Archived Just A Short Rant.

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
First off, if I put this in the wrong section, sorry. This is a feature suggestion, but also kinda a rant. So yea, sorry.

I'd like to start off by saying that massive is the best server I've ever been on. Ever. It was here on Massive where I learned how to do just about everything in minecraft. Pvp. Build (kinda lol). Make money. All that good stuff. Over the past 21 months I've been on Massive, I've matured and changed quite a bit. Anyone who knew me when I first joined, thygerson, wannag, lizman, pokyug, mecharic, all those people, can probably tell you that I acted like an absolute idiot when I first joined the server. During this time, however, I had a ton of fun, especially pvping. Or what I called pvp at the time. I'm pretty sure I didn't even know what strafing was for a good 6 months of playing on Massive. But that's not important. What's important is that I had a ton of fun doing this. And so did everyone else. Maybe I just didn't see it back then, but it seems like pvp on massive is quite a bit less fun then when I was first playing all that time ago. Sure, it had its moments, but overall it was a much better experience then it is now.

Now, there's obviously multiple explanations as to why this is. It could just be the community, or people's skill levels, or whatever you want to blame it on. But the fact is, it's happening. Now, for my take on it. I believe that the less than satisfactory feeling that has come along is largely due to traits. So yes, this another one of "those" threads. And, being totally honest, it's not any different. It's pretty much exactly like every other "anti-traits" thread that's ever been made.

Now, if you've stuck around this long, I'll go ahead and guess that I've got you captive no matter what I say. So I'll go ahead and say what you've been expecting me to say for a while now. I think traits should be removed. Simple as that. Along with this, vampire should be removed. The 3x armor durability buff should be removed or significantly nerfed. Fix power should be removed or significantly nerfed. mcMMO should be looked into for balance issues. And finally, the lag must be fixed. And yes, must.

Now for my reasoning for each of these. I'll keep traits last, just in case you don't want to scroll through that argument once you've realized it is literally the exact same as every other argument against traits.

So, first, vampires. The reasoning for this is pretty well known and already explained, but I'll go through it for anyone who has missed it. Basically, vampire is pretty much superior to traits in every way. The only real drawbacks for it are the who daytime thing, which is easily countered. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't participated in long raids involving vamps or is kidding themselves. Nobody in their right mind will stay and raid as a vamp during the day. It simply doesn't happen. Vampires can use /time to easily find out when they just need to tp out, and due to the speed5 effect, they have no problem getting away from any fighting. The second drawback is holy water, which affects vampires about as much as a water gun affects a 6 year old at a birthday party. It's pretty much the same, in fact, as that water gun. All you need do is throw your enderpearl or run away, wait the few seconds for the debuffs to go, and you're back in business. I might just not pay attention enough, but I've never seen holy water lead to an experienced vampire dying. It's just to easy to run away till the effects are gone.

So next. This is actually one I don't think I've seen before, or at least recently. Now, I'm expecting the armor durability buff to be rather controversial, but I'll do my best to explain my opinion anyway. Basically, the lack of armor damage pretty much makes it impossible for god armor to ever break. I remember, quite clearly, when god armor went for 1k a set. Now, the current price is 400ish, if you buy it in trade chat (I don't consider market prices to be accurate representations of actual worth). Now, this is probably where someone's going to pull out monmarty's graph showing the primary, secondary, tertiary and so on activities that make up a real economy. But see, the key word with that is real. Massive, as much as it strives to be, is not like a real life economy. It, unfortunately, is limited to the confines of minecraft, which to put it briefly, are incapable of representing a real economy. So, currently, we're stuck with a ton and a half of god armor, tools, weapons, and so on, that never, ever break. One of the big arguments I'm expecting on this one is "but how ever will we make our items last longer than the flimsy unbreaking 3 enchantment allows?!" Well, I do believe you're completely forgetting anvils, something which has pretty much lost all meaning on Massive. It's actually incredibly easy, especially with 1.8 enchanting, to repair god armor, as well as make it. Additionally, it will create a small but effective diamond drain, which will make mining actually worth something.

The /fix argument is pretty much the same as the above.

Now for mcMMO. I'd like to start by saying that I love mcMMO. However, thinking about it now, I realize that I really don't. What I actually like, and I think most people who "like" mcMMO can agree with, is the "grind" involved with it. I really, more than any armor damage, super breaker length, or new potion, is turning on some music and relaxing with a simple, relatively repetitive task. And, remember, I'm not asking that it be removed, just looked into for balance issues, assuming traits/vampire are removed, which I doubt either will be.

