Archived Just A Short Rant.

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Leader of SunKiss
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
The Holy SunKiss Empire
First off, if I put this in the wrong section, sorry. This is a feature suggestion, but also kinda a rant. So yea, sorry.

I'd like to start off by saying that massive is the best server I've ever been on. Ever. It was here on Massive where I learned how to do just about everything in minecraft. Pvp. Build (kinda lol). Make money. All that good stuff. Over the past 21 months I've been on Massive, I've matured and changed quite a bit. Anyone who knew me when I first joined, thygerson, wannag, lizman, pokyug, mecharic, all those people, can probably tell you that I acted like an absolute idiot when I first joined the server. During this time, however, I had a ton of fun, especially pvping. Or what I called pvp at the time. I'm pretty sure I didn't even know what strafing was for a good 6 months of playing on Massive. But that's not important. What's important is that I had a ton of fun doing this. And so did everyone else. Maybe I just didn't see it back then, but it seems like pvp on massive is quite a bit less fun then when I was first playing all that time ago. Sure, it had its moments, but overall it was a much better experience then it is now.

Now, there's obviously multiple explanations as to why this is. It could just be the community, or people's skill levels, or whatever you want to blame it on. But the fact is, it's happening. Now, for my take on it. I believe that the less than satisfactory feeling that has come along is largely due to traits. So yes, this another one of "those" threads. And, being totally honest, it's not any different. It's pretty much exactly like every other "anti-traits" thread that's ever been made.

Now, if you've stuck around this long, I'll go ahead and guess that I've got you captive no matter what I say. So I'll go ahead and say what you've been expecting me to say for a while now. I think traits should be removed. Simple as that. Along with this, vampire should be removed. The 3x armor durability buff should be removed or significantly nerfed. Fix power should be removed or significantly nerfed. mcMMO should be looked into for balance issues. And finally, the lag must be fixed. And yes, must.

Now for my reasoning for each of these. I'll keep traits last, just in case you don't want to scroll through that argument once you've realized it is literally the exact same as every other argument against traits.

So, first, vampires. The reasoning for this is pretty well known and already explained, but I'll go through it for anyone who has missed it. Basically, vampire is pretty much superior to traits in every way. The only real drawbacks for it are the who daytime thing, which is easily countered. Anyone who says otherwise either hasn't participated in long raids involving vamps or is kidding themselves. Nobody in their right mind will stay and raid as a vamp during the day. It simply doesn't happen. Vampires can use /time to easily find out when they just need to tp out, and due to the speed5 effect, they have no problem getting away from any fighting. The second drawback is holy water, which affects vampires about as much as a water gun affects a 6 year old at a birthday party. It's pretty much the same, in fact, as that water gun. All you need do is throw your enderpearl or run away, wait the few seconds for the debuffs to go, and you're back in business. I might just not pay attention enough, but I've never seen holy water lead to an experienced vampire dying. It's just to easy to run away till the effects are gone.

So next. This is actually one I don't think I've seen before, or at least recently. Now, I'm expecting the armor durability buff to be rather controversial, but I'll do my best to explain my opinion anyway. Basically, the lack of armor damage pretty much makes it impossible for god armor to ever break. I remember, quite clearly, when god armor went for 1k a set. Now, the current price is 400ish, if you buy it in trade chat (I don't consider market prices to be accurate representations of actual worth). Now, this is probably where someone's going to pull out monmarty's graph showing the primary, secondary, tertiary and so on activities that make up a real economy. But see, the key word with that is real. Massive, as much as it strives to be, is not like a real life economy. It, unfortunately, is limited to the confines of minecraft, which to put it briefly, are incapable of representing a real economy. So, currently, we're stuck with a ton and a half of god armor, tools, weapons, and so on, that never, ever break. One of the big arguments I'm expecting on this one is "but how ever will we make our items last longer than the flimsy unbreaking 3 enchantment allows?!" Well, I do believe you're completely forgetting anvils, something which has pretty much lost all meaning on Massive. It's actually incredibly easy, especially with 1.8 enchanting, to repair god armor, as well as make it. Additionally, it will create a small but effective diamond drain, which will make mining actually worth something.

The /fix argument is pretty much the same as the above.

Now for mcMMO. I'd like to start by saying that I love mcMMO. However, thinking about it now, I realize that I really don't. What I actually like, and I think most people who "like" mcMMO can agree with, is the "grind" involved with it. I really, more than any armor damage, super breaker length, or new potion, is turning on some music and relaxing with a simple, relatively repetitive task. And, remember, I'm not asking that it be removed, just looked into for balance issues, assuming traits/vampire are removed, which I doubt either will be.

