Archived Instant Health Splash, What Is Your Opinion On Them?

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score

Personally my opinion is that they are a tiny bit OP, in this video you can see me surviving for a minute plus in each scenario, even when i am not hitting. In both of these we stopped because my armor was very low. After talking to multiple people about it, Alamutians, Nargo people, Algaronians, I decided to make this video to show what I think of it. It does involve a bit of timing unlike God Apples, but I think we can compare them pretty close together. My opinion is to remove strength 2, and insta splash healths, to make fights last a while, but not to the point where most of the time you can't even kill the person. Today I got trapped inside the Valyria Citadel, it was 1v5 and I managed to stay alive for 2 minutes before I could manage a pearl out the open top, I admit I should not have survived that, but thanks to instant health splash I survived 1v5 against some of the best pvpers on the server... What is your opinion on these, do you think they should be removed?
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I say to remove them. They are far to OP.
By removing strength 2, you increase the amount of time it takes to kill someone, while dealing the same amount of amor damage. This would benefit people with higher axes much more by allowing them to break armor more often, and leading to an easier kill. I do agree with the removal of instant healths, however that would just negatively affect the longevity of the fight. If that was really your concern, then why have the removal of strengths to lengthen a fight, but then remove health pots to shorten it... To me it seems like you are trying to have the already powerful effects of extremely high axes be buffed even more.
By removing strength 2, you increase the amount of time it takes to kill someone, while dealing the same amount of amor damage. This would benefit people with higher axes much more by allowing them to break armor more often, and leading to an easier kill. I do agree with the removal of instant healths, however that would just negatively affect the longevity of the fight. If that was really your concern, then why have the removal of strengths to lengthen a fight, but then remove health pots to shorten it... To me it seems like you are trying to have the already powerful effects of extremely high axes be buffed even more.
Axes were nerfed... In short terms I do the equal of previous 300 axes... As of right now instant healths make fights last too long, sometimes never ending until one side just has to log off after no kills and no deaths... So now that healths are gone, what happens when you do 2 hearts a hit with strength II? So we nerf that a bit, and boom pretty decent pvp, not too long, not too short... And if anything strength 2 does more armor damage, and instant health gives me more time to wreck armor...
Maybe that is because your an undead if your not a undead and dont get the 30% buff (from premium 15% and undeadn 15%) the damage is much higher like 2-2.5 hearts a hit. i would rather suggest a nerf on the undead race since that is to op
Axes were nerfed... In short terms I do the equal of previous 300 axes... As of right now instant healths make fights last too long, sometimes never ending until one side just has to log off after no kills and no deaths... So now that healths are gone, what happens when you do 2 hearts a hit with strength II? So we nerf that a bit, and boom pretty decent pvp, not too long, not too short... And if anything strength 2 does more armor damage, and instant health gives me more time to wreck armor...
I think the best thing for PvP on this server would be if the server could handle PvP more smoothly without the lag every few seconds, as seen in the video. Not changes to minecraft's well balanced potion system
Maybe that is because your an undead if your not a undead and dont get the 30% buff (from premium 15% and undeadn 15%) the damage is much higher like 2-2.5 hearts a hit. i would rather suggest a nerf on the undead race since that is to op
Edit: Just tested as a dwarf, I was able to stay alive the same amount of time.
Even before that stuff i remember talking to FubeCrafter about it and how it was still impossible to kill people with the splash 2 healths... Maybe I can run a little retest tomorrow on my non prem alt as a dwarf or something, I am going to bed for now though.

Still health pots is a part of pvp and without it people will go die in a second battle because there is no way to get hp back except ither using regen or regen it of your hunger which would be stupid in my opinion. I mean regen is already nerfed enough so why not keep the rest un nerfed.
Still health pots is a part of pvp and without it people will go die in a second battle because there is no way to get hp back except ither using regen or regen it of your hunger which would be stupid in my opinion.
All I want gone are the SPLASH insta health pots, they allow hp to come back in no time at all by right clicking the ground... Never said anything about regular insta healths.
I think the best thing for PvP on this server would be if the server could handle PvP more smoothly without the lag every few seconds, as seen in the video. Not changes to minecraft's well balanced potion system
Lets just keep that out of here... That will probably not be fixed as I don't think the staff is even aware of it...
All I want gone are the SPLASH insta health pots, they allow hp to come back in no time at all by right clicking the ground... Never said anything about regular insta healths.

remove the splash health then the damage will once again be a problem (for non undead races) just saying, nerf something everything else must be nerfed lol i'd rather say lets not nerf anything and keep it as it is
Honestly, I say stop trying to get everything nerfed, asking for MCMMO getting nerfed is fine, because it's a plugin and is meant to be configured, nerfing god apples was fair because they were FAR too op, but trying to get potions nerfed is getting ridiculous, since you proclaimed yourself the best pvper on massive, I think you should be able to handle these things.