Now, for the big one. Traits. Fun. Not really, actually. I believe traits are pretty much the root cause of all pvp issues. As much as they've been complained about, I honestly don't understand why they're still here. Anyways, since I don't have anything really new to add to this particular discussion, I'll just go over a few main points. One: Damage inconsistencies and glitches. Yeah, they're not really gone. They're definitely reduced, but not gone. Do a bit of PvP and you'll seen a couple 6 heart hits. A couple interesting damage outputs. Of course, I'm pretty sure the response to this will be the same as it always has: "Prove it. Record it and give us exact bugs in the form of a bug report." So yeah. I'm going to be rather frank now. I mean this in the best possible way with all due respect to cayorion and all staff members. This simply put, should not be our problem. It should not be the consumers' responsibility to fix the product, as anyone with any idea about public relations can tell you. And again, I realize cayorion is busy, and I mean no offense to him.
Two: PvP should not rely on who has the better trait setup, or as some people call it "strategy." PvP should rely on skill. Period. End of story. Someone should not be able to get 3 lucky hit and kill someone. All in all this ruins pvp for everyone. Now, am I suggesting going back to races? No. That, I suppose is where I am slightly different from others. Earlier, while I was looking around the website, I stumbled upon this:
Woah, woah, woah. These are what?... Traits? Isn't that what you're saying you don't like? Yep. However, what I am suggesting is that traits is formed into a plugin similar to races, but using preset traits "classes," which could be built off of traits. Of course, these could be a little more fleshed out to include things such as a class with speed2/haste2 so we don't completely remove the fun in insta mining, but current traits doesn't really make sense for pvp or roleplay. I honestly have never roleplayed in my life, but I'm still pretty sure you can't have a race that shoots fireballs while flying around the water. Just saying.

So anyway, this isn't really a formal suggestion or discussion, mostly just a rant. I haven't suggested much of anything new, and don't expect for anything to be done about it, but who knows, right? It certainly feels better to have said it.

tl;dr PvP isn't enjoyable. Make it skill based and fix the lag. Thanks for your time. Don't flame. :)
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@65jes89 Regarding my 'read more' rating, I think it's kind of self explanatory. Hit me up on a convo or my profile if you'd wanted to talk about it. I'd also like you to know that I heavily agree with the main idea of this thread and i think it deserves more support.
@MonMarty Regarding my rating, I just did it because, not saying you didn't read the thread, but there are quite a few suggestions on this thread and many more in the feedback section, which I would be happy to list for you if needed. no sarcasm or flame intended in any of these ratings, as it is usually used for such.

Throwing in my 2 cents on pvp:
Adding in to the current argument, as an ex pvper I can happily state that strafing requires little skill, is easy to master, and comes quite naturally. Minecraft does require quite a bit of skill but it's easy to master once you get into it and quite fun.

As for this very thread, I personally liked mmco, but it did have a huge negative impact on pvp. I also personally think races is much better for pvp and would fit in nicely into rp, there wasn't really much wrong with it and please correct me if I'm wrong as I tend to be misinformed sometimes. So my own conclusion, I would agree to remove traits, remove mmco(whatever its called) , add traits, and make attempts if there aren't already to tone down the hostility in massivecraft, such as re-adding chat restrictions, perhaps even restore chat moderation? I know that suggestion is a touchy subject and quite a difficult act for the staff.

Feel free to ask questions or constructively criticize my opinions.
@Caedit @DemonicDagger @BenRekt @kevincolis @thor5648 @krios41 @Waminer

This is an unhelpful post. Aside from antagonizing pvp'ers that really don't care if you're an ex-pvp'er that believes their art requires no skill, they probably now think you're a role player who is using a fake excuse to validate their opinion, which in effect, is an insult to those who spend time and effort in it. You're also not presenting a constructive manner of suggesting change. Remove X, Remove Y and change Z while not actually even saying what should be changed about Z is unhelpful.

Also inventing your own imaginary excuse to misuse the rating system is still rating abuse. The "Read More" rating only exists to inform people that they should read the original content they are replying to and come to a different conclusion. It should not be used for you to say "You're ignorant, but that's okay because if you contact /ME/, I will inform you why you're ignorant". But since I'm telling you here I'll avoid giving you a forum infraction.

I am moving this discussion on to a more productive method since people seem only really interested in sharing their opinion instead of actually being productive on the matter. This thread: will now be used to look into the traits matter.

P.S Opinions don't achieve anything. Hard work does.
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