Now, for the big one. Traits. Fun. Not really, actually. I believe traits are pretty much the root cause of all pvp issues. As much as they've been complained about, I honestly don't understand why they're still here. Anyways, since I don't have anything really new to add to this particular discussion, I'll just go over a few main points. One: Damage inconsistencies and glitches. Yeah, they're not really gone. They're definitely reduced, but not gone. Do a bit of PvP and you'll seen a couple 6 heart hits. A couple interesting damage outputs. Of course, I'm pretty sure the response to this will be the same as it always has: "Prove it. Record it and give us exact bugs in the form of a bug report." So yeah. I'm going to be rather frank now. I mean this in the best possible way with all due respect to cayorion and all staff members. This simply put, should not be our problem. It should not be the consumers' responsibility to fix the product, as anyone with any idea about public relations can tell you. And again, I realize cayorion is busy, and I mean no offense to him.
Two: PvP should not rely on who has the better trait setup, or as some people call it "strategy." PvP should rely on skill. Period. End of story. Someone should not be able to get 3 lucky hit and kill someone. All in all this ruins pvp for everyone. Now, am I suggesting going back to races? No. That, I suppose is where I am slightly different from others. Earlier, while I was looking around the website, I stumbled upon this:
Woah, woah, woah. These are what?... Traits? Isn't that what you're saying you don't like? Yep. However, what I am suggesting is that traits is formed into a plugin similar to races, but using preset traits "classes," which could be built off of traits. Of course, these could be a little more fleshed out to include things such as a class with speed2/haste2 so we don't completely remove the fun in insta mining, but current traits doesn't really make sense for pvp or roleplay. I honestly have never roleplayed in my life, but I'm still pretty sure you can't have a race that shoots fireballs while flying around the water. Just saying.

So anyway, this isn't really a formal suggestion or discussion, mostly just a rant. I haven't suggested much of anything new, and don't expect for anything to be done about it, but who knows, right? It certainly feels better to have said it.

tl;dr PvP isn't enjoyable. Make it skill based and fix the lag. Thanks for your time. Don't flame. :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I agree with a lot of this post, but I think if it were up to the majority PvPers on Massive entirely, McMMO would be removed completely (Or remove the PvP McMMO skills), Vampires would be gone as well, and traits would be replaced by races. This would probably fix a lot of the lag too. But since it isn't up to us and I hear that traits are used by RPers (Although all they do is just sit still and type?) I guess that wouldn't be done by the staff, although I'd encourage them to make those changes temporarily for a week and see how it all plays out.

Oh yes, and in case any of the staff are wondering if PvP is fun or not, it's not.
Massive is like a pizza, instead of just being the pepperoni pizza that everyone likes, it throws on a bunch of toppings (Plug-ins) that don't mix and instead make something that nobody should eat.

Go to this video and skip to 1:10 and that's a perfect analogy for Massive, if toppings were Plug-Ins and the pizza was Massive.
Dude, you watch dunkey too? He's freaking amazing.
Hey i'm just following the rules. If you and the people who have rated you "winner" don't like it why do you post on the forums? It straight up says don't take an argument away from the topic to insult someone personally. I will happily continue to argue, but if someone is going to derail a thread, TWICE just to personally insult me I think they need a reminder of the rules. Good job on derailing it a third time though, just so you can personally insult my ability to take some criticism after I point out a violation of the forum rules.

Somehow, people still wonder why there is complaints of toxicity of this server.

You do know that its not a rerail if you don't resume the topic in your post. Just saying rerail is like walking up to plague victims and saying 'Cured'.
To monmarty I think that's an extremely accurate description of the groups that are actually on rail with the thread's topic. I personally put my opinion in group C. How about everyone else?
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I think you are right but if you can't take a bit of hostility in a thread it is time to go outside grow up and then come back without crying about rules and regulations as soon as you feel sad.
.. A bit harsh there? I don't think that was necessary.
Honestly if traits were removed and vampires as well I don't think the roleplayers would have the right to complain because we do really just sit around (at least I do?) , if not just hoping around. Though I'd kinda miss the speed and jump boost. I'd /like/ to see the plugins balanced but if it's detrimental to one side, then it's not really fair to the PvP'ers to keep it if it ruins their side of the game. D :
Magnanimus and Liath have allied, Wolves, Arthas and others have merged in and have declared war on a handful of factions

This PVP arguement is getting ridiculous and honestly needs to end. Lag and Latency, and Plugins. I doubt any are doing anything. At most each plugin would cause the smallest amount of lag. Personally I think its too many toppings on the pizza type of dealio.
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Well since we're going to just pettily insult each other. "Lol u mad MC PVP sucks bro?"

