Character Information
At a glance, Kethvarr is certainly his father's son. A child of conquest obsessed with perfection and glory, he is an exasperating egotist with little regard for those around him. Despite his.. difficult personality, those close to him know how powerful of a leader he can be; Observant, level-headed, and surprisingly humble when he isn't performing exaggerated feats of showboating.
The Kathar was raised within a powerful Khaal in the upper echelons of Parthanaar's societal structure, under the wardenship of a powerful Sweet-Matron who's sole desire was to raise children worthy of princedom within Rokhaval. Being a child of the Conquering prince himself, Kethvarr was favored greatly.
From his teenage years and onwards, Kethvarr became an important figure within the Dark-Empire war, rising through the ranks of the military at a rapid pace. He was known for his tendency to capture Suvial over killing them, in order to slowly break their minds with obliteration magic and ensure they couldn't fight even after revival.
With his prowess in battle and strategizing, he was soon to become a lesser Prince of Rokhaval, and began leading his own Khaal. This only lasted a few years, however. For reasons unbeknownst to all but his closest advisors; he abandoned his post and title, and fled Parthanaar and the war alike, bringing shame to both his Father, and his Sweet Matron's legacies.
So long as he stayed in Rokhaval, he would forever live in the shadow of the Conquering prince. Bitter, young, and impulsive- the young prince decided to try his luck elsewhere. He closest compatriots followed, and he know finds himself in Regalia with a steadily growing 'Khaal'.
Kethvarr was a brutal war general in the Dark-Empire war, particularly savage in how he dispatched of Suvial troops. Many Suvial and Kathar alike knew of his reputation, and could either admire, or despise the man. Similarly, those from Parthanaar may be aware of his disgrace as a scorned prince.
The Once-prince is one of the main figureheads of the 'Helskorn Khaal', lesser known as Khaal Zelkoriirn. While leadership is shared amongst a council of sorts, Kethvarr was the technical founder of the Khaal in it's most traditional form.
Kethvarr is an avid Thonq enthusiast, and will rarely pass up a game of chess.
The Conquestborn is the current wielder of the artifact, Nauret.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Constitution
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Full Name: Kethvarr Zelkoriirn.
- Heritage / Culture: Divine Cult Kathar.
- Age: 26.
- Gender: Non-Binary.
- Pronouns: He/They.
- Sexuality: Yes.
- Religion: Evolist / Broken Gods syncretism.
- Occult: Arkenborn, Greater Vampire, Abyss mage.
- Magic Schools: Entropy School, Armory School, Blood School, Obliteration School
- Character Occupation: Former Warlord & Khaal Leader.
- Eye Color: Sunset-esque gold and crimson irises beset upon pitch black sclerae.
- Skin Color: Dark, warm gray.
- Hair: Bone white.
- Height: 6'10 .
- Body Type: Lean and muscular, with a typical elven lankiness.
- Additional Features: He wears expensive dark gowns, plentiful golden adornments and gaudy looking pauldrons.
- Hobbies and Talents:
- Athletic Hobby
- Magical Talent
Arkenborn Mechanics
- Vice Master
- You are a natural corruptor, able to detect what vices and corruptible traits others have (consent not needed). You can then initiate a corruption cycle of another person, causing them to take on heightened vices, or go down a "corruption-arc" path where they become "evil" (this does require consent).
- Receptive Mind
- While not fully able to read minds, you can sometimes perceive bleeding memories or thoughts from others. Other players may DM you and describe things you are witnessing from their minds, thoughts, or flashes of the past that your character is watching while interacting with them. You may ask a player to share these, but they must always be the ones to define what is seen, if anything at all.
- Universal Speech
- You can understand and speak all mortal and currently practiced languages from all the corners of the world. This includes magical languages spoken by mortals, or even Elderlaw languages like Dragonspeech.
Common Vampire Mechanics- Hidden Scourge
- You can magically hide your teeth and Afflicted eyes. This breaks during feeding. If you have the Shape Shifter Mechanic, using this Mechanic while shifted makes you unable to Combat Roleplay. If someone knows your real name and that you're a Vampire, this Mechanic doesn't work on them.
- Long Living
- You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.
- Sanguine Bargain
- You can grant immunity to Vampirism to any person willing to bargain with you. In turn, if the bargained person attacks you, reveals that you are a Vampire, or reveals the deal, they take massive damage (discuss together what this means before making the bargain).
- Mind Suggestion
- With OOC consent, you can mind-trick Characters into doing your bidding without establishing full Mind Control over them. These simple verbal commands are undetectable, but cannot be more complicated than a single sentence. This does not count as Mind Control and thus Mechanics that provide immunity do not work.
- Vampire Transformation
- You can transform into a Vampire Form, which is a Monstrous form with a unique Vampire-themed design that you can create. This counts as a Disguise and a Monstrous Transformation (illegal in Regalia). You remain in Vampire Form even after reaching 0 HP.
Special Mechanics- Greater Strength
- You are stronger than the average normal person when it comes to out-of-combat tests of strength. Whether it is in arm wrestling or other power competitions, you can always re-roll once, choosing the highest number. You can also carry much heavier loads than other normal people.
