Archived [idea] /me Command Enabled In Local Chat For Rp Purposes

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Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
If you rp you know you use things like -Shakes Hand- or also *Shakes Hand* to display what your rp character is doing during rp. the /me command makes it so it automatically puts the * * at the end and beginning of your sentences. I believe we should re-enable this so we will just have to type /me Shakes Hand. For example I would do the command /me Shakes Head. And it will come out as thor5648: *Shakes Head.* This will help rp, and also make a little bit easier on those heavy rpers who rp all day. It would also only have to be enabled in local chat so people aren't doing it to annoy others in global, trade, help, ally, and faction.
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Have you tried using the Macro/Keybind Mod to do this, client side?
For an addition to this if you typed /rp (or something else) all text within the asteriks * * would come out as yellow so like: Galahad Destinado shakes head

As well it would not say Bsavs but rather my rp character which people could enter into some sort of rp player info for themselves which you could be displayed when you hit someone with something or shift clicking, etc.
I like this idea.
If this is not added, I think, no, I WILL slap someone.
But if it added asterisks, everything you /me'd would be a whisper. Better to make it -dashes-, or like Bsavs suggested, a different color.
This isnt for forum roleplay. It's for in game roleplay. If you roleplay in skype, doing /me makes it a whole senteance with your name at the start like Gwen smiled. Instead of Gwen: smiled.

What Thor is trying to say that it would read Thor nodded instead of Thor says: nodded.
It still would be nice to be colorful.
It is possible to make it dashes in the plugin codes. We also already have the /me command on the server.
This is a planned feature that will be released shortly after the de facto completion of sharding.
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