Character Information
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)
[15/15 points spent]
Magic: 12
Arcane Point Buy
Ritualist Point Buy
Chem Point Buy
Jhavartal was trained in a "Spellblade" Style of fighting, this results in a heavy investment into the Strength and Magic proficiencies to wield magic in melee combat alongside traditional weapons. Mercenary work with the Tiger's Paw across Daen has also necessitated that he learn how to ride a mount, both in and out of combat.
- Full Name: Jhavartal Ishanra Rhuvanya
- Heritage / Culture: Suvial
- Age: 40
- Gender / Pronouns: Masculine address
- Religion: Estelley (Armina syncretized for cultural reasons)
- Occult: Mage (Votex)
- Character Occupation: Mercenary Battlemage + Demonbinder
- Eye Color: Gold
- Skin Color: Light Brown
- Hair: Short cut, nearly buzzcut
- Height: 6ft 4in
- Body Type: Muscular
- Additional Features: Piercings, one on each ear for gold studded earrings. Some scarring on the arms and torso from a life spent as a mercenary engaging in contract warfare across Daen.
- Hobbies and Talents: Cooking, Basic instrument proficiency (Sitar).
- Languages: Common, Agasi, Altalar.
- Magic: Vortex Alignment
- Schools: Elemental, Entropy, Gravity, Summoning.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic (7)
Defense Stat: Magic (5)
[15/15 points spent]
Magic: 12
Arcane Point Buy
- Arcane Aura
- Arcane Warp
- Arcane Portent
- Arcane Snare
- Arcane Cleanse
- Arcane Barrier
- Arcane Isolate
- Arcane Shove
- Arcane Echostrike
- Arcane Apotheosis
- Cavalry Roar
- Cavalry Charge
Ritualist Point Buy
- Ritualist Slaughter
- Ritualist Gale
Chem Point Buy
- Chem Berserk
[Explanation of Character Sheet Categories]Jhavartal was trained in a "Spellblade" Style of fighting, this results in a heavy investment into the Strength and Magic proficiencies to wield magic in melee combat alongside traditional weapons. Mercenary work with the Tiger's Paw across Daen has also necessitated that he learn how to ride a mount, both in and out of combat.
Hailing from western Daen, Jhavartal comes from a part of the world where Magic is as common as any other skill or trade, even some schools of Magic that are traditionally considered taboo. Demonology is another branch of Magical study to him, albiet a very specific branch that any individual should require thorough amounts of training to make use of lest they from his point of view: Get themselves killed and create a problem that he'll have to deal with.
- In Regalia current laws also grant Suvial some legal exemptions and exceptions when it comes to demonology, so characters looking to interface with that whilst doing so with an individual that isn't otherwise restricted to the underworld of the city could seek him out. He is fairly open on whom he speaks with about the basics of this subject, especially concerning topics of safety within it.
In Regalia, Jhavartal leads a group called the "Vanyastra Company". On paper the group is a mercenary company of a core of Suvial Mages and Demonbinders and their Bound Demons, with other members from all walks of life welcome so long as they express a loyalty to the group itself. While he styles himself a mercenary though, the group is fairly picky about its clients and the jobs it takes. They are open to most jobs that revolve around Demon hunting and Demon binding, and this serves as a core source of income. They also though serve as an armed core for a group of Elven, Ithanian, and even a Leutz noble family in Regalia that make up its patrons.
- Groups or individuals can approach him to form mercenary contracts with, so long as it doesn't go against the interests of his present list of cliental.
Content for the second tab.
- He was born to a family of Kattumakkal Suvial hailing from the south eastern regions of Agnevaal. Specifically Jhavartal hails from the Principality of Valunadesh from one of the satellite towns around Khitt'okarh. His home region is practically on the frontlines of the three way war between the Suvial, Kathar, and Allorn. Even prior to this it was the frontline of the war against the Kathar. His upbringing as a result has been shaped by the militarism that dominates life in this part of Agnevaal.
- A graduate of the Suvial magical academy Jhaangar in the Principality of Agnijhot, Jhavartal was trained as a battle-mage with a focus on offensive firepower and artillery magic. He's also a trained demonologist, graduating with education from both of these programs in Jhaangar's curriculum. This gave him on paper at least the qualitifactions to act as a flexible agent.
- Some time after graduation Jhavartal was recruited by the Tiger's Paw. An international mercenary company of Suvial demonbinders that travel around looking to bind and seal powerful demons to send back to Agnevaal. As a Tiger's Paw mercenary, Jhavartal spent nearly a decade traveling around the various elven principalities of Daen, and even briefly the Regalian Crown Isle a few times, before the formation of a new neo-Allorn Empire following the awakening of Talea.
- After the return of Talea and conflict erupting Jhavartal was recalled and spent some time fighting on the frontlines in Osc'Ird against the Allorn, Kathar, and some of the local Drakon Kathar as the region quickly descended into a warzone. Eventually though he was granted some leave which comes to the last year and his arrival in Regalia.
- Jhavartal and the comrades in arms from his academy, mercenary, or hometown spent the last year lobbying attention for the cause of the Suvial over the last year. From there efforts they managed to secure a the lions share of gold sent to Distant Shores with other effects. They found a champion in the Countess Croy whom managed to pass a treaty between Regalian Empire and Suvial Princedoms. Lastly they made up the core fighting force of the Sol of Amontaar's elven loyalists, with whispers of what promise they managed to gain from the Sol starting to have an effect on the situation in the west.
Awaken, awaken, my Warden of the Silent Rest.
Bone furred Sovereign
Grave-born Wanderer
Dread-clawed Sleeper
To my voice: rouse
With whispered names
And ferryman's toll
The veil has murmured
Pay the debt on your soul
With your stirring
The sun recoils
For the sky weeps
Veiled in mourning shroud
To you I sing:
Rejoice, Seeker of final embrace
You shall awake once more
Ghastly, dreadful, resplendent -
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