I said there were two extremes of PVP, or are you blind as well as stupid? Jitter clicking = spamming (SO MUCH SKILL). Healing = Running away and using potions, which I said was a viable option, you ARE blind. If gear doesn't matter how about I fight you in god armor and you get leather, sound fair?

Troll harder.

Edit: Lol he mad.

You can hit someone up and backwards without strafing, and the time spent moving left and right could be better spent. Like I said before, anyone who knows how MC hitboxes work can completely nullify your "Moving target" argument, since your hitbox still sits in the same place, it just makes some less mechanic savvy players try to track your character, which does lower their accuracy. If someone actually targeted where they know your hitbox is going to be, strafing becomes ineffective. Sure you CAN strafe in MC, and sure it does require about half a brain cell more to figure out than normal PVP, but if you know MC's mechanics involving hitboxes, it is much more effective to selectively do either a full on retreat or full on attack with no inbetween.

Strafing moves your character, while your hitbox lags behind in the opposite direction you're moving, which means strafing can be nullified and pointless if the opponent knows about how hitboxes move. Nobody on this server has done this because everyone assumes hitboxes are perfect in MC when they're very much broken and abusable.
Please get off my thread. You are being rude and offensive to anyone here who pvps. I'd honestly like to see you hit 15 clicks per second and hold it for a minute or two. I honestly don't know where you get your facts from. They are inaccurate, as any pvper can tell you. Sure if you have a pint of 20, then, no you don't need to strafe so long as you can click decently fast. Additionally, for the whole bows require skill, swords don't, please try pvping at a half decent sensitivity as most pvpers do to increase accuracy and get more combos. In the mean time, please get offy thread until you find something constructive to say.

I'll reply to other comments later when I'm on my laptop (currently on an iPhone), just wanted to get this out of the way.
Please get off my thread. You are being rude and offensive to anyone here who pvps. I'd honestly like to see you hit 15 clicks per second and hold it for a minute or two. I honestly don't know where you get your facts from. They are inaccurate, as any pvper can tell you. Sure if you have a pint of 20, then, no you don't need to strafe so long as you can click decently fast. Additionally, for the whole bows require skill, swords don't, please try pvping at a half decent sensitivity as most pvpers do to increase accuracy and get more combos. In the mean time, please get offy thread until you find something constructive to say.

I'll reply to other comments later when I'm on my laptop (currently on an iPhone), just wanted to get this out of the way.
Sorry I brought facts to the thread. Would you like me to lie and say everything about MC pvp is perfect? I'm a "pvper" to you know, and I don't feel offended or that anything about my statements are inaccurate. So apparently your facts are wrong, because not "any" pvper will tell me they're inaccurate. Please stop assuming i'm some noob, I can hand a video filled with evidence backing my claims to you.

You also completely miss many of my points, your post so far has been entirely non-constructive and has only been you complaining and conveniently ignoring both the people insulting me out of the blue and the facts i've presented. Good job.
@jamesclcan you clean this thread please? o think you're one of the forums people <3
Mister Please read the subject again.
I'll open by stating that Traits doesn't cause Lag. Vampires doesn't care lag. I can't say if Mcmmo doesn't because we didn't make it, but let's assume it doesn't. The majority of the lag is formed by:
  • Players logging on.
  • Player existing.
  • Mobs.
  • Players using Potion machines.
  • Players using auto sorters.
  • Players darkrooming.
  • Players darkrooming.
  • Players darkrooming.
Cayorion constantly works to eliminate lag where possible. In recent past in fact he deferred player information loading to a more slower process, which eliminated 30% of the lag from players connecting. In the long run however, players have only felt 0.3% of that, in increasing increments.


Now as for the gist of this thread, I'm trying to understand the opposing sides.

We have Side A who thinks:
  • Traits should be removed.
  • MCMMO should be removed.
  • Races should be brought back.
  • Vampire should be removed.
Concluding: Massive PVP should return to Vanilla PVP but with a 15% damage reduction bonus that 95.9% of the players are going to pick, so basically vanilla PVP with less damage.

We have Side B who thinks:
  • The plugins are fine.
  • Players are toxic.
  • Toxic behavior is encouraged and not stamped down upon.
Concluding: Massive PVP is fine, it's the community that's toxic and pointing fingers at the plugins to lay the blame elsewhere.

