10 Points )
    [*]+17 Metallurgy ( +17 Points )
    [*]+10 Literature ( +10 Points )
    [*]+8 Athletic Training ( +8 Points )
    [*]Body Shape
    [*]Athletic Body Shape
    [*]Low Body Fat

Department Request(s) (Knighthood, House Guard, Medical Facility): House Guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Dear Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
My names, Joycie Caladwen, and I'm some Altalar girl interested in joining the le-regiment de tonnerre. My combative skills mostly go into my kinds native martial skills. Weapons such at the Altalar Glaive Sword, and that sort of thing. There's not a whole lot for me to write about myself other than that.
Joycie Caladwen
New IGN: _Doesth_
Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? You have it.

Character Name: Damien Crowe
Character Age: 32
Character Race & Culture: Ithanian / Leutz-Vixe Ailor.

Character Proficiencies:
  • Blades (+20)
  • Unarmed Combat (+7)
  • Marshal Knowledge (+5)
  • Bodycare Training (+10)
Department Request: Knighthood.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire

Dear Cyprien,

I apologize for my recent outburst. I realize my fault, and my lack of appearance at the post. I hope my prowess and ability may make up for it.

Thank you,

New IGN: _Doesth_
Timezone: EST
Do you have Discord? You have it.

Character Name: Damien Crowe
Character Age:
Character Race & Culture: Ithanian / Leutz-Vixe Ailor.

Character Proficiencies:
  • Blades (+20)
  • Unarmed Combat (+7)
  • Marshal Knowledge (+5)
  • Bodycare Training (+10)
Department Request: Knighthood.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire

Dear Cyprien,

I apologize for my recent outburst. I realize my fault, and my lack of appearance at the post. I hope my prowess and ability may make up for it.

Thank you,

Accepted for a week long trial.
IGN: Yuest
Your Timezone: PT ( Pacific timezone ) / Canada
Do you have Discord?: (Required): Ye, Yuest#8312
Character Name (Include App if you have one): Franklin McDowell, Approved App
Character Age: 40
Character Race and Culture: Imperial Ailor
Character Proficiencies: (+10)Extra Heavy Combat Skill, (+20) Blunt Combat Skill, (+10) Unarmed Combat Skill
Department Request(s) (Knighthood, House Guard, Medical Facility): Knighthood

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,Greetings, I am penning to you today to offer my assistance, as of lately, my pockets has been quite dry and in need of some regals. I am quite the brute and a larger man, that right there could scare off fiend from you great family, but I am not penning to brag about my stature, I am here to offer something, my skill, my knowledge, and my faith that I have in your great noble family. I was brought up in a simple orphanage ran by a Unionist Reverend, there I was brought up with the faith and soon to love combat and fighting, (I was quite the troubled one out of the many children attending the orphanage), I left the home due to my age and simply no one wanting me, and would move myself to the divine militia, where I got a job cleaning floors, and messes after others. There a solider from the militia saw the great ambition and strength that was in my eyes, he decided to train me, then in these past years, I'd join the Helerian Guard, who served the Synod. Some years later I'd leave, trying to follow my own path, not the decided path for me. I am offering my assistance to your family, your noble family that I would protect to my heart and keep them put of harms way. I want to use my strength for something good, for a reason, and why not use the reason for a noble family, a family that I never received.
Consider my offer,
Sincerely yours, Franklin McDowell.

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IGN: Yuest
Your Timezone: PT ( Pacific timezone ) / Canada
Do you have Discord?: (Required): Ye, Yuest#8312
Character Name (Include App if you have one): Franklin McDowell, Approved App
Character Age: 40
Character Race and Culture: Imperial Ailor
Character Proficiencies: (+10)Extra Heavy Combat Skill, (+20) Blunt Combat Skill, (+10) Unarmed Combat Skill
Department Request(s) (Knighthood, House Guard, Medical Facility): Knighthood

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:
Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,Greetings, I am penning to you today to offer my assistance, as of lately, my pockets has been quite dry and in need of some regals. I am quite the brute and a larger man, that right there could scare off fiend from you great family, but I am not penning to brag about my stature, I am here to offer something, my skill, my knowledge, and my faith that I have in your great noble family. I was brought up in a simple orphanage ran by a Unionist Reverend, there I was brought up with the faith and soon to love combat and fighting, (I was quite the troubled one out of the many children attending the orphanage), I left the home due to my age and simply no one wanting me, and would move myself to the divine militia, where I got a job cleaning floors, and messes after others. There a solider from the militia saw the great ambition and strength that was in my eyes, he decided to train me, then in these past years, I'd join the Helerian Guard, who served the Synod. Some years later I'd leave, trying to follow my own path, not the decided path for me. I am offering my assistance to your family, your noble family that I would protect to my heart and keep them put of harms way. I want to use my strength for something good, for a reason, and why not use the reason for a noble family, a family that I never received.
Consider my offer,
Sincerely yours, Franklin McDowell.