- Vampiric Thralling
- You can convert recently infected characters (within the first 72 hours) into Thralls, curing their Vampirism, but mind controlling them by a Vampire of their choosing, allowing them to sell off Thralls and Blood Cattle. This can be removed by Exorcism, or by a Priest
- Languages: All (Universal Speech)
At a glance, Kethvarr is certainly his father's son. A child of conquest obsessed with perfection and glory, he is an exasperating egotist with little regard for those around him. Despite his.. difficult personality, those close to him know how powerful of a leader he can be; Observant, level-headed, and surprisingly humble when he isn't performing exaggerated feats of showboating.
The Kathar was raised within a powerful Khaal in the upper echelons of Parthanaar's societal structure, under the wardenship of a powerful Sweet-Matron who's sole desire was to raise children worthy of princedom within Rokhaval. Being a child of the Conquering prince himself, Kethvarr was favored greatly.
From his teenage years and onwards, Kethvarr became an important figure within the Dark-Empire war, rising through the ranks of the military at a rapid pace. He was known for his tendency to capture Suvial over killing them, in order to slowly break their minds with obliteration magic and ensure they couldn't fight even after revival.
With his prowess in battle and strategizing, he was soon to become a lesser Prince of Rokhaval, and began leading his own Khaal. This only lasted a few years, however. For reasons unbeknownst to all but his closest advisors; he abandoned his post and title, and fled Parthanaar and the war alike, bringing shame to both his Father, and his Sweet Matron's legacies.
So long as he stayed in Rokhaval, he would forever live in the shadow of the Conquering prince. Bitter, young, and impulsive- the young prince decided to try his luck elsewhere. He closest compatriots followed, and he know finds himself in Regalia with a steadily growing 'Khaal'.
Kethvarr was a brutal war general in the Dark-Empire war, particularly savage in how he dispatched of Suvial troops. Many Suvial and Kathar alike knew of his reputation, and could either admire, or despise the man. Similarly, those from Parthanaar may be aware of his disgrace as a scorned prince.
The Once-prince is one of the main figureheads of the 'Helskorn Khaal', lesser known as Khaal Zelkoriirn. While leadership is shared amongst a council of sorts, Kethvarr was the technical founder of the Khaal in it's most traditional form.
Kethvarr is an avid Thonq enthusiast, and will rarely pass up a game of chess.
The Conquestborn is the current wielder of the artifact, Nauret.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Constitution
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Constitution: 5
Cavalry: Charge
Cavalry: Roar
Training: Breather
Training: Bulwark
Training: Iron Will
Magic: 10
Adapt: Wardrobe
Cavalry: Ram
Cavalry: Trooper
Arcane: Aura
Arcane: Barrier
Arcane: Blade
Arcane: Echostrike
Arcane: Portent
Arcane: Revive
Arcane: Sap
Arcane: Warp
Cavalry: Summon
Chem: Berserk (Artifact)
Melee: Technique Parry (Artifact)
Roguery: Fate's Wheel (Artifact)
Wielding Nauret:
Artifact Mechanics
- This Artifact can steal the Artifactspark from other defeated Artifactholders and can hold more than one Artifactspark inside of it. Other Mechanics may derive functions from the number of Artifactsparks. Any change in the number of Artifactsparks must always be reported in a Ticket. If this Artifact has more than one Artifactspark, being defeated and having an Artifactspark stolen will only result in the loss of one, rather than all.
- This Artifact grants the wielder the Safeguard Pack Mundane Version for free.
- The Artifact's wielder can choose 3 Free Packs from any Proficency Category they can invest in and supplement their Character Application, though these Packs can only be used while the Artifact has an Artifactspark.
- This Artifact boosts the Persuasion Dice roll of the user. By default, the user gains +1 added onto any /Dice result for Persuasion. This number is increased by +1 for every additional Artifactspark held by the Artifact. If the wielder has no Points invested into Charisma (which would prevent them from Dice rolling for Persuasion), this Artifact allows them to roll anyway, as if they had at least 1 Charisma Point invested.
- The Artifact wielder is a Court Infiltrant, meaning it is able to mask the belonging of the wielder inside whatever Court is dominant at any given time in Roleplay. For the default state, this is the Imperial Court (acting as a Courtier), while for Off-Map Event-series (like Amontaar), this counts as being a courtier for that court. If there is a granular Court present (for example the Vultarin Court with active player characters as members), this will target that Court instead. Every citizen and inhabitant of Regalia will be fooled to think that this person naturally belongs to the Court, and the minds of all Courtiers will magically be convinced that this person has a long amicable relation with them and just naturally belongs among them. The only group that is not tricked by this grand deception is the Aelrrigan Order, but any time they try to convince anyone outside of the Aelrrigan Order of this deception, they are just thought of as insane and anti-whatever Court they are trying to save. There is no Mechanic that protects against the effects of this Mechanic and no way to break the effect other than the Artifact losing its Artifactspark. Whatever Court the holder is integrated into, doesn't even register that they own this Artifact, or that this Artifact exists.
- The user gains the Mindcontrol Pack's Magical Variant for free. Additionally, they become immune to Mindcontrol Pack's Mechanics, or any other Mechanic that would allow the reading of their emotions or thoughts, or the alteration of them.
- This Artifact grants the wielder +2 Defense Stat (breaking Cap up to 9) while using Attack Emotes only. Additionally, when defending, the wielder's Defense Dice Roll Minimum is 3. For every additional Artifactspark in the Artifact, this minimum is raised by +1.
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