Archived Keeping Up With The Nobles

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I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
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Talos Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Di Orazio Family & RNS
First, I shall begin, no staff involvement is needed for this thread at all. Unless one wants to help, which would be just dandy!

I think it would be really fun if someone decided to publish a weekly book they sold which read like a celebrity magazine about the nobles. The rp repercussions would be very interesting. Paparazzi, street gossip, and a new obsession for the middle-aged woman of the roleplay universe! This could feature new outfits, relationships, tragedies, and scandal!
Ok thanks, that's all.
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Weko strikes again..
Teenage Mutant Noble Turtles:
The Donatella family may be hanging around with large turtles wearing masks with different weapons.Names caught were Michealangelo, Rapheal, Leonardo and Donatella. Our spy in the field has advised not to anger any of the four and to offer them bread with tomato and cheese on top.
Orphelia Vi' Donatella has been spotted eating melted cocoabeans, should we start to call them the DoNutellas?

I also got a picture of her.

I love you too, @Lady Rose
Instead of profiting off this magazine, I wonder how much I could make in bribes from nobles to leave them alone...
So you're telling me you're definitively not planning on having a secret ring of writers stalking the streets hunting down helpless scoops?
Not if I have people to write articles about them being murderers

You have to realize that you're a commoner. In the eye of noble figures, meaning pretty much all nobility (who are powerful personas), they DO NOT care about the word of the common man. Maybe it'll make the nobility 'seem' bad, but per say, if you had someone write an article about Athena being a murderer, she could have you easily killed for slandering her name, being that of her family -- and the Kade family. Quite frankly, the nobles care less for any spoken word of the commoner, unless it's a more relevant figure like a Regalian guard, even. Speaking badly of nobles, especially in a written form allows the risk of you to be caught. When you're caught, some noble houses do not take slandering their family name lightly...

(Meaning you'd be murdered and nobody would ever find any evidence in the least.)
The word of the common man may mean nothing, but what if a Noble were to support the newspaper? (Probably with instructions about who to report on, of course).
You couldn't just make a Kade or a Fong or a Lo just disappear in a puff of smoke now, could you…?

-flies off on a rainbow-farting pony while raining newspapers onto the streets of Regalia-
You have to realize that you're a commoner. In the eye of noble figures, meaning pretty much all nobility (who are powerful personas), they DO NOT care about the word of the common man. Maybe it'll make the nobility 'seem' bad, but per say, if you had someone write an article about Athena being a murderer, she could have you easily killed for slandering her name, being that of her family -- and the Kade family. Quite frankly, the nobles care less for any spoken word of the commoner, unless it's a more relevant figure like a Regalian guard, even. Speaking badly of nobles, especially in a written form allows the risk of you to be caught. When you're caught, some noble houses do not take slandering their family name lightly...

(Meaning you'd be murdered and nobody would ever find any evidence in the least.)

I do have a noble backing my project, I will not mention her name unless she chooses to come forth.
The word of the common man may mean nothing, but what if a Noble were to support the newspaper? (Probably with instructions about who to report on, of course).
You couldn't just make a Kade or a Fong or a Lo just disappear in a puff of smoke now, could you…?
No noble would support a newspaper that speaks badly about their fellow nobles. It would ruin alliances and get the family looked down upon by others. And if a family was disgraced and looked down upon, they could just dissapeer in a puff.
No noble would support a newspaper that speaks badly about their fellow nobles. It would ruin alliances and get the family looked down upon by others. And if a family was disgraced and looked down upon, they could just dissapeer in a puff.
Maybe she wants to come out now?...

Let us just say some of us nobles have OUR ways. Do not doubt the power of nobility.
((@Tom1804 @Buffy ))
New developments come in from the Thomas Shade story,
Mr. Shade has recently been seen trying seduce important figures into his now famous "Murder Alley Killing Bush" Just recently some of the agents on the field caught Mr. Shade trying to kidnap the Queen of Laser Pigeons, (AKA Buffy). Where will this lead next? Only time can tell. If you have any information, send us a raven with a note.
-This has been a report from the ACI-

-Now hiring new field agents, recently some have gone missing while working on this story-
No noble would support a newspaper that speaks badly about their fellow nobles. It would ruin alliances and get the family looked down upon by others. And if a family was disgraced and looked down upon, they could just dissapeer in a puff.
Maybe she wants to come out now?...
In addition to what Hiu said, nobles who would back such a newspaper would probably receive very nasty "looks" from their fellow noble peers. Honestly, this entire newspaper just seems like a bad idea. People already have some sort of thing concerning making nobility out as some celebrity gods. I'd recommend shutting this down as not only is this a silly idea, it generally just infringes on the roleplay of the nobility -- troll thread or not.
In addition to what Hiu said, nobles who would back such a newspaper would probably receive very nasty "looks" from their fellow noble peers. Honestly, this entire newspaper just seems like a bad idea. People already have some sort of thing concerning making nobility out as some celebrity gods. I'd recommend shutting this down as not only is this a silly idea, it generally just infringes on the roleplay of the nobility -- troll thread or not.
Ok, thankdsfor your input Baba. I was considering shutting it down anyway after all the negative feedback I have gotten. I will not be writing this, free for anyone else to, that is more brave than I!
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