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Joint Declaration Of Former Playeros


The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Jul 3, 2014
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Roleplay Guilds


A Joint Declaration of Former Playeros

House Playero has been non-existent since May of this year, however, there is an insistence among some members of the community to continue to refer to its members as 'Playero's'. Or those who were otherwise unaware of its dissolution altogether. Therefore, let this notice be a message to the community at large, that we (former Playero's) have turned a new leaf.

To make our separation more clearer than abandoning last names altogether, we have decided to adopt the last name of de Gonzo.

This action has been a long one coming. Our family has been advised to drop the moniker of 'Playero' from many countless people, ranging from the Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire, to the Lich Lord. It is that kind of cross society unity that you rarely ever see, and reminds you that you probably should embrace a new last name.

Our personalities or our goals will not change, but it has become clear to us that 'Playero' comes with intense baggage that has prevented us from moving further in life. Rather than being a stagnant Daen swamp pool, we want to build on achievements we have made so far, while distancing ourselves from actions that we have not supported.

We still support all of our previous ambitions, albeit through more conventional and peaceful means. That includes advocacy on behalf of the people of Daenshore, our homeland, as the threat of the Altalar in Daen grows ever present. Our advocacy against the loss of Daendroque culture in the Regalian Archipelago and our ambitions to improve living standards to all those under the boot of oppression.

This is in no way disowning or spitting on the graves of our ancestors. As we truly believe, our ancestors would be more than supportive of this effort to keep the ember alive - that ember being the proud tradition of being unashamedly Daendroque in a world of anti-Daendroque.

Eloi, Reselda, Luciano and Mariona.
"...To the Lich Lord" Arayaa mutters as she reads over the notice. "So, the /Playeros/ confirm that they are in enough communication with vampires to have Xilthruum's ear." she then hands the notice over to Sol Minarith ( @joglak ).
"PFHAH." The Kassambara cracked a laugh, rolling his eyes, "I'll tell you righ' now— dunno who the fuck the Playeros think they are, but once a terrorist, always a terrorist. Maybe one day we'll be able to see Eloi's head inn'a basket." he then proceeded to hand the notice over to his co-workers for them to read.

@Tsar_Maple // @BeetrootSalad
"With a record like his, sounds like a pretty appropriate new name. How long do you think until he's de-gonzo like the rest of his family?" Triss asked with a laugh, nudging the paper over toward Erwin.

@HeyItzAPotato || @BeetrootSalad
"PFHAH." The Kassambara cracked a laugh, rolling his eyes, "I'll tell you righ' now— dunno who the fuck the Playeros think they are, but once a terrorist, always a terrorist. Maybe one day we'll be able to see Eloi's head inn'a basket." he then proceeded to hand the notice over to his co-workers for them to read.

@Tsar_Maple // @BeetrootSalad
"With a record like his, sounds like a pretty appropriate new name. How long do you think until he's de-gonzo like the rest of his family?" Triss asked with a laugh, nudging the paper over toward Erwin.

@HeyItzAPotato || @BeetrootSalad

A middle-aged Clergy man would sigh at the notice yet again. In which, he'd put up a letter of his own upon the board. However, he would use the back of an old parchment, as new paper is expensive.

"To the now de Gonzo,

Your family's past history still reflects upon you today. However, it may be better to hold actions rather than words. I am sure that, with enough convincing, you could seek of helping the Alms with any needs they required, and properly turn a new leaf. It will be a very difficult task, but push yourselves forward. I will pray that you find your ways of redemption.

May the Everwatcher guide you,
William Alexander"
The Half Isldar gave Erwin a playful elbow. "Come on, that was a pretty good. Right?" she asked, looking to Taeron for affirmation.
"It was. Erwin must be.. havin' a moment. Let's uh, leave him.. alone." he side glanced, furrowing his brows, and motioned for Triss to follow along. Moving off to.. some other part of the prison.
To the De Gonzo Family,

I will be blunt your clan has done little to express the true beauty of Daendroque culture or art in any form. The criminal and political history of the former names born by your family have only increased the ability of people to stereotype daendroque. I beg you all to reflect, there comes a time when the individualism of the daendroque spirit must turn inward. Seeking to fight not the world but the personal furies of the self that make one seem rash, greedy, or dishonest.

As a fellow daendroque, I ask you please keep in mind you're commoners still and while you should be proud of your heritage. I must insist you cease spreading paranoia about the Allorn threatening the Daenshore when it's our own people who threaten the ceasefire with violent mob invasions. The Daenshore has been acting in direct contradiction of the Empire by assaulting the Allorn, threatening the safety of the whole empire because they can't accept the Allorn are acting in good faith. The citizens of Daendshore need to halt their attacks and repair their own city instead of sending Ailors and funds to die upon Allorn defenses.

Upon the account of your history, as God Empress Ness teaches we should forgive the repentant. I encourage any and all of you to come to myself or another Celate to seek absolution before the Everwatcher. It's confidential in entirety so please feel no fear in making use of the service extended to all.


