Lurelin Is Recruiting


Possibly the Worst
Jul 28, 2017
Reaction score
United States
- ❖ Lurelin is Recruiting ❖ -



"There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Lurelin is a small faction in Ithania at the edge of the Deldrimorian Dominion's heartlands. Most of our members are Builders & Survivalists, but there's more than enough room for all playstyles here. We've spent years building up a tight-knit community of players old & new on MassiveCraft, and we hope that you'll consider joining us, even if your stay is brief. You'll find additional information about our faction below if you'd like to know more, but if this is where your journey ends, please remember to drink some water and take some much needed time to yourself - you deserve it.




Murkwood is the name of our home along the coast of Ithania's swamps. It's a small town that's been continuing to grow rather quickly, despite past hardships. You'll find all sorts of interesting folk here, from good-natured Elves and curious Halflings to Allar, Urlan, and the odd short-fused Dwarf. We try not to mind him, but he likes to share his family's recipes.

The town is filled with small gardens and covered in an overgrowth that the local fauna seem to enjoy, and we haven't bothered trimming down. You'll find the typical housing you might've come to expect in your travels there, but if living above ground isn't your idea of comfort you're free to choose one of the many hobbit holes at the base of the hills.



Just as with all factions on MassiveCraft, we offer a series of amenities or comforts to make your time spent with us more enjoyable. You'll find a mining system, where you can meet the aforementioned short-fused Dwarf and learn a thing or two about the importance of knowing when to use Silk Touch or Fortune III, and on the surface you'll find a tree farm that's perfect for your lumberjack needs.

We're not equipped with our own darkroom, but we have access to several that more than make up for it with the amount of high tier spawns they produce. You're free to take your hard earned levels and use them to make your weapons more powerful in our enchantment room, or you can keep them and brew yourself some potions so that you can continue cutting down the undead with ease. In any case, we hope that you're having fun.

Our full list of comforts are as follows:
- Mines
- Tree Farm
- Darkroom Access
- Potion Brewing & Enchanting Room
- Farms & Gardens
- Apiary

Of course, our faction is still developing and we have more amenities planned. The wild wheat fields that cover our Northern coast are due for some changes aimed at making aspiring farmers' lives easier, and you might start to see more domesticated animals roaming around as we implement additional housing and the introduction of barns.


If you've taken the time to read through this entire thread, we'd like to thank you for sticking around and giving us a chance to impress. We'll be cutting it short here with one final special message, and then we'll leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening.

Lurelin's members have watched our friends from other lands dedicate themselves to protecting the native flora and fauna of their respective realms for years. From Hyarroc, Jorrhildr, and Fendarfell to Essalonia and beyond, amazing players in our community like TheLoneShepherd have managed to save endangered ocelots and wild flocks of sheep from extinction. In order to give back, our faction now serves as a sanctuary for Ithania's native frogs, including some of our not-so-native friends like the toxic Muddied Darter of Daen's mountain slopes.

In addition, for a fee of 500 regals you can sponsor and name one of Lurelin's rescued frogs.



If you'd like to know more about MassiveCraft and its plugins or Lurelin's rules, be sure to visit our faction home in-game and read the guidebooks we've left on the lecterns. Remember to take care of yourself, and thank you for stopping by.

Please leave the following information below if you'd like to join us:
- Username:
- Discord (Optional):
- What's your favourite Minecraft flower?
- Do you sort your moss by colour, or by taste?
- Do you play Dungeons & Dragons?
- Do you have experience using Litematica?

You are also free to contact @Spectriel or @Siosie further on the Forums, Discord, or in-game using /msg or /mail!

"Courage is found in unlikely places." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
- Username: Litterboxing
- Discord (Optional): Litterbox#3071
- What's your favourite Minecraft flower? Cornflower
- Do you sort your moss by colour, or by taste? color
- Do you play Dungeons & Dragons? No, years ago in scouting, but never learned/payed attention
- Do you have experience using Litematica? No, don't know what that is