Government Guild Internal Commission: The Forum

Mar 3, 2017
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The Forum


Role of the Forum

The Forum exists as a means for Regalia's populace to engage in public dialogue and make heard their ideas in civil petitions to the Crown. The Forum will meet at the Festival Grounds when called by Internal Commissioner Norinn. All other Internal Commissioners are invited to attend and sit with the Dais, able to provide feedback and clarity to petitioners.

Role of the Communities

Anyone may arrange a meeting with Internal Commissioner Norinn's office and privately put forth their petition at any time. Forum meetings operate differently however, and are called for the purpose of forwarding well-supported propositions to the Crown. In order to achieve this, the Forum encourages group activity and working alongside like-minded individuals in coalitions to achieve a common aim. This is the role of Community involvement which assures various groups can be heard. Community eligibility is as follows:

- Every Aristocratic Entity is considered a Community, and may present a Speaker
- Every Knight Order is considered a Community, and may present Speakers.
- Any other group must claim a name, general theme, and have at least 5 members to be considered a valid Community
- Members are free to overlap in differing Communities and participate where they wish
- Any valid Community bar Aristocrat Entities may present 2 Speakers if they have 10+ members

To submit a Community, write Internal Commissioner Norinn (Forum or Discord DM me, @nathanovik) with your Community name, theme, desired Committee, and list of active members. Specifying who is the designated Speaker is optional.

Role of the Speakers

For this to function smoothly, it is required groups present a Speaker from among their community who will communicate their needs and motives to the Forum at large, and through Committee. Speaker designation is not policed and entirely up to the community. Should they want to have the same Speaker every Forum or to rotate Speakers with every meeting, that choice is fully theirs. For this reason, Speakers won't be documented, but the Communities to field them will be.

Role of the Committees

Committees are used to specialize and flesh out petitions before they arrive on the desk of the Imperial Court. Often, when a Speaker makes a proposal on the Forum floor, it will be first assigned to a Committee most suiting before revisiting the Forum at a later date to be sent to the Crown. Committees meet at their own leisure, and while only Speakers assigned to the Committee are considered valid members, any Regalian may be invited to attend a Committee meeting to observe or participate, at the discretion of that Committee's Chair.

Only Speakers are eligible for Chair, and elect one from among themselves. The Chair will moderate discussion in Committee and choose how the petition will be proposed in general Forum sessions.

Committee on Imperial Security & Foreign Affairs

Members: House Viduggla (1), House Blarach (1), House Gwentyr (1)

The Imperial Security & Foreign Affairs Committee recommends policy involving the military, border security, overseas intelligence and foreign relations.

Committee on the Interior & Cultural Relations

Members: House Tremaux (1), House Blanc (1), House Bayard (1), House Altagracia (1)

The Interior & Cultural Relations Committee evaluates the empire and capital's infrastructure, health services, education system, commercial system, business management, and intercultural relations between people groups and the State.

Committee on Law, Justice, and Oversight

Members: House Vszaladesz (1), House Rousseau (1), Bloodcast Order (1)

The Law, Justice, and Oversight Committee evaluates the legal system and suggests changes to the legal codex. Also responsible for handling petitions regarding tyranny, corruption, and criminal review.
Structural Guidelines

Rule enforcement will be taken seriously on the Forum floor and with all Committees. The safety of the Forum is guaranteed by the Bailiff who coordinates with law enforcement and event security to ensure the well-being of all participants and observers and removes those seeking to cause nuisance or disrupt the event. It is requested all attendees are aware of the Forum's guidelines before attending general sessions or committees alike. Thankfully, these can be expressed in just three clauses.

I. Those wanted for a crime or seeking to commit a crime at a Forum meeting are unwelcome

II. Forum meetings are not to be unruly shouting matches without means for progression. All attendees must approach one of the podiums and be acknowledged by Internal Commissioner Norinn to speak and cease speaking if asked to allow the session to move on

III. Decorum must be upheld at all times during Forum meetings. Screaming, excessive profanity, ad hominem insult-hurling, or other dilatory behavior is disallowed

Forum Bailiff: Open for Applicants
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I. Forum Meeting
Date: Thursday, 24th August, 311 AC
Time: 8 PM EST. —> Moved to 1 AM EST, Friday, 25th August.
Location: /tp FestivalGrounds
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II. Forum Meeting
Date: Friday, September 1st, 311 AC
Time: 8 PM EST
Location: /tp FestivalGrounds​
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