Lord Atum Morathes

Celate of Dogmatic Unionism
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"PFHAH." The Kassambara cracked a laugh, rolling his eyes, "I'll tell you righ' now— dunno who the fuck the Playeros think they are, but once a terrorist, always a terrorist. Maybe one day we'll be able to see Eloi's head inn'a basket." he then proceeded to hand the notice over to his co-workers for them to read.
Torhilde, finally deciding to clock in for work for once to maintain her government check overhears the joke. Shooting them a tired, grouchy glare like they just woke up, the Velheim Eronidas spoke up where Erwin fell silent. "Do you two enjoy killing people? Do you enjoy dealing with them in the first place? Fucking hope to Basjtur they reform so I never have to hear their name in Greygate again. They'd have to commit more crime to get executed. Unless you also want that, don't say you want his head." After giving her rant, she duly chugged down her flask of Eronidas brew before going on patrol, sensing a long day ahead.

@Tsar_Maple @HeyItzAPotato @BeetrootSalad
The hooded man shuffles down the street with a sigh, hand clasped firmly on the hilt of the blade sheathed under his cloak. Garments held tight against him to brace the storm, blue eyes shine in the lightning that arcs across the sky. He pauses, looking over the notice with a hum, and a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Eloi..I hope you know what you're doing..don't give the people more reason to put your head on a pike."

He murmurs into the wind, shaking his head to himself. He pulls his hood down low and continues his stroll, booted footsteps muted by the sounds of rain and wind.
"It was. Erwin must be.. havin' a moment. Let's uh, leave him.. alone." he side glanced, furrowing his brows, and motioned for Triss to follow along. Moving off to.. some other part of the prison.
The Half Isldar gave Erwin a playful elbow. "Come on, that was a pretty good. Right?" she asked, looking to Taeron for affirmation.
Winifred casted a glance to the other three before rolling her eyes, "Yeah, we can arrest and beat them a couple more times before that so I get to waste my time patching them up."

She peered out the gate and the rain outside it. "…Anyone want a kaffee?" The Physician asked then, drifting away to get some for herself.
The hooded man shuffles down the street with a sigh, hand clasped firmly on the hilt of the blade sheathed under his cloak. Garments held tight against him to brace the storm, blue eyes shine in the lightning that arcs across the sky. He pauses, looking over the notice with a hum, and a click of his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Eloi..I hope you know what you're doing..don't give the people more reason to put your head on a pike."

He murmurs into the wind, shaking his head to himself. He pulls his hood down low and continues his stroll, booted footsteps muted by the sounds of rain and wind.

The Villiers-Eclaire read through the note. Trying to decipher and understand the meaning behind why he would change his name. After realizing a established connection. He'd speak up to Alduir.

"He has admitted to speaking to Sanguine. How can i trust a man who takes the words of The Void as advice?"

Domitius would soon follow with Alduir amongst the rain with the clanks and jingles of armor.

The Villiers-Eclaire read through the note. Trying to decipher and understand the meaning behind why he would change his name. After realizing a established connection. He'd speak up to Alduir.

"He has admitted to speaking to Sanguine. How can i trust a man who takes the words of The Void as advice?"

Domitius would soon follow with Alduir amongst the rain with the clanks and jingles of armor.

The man turns to gaze at his armored companion, a chuckle escaping him.

"Read more into it, my dear cousin. He was making the statement that two hated groups share the same sentiment. Bad advice can come from both ends of the spectrum, and, astonishingly, so can good advice. Every being has had their own experiences, it's up to you to sift through them."
Knave hummed the tune to himself while thinking of the lyrics to that song from years ago, "Playero is, as Playero does."
Sivo would read the notice before noting the name in her head... "De Gonzo now... I only hope they have better luck then before. I almost feel bad for the family." The Daen sighed, shaking her head. "But I suppose it is the same for all of us. Daen culture isn't as well accepted as I would hope it'd be here, but maybe it's for good reason..." The red eyed individual would look over the paper once more before turning to head back into the sewers, disappearing into the darkness with the fading heavy clanks of her armor.
"With a record like his, sounds like a pretty appropriate new name. How long do you think until he's de-gonzo like the rest of his family?" Triss asked with a laugh, nudging the paper over toward Erwin.

@HeyItzAPotato || @BeetrootSalad

Several days later.

After a certain demonstration at a pyre in front of Greygate, Triss sat in her dorm within, escaping the choking ash that had taken residence in her usual estate room.

She stared at the wall, thinking as she sipped on a mug filled with something strong. Her trance was snapped as she lofted a free finger, floating up a journal. It opened, revealing the last entry: her joke from days prior. It felt... surreal. A whirl of her finger prompted a quill to write away in a line underneath.

The book slammed shut after a line was written, falling to the ground as she downed the last of the mug's escape.

Enjoyed all the RP you provided with Eloi, Wilv :) From the most serious to the most pepegga, it was all enjoyable. o7