☠casa Playero | Declaration [4/6/309]

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Kibaa, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. Kibaa

    Kibaa Regalian Senator

    Oct 17, 2013
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    A declaration stamped with the Black Cat of Daenshore is distributed across the numerous notice boards dotting the Crown Isle
    "It is with a heavy heart that the constituents of Casa Playero have come to acknowledge the precarious position which we have been forced into by virtue of the nefarious aura surrounding some of its family members."
    "Ɇspecially in recent weeks, vast efforts have been made at rectifying this house's dishonorable history through service and the display of good citizenry. Nevertheless, our family's efforts, and subsequently our fragile reputation, continue to be jeopardized by the actions of one certain individual.

    There will always be a warm and infinite amount of love for Eloi Playero among our house. But, Eloi, mi primo querido, you have made life on this Archipelago virtually impossible for the rest of your family. Your actions as of late have been utterly unacceptable, and falsely spread the illusion that your siblings and cousins are troublemakers all the same as you. Blessed are we that some of us have been able to find employment and odd jobs here and there, but the reality is that Playeros can very seldom approach another citizen without facing some form of prejudice or backlash. We have been working arduously to remedy this reality, but Eloi's flamboyant sprees of crime continue to spread hate and misinformation regarding the nature of our family.

    This message goes out to Regalia and its fair people, the Peerage and the Ministries they diligently administrate, and every individual out there who has been wronged by the actions of Eloi Playero. As of today, Casa Playero will no longer be tolerating nor associating with the pestilent behavior of Eloi Playero.

    Eloi, you have been given chance after chance after chance. You would likely have been executed were it not for the mercy of Lord Commander Viggo Sorenvik and the efforts your family put forth into keeping you alive despite the public disdain for our name. Consider this your final chance. We know there is good within you. You have already begun to redeem yourself in the eyes of many. You planned a trip to Daenshore and Hallonq to conduct humanitarian work, you've reconciled with past enemies and you've hired disadvantaged Daendroque people to El Gustazo to provide new employment opportunities. But the crime and violence needs to stop, and until that day comes, Casa Playero can defend you no longer when your actions harm us in turn. It is up to yourself and only yourself now to follow in the footsteps of your family members and demonstrate to this city what valiant citizens we truly can be."

    "Eloi, it is incredibly painful for your family to have to do this. If you cannot meet these specified conditions by which you must redeem yourself through, we will have no choice but to act against you accordingly. Let it be known that as of today, you are hereby threatened with excommunication and banishment from Casa Playero as well as the family's lineage until the day comes when you might return as a new man. You have but one opportunity to prove to Casa Playero and Regalia that you are honorable. If you are unable to, or refuse, the aforementioned consequences will be put into motion immediately."

    Issue a public apology, effective immediately, to Lord Victane de Piedmont, Lord Commander Sorenvik, and the Alms Ministry. Subsequently, pledge your services to Alms Minister Sorenvik as a community servitor so that you might aid this city through public and community service.

    Additionally, pledge your services to the Burning Bridges Clinic as a volunteer aide for 2 weeks so that you might service the people of Regalia through healthcare and learn what it means to be a helping hand.

    Atone for your sins at the Regalian Cathedral. Pray for forgiveness, guidance, surrender yourself to the Spirit, and submit yourself to 1 week of religious rectification under the tutelage of our good clergymen.

    Demonstrate your love and fealty for Regalia by enlisting into this city's reserves military forces. You will find proper discipline and what kinship is really all about at the front lines should your name ever be called into duty.