We have Side C who thinks:
  • The plugins are fine but need balancing.
  • The players are fine, not any more or less toxic than an average pvp server.
Concluding: These people are trying to encourage others to take a pro-active role in fixing the problem instead of pretending it's so large that removal is the only option.

Is that all a fair assessment?

Just to explain the evil ratings here. Apparently many people in Magnanimus and Morrc seem to be in the 0.1% of people in western nations that cannot comprehend the written word. The believe Monmarty called all PVPers toxic even though he literally said nothing close to this.
@morrc5 [Reread and stopped]

What are you doing...
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Just to explain the evil ratings here. Apparently many people in Magnanimus and Morrc seem to be in the 0.1% of people in western nations that cannot comprehend the written word. The believe Monmarty called all PVPers toxic even though he literally said nothing close to this.

What are you doing...

Someone understood I tried to understand the different points of view before jumping into the discussion and trying to find a compromise solution :V


One Raptum attempt at attacking and trolling me further.

Still in this to find a plausible solution that satisfies all groups instead of picking one over the other.
Someone understood I tried to understand the different points of view before jumping into the discussion and trying to find a compromise solution :V


One Raptum attempt at attacking and trolling me further.

Still in this to find a plausible solution that satisfies all groups instead of picking one over the other.
Excuse me but it had nothing to do with Raptum whatsoever.
I'm still curious on where some of these alleged facts have come from. @Caedit can you or can you not prove that the hit boxes lag behind? Now, I recognize that I am not exactly what most people would consider a pvper, even though I have decent combat stats, but I am very familiar with Minecraft mechanics. And the lagging hit boxes is something that doesn't fly for me.

As for mcMMO, I believe that it should stay as it is. It should be a given that stats do not guarantee outcomes. A clear example of this is when I try to pvp. I'm in the top 10 for the swords stat, although I still get slaughtered very easily on the field, by people who have much lower stats. Overall, I see removing features as a dangerous action since it generally has a high likelyhood of upsetting people. If armor needs to break faster, increase the armor damage from axes. People will get much less upset if they feel like they are gaining something rather than losing something.
Excuse me but it had nothing to do with Raptum whatsoever.
That was a comment not aimed at this thread or any of the posters, but to some of the people no doubt reading the thread, over something that occured in a private Teamspeak little over an hour ago.
@65jes89 i've read it, and i might be misunderstanding you.. (actually, i'm quiet sure i did) small note, i'm no pvp'r, but don't hold taht against me, i'll ignore you if you do
so, you are saying this:

so you want that it's more about skill?
but tehn you say this:

basicly you just contradicted yourself, if there is no wining trail built, then you still need skil to beat somoeone right?



now it seems like you don't want to die, okay, that's fair, but, it ruins your point a litle in my opinion and let's it seem like you are just whining about it, sorry.

you'r an idiot
My bad, let me clarify my meaning by winning trait build. By winning trait build, I meant one that everyone used because it was obviously superior to others. ie undead/dwarf in the races plugin. This made it so that while there were other choices, most serious pvpers used the same ones. This meant that while it was different, it was the same different for everyone, ie, damage was being reduced by 15%, but it was reduced by 15% for everyone, so it was pretty much equal.
According to the forum rules:
Do not troll, insult, or flame against other users
  • You may argue with them politely, but when your comments become offensive, you are breaking the rule. As a rule of thumb, if your comment becomes about the other person, and not their idea, you have crossed the line.
Please refrain from the use of derogatory words such as retarded, stupid, etc. towards a particular person or group of people. Discussions are definitely allowed, but personal attacks (flaming and name-calling) are not. Punishments will be handed out to offenders.
My bad, let me clarify my meaning by winning trait build. By winning trait build, I meant one that everyone used because it was obviously superior to others. ie undead/dwarf in the races plugin. This made it so that while there were other choices, most serious pvpers used the same ones. This meant that while it was different, it was the same different for everyone, ie, damage was being reduced by 15%, but it was reduced by 15% for everyone, so it was pretty much equal.

Jes, does this mean you also want to remove all factors that tip the balance of combat in favor of one player over another?
That was a comment not aimed at this thread or any of the posters, but to some of the people no doubt reading the thread, over something that occured in a private Teamspeak little over an hour ago.
Once more that was also nothing to do with Raptum. Most people have left Raptum and those who remain are inactive. As far as I'm aware no members of Raptum were involved in that event.
First off, this thread is a perfect example of just how toxic of an environment massive can turn in to. Yes, it would be insane to say this is an accurate representation of massive all of the time, but it is an accurate representation of massive at its worse. Rules are put in to place to keep things like this from happening, not to find the most complaint way to insult another person. Please, do correct me if I'm wromg.

