Full Name: Kingsley Metztlixochitl Ó Muilleoir Lykke
Heritage: Maquixtl x Ailor (Aontaithe)
Age: 25
Gender: Genderfluid
Occult: Vampire Brood, Abyssal Mageborn.
Having befallen years of misery at the hands of Vampires, or Purists who only see the crimson of his irises, Kingsley is a Brood against his kind, he hates all things Sanguine, and himself most of all. What right does he have to have to judge those who have fallen to a curse when he suffers the same thirst they do? He judges blindly, driven by hatred and rage.
...Yet still, he is compassionate to a fault. Full of love and life. Kind to any that show him their humanity.
Kingsley is stockily built, standing at 5'10 with a well-muscled form and a healthy layering of fat.
He sports dark tan skin littered with countless scars and silky golden hair befitting royalty.
His vibrant crimson irises are equipped with mismatched pupils; anisocoria.
7 Strength
Shattering Strike
Steady Body
Technique Parry
Bruised Ego
Knockback Sweep
Shrug Off
Weapon Throw[Free]
5 Constitution
Shield Impact [Free]
Shield Cover
Shield Slam
Shield Reversal
Shield Snare
Iron Will
3 Magic
Arcane Shove
Wardrobe Pack
Shapeshift Pack
Shattering Strike
Steady Body
Technique Parry
Bruised Ego
Knockback Sweep
Shrug Off
Weapon Throw[Free]
5 Constitution
Shield Impact [Free]
Shield Cover
Shield Slam
Shield Reversal
Shield Snare
Iron Will
3 Magic
Arcane Shove
Wardrobe Pack
Shapeshift Pack
- I Ailor are masters of many languages. Even for languages they do not speak, if someone insults them in their native tongue, they will know what was said.
- II Maquixtl have extremely sharp eyesight, capable of detecting the author of any written work, if they have read the author's writing before.
- III Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
- IV Maquixtl can analyze blood to understand the genetic make-up of something, or discover inherited genetic traits or faults.
- V Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing- Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
For many years, the Brood has been an avid linguist. Relishing in the ability to speak in whatever language makes his loved ones most comfortable.
Aontaithe, Common, Nātl | Fluent
Ithanian, Altalar, Katharic, Gallovian, Daen, Leutz| Basic
Vasar, Ibeth | Broken
Skodje, Calem | Learning
Kingsley was sent to Regalia by his extended family as an infected brood. They hoped that Regalia's advanced medicine would be able to cure & rehabilitate him.
He spent his teenage years under the care of an Almshouse known as the White Ribbon Society, where he was taught to follow Unionism & began learning how to integrate into Regalian society.
With an extensive but relatively unserious criminal record of petty crimes and non-lethal violence, Kingsley now works as a carpenter and general craftsman at his mother's business; Big Lykke Construction.
Kingsley was a crookbacker for a long time, but now lives in Floralcourt and is a member of the Estelley community. Having found himself deeply indebted to the worshippers, as well as Lord Artarel herself.
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