Archived Instant Health Splash, What Is Your Opinion On Them?

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score

Personally my opinion is that they are a tiny bit OP, in this video you can see me surviving for a minute plus in each scenario, even when i am not hitting. In both of these we stopped because my armor was very low. After talking to multiple people about it, Alamutians, Nargo people, Algaronians, I decided to make this video to show what I think of it. It does involve a bit of timing unlike God Apples, but I think we can compare them pretty close together. My opinion is to remove strength 2, and insta splash healths, to make fights last a while, but not to the point where most of the time you can't even kill the person. Today I got trapped inside the Valyria Citadel, it was 1v5 and I managed to stay alive for 2 minutes before I could manage a pearl out the open top, I admit I should not have survived that, but thanks to instant health splash I survived 1v5 against some of the best pvpers on the server... What is your opinion on these, do you think they should be removed?
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Joshy54100 how can you disagree when the fact of the matter is that I do use god armor as a non-prem

Because you said his theory collapsed on itself. You're one non-premium, and his theory is that no almost no nonpremiums PvP with God armor. So it is incorrect to say that.
Because you said his theory collapsed on itself. You're one non-premium, and his theory is that no almost no nonpremiums PvP with God armor. So it is incorrect to say that.

If I may quote, he said "No non Perms", when myself and many other non-perms PvP with God armor all the time.
I doubt he meant literally none, since it is extremely statistically unlikely for that scenario to occur.

Matter of opinion then.

I still believe that longer fights are better for PvP as a whole, and making them shorter would only harm the PvP aspect, plus, removing a core aspect of PvP isn't a very good solution at all.
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