Archived Keeping Up With The Nobles

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I Like Boxes
Oct 18, 2013
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Talos Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Di Orazio Family & RNS
First, I shall begin, no staff involvement is needed for this thread at all. Unless one wants to help, which would be just dandy!

I think it would be really fun if someone decided to publish a weekly book they sold which read like a celebrity magazine about the nobles. The rp repercussions would be very interesting. Paparazzi, street gossip, and a new obsession for the middle-aged woman of the roleplay universe! This could feature new outfits, relationships, tragedies, and scandal!
Ok thanks, that's all.
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Oooooooooooh... I like it. A lot. I like it a lot. You might want to talk to the Sodden Quill about it? I'm sure they could hop somehow... either providing writers/editors who want to help, or just archiving them each week.
Oh lord... Lady Montgomery needs to watch out now..
Yes. However, you're going to have to be very careful how you achieve this information. ;)
Yes. However, you're going to have to be very careful how you achieve this information. ;)
I'm am not going to be the one doing the sleuthing, I wouldn't make this post if I was going to, give away my cover like that... I will help fund anyone that wants this though, toss in some regals to help them start off there company.
Well- whatever you do; add pictures.

bitches love pictures
If anyone writes anything at all about Athena... her reaction...

If had to compare her looks to a character from another story/movie, she looks very similar to Queen Ravenna, from Snowhite and the Huntsmen. :P
Wow, that woman was scary. Well, Lanaskan would love to read such a publication and in fact I would love to help. I am a Noble servant after all....
hmmm.....possibly there could be an article about Regalia's favorite drug lords? XDDDD
I don't even know what to think of this...
So does someone want to take this over, Or should I start the company and hire reporters?
When I get around to getting my next character done, he may wanna do some work here.
I think you should probably start the company yourself, Old Man. It's your (wonderful) idea.
I would like to help write, but I know very little about Nobles… mebbe on mah next character.

ETA on next character: Barbastime. *ahem* @BadassBarbas -growls-
Yissss, we need dis soooo badly, so many interesting facts about des nobles -grins at @Tom1804 -
I would love to do this, but I miss out on most of the RP on this server. The down sides of being Aussie.
Oh I've needed to use this for so long!

Lysander's reaction to see if anything was written about him before hiding from the paparazzi again:
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