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Inquisitorial Conquest I | Marienritter Order


Apr 25, 2019
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Declaration of the first Inquisitorial Conquest
March 12th, 308AC.

Marienritter Order
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It is with a heavy heart that the first Inquisitorial Conquest of the reborn and independant Crimson Inquisition must be on those of Ailor blood. But, it is what we are drawn to when people run through our streets, assaulting our citizens, spewing false beliefs, and causing blood and broken bone in the pursuit of "faith" and "purity". The group who self refer as the "Marienritter Order" are the cause of this Conquest, having many reports of illegal actions, including but not limited to the illegal stalking and assault of First Civil Status Citizens of the Holy Regalian Empire, the illegal wearing and brandishing of armaments and weaponry before the proper paperwork was distributed, continuing to wear above the legal specifications of armor once permitted lesser armor, claiming Holy Knighthood through an illegitimate order, and even Blasphemy against the Spirit in the form preaching a faith of falsehoods such as their "Maria" as the 'Religion of Ailorkind'. The exact list of charges will be withheld until individually proven or denied. The public should consider them dangerous, though.
These men and women who claim to be on a righteous quest for all of Ailor have isolated and forsaken themselves to a life of Paganism and Heathen intent without remorse. To shed away the word of the Spirit to instead spread word of false deities and herons is most disgraceful, spitting upon the true goal of this Ailor Empire, and shaming the memory of Emperor Theomar I.
For these accusations and already proven actions the Crimson Inquisition under the leadership of Commander Ser Karp Kippings, Holy Paladin of the Villiers-Eclaire Order launches this Inquisitorial Conquest. Any individual who knows of actions belonging to this "Marienritter Order '' are to direct a letter to the Crimson Commander. To the members of the "Marienritter Order '', you are to submit yourself to the mercy of the Crimson Inquisition, forfeiting all information of your faith and order for thorough investigation in order to come to a proper conclusion of guilt or innocence on each accusation.
Finally, the Crimson Inquisition has been provided by inside sources a list of members and those affiliated with the "Marienritter Order". As previously mentioned all members are to submit to the Crimson Inquisition and answer a series of questions.
Hochmeister Wilhelm, Venhelia Valhalela, Pankraz Quincy Castion, Zain Davenport, Vilhelm of Cologne, Sascha of Brigmore.
Oratario Paean to our Holy City,

Ser Karp R. Kippings.
Commander of the Crimson Inquisition,
Captain General of the Holy Blood of Theomar,
Holy Paladin of the Villiers-Eclaire Order,
Aristocrat of Chetznitz Province.

Madam Lydia V. Typhonus.
Lieutenant Commander of the Crimson Inquisition,
Pious Spear of the Imperial Spirit,
Lady of House Typhonus and Calemberg.

Titus Evander Cretch
High Inquisitor of the Crimson Inquisition,
Lord Reclusiarch of the Exalted Martyr,
Reverend in Kausis.

With the signatures of all Crimson Inquisition leadership this Inquisitorial Conquest is officiated and in effect as of 3/12/308AC

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Tags: @FizzyDrinks @Malir_Bromtor @MrNoot1 @Ambrosiosa @ThePeopleWhoICan'tFindThe@For
Morgan Zhau began to sharpen her longsword, reckoning it was never a better day to go bash in some fellow kinsmen skulls.
The Qadir simply scoffed as she read the notice, dragging a short fingernail across its papery surface. "I believe we all foresaw this, what with their preaching so loud it reached halfway across Aloria!"
Fen'nan smirked lazily as she read over this, idly twirling a crimson lock of hair around her finger, "Mmm, first I spit in their waffles, then the bottles, and now this..," she mused, her smirk turning smug.

"Just gets better and better. Bloody rotten Marienā€”whatevers."​
Connak would smirk as he saw the notice.
"These bastards called down the thunder and now they've got it." He'd say which would followed by a crude cackle as he walked away.
Several dozen parchments would be strewn across the Holy City, some pinned to walls and some rolling down the street. Upon it would be a stamped insignia of the Marienritter Orden.


To the good Regalians we call brothers and sisters,

It is of our utmost shock to see the Crimson Inquisition, who we regard as brothers-in-arms in maintaining the fine religion of Ailordom to call the first inquisitorial conquest on fellow holy men. We debunk the claims they postulate and the information they spread. We too, hail the Imperial Spirit and are devout Unionists. Marien is the namesake of our Order, and nothing more. the founder of our Order was Marien, and in our action we bring prestige to their name; carrying their zeal with us to further serve the spirit. We are Marienritter, Marien's Knights.

To show our true faith as Unionists, we hereby openly submit ourselves to the imperial Church of the Holy Divine and serve them in penance.

