"Shadows Give Way"
UPDATE: This thread is currently closed for recruiting, due to the fact that wttn2c has left.

Intenius was originally founded as a military coalition. Long ago, a Great House known as Insani ruled many smaller states, and would terrorize many clans and tribes into submission. However, much of the world stood against them. Other Great Houses such as Valorian and Belegost stood against them. These had great military power at their disposal. However, smaller clans and houses also rose to the occasion. A Minor House called Acci attempted to stand against them. They were led by James Jericrith (Bluevery01), and their second in command was Thurindir (wttn2c). However, due to incompetent leadership on the part of Jericrith, the Great House eventually fell. Thurindir was cast away, and survived in the wilds for some time. After months of travel, he knew he had to fight back against Insani in some way. He found others like him, and banded them together. They gained allies, and eventually were able to strike back. The Insani Crisis eventually ended, and Thurindir was left with the task of creating a city for his people. He did so, and the House of Intenius still grows today. It is still as diverse as it always was.
Intenius Under wttn2c (Thurindir) September 9, 2018 - June 5, 2020
Intenius was first built in a flat, grassy area. It had a simple tower, with a few stables and low walls. Thurindir only kept the tower to house his coworkers, hoping that they would eventually leave and do their own things. Many did, but some stayed. A new wall was built, and connected to the main tower. Houses were built, and people began to stay there. However, things weren't very good for Intenius on the military front. A faction called Lumina had begun attacks around the world, and many factions stood against them. Eventually, they became known as the League of Nine Banners. After Lumina lost some of its best warriors, the conflict subsided. However, Thurindir abandoned his original tower. It fell into ruins, to be inhabited by wild animals and stray travelers. He went to the eastern mountains, and build a mountain stronghold there. He gained many new people, and envisioned a full faction for the first time. He built houses on the top of a mountain, and the first people came in. One of these people was skhosh. The two began growing the faction even more. Thurindir built the town of Feldgen, which expanded civilian housing and also provided facilities the Citadel lacked. However, a new threat arose. Thurindir tried to make an alliance with the faction of Steadfast to attack the faction of Dauntless. Originally, things went well. The relationship soon turned sour. Combined with skhosh causing trouble and Steadfast making unreasonable demands, the alliance collapsed. Within the day, both factions had declared war. This marked the beginning of a conflict that would last many months. Steadfast had superior strength and power, so Thurindir had to ration his attacks so that they were all successful. Other factions stood with him, but others sided with Steadfast. This became dubbed "The Intenian Conflict". Steadfast's power continued to grow, and Thurindir did his best to compensate. Still, the war was not going very well. Something then happened; a good part of Steadfast left them to reform the faction of Magnanimus. It had been disbanded some times ago, but it apparently was now rebuilt. Magnanimus declared war on both of them. Intenius and Steadfast created a new alliance, one that still stands to this day. New mishaps arose, as they always do. NotchyHerobrine, an officer of Intenius, left the faction. Thurindir was greatly harmed by this, and then went on a diplomatic mission to the faction of Arthas. While he was gone, however, skhosh betrayed him. He took over control of Intenius, and Thurindir could not do anything to stop it. When Thurindir returned, he asked for leadership back. Skhosh refused. They now ruled Intenius together for an unstable month, before skhosh kicked him.
Intenius Under cantfxawesome [skhosh] June 5, 2020 - Present
Skhosh turned the faction into a subordinate of Magnanimus. He also made it into a warmongering military faction. Thurindir was kicked out of the faction on July 20, 2020. He rejoined the faction on November 29, 2020.
-=-=-{Why Intenius?}-=-=-
We have much to offer you. Just a few reasons why are listed below.
-=-=-{A Welcoming and Active Community}-=-=-
Our faction is one of the most active on the server. We are always here to help our members, and we always provide opportunities for you to rise in the ranks and do great things.

-=-=-{Faction Facilities and Resources}-=-=-
We always provide a free house to every new member. We also give diamond blocks and food to help you get started! The faction has large farms and mines which are open for everyone to use. You can also access our advanced defensive network that allows you to feel safe at all times.

Old Rank System
Warrior: The warrior is the key attacker of the faction. They straight on attack the enemy, going for huge damage and loot. This requires a great deal of skill, however. You will be given a combat test before you are given the rank. (You may retake it as many times as you would like!)
Guard: The guard defends the cities of Intenius, and keeps out intruders. They also control travel into and out of our settlements.
Hunter: The hunter is meant to slay large numbers of mobs. They loot the bodies of their fallen foes, and while a small portion (20%) goes to the faction bank, they mostly keep all of their gains.
Ranger: The ranger is the stealthiest of them all. They sneak around factions at night, looking for the best way in so they can quietly assassinate their leader.
Builder: The builder is meant to create wonders that seemingly sprout from the ground, and to create new masterpieces of architecture. Before you can be granted the title, you will be asked to create a building in the creative world so your skills can be fully fledged out.
Miner: The resource gatherer of the faction. The miner crawls through caves and mineshafts, looking for valuable ores and loot. They may even venture into the forests to gather wood.
Farmer: The farmer grows all the food for the faction. They also make special foods, like golden apples and carrots. Feel free to make a cake for yourself!
Citizen: You don't have to have a set job. If you just want to get gear and live in your house, do so by all means.
New Rank System
Private: All recruits have this rank. It is the lowest military rank.
Sergeant: The rank that members have. They are NCOs.
Captain: The rank that most officers have. They are commanding officers.
Colonel: A rank reserved for the Second in Command, currently wttn2c.
General: Rank reserved for the leader, currently cantfxawesome.
-=-=-{Towns and Cities}-=-=-
The Citadel [Built by wttn2c]
This is the original fortification of Intenius. It has seen many battles, but has prevailed throughout them all. It boasts a large town hall, tower, and dwarven statue. It also includes housing for high ranking members.

New Yelgard (Currently captured by Helvetica) [Conquered by Intenius]
This is a fortification built to defend an island outpost created by Intenius. It has archer holes, battlements, and the Intenian Flag flying above its walls. Inside, it has a small library and hall for peace and war to be discussed.

The Intenian Boat [Built by DeGaxes]
While it has yet to be named, the Intenian Boat sails all the same. It has a vast interior, for pirates and merchants alike to trade under the deck!

Feldgen [Built by wttn2c]
The newest town established. Its town hall is a place for citizens to meet and discuss their progress. They exit the hall to find gardens protected by watchtowers, which guard the city below. This is the primary housing center as well.

Fort Sovngarde [Built by skhosh]
The latest project in Intenius. It is meant to be a safe stronghold for the Northern Regions, where Intenius can safely lead scout missions and exploration operations. It is still under construction.

-=-=-{Factions Roleplay}-=-=-
We have a work in progress full lore history for Intenius. The history above is an extremely abridged version; there is much more of a story to tell. There are regular roleplay events at Intenius. We believe that Roleplay and Factions should not be separate, but they should work as one.
-=-=-{How do I apply?}-=-=-
Simply fill out the form posted below. However, we do ask some basic things of you before you join. Please do not grief, steal, or just be a general asshole in the faction. Any of these things will not be tolerated, and will likely result in a kick and a potential ban request.
- What is your IGN?
- Have you had previous usernames?
- Why do you want to join Intenius?
- What do you plan to do on MassiveCraft?
- Anything else?
- Would you like to join our Discord (not mandatory)?
Hope to see you soon! Please do remember; don't talk about this thread ingame. Please. I know it may seem strange, but there is a good reason.
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