Second, sugggestions that would show quick results. Notice the word results, not improvements.
-Remove McMmo
-Remove Traits
-Remove Vampire
-Remove Premium Bonuses

-Remove Regalia
-Remove (Insert anything from players, to servers)
-Removing the 15% damage reduction for premiums.
-Granting non-premium members full access to pacifist.

Now, some suggestions that would show slow results with reasons.
-Removing PvP chat. I've noticed recently that the ban hammer is pulled out much more often than the mute mallet. PvP chat is flame chat, and anyone who pretends not to know this is kidding themselves. If PvP chat ceased to exist, people would resort to flaming in general, and with the reintroduction of mutes, the community may slowly ease up.
-Introduce the absense of traits into certain worlds. In regalia, traits pose little problems and make rp easier. In new upcoming worlds, traits could be left out, thus giving players an oppertunity to pick the way they would like to PvP. The trends could be examined or polled, and an ultimate solution could be chosen.
-Same with vampires and Mcmmo, but perhaps not all at once.

Those highlighted in green, I see as constructive.
Those highlighted in yellow, I see as poll-worthy.
Those highlighted in red, I see as toxic.
Those not highlighted, I see as unneeded emphasis to support my point of view.
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Once more that was also nothing to do with Raptum. Most people have left Raptum and those who remain are inactive. As far as I'm aware no members of Raptum were involved in that event.
Perhaps that would show the same ignorance on my part in that regard. Fail on my part.

Either way, why don't we have a big sit down thread where anyone can bring up a "broken" or "op" trait and come up with suggestions for it.

Say like. "Flywater should also increase damage by 50%"
Why can't we just respect that the staff make decisions for our enjoyment, and they know what's best. If they add a bad plugin, they remove it. If they add a plugin that gains ground in a week, they keep it. Traits was one of those, and I feel that people only complain because they haven't figured out the strategies and trait builds that can counter other strategies and trait builds (basically people who haven't adapted, and are dieing out, using rant threads as an attempt to change the world, of course in vain. That could also be taken as people who are raging and can't handle learning new tricks) Heck, I redid my traits every pvp match I did after watching for ten minutes. Of course I don't pvp now, but I used to and plan to use Massivecraft PvP as my soon to actually exist youtube channel's pvp series location because it is such a good system.

In conclusion: The staff know what's best for server longevity, and they will nerf and buff whatever they wish for the majority of the population. Not for ten people complaining about decisions that they technically have no part in.

Also, I realize that the staff sometimes look to the players for ideas, but changing traits is a bit useless because so many people like it, compared to the like, 50 people who don't.
First off, this thread is a perfect example of just how toxic of an environment massive can turn in to. Yes, it would be insane to say this is an accurate representation of massive all of the time, but it is an accurate representation of massive at its worse. Rules are put in to place to keep things like this from happening, not to find the most complaint way to insult another person. Please, do correct me if I'm wromg.

Second, sugggestions that would show quick results. Notice the word results, not improvements.
-Remove McMmo
-Remove Traits
-Remove Vampire
-Remove Premium Bonuses

-Remove Regalia
-Remove (Insert anything from players, to servers)
-Removing the 15% damage reduction for premiums.
-Granting non-premium members full access to pacifist.

Now, some suggestions that would show slow results with reasons.
-Removing PvP chat. I've noticed recently that the ban hammer is pulled out much more often than the mute mallet. PvP chat is flame chat, and anyone who pretends not to know this is kidding themselves. If PvP chat ceased to exist, people would resort to flaming in general, and with the reintroduction of mutes, the community may slowly ease up.
-Introduce the absense of traits into certain worlds. In regalia, traits pose little problems and make rp easier. In new upcoming worlds, traits could be left out, thus giving players an oppertunity to pick the way they would like to PvP. The trends could be examined or polled, and an ultimate solution could be chosen.
-Same with vampires and Mcmmo, but perhaps not all at once.

Those highlighted in green, I see as constructive.
Those highlighted in yellow, I see as poll-worthy.
Those highlighted in red, I see as toxic.
Those not highlighted, I see as unneeded emphasis to support my point of view.
This is amazing, the only complaint I can make about this is that the yellow can be a little hard on the eyes (this isn't much of a complaint).
Perhaps that would show the same ignorance on my part in that regard. Fail on my part.