The Regiment has been Dissolved

In hopes of further simplifying the House Guard, the Regiment has been dissolved and its members altered into a smaller division while the rest were ejected.

The Regiment may one day reform and return, but House de Letoirneau believed this action necessary for the time being.

Therefore, any other applications will receive no response. If you are interested in joining the de Letoirneau House Guard, see the family page and try to write Ana de Letoirneau or Cyprien de Letoirneau by letter, or receive an IC encounter.
The Regiment returns with a reform! It is now

La Légion de l'Aigle

This meaning it is now actively functioning and Recruitment is very much once again OPEN.

It has already launched off with a major overhaul and reform, all former inactive members were removed and a few new ones were added prior to this announcement.

Vive l'Ithanie!

IGN: Hellset
Your Timezone: MTN Standard
Do you have Discord? (Required): All good there!
Character Name (Include App if you have one): Valkari Lothgard / currently in the works.
Character Age: Adult
Character Race and Culture: Velheim Ailor
Character Proficiencies:
  • + 20 Axes Combat Skill (10 culture boost, 10 points)

  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (points)

  • +5 Athletic training (points)
Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid): House Guard
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau,
My name is Valkari Lothgard.
I have heard news of the noble family De Letoirneau searching for guards and I address this letter to you for that very reason. I have recent interest in this position in order to provide for my younger sisters at home and to provide service to the noble family in whatever way you may see fit. I believe you might find it beneficial to hire me in this position as I am both willing and qualified for the responsibility this job requires. In typical Velheim fashion, to provide myself to a cause that calls for the protection of others would be a great honor.
IGN: Hellset
Your Timezone: MTN Standard
Do you have Discord? (Required): All good there!
Character Name (Include App if you have one): Valkari Lothgard / currently in the works.
Character Age: Adult
Character Race and Culture: Velheim Ailor
Character Proficiencies:
  • + 20 Axes Combat Skill (10 culture boost, 10 points)

  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (points)

  • +5 Athletic training (points)
Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid): House Guard
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau,
My name is Valkari Lothgard.
I have heard news of the noble family De Letoirneau searching for guards and I address this letter to you for that very reason. I have recent interest in this position in order to provide for my younger sisters at home and to provide service to the noble family in whatever way you may see fit. I believe you might find it beneficial to hire me in this position as I am both willing and qualified for the responsibility this job requires. In typical Velheim fashion, to provide myself to a cause that calls for the protection of others would be a great honor.
IGN: Fireright
Your Timezone: Central

Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, you have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Alister Waterlow
Character Age: 28

Character Race and Culture: Half Ailor, Half Altalar. Raised in an Ithanian village.
Character Proficiencies: Still debating, combat based.
Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid): Combat experience, understanding of criminal activity.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Sir Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
I have recently heard that you're recruiting members to serve House De Letoirneau, and I wish to humbly offer up my skillset, which I can elaborate more upon in person. I would be honored at such an illustrious opportunity, and would be grateful to meet whenever convenient for you.
Sincerely, Alister Waterlow
IGN: Fireright
Your Timezone: Central
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, you have it

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Alister Waterlow
Character Age: 28
Character Race and Culture: Half Ailor, Half Altalar. Raised in an Ithanian village.
Character Proficiencies: Still debating, combat based.
Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid): Combat experience, understanding of criminal activity.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Sir Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire,
I have recently heard that you're recruiting members to serve House De Letoirneau, and I wish to humbly offer up my skillset, which I can elaborate more upon in person. I would be honored at such an illustrious opportunity, and would be grateful to meet whenever convenient for you.
Sincerely, Alister Waterlow

IGN: princessvgb
Your Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Scarlett du Vonte
Character Age: 24

Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Ithanian.
Character Proficiencies: Still deciding them, combat character though.

Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid): House Guard and Knighthood.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Ser de Letoirneau, from the desk of Madame du Vonte.

It has come to my attention that I have discovered your noble family and their business, and am interested in joining your Legion. I shall be loyal to your family and serve on my life.

Dearest and Sincerely,
Scarlett du Vonte.


IGN: princessvgb
Your Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Scarlett du Vonte
Character Age: 24

Character Race and Culture: Ailor, Ithanian.
Character Proficiencies: Still deciding them, combat character though.

Department Qualification(s) (House Guard, Knighthood, Medical Aid): House Guard and Knighthood.

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

To Ser de Letoirneau, from the desk of Madame du Vonte.

It has come to my attention that I have discovered your noble family and their business, and am interested in joining your Legion. I shall be loyal to your family and serve on my life.

Dearest and Sincerely,
Scarlett du Vonte.