The Marienritter hold legal permit to the equipment they carry. As listed by the good Ser William Arnyn, they may carry a variety of weaponry, up to half-plate armour, and full helm. No good holy man of our Order have ever broken this promise. It is terrible news our humble Order was assaulted within the Nook just yesterday prior. Whilst sitting and keeping to themself, the Marienritter were openly attacked by several notable Jacobin members, including Milo, as well as Fen'nan Solveira; who is with the Ser Karp Kippings; the one who called this very inquisitorial conquest!

It is not us who shame the Great Former Emperor, but the Crimson Inquisition. They have used the power bestowed upon them by their charter rights not to aid in the unity and continued prosperity of our faith and those who seek to work against it, but as a political tool for personal gain. May all good Men and Women know of this, now that they have displayed this.

Ave Marien, Ave Spiritus,
Hochmeister Wilheim of the Marienritter. Champion of Herebrand, First Defender of Marien.
Clause crossed his arms over his chest while reading the notice "What makes a monster is not by looks alone but by ones motives and purpose...one might say that there is a bit of monster in all of us." The mercenary spoke with a heavy sigh soon came out of lips. "Guess they learned it the hard way."
"Just say- Spirt bless for fucks sake no one knows who the fuck Maria is." Said a particular Darkwald rolling her eyes heavily
Tiray blinked a few times, before doubling over and breaking into a fit of cackling. "We are good holy men! We mean no harm! Har har har!" Mocked a particular, drunk and snowy elf outside a pub late into the evening, snake like eyes darting around the street as she snatched one of the parchments scattered across the city by the so called Marienritter Orden, openly ripping it to shreds, all the while she shouted- in vain hopes of her words eventually traveling to the 'Marienwritter's.

"'Holy' men and knights don't beat innocents! 'Holy' men and knights don't claim they'll 'murder every non-ailor'!- With the acception Of non-progressive assholes who want to watch the world burn!- That trend ended ages ago you bumbling nitwits, tell your will to commit literal murder to your church and watch it all come crashing down!" She cursed, tossing the torn up parchments into the air.

"The world is literally ending for Gods sake! Focus on the problem at hand rather than destroying half the city's forces from the inside! Stupid people these days! The only good thing these fake knights are going to achieve is getting that bitter, Undead lovin' Kips-whatever bastard out of power!"
"Never in my life did I think, I a fucking Pagan who grew up with tales of the dreaded Inquisition and there purges. Would I ever support a Inquisition in my life but now raise the standard and raise the spit and burn out the Cancer within."

Begins to sing softly the Tune of warning but this time it tis different
"Up go the Stakes, down go the Heathens all of us burn in fire as all cry Hail the Inquisition
may slaughter be damned so we shall join there Inquisition.
To the void go the Marritters that have dared to slaughter the People, such that we Hail the Inquisition
to save the young and old from there swords,we raise Stake and Flame for Gods Old and new
Several dozen parchments would be strewn across the Holy City, some pinned to walls and some rolling down the street. Upon it would be a stamped insignia of the Marienritter Orden.


To the good Regalians we call brothers and sisters,

It is of our utmost shock to see the Crimson Inquisition, who we regard as brothers-in-arms in maintaining the fine religion of Ailordom to call the first inquisitorial conquest on fellow holy men. We debunk the claims they postulate and the information they spread. We too, hail the Imperial Spirit and are devout Unionists. Marien is the namesake of our Order, and nothing more. the founder of our Order was Marien, and in our action we bring prestige to their name; carrying their zeal with us to further serve the spirit. We are Marienritter, Marien's Knights.

To show our true faith as Unionists, we hereby openly submit ourselves to the imperial Church of the Holy Divine and serve them in penance.

The Marienritter hold legal permit to the equipment they carry. As listed by the good Ser William Arnyn, they may carry a variety of weaponry, up to half-plate armour, and full helm. No good holy man of our Order have ever broken this promise. It is terrible news our humble Order was assaulted within the Nook just yesterday prior. Whilst sitting and keeping to themself, the Marienritter were openly attacked by several notable Jacobin members, including Milo, as well as Fen'nan Solveira; who is with the Ser Karp Kippings; the one who called this very inquisitorial conquest!

It is not us who shame the Great Former Emperor, but the Crimson Inquisition. They have used the power bestowed upon them by their charter rights not to aid in the unity and continued prosperity of our faith and those who seek to work against it, but as a political tool for personal gain. May all good Men and Women know of this, now that they have displayed this.

Ave Marien, Ave Spiritus,
Hochmeister Wilheim of the Marienritter. Champion of Herebrand, First Defender of Marien.