Either way, why don't we have a big sit down thread where anyone can bring up a "broken" or "op" trait and come up with suggestions for it.

Say like. "Flywater should also increase damage by 50%"
@BenRekt made a thread about fixing vampires. This thread is seen here:

@morrc5 made a very valid statement when told by Thortuna that the vampire plugin cannot be changed. "Then why is it on your server if you cannot configure it what so ever" He received no response to this comment. He also went on to suggest the idea of temporarily removing the plugin until it was able to be configured. You see we do suggest stuff, Ben's thread got over 30 likes. It is just stuff like when @Thortuna blatantly ignores a valid thread and a valid point "We" start to get a bit annoyed and aggravated.
I don't really see how PvP requires much skill. Sneaking around and knowing from where to attack and laying traps is skill. Chasing someone and clicking until their avatar falls is not.

I use the built in mouse for PvP, which I rarely do. It's impossibly hard, but slightly doable. I can't make those quick changes in direction or jumps to avoid being hit like everyone else. That's why you actually need skill in that circumstance, because you need to sneak, hit, and run within precise timing to avoid being dodge-hit without escape until you die.

I hope that by skill you also mean the removal of MCMMO, because that just grants an unfair advantage to the newer players. This disadvantage is countered by vampirism and traits, you see? It may balance things. Just work your way around the traits, lead jumpers into a two-block tall room, make vampires walk into a suntrap and make them stuck until death.

Want PvP with skill? Actually plan your attacks, try using the built in mouse, and reevaluate the definition of skill which was implied, or so I strongly believe.

If even then you remain true to your older idea of skill, then okay. At least you experienced something new.

I do, however, agree with this thread to a reasonable degree- which I will not be emphasizing because I'm on a tablet and the autocorrect is driving me crazy, haha.

If I had to, I'd probably identify with Mon's group C assessment- if any.
I don't really see how PvP requires much skill. Sneaking around and knowing from where to attack and laying traps is skill. Chasing someone and clicking until their avatar falls is not.

I use the built in mouse for PvP, which I rarely do. It's impossibly hard, but slightly doable. I can't make those quick changes in direction or jumps to avoid being hit like everyone else. That's why you actually need skill in that circumstance, because you need to sneak, hit, and run within precise timing to avoid being dodge-hit without escape until you die.

I hope that by skill you also mean the removal of MCMMO, because that just grants an unfair advantage to the newer players. This disadvantage is countered by vampirism and traits, you see? It may balance things. Just work your way around the traits, lead jumpers into a two-block tall room, make vampires walk into a suntrap and make them stuck until death.

Want PvP with skill? Actually plan your attacks, try using the built in mouse, and reevaluate the definition of skill which was implied, or so I strongly believe.

If even then you remain true to your older idea of skill, then okay. At least you experienced something new.

I do, however, agree with this thread to a reasonable degree- which I will not be emphasizing because I'm on a tablet and the autocorrect is driving me crazy, haha.

If I had to, I'd probably identify with Mon's group C assessment- if any.
Nahhh there's more to it than that, try to fight morrc or wannag they will kill you pretty easily, showing there is in fact skill.
Nahhh there's more to it than that, try to fight morrc or wannag they will kill you pretty easily, showing there is in fact skill.
someone teached me that skill once.
literaly said to me:
"gear, stats and potions all don't matter, even your weapon doesn't, just stay behind your enemie an you win"
I don't think you can classify 'staying behind someone' as a skill.
I guess skill is justa matter of perspective.
now don't go rating me read the subject again, because i have read it all 10 times before posting, just shayin...
someone teached me that skill once.
literaly said to me:
"gear, stats and potions all don't matter, even your weapon doesn't, just stay behind your enemie an you win"
I don't think you can classify 'staying behind someone' as a skill.
I guess skill is justa matter of perspective.
now don't go rating me read the subject again, because i have read it all 10 times before posting, just shayin...
Note: This comment is not intended to be flame just so that RP'ers can see it from are point of view.