    "Your family wishes you all the best in beating your most recent criminal charges. We pray that your guilt is rightfully judged by the Judiciary if you are sent to trial. As a final note, please understand that if your guilt is confirmed through trial, you will also face immediate removal from Casa Playero indefinitely."
    A cordial thank you to any and every reader.
    Defense Minister @LumosJared
    Alms Minister @MrsCripple
    Eloi Playero @Wilvahelm


    Attached Files:

    • Powerful Powerful x 15
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1
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  2. Hautee

    Hautee average LoL player

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Simone Amaya came across one of the notice boards while she was on her way home. She'd pause for a minute and read over the notice, eyes immediately filling up with despair. As she continued to read it, she'd be lost for words and filled with anguish once she finished reading. The Amaya lowered her head in utter guilt and shame, her eyes sealed shut as she shook her head silently. "Dear primo, please sort everything out and atone for your sins and crimes that you've committed. You have to fix all of these problems and learn from your mistakes. We don't want to disown you or banish you from our family, but if you do one more fuck up then we'll have no choice but to banish you from our family. Please... for all of us. We love you, primo..." Simone would lift her head back up and walk away once she was finished, her heart filled with pain and sadness.
    • Winner Winner x 3
  3. Wilvahelm

    Wilvahelm The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

    Jul 3, 2014
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    To Lord Victane de Piedmont,
    Lord Commander Viggo Sorenvik,
    Alms Minister Sivrid Sorenvik;

    I would like to formally apologize for my actions.
    Eloi Playero.
    @HorizonCythulu @SupremeCripple @MrsCripple
    • Winner Winner x 2
  4. KK134

    KK134 Regalian Pioneer

    May 11, 2019
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    "If I never have to see a Playero declaration again, it will be too soon. You'd think with all the drama of that damn-ed inquisition they would have learned for all the worth of the pen, no one will read your fourth public notice this month." the Duke huffed to no one in particular before quickly looking over the market for the pastries he seemed intent on buying.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Depressed_Bean


    Oct 25, 2019
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    A letter was sent out in response to this declaration addressed to Eloi Playero and the public eye from the desk of Lady Noelle de Piedmont.

    "Concerning the so called public 'apology' I've got a bone to pick. Eloi Playero you are a criminal. In my eyes you will never be anything but a criminal. The crimes you've committed against my cousin with the help of Florence Amaya ought to be AT LEAST months in jail. You're lucky you received leniency from the justice system, but you wont from my critique. Not only have you and Florence Amaya assaulted and harassed my cousin, Lord Victane de Piedmont, several time over the last few months, but you've gone so far as to STAB him and attempt what appeared to be drowning him. This is absolutely disgusting behaviour. The fact that someone like you is able to walk the streets freely without the public knowing of these actions against nobility is appalling. I thoroughly urge anyone reading this, noble and commoner, to take EXTREME caution when near these two individuals. Who knows if they'll choose a new victim for their criminal activity."
    • Powerful Powerful x 3
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    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. Mad_Gadfly

    Mad_Gadfly ◢◤

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Hate begets hate. I personally believe it is poor judgment to verbally harass people with known criminal records and expect to somehow not be inconvenienced in some sort of way. If someone would like somebody else to cease hostilities, then perhaps they should consider not being hostile towards them in the first place. Social self-defense is morally justifiable, but it should not be necessary. Be nice to people, and they will be nice back.

    Spirit Prevails,

    Florence Amaya
    • Powerful Powerful x 4
  7. Nicomachean


    Mar 27, 2020
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    Pierre stood close to his ship, having wrapped up a fishing trip for the day with his crew. He glanced over to one of his newest crewmembers, beckoning him to bring him the newest drama from Regalia. Like clockwork, a new set of letters and dispatches were given to Pierre to read over. The Lord Piedmont glanced them over, including that reply of his own kin then to Florence's rejoinder. He sighed,

    "Business of the state is not ours to comment on, let us gather and pray for his reform and future service to the Empire."

    The captain then stepped off the dock, preparing for his return to Regalia.
    • Educated Educated x 1
  8. Audianna

    Audianna Barking up a tree but I'm the wrong type of bitch.

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Violetta glanced over everything. From the declaration to the apology, to her sister's public letter, and so on. Violetta shook her head and huffed out in such. "That was barely an apology. None of those he tried to apologize to should take such. Though to hope they reform themselves by the spirits guide is all we can do now. It is the most we could do is pray for him. The rest is up to the man, himself." She turned to her sister in such. "Though a warning should happen. A man is afraid of a bear from how they are known to kill. Even if the bear apologies and tries to seem civil, you should take note that it could still kill. The same should be applied to Eloi Playero. One may forgive, but to forgive you need not to forget."
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
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