I'm actually thinking of redesigning an old character, or making a cielothar ellon mage. I'm going to keep the character balanced both physically and morally, I just kinda want to make the character a good guy instead of a racist jerk to everyone. Basically, I want Limba's morals, akoni's smarts, and Peni's strength and joy
honestly, a protagonist needn't be a super good guy. plus, a character that's smart, strong, and moral sounds pretty mary-sue-ish to me.
gonna be a mega narcissist n use my nicest char as an example. especially considering she's average intelligence for a saivalthar, weak and incapable of fighting, and about as moral as a void-worshipping ex-slave owner can get. so that's really only one of your traits, and limited by racial norm.
to begin, the character's positive traits are social, caring, and courageous. a character with only these traits would be boring and underdeveloped.
she has two neutral traits- curious and boisterous. curious is a mainly positive trait, but her childish curiosity borders annoying nosiness. boisterous in this situation is more negative than not- she's loud, bold, obnoxious, and blunt.
the negative traits are stubborn, judgemental, and vengeful. while these traits limit her capacity for heroism and mega super niceness, they also add more depth to her character, essentially avoiding the super-nice tiny innocent bab stereotype often found within child characters.
within her weaknesses and strengths, we see that several of her positive traits actually lead to weaknesses. due to her curious, social, and caring nature, zelindae is also incredibly naïve, and finds friends in all the wrong places, and when combined with the recklessness brought on by her bravery, she is completely oblivious to dangerous situations.
essentially, what we have is a char that's caring and outgoing, and will stop at nothing to protect her friends. however, on another hand, she;s got a nasty obsession with revenge that, instead of being used as a way to initiate crp, actually gets her into fights she can't finish due to her overall weakness. to sum it up, she's a friendly, goofy lil acrobat, but she's flawed in that she's reckless, obsessed with revenge, and stubborn/judgemental as all hell. a char that's both a good guy and a racist jerk.
now that the trash is outta the way- basically what i'm saying is that not all friendly and kind chars need to be good at everything and not all chars need to be "nice" or "mean". no one irl is on one side or the other- humans are generally flawed, or- in this case, people in general. morally grey characters tend to be more realistic and well-developed than chars meant to be mega-evil-villains or super-goody-two-shoes-protagonists, imo.
if you want a nice, just char- perhaps make a char that's pretty morally grey but thinks himself a true hero?