Saying that all PvP skill is about just staying behind someone and killing them is kinda of like saying that RP skill is just typing into a chat box and making words. Which is untrue (from what I have heard from my days in Mithril with their RP talks) since RP has to do with having:
1. Proper grammar
2.Remembering what is lore complaint and what isn't.
3. Anything else that makes RP'ing hard. (I don't know I am a PvPer) @MonMarty @Feyona @Jared4242

And this simple principle also goes with PvP. Since we don't need dem prper gramm3r in da PvP comunityz ( <-- A joke). We still have to know a lot of things to make us better then the other pvpers on the server by knowing:
1. When is the right time to continue an attack or retreat to health pot.
2. How to get a good combo/strafe (Look back on one of my previous comments for what strafing does)
3. Knowing an opponents weakness.
Ex: Player A is very good on flat land because he can get a good strafe going very easy but Player B hates flat lands since he is not good at strafing but due to his jitter click (clicking very fast) he is very good in small rooms.
In this example each player would try to get their opponent in the area they want without the other person knowing. (mostly on other servers with fall traps or leading them to the area they wish to fight in).

So even though PvP and RP people claim that each side has little skill to no skill at all is just wrong. Due to each side having skills that are needed just the people not wanting to learn them or understand them enough to know why they are considered "skills".
I don't really see how PvP requires much skill. Sneaking around and knowing from where to attack and laying traps is skill. Chasing someone and clicking until their avatar falls is not.

I use the built in mouse for PvP, which I rarely do. It's impossibly hard, but slightly doable. I can't make those quick changes in direction or jumps to avoid being hit like everyone else. That's why you actually need skill in that circumstance, because you need to sneak, hit, and run within precise timing to avoid being dodge-hit without escape until you die.

I hope that by skill you also mean the removal of MCMMO, because that just grants an unfair advantage to the newer players. This disadvantage is countered by vampirism and traits, you see? It may balance things. Just work your way around the traits, lead jumpers into a two-block tall room, make vampires walk into a suntrap and make them stuck until death.

Want PvP with skill? Actually plan your attacks, try using the built in mouse, and reevaluate the definition of skill which was implied, or so I strongly believe.

If even then you remain true to your older idea of skill, then okay. At least you experienced something new.

I do, however, agree with this thread to a reasonable degree- which I will not be emphasizing because I'm on a tablet and the autocorrect is driving me crazy, haha.
Note: This comment is not intended to be flame just so that RP'ers can see it from are point of view.

Saying that all PvP skill is about just staying behind someone and killing them is kinda of like saying that RP skill is just typing into a chat box and making words. Which is untrue (from what I have heard from my days in Mithril with their RP talks) since RP has to do with having:
1. Proper grammar
2.Remembering what is lore complaint and what isn't.
3. Anything else that makes RP'ing hard. (I don't know I am a PvPer) @MonMarty @Feyona @Jared4242

And this simple principle also goes with PvP. Since we don't need dem prper gramm3r in da PvP comunityz ( <-- A joke). We still have to know a lot of things to make us better then the other pvpers on the server by knowing:
1. When is the right time to continue an attack or retreat to health pot.
2. How to get a good combo/strafe (Look back on one of my previous comments for what strafing does)
3. Knowing an opponents weakness.
Ex: Player A is very good on flat land because he can get a good strafe going very easy but Player B hates flat lands since he is not good at strafing but due to his jitter click (clicking very fast) he is very good in small rooms.
In this example each player would try to get their opponent in the area they want without the other person knowing. (mostly on other servers with fall traps or leading them to the area they wish to fight in).

So even though PvP and RP people claim that each side has little skill to no skill at all is just wrong. Due to each side having skills that are needed just the people not wanting to learn them or understand them enough to know why they are considered "skills".


If I had to, I'd probably identify with Mon's group C assessment- if any.


This pretty much clears it all, so away with the "Please read subject again" rating (despite me having read the darned threat 7 times), and the insulting funny ratings.
Thank you for not abusing the rating system. Good day.
sorry, but:
#1 that's what a pvp'r once told me, no lies.
#2 you sort of missed the large, underlined, bold, green sentence in italics i wrote. i'm not sure if you realized that that was teh thing i realy wanted to say. (but i did it in bold, italics, green, underlining and larger for that very reason)
so i'm not claiming pvp doesn't require skil, i'm claiming that skill is a matter of perspective.
sorry, but:
#1 that's what a pvp'r once told me, no lies.
#2 you sort of missed the large, underlined, bold, green sentence in italics i wrote. i'm not sure if you realized that that was teh thing i realy wanted to say. (but i did it in bold, italics, green, underlining and larger for that very reason)
so i'm not claiming pvp doesn't require skil, i'm claiming that skill is a matter of perspective.
I understand that you know this. Was suppose to be for all RP'ers that claim pvp has no skill. You just happen to bring it up first. Mi bad if you thought I was attacking you. This was more for SilentsAppeal and Caedit who have claimed that there is no real skill involved.
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I swear I already made my point about strafing and the thread creator asked for comments about PVP being skillful or not to be deleted, and we ALSO have a avenue to ask Marty about change suggestions. But instead of that we have one person complaining and everyone else derailing to the "PVP TAKES SKILL" argument AGAIN, an argument that has already ended on this thread. Seriously, the conversation about if PVP takes skill or not is over, if you want to continue it take it to PM's, neither the thread maker nor the staff want to be spammed about it.