Unionist Eye divider.webp
Marienritter Order,

While it is pleasant you took time from your day to write in response to the Crimson Inquisition it is moot. The self declared "Marienritter Order" remain required to submit themselves and all information of their order to the Crimson Inquisition.
That said, we do find fault with what you have said, many faults. While it is good you are decided to fall under a church for penance, this service does not excuse of past crimes. For, no matter how much you today claim to be devout Unionists it does not change that members of your Order have openly stated that Ordinance is not Unionism, and it does not change your order have praised a "Maria", as well as a "God". Further, we found it humorous that you claim we used this as a "political tool" while only stating fact, but here you are taking personal lives into an official matter.
If the members of the Marienritter Order believe themselves to be within the right they will willingly turn themselves in to the Crimson Inquisition for processing and questioning. Refusal to comply within three days will result in assumed evasion of law enforcement.
Finally, after speaking with a previous member of the Marienritter Order it was discovered that not all members agree with the goal of this Order, so it has been decided that case by case members of the Marienritter Order may turn themselves in and renounce the actions of the Order to see lessened or no punishment.

The Crimson Inquisition reiterates that the members of this Order are dangerous, having multiple reports today alone of recent attacks these individuals have done, including drawing weapons and attacking First Civil Status citizens simply for being Nelfin. A previous member of their order has gone as far as to call them "Rabid". Citizens should be wary around them and continue to report their actions to the Crimson Inquisition.

Oratario ode,
Ser Karp Kippings.
Commander of the Crimson Inquisition,
Captain General of the Holy Blood of Theomar,
Holy Paladin of the Villiers-Eclaire Order,
Aristocrat of Chetznitz Province.
Unionist Eye divider.webp
Gonslavo Wilhelm paused upon coming across this message, sighing deeply before taking out one of the scraps of paper he kept within the chinks of his armor, slamming it into the side of the stone brick wall next to the flyer, and aggressively scrawls a message into it.
My dear Hochmeister,
I hope you aren't such a blasted fool as to not have realized that I'm a fucking member of the Inquisition by now, and as such, I would humbly fucking request that you stop asking me to be knighted into your lice-ridden cult.
You are a shepherd whose only flock is a rabble of Ailor-supremacist curs who have less of a belief in your "cause" than a beggar might have in his next meal.
Your pack of
rabid spirit-damned dogs might have the support of a small group of nobles who desire to use you as a tool, but true, devout Unionists would be able to see through your smoke and mirrors. They would be able to see that behind it all, you lot are a bunch of dressed-up children in men's armor- Shards of splintered wood tink as they hit his visor. He growls under his breath, "Fuck, I snapped th' void-damn'd pencil"
He quickly rifles through his pack before retrieving another one, and continues his message again

"Next time, earn your stripes before trying to dream up your own religion with some unknown god as your patron.
When you do, I'll kick your ass right back to your imaginary country all over again with one hand tied behind my back.
Where were you when those flying things attacked Greygate, hm? Protecting citizens? Oh wait, no. You were planning out how to beat innocent First Civil Status citizens within an inch of their life like the radicalists you are.
Do us both a favour, and listen to Ser Karp. Give up now, the people don't need a religious civil war when there's spirit-damned demons ripping through their windows on a daily basis.

Ave Spiritus, you fucking cult leader.

Yours, Father Gonslavo Wilhelm
Loyal Inquisitor, Curate and Unionist"
"Now.." he grumbled "All there is to do is wait."
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Deldrax looked over the messages, carefully reading over the contents, if not a few times over. Oh well, responding to this with another letter wasn't worth their time. The Sihndar shook his head, his footsteps echoing with a click each and every step.
"This is no mither. No mither indeed."
The self-proclaimed Lich Lord of the Deep leaned back against the rocking chair placed behind their desk, tapping each sharp digit together as they seemed to grow excited by the spiking theological conquest. Each letter that was placed and each ill-prompted chuckle seemed to give the creature some sort of foul pleasure as the city pulled itself out from the inside.

"How unfortunate," they strummed, "yet there is still hope for them." With their voice pulling like the strings of a bass elope from its orchestra, they placed pen to paper and spiked in pitch as their content began to grow. Venom seeped from their needle-like fangs as they sought to bolster one's side-- but for what reason?

"If they wish for a savior, then a savior they shall find. If either organization requires aid, then I shall be there for them. May my help reach the highest bidder or he who wishes to lose most for the sake of survival."
Oh what's this? Another response was pinned!

A knight does not harm the innocent, nor does it rob people outside of their homes for fun. Fuck off with your nonsense and go back to your etiquette training. Do not enter the Knights Quarter either, and proclaim that you are a holy knight. You are not seen as such, you never will be. This "Marien", founder of your origin, seems to have corrupted your very 'holy' souls. Mockery is what you make of those good men.

If you continue to be an issue, you will be dealt with. Be smart.
Camilla dei Revello
Crown Isle Wardens Captain​
read the text with his jaw dropping halfway through "Absoloutely not a single regret for breaking that oath. Hah! Wilheim is getting his arse chased. <P-E> Hide, divine rat." this made his day, it dawned on him that patience was key to everything, getting to fight for Regalia and see the Marienritter slowly disbanded within days

Then proceeded to continue bettering his behaviour, aiming to cleanse his arrogance, now that he had the moral boost to do so