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Played Character Jhavartal Rhuvanya

This character is actively played.


Roof that speaks Vampire
Staff member
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Jhavartal Ishanra Rhuvanya
  • Heritage / Culture: Suvial
  • Age: 35
  • Gender / Pronouns: Masculine address
  • Religion: Suvial Estelley
  • Occult: Mage (Void / Exist)
  • Character Occupation: Mercenary + Demon Catcher
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Gold
  • Skin Color: Light Brown
  • Hair: Short cut, nearly buzzcut
  • Height: 6ft 4in
  • Body Type: Muscular
  • Additional Features: Piercings, one on each ear for gold studded earrings. Some scarring on the arms and torso from a life spent as a mercenary engaging in contract warfare across Daen.
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Cooking, Basic instrument proficiency (Sitar).
  • Mechanics: Full Blooded Suvial
    • Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.
    • Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.
    • Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for using Dimension Alignment out of their norm (Exist), even as God Mages.
    • Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.
    • Suvial are exceptionally proficient at controlling Spirits, allowing them a range of mechanical functions to do with Spirits (see Karamatology below).
  • Languages: Common, Agasi, Altalar.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Magic
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 7
Bruiser Point Buy
Bruiser Slam
Bruiser Flurry
Bruiser Agony
Bruiser Rampage
Bruiser Feint
Bruiser Tackle​
Melee Point Buy
Diving Tackle
Weapon Throw (Free)
Technique Parry (Suvial)​

Magic: 7
Magic Point Buy
Magic Isolate
Magic Summon
Magic Cleanse
Magic Resist
Magic Snare
Magic Shove​
Mounted Point Buy
Mounted Getaway
Constitution: 0
Training Point Buy
Rage Counter (Suvial)​

Meratar (Sparked)
Permanent Mechanic
Lanlath Mechanic I​
Sparked Mechanic
Adapt Point Buy
Oceanic Pack
Mindcontrol Pack​

Spurned Animus (Sparked)
Sparked Mechanics
Roguery Point Buy
Escape Artist
Sharp Reflexes​
Prayer Point Buy
Kneeling Prayer​

[Explanation of Character Sheet Categories]
Jhavartal was trained in a "Spellblade" Style of fighting, this results in a heavy investment into the Strength and Magic proficiencies to wield magic in melee combat alongside traditional weapons. Mercenary work with the Tiger's Paw across Daen has also necessitated that he learn how to ride a mount, both in and out of combat.

[Appearance Information]

[Life Story / Plot Hooks]
  • Jhavartal is a Kattumakkal hailing from the south eastern regions of Agnevaal. This is the area of the Suvial Princedoms that was amongst the worst effected by the war with the Kathar, the land bearing the scars of the Void-Outs used by the Dread Empire. From a young age martial tradition was emphasized by society, and he is part of the younger generation of Suvial that were born well after the conflict with the Kathar first began. This makes him particularly bitter towards any Kathar, and even other Suvial whom he sees as shirking in their duties and obligations to the homeland.
  • Jhavartal is a member of the Tiger's Paw, a company of Suvial mercenaries that has engaged in contract warfare across Daen. If your character has spent any time adventuring in Daen before the return of the Allorn Empire there is a chance you might have run into him. Even if they're another mercenary perhaps they've run into each other before.
  • Like many Suvial, Jhavartal is trained in Karamatology though he took particular focus on demon binding contracts and looking into the actions of greater demons like the illusive Exist Soverigns.
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Hey! I'm sorry for the late review but I'm here now!​
  • First off, I would like to say I love the detail in this application. Very well written, dude.
  • Secondly, I see no issues here. You're Approved! It was great working with you.
Requesting reviewer. App reworked and updated to new proficiency system.
@Katiesc Good afternoon. Application has been reworked in most, if not all areas, in light of recent changes to Altalar and the addition of Sorcery. Requesting a re-review as a result please.
@Katiesc Review requested please. Spirit Sorcery spells removed, and three more Lightness Sorcery spells added.
@Katiesc Moved some points around. Lightgiver Ritualism and Exist Lavvanya Mutations have been added. Requesting re-review as a result please.
@Katiesc Aaaa sorry for spamming you with this. Changed Hope's Beacon for Elemental Orb spell. Tagging you but not sure if it needs a re-review.
@Katiesc Changes made to the app. Sorcery spell Bathe in Light dropped, and changed around some profs and tweaked body shape. Requesting re-review as a result.
@Katiesc Got around to updating. Bunch of stuff changed or edited, so probably needs a full on re-review. Requesting such at your connivence please.
@Katiesc Hey Miss. Proficiency rework, one sorcery level removed from lightness and points moved to Crossbow Combat. Javelin proficiency changed into Crossbow Combat as well, for total of 13 in that proficiency.
Points updated to latest system. Aged down from 107 to 40. Barebones lifestory written, just did the bullets for my outline idea for whenever I get around to flushing out the full story and where he would've been at a given year. New Reviewer likely needed as studentcenter isn't lore staff currently.
Hey there! Everything looks to be in order, though there are some small errors you may want to fix:

Special Traits and Mutations:
  • Magic Bolt 1 is listed twice under Sorcery
  • Your Phys stat is incorrectly calculated. Each individual prof rounds up, and you seem to be incorporating outdated proficiencies. It should go 20(glaive) + 3(dancing) + 1(bodycare) = 24 capped at 15. Since you're well past cap this doesn't matter, but go ahead and fix it in case of future point shuffles.
Since neither of those actually impact anything I'm gonna mark this as APPROVED , but make sure to take a look at them
Character sheet modernized, and past reviewers are no longer staff. Marked as in need of review