It also seems like you're trying to get it so you can kill people quicker with less chance of dying meaning you get more loot, and faster. I mean how is a player with newb stats going to defend themselves with both Splash health potions gone, and strength II? They have no chance..
Honestly, fights shouldn't be over in a few seconds anyway. It's good for them to last decently long. Besides, how many aspects of PvP really need to get nerfed? Nerf one thing, another thing becomes OP, ect ect until there's no PvP left. It basically brings us back to vanilla PvP.
LoL Poor thor why is he getting so much hate when we just need stuff to make fights last longer even though splash 2 health pots are kinda op why can't we have battles that will last longer then they already do all I am saying is this that thor5648 Insta Health Splash can be over powered and for the most part only the rich can buy them by in which consequently all the best pvpers for the most part are rich so instead of removing insta health pots why don't we make people have 40 hearts to make a battle last longer and make insta health heal less there for people will die slower and health pots get nerfed.
Axes were nerfed... In short terms I do the equal of previous 300 axes... As of right now instant healths make fights last too long, sometimes never ending until one side just has to log off after no kills and no deaths... So now that healths are gone, what happens when you do 2 hearts a hit with strength II? So we nerf that a bit, and boom pretty decent pvp, not too long, not too short... And if anything strength 2 does more armor damage, and instant health gives me more time to wreck armor...

They should Just put PvP back to what it was before I was banned. That was the fun PvP ;-; ps. i was banned 3 months ago, i think :P
I personally feel that if we continue to change things left and right regarding PVP, that eventually we will be left with vanilla PVP and a buggy MCMMO, and I don't think anyone would enjoy that PVP. I don't like the idea of removing these two potions you proposed: it would be removing two core things in the current PVP kit, two essential items players have used for a long time.

Also, you say that these two pots are too overpowered, and removing them will lengthen battle times and reduce some of the power of pvp'ers. I personally feel it's not potions or weapons that make pvp'ers OP, but MCMMO, which allows for the ability to become much stronger than potions ever would. I feel that removing these potions would just be removing something to core to pvp.

Just my opinion.
I can see your point, I and a factionmate were fighting Skysoh and his friend, killed his mate, and then had Skysoh on the run all over Eldergods for a good 2 minutes. I think we should have a cooldown on health splashes like we do on enderpearls. It creates better PVP. you can still save yourself at the last second, but have to wait mabye 10 seconds before splashing another. IN that time you could enderpearl away and hide or something, then figure out where to go from there. It'd be nice if people didnt abuse stuff like this (carrying an inventory full of instanthealth II) and not ruin it for the rest of us. Doing things in reasonable amounts makes something look much much less OP. Like, if the PVP community was smarter, they wouldn't pop a God apple at every battle and then make everyone complain. They'd pop it in much more dire circumstances, and tear their enemies apart whilst being mostly invincible. Fewer people would complain and less things would get nerfed.
Why is it that things are always "Remove this, remove that." If it is in vanilla, it is mostly balanced for that purpose. When plugins with skills come in, they throw it off balanced because they are not balanced themselves. Maybe if mcMMO was fully customisable, something could be worked out to make them balanced again. If you really think it is that bad, suggest to put a 5 second timer on them or something. Just don't moan when everything has been nerfed so fights last 2 seconds making pvp boring.
I can see your point, I and a factionmate were fighting Skysoh and his friend, killed his mate, and then had Skysoh on the run all over Eldergods for a good 2 minutes. I think we should have a cooldown on health splashes like we do on enderpearls. It creates better PVP. you can still save yourself at the last second, but have to wait mabye 10 seconds before splashing another. IN that time you could enderpearl away and hide or something, then figure out where to go from there. It'd be nice if people didnt abuse stuff like this (carrying an inventory full of instanthealth II) and not ruin it for the rest of us. Doing things in reasonable amounts makes something look much much less OP. Like, if the PVP community was smarter, they wouldn't pop a God apple at every battle and then make everyone complain. They'd pop it in much more dire circumstances, and tear their enemies apart whilst being mostly invincible. Fewer people would complain and less things would get nerfed.
Didn't name me </3, Either way. potions should not be Nerfed, a cooldown maybe if done right, but removing them would be a trouble, if anything, taming should be nerfed, just my two cents on this topic, cheerio!
๖ۣۜI have no idea about you, but you said you wanted fights to last long, so you proposed to remove Health II potions? Don't those make the fights longer...? Just before the excitement is done and you are about to be killed, throw one and suddenly the fight is boosted by a good minute in duration. Isn't that what you want, to last longer?
Let alone, it seems like we already messed around enough with Vanilla mechanics. Eden Apples are gone, axes are now suddenly the most powerful weapon in the game, bows are the weakest, and now potions that can take hard to get supplies now go away too? And the time PVP too? Strength II, I honestly couldn't care if that went away, I am shit at potions and can't make them if my life depended on them. But to think, Strength II can make fights last long if the weaker side used the Strength II. Both sides then would need to stop a moment to regenerate, run, pearl, whatever you all call it. Thus, can add either 30 seconds or 300 to the match. But taking away Health is counter-productive.
...wasnt one of the most complained issues about pvp the fact that its too fast as it is? And you want to make it even faster?
Didn't name me </3, Either way. potions should not be Nerfed, a cooldown maybe if done right, but removing them would be a trouble, if anything, taming should be nerfed, just my two cents on this topic, cheerio!