*Ahem* with that out of the way, shall we actually do some suggestions about what traits, vampire, and MCMMO do to the server and how we can balance them? My first suggestion off the top of my head, get the vampire plugin to add the unholy trait to vampires. If that isn't possible, perhaps assign all the traits the vampire plugin gives to a sign at spawn (including the unholy trait) and then rework the vampire plugin while this sign serves as a replacement. I personally feel this will balance out the vampire plugin.
Making comments about how pvp requires no skill to attack the reasoning is just ad hoc argumentation which is really unhelpful.
I think everyone has nailed the pvp aspect of traits and vampire extremely well.Sorry to say but MassiveCraft is not just pvp. As everyone knows there is role-playing and the main area for role-playing is regalia. Vampires may be "OP" in pvp but they are woven into the lore very tightly. People may be saying that you can just roleplay out a vampire, but wait that would be hard to do with out traits. :P Also traits make players different than other players due to unique trait builds. I know that there are a lot of people who just stick to the traits they know though :)
Okkkkkaaayyyy... So I am not @MonMarty s biggest fan HOWEVER, I see nothing wrong with what he said and I find it fairly accurate. The community IS toxic as seen by the massive raid on Mithril and Mithril TS over what? A forum Post? please guys, that's just fucking sad. Also.... Minecraft requires NO skill what so ever to PvP on reference to PvP on League of Legends, Dota2 WoW Guild Wars 2 and every other Moba and MMO out there. You are all extremely pathetic and more or less proved Marty's point for him, so GG, enjoy massive PvP and your non-constructive flame :).
Okkkkkaaayyyy... So I am not @MonMarty s biggest fan HOWEVER, I see nothing wrong with what he said and I find it fairly accurate. The community IS toxic as seen by the massive raid on Mithril and Mithril TS over what? A forum Post? please guys, that's just ****ing sad. Also.... Minecraft requires NO skill what so ever to PvP on reference to PvP on League of Legends, Dota2 WoW Guild Wars 2 and every other Moba and MMO out there. You are all extremely pathetic and more or less proved Marty's point for him, so GG, enjoy massive PvP and your non-constructive flame :).

I'm not actually claiming that players are toxic in any capacity. I'm asking others to confirm whether other people feel that way, and then I'd like to have a big sit down with everyone and find a compremise, as in, tangible suggestions on what to do to fix the supposed overpowered and unfun aspects of PVP.

I'd like to avoid returning to Vanilla Minecraft combat with 15% damage reduction.
I'll open by stating that Traits doesn't cause Lag. Vampires doesn't care lag. I can't say if Mcmmo doesn't because we didn't make it, but let's assume it doesn't. The majority of the lag is formed by:
  • Players logging on.
  • Player existing.
  • Mobs.
  • Players using Potion machines.
  • Players using auto sorters.
  • Players darkrooming.
  • Players darkrooming.
  • Players darkrooming.
Cayorion constantly works to eliminate lag where possible. In recent past in fact he deferred player information loading to a more slower process, which eliminated 30% of the lag from players connecting. In the long run however, players have only felt 0.3% of that, in increasing increments.


Now as for the gist of this thread, I'm trying to understand the opposing sides.

We have Side A who thinks:
  • Traits should be removed.
  • MCMMO should be removed.
  • Races should be brought back.
  • Vampire should be removed.
Concluding: Massive PVP should return to Vanilla PVP but with a 15% damage reduction bonus that 95.9% of the players are going to pick, so basically vanilla PVP with less damage.

We have Side B who thinks:
  • The plugins are fine.
  • Players are toxic.
  • Toxic behavior is encouraged and not stamped down upon.
Concluding: Massive PVP is fine, it's the community that's toxic and pointing fingers at the plugins to lay the blame elsewhere.

We have Side C who thinks:
  • The plugins are fine but need balancing.
  • The players are fine, not any more or less toxic than an average pvp server.
Concluding: These people are trying to encourage others to take a pro-active role in fixing the problem instead of pretending it's so large that removal is the only option.

Is that all a fair assessment?
-Throws tantrum cause his stereotyping was practically spot on-
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