After taking some time to consider, myself and the Legion officer cabinet have decided to reject this application for OOC reasons, at least for a period of time. If you have any questions please pm me via forums/Discord. You may re-apply after at least two weeks.
Your Timezone: Australia.
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, I believe you have it.

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Click here
Character Age:
Character Race and Culture: Velheim Ailor, turned into an Url
Character Proficiencies:
+20 Hunting Knowledge (20 Race)
+20 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 Race, 10 Points)
+20 Pole Combat Skill (20 Points)
+20 Stave Combat Skill (20 Points)
+10 Marshal Knowledge (10 Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Any is fine
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

It seemed this letter was written fancy but the words of an Url.

Dear, Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire.

My old Commander, if you would allow me, I would be honored to serve you again, I am travelling back to Regalia and will be in need of work.

Signed Vrastone.

It'll be a while before i can regularly get on but itll be fun and short. I'm using a peace of junk.
Your Timezone: Australia.
Do you have Discord? (Required): Yes, I believe you have it.

Character Name (Include App if you have one): Click here
Character Age:
Character Race and Culture: Velheim Ailor, turned into an Url
Character Proficiencies:
+20 Hunting Knowledge (20 Race)
+20 Unarmed Combat Skill (10 Race, 10 Points)
+20 Pole Combat Skill (20 Points)
+20 Stave Combat Skill (20 Points)
+10 Marshal Knowledge (10 Points)

Squadron Preference? (If any): Any is fine
IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire:

It seemed this letter was written fancy but the words of an Url.

Dear, Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau-Alaire.

My old Commander, if you would allow me, I would be honored to serve you again, I am travelling back to Regalia and will be in need of work.

Signed Vrastone.

It'll be a while before i can regularly get on but itll be fun and short. I'm using a peace of junk.

. Welcome back!

In response to the OOC note: No worries! You can rejoin and stay with us until your main PC is fixed.
Your Timezone:CST
Do you have Discord? MidnightRey#3660(going to be inactive on it for a while though)

Character Name:Olivia Arison Aredeth|Sheet us Wip
Character Age:70

Character Race and Culture:Maritime Altalar
Character Proficiencies:Due to her ring of power she has access to a kind of Proficiencies called the Altalar Combat Skill. Giving her 27 (from points) in all the following kinds of weapons-
including-The Altalar Singing Bow, the Altalar Gallop Lance, the Altalar Glaive Sword, and the Altalar Scalay Spear as well as the Altalar Charay Shield. And than +20 in Athletic Training from points.

Than she has 18 points invested into Magician magic which she Icly plans to hide. Due to I've been Icly invited I think I should join to see how this plays out.
+3 Guiding Light Spell
+4 Obstructing Spell
+4 Element Shot Spell
+3 Battle Grace Spell
+4 Element Branding

And than another five points 5 points into Magical Knowledge. Including a extra (+10 from the Altalar boost.)
o Artifactism Info
o Soullism Info
o Dimenthism Info
And than +10 in Historical Knowledge (From Altalar Boost)

Department Qualification(s) House Guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau:I send this with my information. I'm hoping to prove my loyalty and that I am indeed worth your time and space. From Olivia Arison Aredeth.

Your Timezone:CST
Do you have Discord? MidnightRey#3660(going to be inactive on it for a while though)

Character Name:Olivia Arison Aredeth|Sheet us Wip
Character Age:70
Character Race and Culture:Maritime Altalar
Character Proficiencies:Due to her ring of power she has access to a kind of Proficiencies called the Altalar Combat Skill. Giving her 27 (from points) in all the following kinds of weapons-
including-The Altalar Singing Bow, the Altalar Gallop Lance, the Altalar Glaive Sword, and the Altalar Scalay Spear as well as the Altalar Charay Shield. And than +20 in Athletic Training from points.

Than she has 18 points invested into Magician magic which she Icly plans to hide. Due to I've been Icly invited I think I should join to see how this plays out.
+3 Guiding Light Spell
+4 Obstructing Spell
+4 Element Shot Spell
+3 Battle Grace Spell
+4 Element Branding

And than another five points 5 points into Magical Knowledge. Including a extra (+10 from the Altalar boost.)
o Artifactism Info
o Soullism Info
o Dimenthism Info
And than +10 in Historical Knowledge (From Altalar Boost)

Department Qualification(s) House Guard

IC Letter to Commandant Premier Cyprien de Letoirneau:I send this with my information. I'm hoping to prove my loyalty and that I am indeed worth your time and space. From Olivia Arison Aredeth.
I'll accept this, just would like a more clear run down of your prof points. The mage ability can be handled IC.
Recruitment is currently CLOSED until further notice.

That being said any special applications to join the de Letoirneau House Guard should be taken directly to the Matriarch, Anastasie de Letoirneau (Miss Silver) either by forums or discord pm.