Oh, was that you? My apologies, Grants sea of wolves took you out so quick, I didnt catch it. And, I think taming is fine. Its genuinely pretty hard to get going, and not easy to effectively build up an army big enough to be combat worthy
Oh, was that you? My apologies, Grants sea of wolves took you out so quick, I didnt catch it. And, I think taming is fine. Its genuinely pretty hard to get going, and not easy to effectively build up an army big enough to be combat worthy
Oh god, how much taming does this 'Grant' have. 0.0
Oh god, how much taming does this 'Grant' have. 0.0

He had 430ish somewhere. He had holy hound. We call it "The red sea" when we splash them with poison.
We were the main contenders for the MCTOP list for a long while. I was #5 or 6 for a bit, then we took a holiday break and I've gotta work my way back up. I was using some dogs too, but he had built an army of thirty (after 10 minutes of hiding and prep waiting for Purplemustard to show up.)
What about putting a short cool-down on all splash pots like they did with pearls
Because this thread isn't too old, im going to say, no support.
The instant health potions was already nerfed to heal 33.3~% less as of about 1.5 or 1.6. This shortened combat, and required you to get more material for more health, as you would use more to not get within your personal "danger zone".
Also, much shorter combat, you couldn't heal with anything USEFUL. Even regent potions heal 50% less than what they originally did. Even if you say "but weal wife u never heel", well, this is not reality, but a combat system to give entertainment, from a few seconds to even a few minutes of earn all or lose all.
ahh this is why Thor asked me, Riley and Gnarlen to beat him up XD
I say the the heal portions should be removed due to the fact that a single guy can fuck around and unrealistically kill everybody. A war should realistically be own by the army with bigger numbers, not the one with the most potions. I want to see big wars with big army's, big nations with tactical sieges. I just wish there was a way for non prems to pvp aswell, that way the army's numbers would increase a lot.
Enchantments and potions are unrealistic themselves. For the realistic war you need to remove them as well. Removing will also increase the value of diamonds and since you don't need enchantments and potions, more nonprems would be able to get the needed equipment and pvp.
way for non prems to pvp aswell.

Explain to me how Non Prems can't PVP currently? I have beaten many Premium members in the same armor as me with ease, the only thing they have is a 5% damage reduction, which doesn't do much when you PVP with intelligence, rather than charging in like a barbarian.

As for health potions, I think longer fights are a good thing, and removing potions to make things "realistic" would only cripple the game.
Enchantments and potions are unrealistic themselves. For the realistic war you need to remove them as well. Removing will also increase the value of diamonds and since you don't need enchantments and potions, more nonprems would be able to get the needed equipment and pvp.

I'm just saying that a human being shouldn't survive to many hits.
Explain to me how Non Prems can't PVP currently? I have beaten many Premium members in the same armor as me with ease, the only thing they have is a 5% damage reduction, which doesn't do much when you PVP with intelligence, rather than charging in like a barbarian.

As for health potions, I think longer fights are a good thing, and removing potions to make things "realistic" would only cripple the game.
non prems can't pvp since they will loose everything on death, due to the risk they will simply not wear god armor. I like this, and personally think premiums should drop all stuff aswell.
non prems can't pvp since they will loose everything on death, due to the risk they will simply not wear god armor. I like this, and personally think premiums should drop all stuff aswell.
No... just... no... Potions should stay the same. I honestly think bring back God Apples with a longer cool down similar to pearls is a good idea too. Then again, That's just me...
I think the real solution is to simply add a 5-10 second cool down, this way they are forced to flee or fight, and spamming splash health potions cannot revert ALL the damage your enemy has done to you. This will make fights less health-potion-dependent and more about numbers & tactics.

Just my 2 cents.
non prems can't pvp since they will loose everything on death, due to the risk they will simply not wear god armor. I like this, and personally think premiums should drop all stuff aswell.

I wear god armor and kill people, and I am a non-Premium. I think your theory just collapsed on itself.
I wear god armor and kill people, and I am a non-Premium. I think your theory just collapsed on itself.
You're a exception indeed, most people wouldent take that risk even though they really would like to pvp. I just want to see more people in the fights, I want the "war" felling like there actually is armies not a single battalion. It is possible to accomplish this in the current massive, but it takes a lot of work.
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